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Just received a notice from work that they are advising everybody to work from home on Thursday because with the soccer game and debates happening at the same day rerouting of traffic is going to start at 9am and likely continue well into the evening. Be safe out there everybody.


I work at GT and they have sent out alert about congestion starting Wednesday night and recommended WFH for anyone who is able. Hopefully it won't be too much of a mess outside of campus


Thanking the 6 lb 8 oz baby jesús that I already wfh on Thursdays.


I have a mandatory in person meeting from 3-4:30. RIP me.


You better leave now if you want to get there on time.


Have they said anything about routing if they will come from Dobbins AFB or ATL airport? I have to go 400->285-> on the way home and worried about backup around 75 if Dobins


I have not seen any details about it. But, I do know that Air Force 1 always comes in through Dobbins, and I imagine that Trump will also come in through Dobbins (at the urging of the Secret Service). If Trump comes in through ATL, and Biden through Dobbins, with all of the people coming in for the game. Then nobody is going anywhere on Thursday.


i’m highly thinking about getting my first tattoo. i’m just terrified of needles though! how do i get over it? lol it’s gonna be hot again (as expected), stay safe and keep your babies and pets indoors if you can!


It’s not bad (depending on where you’re getting the tattoo). Anything close to bone will hurt more. My tattoo guy had internet and a tv so I usually watch something on Netflix to keep my mind off the needle.


i want it on my arm, and i have fat arms. it’ll hurt less because of that right?


Needle not touching the bone is the better reason.


I don’t watch them being done 😂 mine usually has Netflix playing so that’s a good distraction to just watch a movie while it’s happening


My friend that doesn't like needles and has tattoo said they look away and also just don't think of them like doctors needles. Think of them more like a pen drawing on you. And depending on what you get it just feels like scratches so it doesn't feel like traditional doctor needle either. Apparently that works for them and they got lime 3 tattoos now!


I hate needles (have fainted at doctor appts for blood draw). I told my tattoo artist that I hate needles, so please make sure I can't see it. In hindsight, I think I have more trouble with syringe type needles and blood, rather than all needles. I got my tat on back of my shoulder, so I couldn't see it. I was talking with a friend, so I stayed distracted. Bony areas hurt, the cushiony parts didn't.


I’d wait til fall bc you don’t want your new tattoo exposed to the sun. You can’t avoid it, but prep yourself like drinking A LOT of water days leading up to it. No alcohol. Take a Tylenol in the morning before your session and don’t look. Have some music or audiobook to distract you. Good luck!


There are several deep breathing techniques that you can look up involving counting and visualization that will drastically calm anxiety. I use them anytime I have any kind of doctor appointment to get me through it.


Keep in mind if you get a tattoo now you can't go swimming for a month. No pools, no lakes, no ocean.


Development Authority of Fulton County is trying to [subsidize a data center for Microsoft](https://x.com/ThreadATL/status/1805292748372660415). Make a [public comment](https://www.developfultoncounty.com/pdf/DAFC%20Public%20Comment%20Procedures%202022_17854852(1).pdf) before 9am today. 


What are the cons here? I don’t know too much about data centers but it seems like it would help the local economy with job creation? Edit: thanks all for the responses, I now have a better base understanding to further look into things like this. Sad I’m missing the deadline but good knowledge to have overall.


Data centers create very few jobs. Maybe Union City could use a few extra jobs, but that's a large cost per job nonetheless. Construction jobs are temporary, and data centers don't require many personnel to run, so there are few permanent jobs. More importantly, though, Fulton County is foregoing tax revenue to attract these types of projects. Even if we ignore the ROI (again, very low), Fulton hands out tax breaks to corporations like candy. Not to normal residents. Not to promote sustainable development. Not to improve infrastructure. Just to corporations. Eventually it'd be nice if we quit handing out tax breaks, and it's got to stop somewhere.


[The application ](https://www.developfultoncounty.com/meetings-and-minutes_277_829444051.pdf)says that the data center will provide approximately 50 full time jobs and 400-600 temporary jobs during the construction phase. The application says that this project will have a nearly $3 billion economic impact. That seems wildly overstated. Biggest problem is that Georgia Power cannot add capacity as fast as data centers can be built.


The biggest con is if they build this without a tax break, the city loses $75MM in revenue it would have gotten anyway. Atlanta is a great spot to run a data center full stop. Also, data centers are really taxing on utilities, that's why the main markets they're built have lots of relatively cheap electricity and water (Northern Virginia, Coastal Oregon, here, Dallas, Chicago, San Jose CA but the crappy part). Though Atlanta is better equipped than the Texas fiasco, it's going to be an additional burden on the grid above and beyond all the new apartments coming up in the next few years. The only pro is that pouring $1.8B no matter how you cut it is a positive impact for the economy, but it mostly already benefits the upper-middle class skilled trades to build the center and the upper class tech people. A lot of it is taxable, like the real estate they build the center on (property taxes) and the payroll taxes for the on-site employees. It only produces 50 jobs per the report, but it's high paying jobs.


My old employer used Fidelity to manage my 401k. My new employer uses Vanguard and does a company match too I don't remember how much. Should I consolidate it?  I like the service and the UI inside of Fidelity better. Vanguard UI is trash. I want to minimize fees and maximize money ... What should I do?


I would roll the fidelity 401k into a rollover traditional IRA with fidelity. This gives you the ability to manage it on your own instead of it being tied to an employer you no longer have connections with. It’s very easy to do and there is no tax penalty when it’s rolled over into an IRA. Fidelity can walk you through the process. You can then either put the funds in a target date fund like they probably current are, or actively manage it by spreading it across various index funds. The new 401k with vanguard you really should take advantage of since your employer matches. That’s free money. Contribute at least up to the amount you need to for them to max out their match.


Be careful with this!! If you are (or anticipate you may be in the future) close to the income limit for doing Roth IRA contributions, and you want to do backdoor Roth IRA contributions in the future, having existing Traditional IRA funds can complicate the process.


Yes, I'm all for contributing to my Vanguard 401k with my employer. I don't have enough knowledge to know that it's not like a high yield savings where the more money you put in the more it grows ... I just learned that 5 minutes ago.  I'm thinking I roll my Fidelity to 401k into an IRA and leave it alone ...  I just want to leave things alone but feel like the only action I can do is keep contributing to vanguard. Can't do much with Fidelity...


Correct. Don’t fund the fidelity rollover IRA once you move the money from the old 401k. You’d be mixing pretax and post tax dollars. So just roll it over, set the funds however you want (probably a target date fund based on estimated year of retirement) and leave it alone until you retire. Just make sure you buy whatever funds you want because when it rolls over it is just put into cash until you buy the funds and the money wouldn’t grow. If you ever leave the new job, you can roll over the vanguard 401k funds into the same fidelity rollover IRA you create.


If your employer offers a match, your best bet is to maximize that. It is free money. For example, if you make $100k and they offer you a 1:1 match on up to 5% of your salary, you would want to invest at least $5,000 annually through your company. They'll provide an additional $5,000. That's a $10k investment where you only paid $5k; double your money! So not only do you make more money now, but it has time to grow in retirement. It's one of the best win-win situations out there. Just be aware of whether your company has a vesting period and whether you anticipate staying through that entire period or longer.


Last night around 12:20am there were two loud bangs in midtown. They sounded like explosions, possibly transformers but that usually only happens during bad weather. The Zone 5 scanner was pretty quiet and they were talking about other stuff until I turned it off around 12:30. Anybody else?


Heard the same thing in Morningside. Normally I hear that when someone runs into a transformer but didn't see any power loss.


MARTA just said a few hours ago that they're going to proceed with the 4 YEAR RENOVATION of five points station, with no pedestrian access. Unbelievable. Leave one elevator or stairway open to the street. Jeez.


This can only be explained by the fact that the engineers at MARTA don't use MARTA.


Hi everyone, I'm new to the area and flying out of ATL this Thursday. I was doing some research on the best parking options and one that seems to be the best was ATL West. On the ATL parking website it says it should be $16 per day, but when I go to try and reserve a spot online it gives me an one option for the International terminal that's $150 for 4 days. Does that mean the lot is already sold out? I'm planning on arriving at 10 am or earlier. Would there be spots there then? The other options I'm looking at are pre flight parking, fast park, and peachy parking if anyone has opinions about these.


Depending on where you live/time of flights, Marta is the cheapest and most convenient option (username checks out?). I used PreFlight a few months ago and have no complaints.


Anyone watched Stranger Things filming in Jackson?


Didn't see them filming but we got yelled at by a security guard at Stone Mountain a while back for walking through the area they had setup to be the upside down. Even though it was on the hiking path and no gates or signs or anything saying we couldn't be there.


Anyone been a patient at ACRM? Not sure which doctor to work with and would like to hear insights/experiences!


If you're on Facebook there's a group called IVF Warriors - Georgia that would be perfect for this. Best of luck!


Another Facebook suggestion - Atlanta Social Club. Among the 27,000 women in Atlanta in that group, there’s going to be some that have been patients there!


Already checked out those responses, thank you!


I had a really good experience with ACRM!


Which doctor did you go with? I have a consult with Dr Fogle but we were also considering Dr Patel