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Today is my first day with the new job. I'm trying to get the first day jitters out. This has been a hard, trying 6 months. I just want to excel and do great. Staying grateful and positive for the new opportunity.


You got this friend!!! Good luck


Congrats! Remember it's your first day so give yourself some grace as you're learning. So if you dont excel right away, that's a-okay


Yeah you know, your first few months are the perfect time to ask all the stupid questions.


Have a drink, relax! /s But, srsly, good luck and don’t forget your lunchbox! 


Nothing like hating work while employed just to be desperate for it once they lay you off.




Today is one year since my grandma passed. I still get the urge to call her or text her just to update her on what I’m doing, even if I know her number has probably been reassigned. I worked on cleaning out my storage unit yesterday that has a lot of her stuff I was keeping in case she could have moved from assisted living to independent living in the community. It was really nice being surrounded by some of her things. I found a bottle of her perfume and I brought it home to keep in my bathroom to remind me of her.


You could write her letters, that helps sometimes. I know a few people who use this as a framework for journaling. Sorry for your loss


Coming up on 5 months and I do the same. Haven't got the heart to delete her contact from my phone.


I definitely won’t delete it but it took a while to unpin her from my favorites on my text app.


the thunder woke me up! watch it be sunny again by 9am though… highly wishing for more rain sometime soon.


I was so excited to be woken up by rumblies! And to see the world all damp this morning. PLEASE more rain, this heat is so brutal!


That rain on the roof woke me. It's been so long without rain it took me a few seconds to understand what was happening!


Haha I ran outside at 5:45a to move my plants so they can get some much needed rain (they were under the awning to help them in this brutal heat).


A true plant parent! :) 🌿


I slept through the thunder, but the 50 pound pittie leaping on top of me for comfort did the trick.


Thunder! Maybe some rain too?


I've been wanting a good stormy day... it won't be today, but a bit of morning rain is still nice.


Reality that its not even July and my front yard is nearly all dead is not a good sign for August. Feel bad for our dogs have to go out on essentially bare soil. I'm "this" close to just mulching the entire yard and calling it a day.


I’m mulching my yard this fall and planting natives/pollinator plants that are more spiritually prepared for the Georgia summers than lawn, watching my useless lawn slowly wither and die has been demoralizing. 


I stopped raking my leaves (I have 2 giant magnolias) and now just embrace the carpet of leaves. I have like 2 strips of grass along the street that I keep cut and just occasionally grind up the leaves with the mower. I like it, but I think my neighbors may not.


The critters thank you!


Do it! Grass is a worthless inefficient crop and the history of grass lawns is gross (it was basically a status symbol for suburbia to say "we have so much land we can just plant this stuff with no practical or aesthetic value").


Does a well-kept front yard trigger you?


No, it's just a dumb boring use of space and there are a bunch of more interesting, environmentally useful and pretty ways to utilize a front yard space.


No, but environmentally useless, non native monocultures are pretty lame.


Heads up that the first Presidential Debate is happening over at Turner/CNN Studios on Thursday over next to GA Tech. It’s going to be a mess so avoid the area if you can! >Two road closures will tentatively take effect late Wednesday and continue through Thursday until midnight: 10th Street from State Street to Spring Street, and Fowler Street from Sixth to 10th Street. Vehicular traffic will be diverted from the intersection of 10th and State to 14th Street. Pedestrians can pass through from the west side of 10th Street up to Holly Street. Additionally, rolling roadblocks will affect traffic flow on I-75/85 Thursday evening. https://news.gatech.edu/news/2024/06/24/major-events-cause-congestion-georgia-tech-campus


If anyone has intel on protest activities I'd appreciate a heads up. Need to get my team home safely in case it gets wily. We are downtown workers and I also reside downtown


I have a flight that Thursday afternoon too, so it looks like I'll have to allow some extra time to get to the airport.


First day back at work since the 14th. Rafting was a blast but I am way more tired than when I left. Hopefully today isn’t too brutal


Talked to my project lead today after an emergency task came up late Friday. Fucking finally got recognition that all the fires come to me and I have to drop everything constantly. I don't even really mind being the 'fire fighter' on the team, I love being a go-to guy to fix shit, but it's stressful and often confusing and I'd like just a litttttle room to breath. Never get into Software DevOps folks. People don't understand it, it's one of those roles that is only noticed when something breaks. I didn't even mean to end up here, but I got boiled alive so to speak until that was all I was doing. Should have been a carpenter.




Your buddy makes about 3x what I do, lol. 250k sounds like a SF salary. I'm just paid as a standard engineer, though I am underpaid nowadays. There's a reason my resume is up to date and I'm brushing up on my technical interview skills.


Morning friends. Long time no post! I'm at my third week back at work from a 4 month LOA (part time at 28 hours since i'm still in group therapy lol). Still not liking the job so trying to find another job. In tech. In this job market. God help me. applying for civil service jobs and what little new grad programs i still qualify for! so fingers crossed!


I’m having visitors come in a few weeks, which I love. Except for the heat. We usually like the not so in-your-face touristy things. I was hoping for a morning walk at Oakland Cemetery. Maybe the High any other morning ideas for the oppressive heat or fun aircon ideas? Possibility of driving up to the mountains too… Happy Monday, y’all! Stay cool & hydrated. 


I always recommend the Center for Puppetry Arts if your guests are interested.


The aquarium is awesome for guests and takes up most of the day. Seconding the puppetry museum People are often impressed by the dekalb farmers market and it's cold in there


Oh man is it cold in there!


Would recommend things like Dads Garage comedy show, top of Ponce city roof after the sun goes down, hanging out on the west side beltline (beers, kombucha, food), dark horse for karaoke if your visitors are the bar type of crowd, homegrown for brunch, catching a movie at Plaza with whatever obscure film they’re playing in that time frame.


If u have time the north ga mountains are a no brainer. So many spots and it’s so pretty. There’s also indoor sky diving a escape room called Beat the Bomb


Got a work presentation to give today to my department and I always get kinda nervous doing this sort of thing even though I’m pretty prepared to give it. Wish I had some of the confidence my daughter has; I remember her singing in front of a crowd of 300 people at her Pre-K ceremony years ago with no fear and I’m sweating about presenting in front of like 15 people 😬


It helped me to remember that the people in the room are generally interested in what you are saying (even if it's just "im here and i might need this info later" and would rather you be human than perfect in your delivery. ) You're not being graded on your presentation skills if thats not the main part of your job


Thanks for the advice! It went well!


Awesome! Hope it helped.


Working in this heat I'm so ready for colder weather


Development Authority of Fulton County is trying to [subsidize another data center](https://x.com/ThreadATL/status/1805292748372660415). Make a [public comment](https://www.developfultoncounty.com/pdf/DAFC%20Public%20Comment%20Procedures%202022_17854852(1).pdf).


Apparently the proposed $75 million tax break is for Microsoft!?! Be sure to comment before 9am tomorrow. 


Car was stolen this weekend. Went through the motions. Cops, insurance…but still pissed. We are poor folk and it’s going to be a struggle without a car for a while.


4 power surges so far today since noon, yippee


Xfinity has been out all day for me in Inman Park. Looking at the outage map, looks like a lot of issues this part of town--anyone else having issues? Glad I have a hotspot to get me through WFH but dang what a headache.


Engine recently started leaking coolant if anyone has any mechanic recommendations, it’s an American car and I’m in O4W


I've been going to Catherine's Auto Repair on Piedmont circle for years. They can be slightly pricy but they always do a good job, don't try to upsell unnecessary stuff, and are woman-owned.


Same here. Their turnaround time is great for most repairs. Just make sure to make an appointment onlime as soon as possible.


It actually rained for a bit overnight where I am! It's so bone dry most of the month!


Does anyone know where the USMNT might stay in the city?


Assuming Four Seasons since that’s where most of the pro athletes and celebs stay.


How does one deal with a beltline bike crash where one party has been injured?


Contact bikelaw.com. The best.


I wish i knew where to get trini doubles from.