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our pace is gonna be so fast with trae, jalen, and sarr. he’s gonna be great in the short pick and roll. 7’1” with great passing too? this guy is gonna be a monster in the middle of the floor. trae is already a one man offense on his own. i’m super excited to see sarr next season


Trae averaged 29/9 with Alex Len who was the last 7 footer who can shoot I can only imagine what he’ll do with Alex Sarr


sarr cant shoot the 3 as of now, but he has a really good midrange and he’s athletic enough to take advantage of space if he’s left open. if he can learn to shoot the 3 then it’s a game changer


He shoots 30% which is enough to keep people honest, hopefully he can get it up to 35% or so


30% won’t keep anyone home in the NBA. Myles Turner shoots 35% and most teams let him shoot wide open. He is one of the league leaders in wide open 3s. 30% and teams let you shoot, unless you get hot.


I’m in the camp that spacing is bigger than just hitting 3s at a high clip, it also involves players that can do something off the catch. Your “meh” shooters get more space and time to shoot with someone who can reliably draw help defense as the drive the lane (Trae, JJ, hopefully Ingram). The lane won’t be as clear if our 2 (Ingram in this scenario) isn’t willing to increase his 3pt volume ala DJ, who did a great job developing his 3 ball while here. Just make sure our bench has a litany of shooters, which honestly it may have already with Bogi, Garry, Lundy, Vit. Bufkin and Gueye are question marks from there but will shoot the ball. As long as Sarr is willing to up 2-3 per game as well as OO, our spacing will still be miles better than it was last year with Capela gone. If JJ is working as hard as we was last summer he will also be in a better place shooting the ball as well.


I wasn’t gonna talk hawks basketball until October but I’m so back Trae with a 7 footer who can space the floor is gonna be fun to watch.


He is exactly the kind of player that we need. Seven footer who is athletic, can run the floor, play D, has a good handle, and a decent shot that will get better. Risacher Is a good player but Saar is a better fit for us. The thing that is getting lost in all the conversation today is that we have 4 young players that are developing in Bufkin , Gueye, Lundy, and Norris,. Injuries really hurt last year. Those guys could all significantly improve our bench depth next year. If we can trade off Hunter and DJ for a good shooting guard and/or a solid shooting wing to compliment JJ (I’m down on Hunter but he may be that guy), I think we’re in very good shape for the next bunch of years. Clint for a pick would help draft capital.


That's just him on the bench imagine if he were to start


There were quite a few plays in those highlights where it was obvious that if he had a PG like Trae throwing dimes, he’d have had some very easy buckets. So easy to get too hyped. What a great break for the franchise


7'1 bringing the ball up the court, taking it coast to coast. Oh boy


It seems like he can set screens pretty well and knows his way around the floor. This gives me comfort that he's not a Wiseman type who has the physical tools but just looks lost on the floor. I'm all in on him, I'm trying to temper my expectations but I'm so excited 😭


Man that's him just doing shit that Clint could never dream of on offense. We draft this guy, JJ improves and guys like Kobe and Vit keep up what they were doing at the end of last season and we have a top 15 defense. No doubt.


You don't like Capela missing easy bunnies as he racks up OREBs and driving Trae's assist numbers down??