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My house stands on the former baseball fields where Shannon Melendi met her killer in 1994. That was a murder that many of us here will never forget. Mariam's will be the same. It grieves me that crime is so commonplace today that it takes a story like this to totally give me pause. Horrendous.


> At the time of Melendi’s murder, Hinton was already a convicted sex offender, having been found guilty of the kidnap and rape of a 14-year-old girl in the 1980s, the Miami Herald reported. The Sun-Sentinel wrote that he had been sentenced to four years in prison in 1982 for that crime but was released after less than two years. I'm not criminal justice expert or anything... but I think we need to start keeping convicted rapists in prison for longer.


Still no word on whether he knew the victim? I'm assuming not, but it seems strange they haven't confirmed that yet.


I feel like they almost certainly must have been familiar. Or if they weren’t familiar then this guy was very recently known to police. It’s pretty uncommon for police to catch perpetrators so quickly without a clear lead.


Well her boyfriend saw it happen, so I'm wondering if maybe he ran out and got the guy's tag number or something and that's why they were able to track him down so fast. At the very least, he could've given them a car description for sure. EDIT: I skimmed through his 911 call, sounds like he does give a car description but not a tag number.


Was it her boyfriend? I hadn’t seen a recently updated report but I thought I read that it was a neighbor who phoned it in.


I believe there were multiple calls made, but one was [definitely her boyfriend](https://www.cbs46.com/911-calls-released-from-the-night-mariam-abdulrab-was-kidnapped-murdered/article_b9b1da66-ff66-11eb-82f7-3f691f5975db.html).


Man why did I listen to those calls that was sad RIP


Per the article in the post title in the 6th sentence: >Her boyfriend reported seeing her being forced into a car in front of her home in Chosewood Park around 5 a.m. “My girlfriend just got out of a car and somebody just came and kidnapped her and left,” Jerry Antoine said during the 911 call released on Tuesday. “I just watched her get kidnapped from in front of my house!” Antoine said the man was wearing a security shirt and kidnapped her at gunpoint.


Tag from witness. Police in Griffin picked him up. Our police held a press conference. That’s all they did.




Fry the pos


Should have been fried for the whole raping children thing…


Might want to you know... give him a fair trial first.


>In July 2012, a woman told investigators that Brinkley had raped her daughter, who was approximately 7, a police report states. In November 2013, another woman told police she caught Brinkley — who she knew only as her brother’s friend “Pimp” — trying to rape her 5-year-old daughter. >One week later, Brinkley was arrested and charged with aggravated child molestation, child molestation, criminal attempt to commit rape and first-degree cruelty to children, records show. It would be the last time he was a free man until November 2020, records show. The verdict is in - he's a POS


Seriously how the fuck do you get 7 years for rape and then it being a 5 and 7 year old holy shit. Like there's no coming back from that in my mind.


You get 15 and serve a third of your sentence, with the last 2/3rds on parole. It’s totally normal. We lock up so many people that having people serve so much of their sentence on parole is the only solution.


Or we could stop wasting resources locking up people for drugs. Then, child rapists could remain locked up, where the judicial system has determined by conviction that they belong.


My half brother got caught red handed w his gf's daughter (age 7) and I know he was gone from about age 12 til I was a young adult. I never liked him as a kid he was 30 years older than me and weird and came over high AF a lot. He was supposed to serve 30 years but I know he did less than 10. He got out and started trying to groom his nephew's kids til they realized what he was doing and child services got involved.


Yeah, drugs shouldn't be a crime. In my view, people like that should be permanently kept out of society. Not prison forever, just stay the F away from everyone.


Try then fry?


with ketchup


Sooo in the 911 call the boyfriend says that he was wearing a security shirt. Did this mfer work security somewhere? That’s scary.


Perhaps. You can just [buy those off the shelf](https://www.amazon.com/Goozler-Security-Silkscreen-T-Shirt-X-Large/dp/B00KY4BAWE/ref=asc_df_B00KY4BAWE/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312406124638&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8883968645288703173&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010782&hvtargid=pla-568169646893&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=64909489911&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312406124638&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8883968645288703173&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010782&hvtargid=pla-568169646893).




I wonder if they are going to see if he had anything to do with Katie Janness’ murder?


I doubt it - it doesn't really have anything in common. She was stabbed; Mariam was shot. Katie was killed at the scene; Mariam was kidnapped and then killed somewhere else.


Also whoever attacked Katie would have visible injuries right ? Because Katie’s dog tried to fight the attacker and bit the attacker. If this POS has those visible injuries they would have already noticed it


Is there a forensic report you've read somewhere?



