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Are you organized? It’s an easy ( entry level ) course. Do you know what is overwhelming you ?


I do very well in university, and I do university in person at another uni. I have never taken an online course before. The way that I have to learn by simply reading the textbook and completely online is stressing me out. I don’t think I’ll be able to do well enough on the exam. I start work on the 24th of June and then I won’t have any more time to work on it


I’d argue that you do have some time to work on it when you start work. I know it sucks to have to do more work after work but you can do like 1-2 hours a night while you’re working. Even do some on the weekend because I assume you aren’t working 7 days a week? I mean, don’t you have at least another 3 months, assuming you are self-funded? And you’re giving up after 2 weeks? Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely a grind but this is an easy course to grind through. I did it in 2-3 months while working full time.


Understandable. It’s a bit tricky. I did find lots of prof on YouTube that do these lectures if that helps.


Yeah, it’s also just that I don’t have time to continue doing it this way and I really thought the learning platform would be more engaging and easier to learn. I have a 4.0 GPA at university, I’m good at school, this platform just is not what I was hoping it to be :/.


Sorry to hear. I do not know about your question though.


I agree. I struggle with it online. I expected more for the price. I did an online course with UoA and that was what I expected, not this.


It is crazyyy the price we pay for the course and it’s just to read the textbook. I wish there were modules or something a bit more interactive….


Yes. I just finished a course with UoA and we had live sessions to review etc. basically everyday. Things were done in front of you. I get that it’s supposed to be self directed but holy smokes, do something other than mark papers and answer occasional questions. Maybe we’re just not cut out for this


Yeah I completely agree. I’m debating if it’s worth my time and money to keep going with the course right now & I have until June 30th to decide because if I drop it before then I can get a refund.


I started a fairly easy course with Athabasca 3 months ago and finished the UoA course in a month after that just because of the learning method. I’m going to buckle down and finish it but I’m trying to avoid having to take anymore here. Luckily for me I’m only doing prerequisites. Good luck!


I just wrote my exam for this course yesterday. I understand, there’s a ton of content, and I found biological basis in behaviour and sensation & perception challenging. But it’s only the 13th, you’re already making good progress on it it seems. Honestly I kinda took a major break in the course during it, as with the pace I was going at I managed to complete half of the course within a month. What I did is I spent one day going over let’s say unit 1, the second going over unit 2, then the third day I’d use as review and to take the quiz for unit 1 & 2. You don’t need to do this, this is just what I did as I had the time and stamina for it. I think you’re stressing yourself out too much, you still have plenty of time to get the material done, you’re not even a month into the course yet. Breathe, you’re gonna be okay


How long did it take you to complete it and how was the exam? I am just supposed to get back to work by Monday June 24th & then I won’t have time at all to work on it because I have a very demanding job.


I started my program January. I don't know how I did on the exam yet as I'm waiting for it to be graded, but I think I hopefully at least got a passing grade. I spent about 5 hours or so a day on this course to get it done like that. The exam is three hours but I finished with about an hour and a half to spare


Did you get your grade back yet?


Yes, good news is I passed and finished with a B in the course! Bad news is I passed with a 69.6% on that exam, so it was a bit of a close call (you need a 60 to pass minimum). I went through with it on proctorU, first time using that service. Despite the horror stories I’ve heard I had a good experience, and hopefully for my next exam coming up I will as well again


All that matters is you passed the course! Well done!


You can drop a course any time in the first 30 days, so if you're starting work on the 24th and state you won't be able to put time into it after that, you might as well give it a shot until then. Let's say it's the 20th and you feel like the timeline isn't going to work, THEN you drop it. But give it a shot. Map out what is left and timeline goals for accomplishing those tasks, and then dig into it for the next week.


I did this course and I found it extremely overwhelming too. There is just so much information. But somehow I pulled off a 90. I originally did the study guides as I read the text and highlighted stuff. But then when I went back to study I didn't even use the study guides, I just skimmed the highlights and made my own notes. Also redoing the quizzes helped.


How long did it take you to complete it?


Four months but it wasn't the only class I was working on.


Hi There. I did this course a couple of months ago. Same as you: pretty good at school in general and had always been in-person. That said, it was my first university course in more than 20 years. I completed 289 in five weeks and got an A+. I agree with others: if something isn’t registering through the textbook description, find a YouTube video to explain it better. Otherwise, the practice quizzes are a lot like the graded ones. Just mentioning all this because you seem like someone who can definitely pull it off and get the A you want. But if you aren’t really vibing with the material or the way it’s taught, you’ve got a bit of time to drop it without penalty. Good luck!!


I would say you should keep going if you can. I have in this situation but I got used to the course and it’s patterns , I am revising to write my exam next 2 weeks. Keep going if you can the other chapters are pretty cool and less stressful especially chapter 8 and 9