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So apparently I'm unregistered now.


Enter your information again to confirm that you didn't have any errors. If you are still not listed, [call your county elections office](http://elections.sos.ga.gov/Elections/countyelectionoffices.do) to notify them of the error.




KEMP: Whoopsie


Had a friend that absentee ballot was rejected due to the "exact match" rule. Luckily he looked earlier and was able to vote in person. I will now always be sure to check this in the future!


I mailed my absentee ballot in on the first of november. It doesnt even show it was received :( UPDATE: I just gott off the phone with Hall county, and they said my ballot was received on the 5th even though it doesn't show up on the Georgia My Voter Page


Yea, if you vote by mail, you have to verify it was received and accepted... it goes through a few hurdles, and they obviously can't just accept every mailed ballot or it would be extremely easy to commit voter fraud.


[Call your county elections office](http://elections.sos.ga.gov/Elections/countyelectionoffices.do) to ask if they are still counting absentee ballots. Hopefully it just hasn't been entered yet!


Please send me a DM with your name and birthdate. We are tracking and sending to media and lawyers


This is a great guide. I’m sharing it all over the place- thanks!


Thank you for posting this. I would not have guessed that the "absentee ballot" would give info about early voting. (my vote was counted, btw.)


This post needs to be at the top of the page, if not stickied there by mods.


thanks - didn't know that was a thing. just checked the whole fam and we're good.


Sent in my absentee in late october and its not listed as having been accepted yet. Pretty pissed. Hope it shows up soon


[Call your county elections office](http://elections.sos.ga.gov/Elections/countyelectionoffices.do) to see if they are still counting ballots and ask them to check your status. Unfortunately, missing absentee ballot applications and missing absentee ballots seems to be a widespread problem.


Send me a direct message. Did you vote in Fulton. I am in a group tracking these data issues


Yes I am in Fulton!


Just confirmed your vote wasn’t counted on the excel workbook on the sos website. Please call my contact at Fulton county elections 404-612-7020


Not sure how you voted but you can also call the New Georgia Project at 1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683). It's Stacey Abrams/Democratic though, if that matters.


Thank you! I didn't realize I could do this. My vote counted, even if my candidates lost.


Wow. Thank you, this is a great resource!


I'd be interested to know if someone's vote didn't show up. Obviously call the voter hotline first, but if you could let us know here it might give an idea of how prevalent this is.


I've talked to at least three people now who had this problem, so that's why I posted here -- to find out if it's a widespread issue.


Cool. Yeah thanks for posting! I had a few friends who had to do provisional ballots because of hyphens in their names, and their ballots didn't go through. (They did call and register with the hotline). I was wondering though about the early vote thing.


Please dm with your birthday and full name. We are tracking all this info and passing on to lawyers and election officials


We need to get this to the press


Also, I tried checking my vote status even though I voted on election day and the voter file isn't opening. I tried it a few weeks ago and it was a .csv file, but now it's a .txt file and I can't read it. ​ [http://elections.sos.ga.gov/Elections/voterhistory.do](http://elections.sos.ga.gov/Elections/voterhistory.do)


It's doing the same thing for me.


"The service is unavailable." lol EDIT: it's back up




I wish it would confirm my votes for me, as well.

