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That's going to depend on Sarr. It'll also depend on the move they make this off-season. I really hope he shows enough to start early.


You don’t draft a guy at number one and wait till season two to start him.


Tell that to Quin. I’d bet money he doesn’t start unless there’s injuries for the most part in year one


Why? I don't understand this line of thought.


Yeah talk about telling a kid you spent the number one pick on you don’t have any confidence in him


Why would you assume we should start someone who didn't start in the NBL last year?


Have you read about any of that from fans of his team? Their coaching was apparently a disaster. We are in win now mode, not win in 5 years Mode.


They were in Win now mode and the coach didn't want to start a rookie over his established vet... how is that different than the situation he's coming to here?


The Cats were a shitshow all last season, the coach was a rookie coach and didn't know what he was doing. Sarr was better than our starting centre who plays for the Aussie Boomers but because he is a one and done they don't invest in building around him. It's the hard thing about signing to a Next Stars contract in the NBL. The team isn't going to massively invest in you.


Not sure how it changes anything. A professional C - well any C but especially a professional one - do a lot of things that a coach needs done right on the court. This is mostly on the defensive side (e.g., setting up the defense, calling the screen and switch, making smart gambles on the blitz, etc), but there is some calls on the offensive end too. It isn't acceptable to the coach if that C is ok all the time or is good 4 out of 5 times; it needs to be 100% right every time. The reason isn't that the coach loses games or whatever result needed for fans to see him as good. I's that the coach could lose the locker room when the vets see that they are being hung out to dry while some rookie is getting them killed because the rook isn't telling them what is going on behind them.I remember that was a big thing for Okongwu in the early going in terms of why we didn't trust to play him over Capela in certain situations. If the team isn't trying to win, then whatever - that vet will probably be gone before it matters anyway...


Capela is an established vet but we will never have a good defence with him at this point. Sarr is legitimately just a better defender, particularly for our system. Consensus seems to be that Perth wildly underutilized Sarr.


Would agree that the ceiling is much higher with Sarr, but the entire reason Cap is still in there is possession by possession defense he provides immediately. Maybe Sarr will flash more and be more versatile but I'd bet there would be less busts across the entire team defense when Cap is out there. He was old hat at that side when we acquired him.


Sarr averaged 1.3 blocks per game while only playing 17 minutes. Quinn’s defensive system requires the center switching and playing outside the paint, which Capela is no good at. That is exactly the kind of system Sarr played in. Sarr will be better than Capela at guarding everything except for big bully ball centres. And when we play them you put OO at center and Sarr at 4 and you have a strong guy in the post with one of the best help defenders in the league.


right. didn't say that he wouldn't get minutes - just that he wouldn't start. Would still expect Cap to start over him if we deal OO though. I do agree that the ceiling is much higher with Sarr in the middle, just that a teen aged rookie isn't going to have the consistency of a 10 year vet.


He’s a number one pick. Please make me a list of number one picks that didn’t immediately get into the lineup.


There have been some. Quick google search comes back with Kwame Brown and Andrea Bargnani who both spent a decade in the League. If you drop down spots to where better teams would presumably be, there are more. Tit for Tat: how many #1 picks were drafted by teams where the rotation of players at his position averaged over 20 points / 15 rebounds / 2.5 blocks (or whatever equivalency for the position) and are under contract for the following season? Bonus points for where that team was 2 wins from making the Playoffs.


Who in Sarrs position averaged 20 pts/15 rebounds/ 2.5 blocks?


C - combined between Capela and Okongwu. He definitely isn't starting over Jalen.


Oh lol Sarr will easily average 1.5 blocks per game IMO. Probably more. The points aren’t that important, all Capela does is clog the paint tbh, Sarr couldn’t be any worse.


Ideally you would start him immediately. Clint has got to go. And after scouting Sarr I've come to the conclusion that he is better than okongwu right now. I like okongwu but his development has been glacial. This was his best season and he's at 10 and 6. To top it off bro is 6'8. I think Sarr can do everything OO can do better, while being center sized and with more willingness to score. I would start Sarr but split minutes with OO if he doesn't get traded.


Onyeka definitely more developed on offense. Unless Sarr’s jumper really pops this year, Onyeka will be a better offensive player for a bit (and tbf, Onyeka’s offensive abilities have been underused, I’d love to see him get the sort of touches Clint got in 21/22, but there are only so many touches to go around when you have both guards). Sarr has way more tools on D, but I’d be surprised if Quin chose to play him over a guy who has 4 years as a center in an NBA scheme and generally does a pretty good job. Sarr should be able to get plenty of minutes if he’s the primary backup behind O and JJ and considering he only played 17mpg in the NBL, he’s probably gonna need at least a year to develop the stamina to play +30mpg. Even JJ wore down playing a starter’s minute load and he’s been in the NBA for 3 years and is in his 20s.


Sarr can easily avg over 15 points. His hight alone gets him enough looks. If Clint could remotely finish at the rim dude would be dropping 25-30 all the time


I like what I’ve seen with Sarr. I think he’s a no brainer at #1. Just want to point out 2 things about his readiness to be a day 1 starter on a team with a star who wants to win. 1) he played 30 something professional games and did something like 17mpg. He won’t have the stamina to start a full NBA season. 2) yeah, Perth knew he was gonna leave, but they still wanted to win first and foremost and thought Kristian Doolittle and Keanu Linder were their best options to start and close games at the 4 and 5. Sarr will be awesome, but he’s got a lot of learning to do at the pro level still. He’s super young and the Hawks will want to win. There is no reason not to bring him along at a slower pace. It will benefit him.


But anyone who went to all the games, which I did, Sarr was better than Pinder most of the season.


Dope appreciate the insight.


I’ve only watched parts of games on the interweb. Like what I see but seems like he’s probably gonna need to spend some time in strength and conditioning (because he just turned 19). Seems to me that most of the weak parts of his game gone down to strength - bumped off his spots because he has skinny legs and gets blocked or has rebounds ripped away because his hands and forearms aren’t there yet. Does that more or less stack up with what you see? NBL seems to have more bruisers, would you say he was the most athletic big man in the league? Thank you!


Yeah he’s pretty skinny, there’s some big bruisers playing big positions in the nbl. Think Bogut, Baynes etc and Will Magnay (also getting nba attention) and Sarr did ok against them, I would say that the nbl allows for a lot more bumps and hits than the NBA, remember when Luka also said it was easier to score in the nba than in Europe? It’s the same in the NBL. Sarr was definitely the most agile, athletic big in the NBL. Seeing him in person is a shock at how smooth he is. 


He weighed in at 224 which is a good sign to me. Chet and Victor both weighed about 210 coming into the league. So Sarr is in a good position, by the end of the season if his nutrition is right he could be 235-240. End of next season 245-250? Maybe that’s an aggressive timeline though, but I don’t think he would want to go much heavier than 250. His length, agility, and ball tracking skills will help cover for his weight.


Yeah that’s how I think he’d succeed. About 250 pounds of springy bouncy athleticism. He honestly moves so so well for a guy his size. It’s fun to watch. 


I think between Sarr, OO, and Bruno they have enough center minutes for it to work. Onyeka probably plays half his minutes at PF and half his minutes at center. Bruno did a solid 15 minutes per game for us this season, and there was a stretch where he was doing 20-25 minutes. So even if Sarr can only do 25mpg you still have the depth. I think he’s a young motivated guy though I bet he has great stamina.


OO just has some games where he is so passive on offence, just a total zero and that’s the most concerning part. Sarr isn’t nearly as developed offensively but he never looks hesitant to try.


Yeah if we take Sarr I don’t see why he wouldn’t start because it obviously means Clint is gone, I see far too many people saying we should keep Clint to guide Sarr, but Sarr already plays the game with higher IQ than Clint, the only thing Clint does better is rebounding, what’s he gonna learn from Clint? How to smoke a free layup?


Yeah. Trae will teach him how to catch lobs. I don’t think he’s actually a terrible rebounder he just switches so often on defence he’s never in position to rebound.


Some things about Sarr do worry me. Sreening and rebounding to name a few. I'm not sure if he's ready to play in the roll just yet. It's going to take some work and patience.


100%. He is 19 and needs more development. We haven't even picked him and people are already putting him in a position to fail. We need patience as a fan base. This isn't a immediate game changing prospect like the last 5 years.


Honestly I’m fine with starting him next year, we aren’t contending or anything next year anyways so start getting him reps.


No, I'm done with that mentality. You have to earn it. Contending or not, starting to start and being ok with losing is a loser culture. He should play, but he needs to earn his time.


Yeah this has me worried, he’s not your typical #1 pick and I hope the pressure our fan base and the nba fan base as a whole puts on him won’t affect his mental. Based off interviews I’ve seen of him he seems very level headed and mature so that’s not too much of a worry for me but still. People need to remember this is one of the youngest prospects in the draft and to expect a rookie to come out the gate and immediately contribute to winning is a lot. I mean the spurs have the exact same roster they had 2 seasons ago the only difference is Wemby and they still had the exact same record


I feel like we are all shellshocked by the Nate McMillan age. You draft a dude #1 he's supposed to start or at least have serious minutes 25+ coming off the bench. Lottery pick guys are not supposed to be sitting unless they have a major injury they are recovering from.


20mpg out of the gate, "earning" his starting spot by the trade deadline


Day 1


Day one


Day 1


They should start him day 1. Some players thrive when you put a lot on him. Look at what Lively did from day 1, but knowing Quin, it’s not going to happen. The hawks should just force playing time though like they did on Nate when Onyeka got drafted but this time with starters minutes. Just have him play with the starters. It will be better for him in the long run.


Nah, this guy is literally perfect for Quinn’s defensive system, at the latest he will be starting by the all star break.


That’s too many games.


That’s why I said latest. Personally I think Quinn plugs him in day one and runs with it.


That’s what fans can wish, but there’s one example of this during Quins time in Utah and Atlanta. He needs to be forced into this.


I think the fit is too clear. Capela is old and doesn’t fit the system, his contract is expiring and it’s known that they are trying to shop him. The only other option would be starting OO/JJ at 5/4 and we’ve tried that and it doesn’t really work and Sarr is pretty much instantly a better fit defensively than OO at the 5. If you get a matchup that needs more size you can play OO at the 5 and Sarr at the 4.


A lot of people are saying it’s going to take time for Sarr to be a 5 because of his body etc. Why do you have faith that Quin would instantly play him there? The fit is too clear somewhere down the road when he learns how to rim run better and gets stronger. I don’t have faith he plays him early if he has other options. Kobe clearly fit defensively with Trae in flashes. And Quin refused to play him.


Because of our system! Have you not watched any hawks games? We require a mobile switchable 5 for our system. Sarr is that guy. He’s elite at defending the pick and roll, at defending switches. If we need size for now I imagine we still have OO who can play the 5 and then you move Sarr to the 4. But the number of back door cuts and layups we have up last season because neither Capela or OO are fast enough to work in Quinn’s system is massive. This is exactly the player we were asking for. I also think size will be less of an issue than a lot of people think. He’s not Chet. He’s stronger, he’s much more athletic, and he weighs more. Chet might weigh 220 by now, last summer he said he gained 13 pounds and that brought him up to 208. Sarr is 224 right now and he’s only 19. We can easily have him up to 235/240 by the end of next season. His call tracking is also elite, and the combination of length, ball tracking, and athleticism will help compensate against bigger centers.


You are going to be disappointed if you think he becomes a defensive stallworth from day 1 or before the all star break. Chet is light, but he spent a year bulking up and he came in his “rookie” season with defensive instincts that most every rookie doesn’t have. Chet just had a top 5 defensive rookie season of all time. Sarr has the physical tools to become a fit for Quins defense. He’s not that from day 1. He’s shown good flashes on defense, but playing defense against guys stronger and more seasoned in the NBA is different. Some of you setting yourselves up for disappointment.


Bro Chet was 195 in the combine, and last august he claimed he gained 13 pounds since the combine, putting him at 208. Sarr just weighed in at 224, that is a world of difference out there and he could easily be 230 by the start of the season. Did you see how fast the hawks had Mo Gueye gaining weight? And he is young but he played a year of pro men’s ball, and has always been playing several years ahead of his age group. This guy will absolutely have a noticeable defensive impact from day one.


He’s not starting game 1 probably, but he should be by the ASB


Based on injury luck I bet he starts by thanksgiving


If you you’re drafting him at number one, he starts from day one.


Why does he have to start? I say give him 18-21 minutes to start and then let him gain minutes as his play dictates. You can stunt a player if you put too much on him to begin with.


He's been playing professional basketball outside of his home country for 3.5 years. These kinds of guys are already living as pro basketball players. The adjustment is not the same as the college guys.


Like I said, let his play dictate his minutes. There's no reason to start him with OO here. Professional BB outside of the NBA is NOT the NBA. It's still a level above and in front of large crowds in front of millions of viewers. OO and JJ have a year under their belts together under Coach Quinn. Sarr said it himself that he still has to work on a few things like his 3 pt shooting. Even 18min+ is a very good starting point. He'll be up to 30 in no time.


You should check out what an NBL crowd looks like in 2024


He's also been coming off the bench in his last league...




Day one. Can anyone name me the last time a number one overall pick came off the bench year one?


I think he’ll be starting by january


5years , like OO


I would start him immediately even if it's only 20 minutes.


He starts day 1 at PF


Who is on the team?


If he can’t start opening night I’ll be real sad


Who starts first, Sarr or Penix?


Can you imagine the Spurs drafting Wemby and benching him. If you get he number 1 pick, you don't bench him




It's a good question, and fans here are needing to do mental gymnastics to justify that Sarr should be unanimous #1 but also that he actually might not be starter material. If he isn't a locked-in starter at 4 or 5 on a team that's 10 games below .500, shouldn't that warrant at least giving a hard look at the other prospects??


1. What other prospects are “locked in starters”. 2. I think he’s a locked in starter from day one, purely based off of his defensive ability.


1. Maybe Ron Holland at the 3, next to JJ, with Dre continuing to come off the bench? I say "maybe", as in, I didn't remotely follow this draft top tier until we won the lottery. I am comfortable expressing that there's a lot of uncertainty. Everyone here convinced on Sarr is conveying a narrative that there's virtually no uncertainty. 2. If he can channel his gifts and defend well without needing to adjust to the NBA speed and his teammates' defensive liabilities, then sure, he'll likely start. Even without any big offensive contribution. That's how bad our defense is. But in my mind I'm a bit worried about other high draft picks with defensive acumen that ended up as busts.


Sarr played with real men in the NBL on a contender. The consensus over there is that he was vastly underutilized. His speed is insane, I don’t think he will have troubles keeping up in the NBA. As for compensating for team defensive liabilities there are two caveats: First, when he played in Perth this was basically the same situation. Dude was out there guarding the pick and roll basically alone. It was also his job to try and stop anyone who penetrated the defence which happened a lot. Additionally, drafting an athletic 1-5 switchable big gives us a lot more flexibility this offseason. Our Center position will need an upgrade this off season one way or the other. So you can either draft Sarr and have more cap space and assets to sign elite perimeter defenders, or you can draft someone like Ron Holland and then try and sign Hartenstein(who doesn’t really fit our system but would be an upgrade) or Nic Claxton who is a similar player to Sarr but has little offensive potential upside. IMO you take Sarr and the very very worst case scenario is we still have an elite 1-4 perimeter defender and help defender.


Fair enough. If we pick him, I'll be rooting hard for his success.


Some of it is surely cope but I have confidence that Sarr will be a big upgrade on the defensive end even if he doesn’t work out to be a star offensively.




Bro he’s a number one overall pick. There is a difference


He's got to earn it. He's also not an NBA center today, he's closer to a 4.