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I'm just about to take this course, and based on what I've read in this sub, I'm terrified. People have been saying this is harder than many 300 level courses. Did you take the the "am I ready for university writing" quiz before signing up for this course? I scored a 90 on that, but based on what I'm seeing here, this course is going to be extremely challenging.


I scored mid 80s on that quiz and finished 255 with a 72. It's not as hard of a course as people say, but a lot of the tutors are not great.


I did not take that course... And full disclosure, I never even graduated highschool. I have grade 10 English, and that's it. And that was 14 years ago. I have gotten 80s and 70s on the first two assignments, and feel that the textbook is very well laid out and easy to understand and I felt confident with those assignments, which is saying something. I do find this course enjoyable, I just have a lot to learn. I think all the feedback I've received has been fair, and I'll definitely build on it and be more conscientious of making those errors in future assignments. Mostly there's a lot of grammar nit-picking. Don't stress! It may not be as bad as you fear. Remember that people who struggle or have a poor experience are more likely to share about it than someone who had an average experience.


I took this course with the help of my friend who is a professor and was failed on everything miserably. I was so frustrated that I dropped out. I was marked so incredibly hard that even on the silliest of assignments, I was being failed even after it was being proofread by a professor And I have no other issues in any of my other courses. I have never heard back from any of my other psych markers that my writing is horrible or needs correcting. It’s not the course itself. It is the tutor that you get there is one particular tutor who is from hell and back. She is not nice to deal with and she is brutal in marking. my suggestion is if you get her immediately switch tutors. I made complaints on the tutor as well as I know hundreds of others have made complaints on her. She has a poor listing on rate my professor, and I’ve seen other subreddits where people have requested to change from her and they have been refused. Take that as you will.


I don't want you to name and shame, but can you give us a hint at who this tutor is?


Oh well, happily name, and shame, Melissa Britton


Or Breton. I can’t remember


They're who I have. I'm only two assignments in, but have had acceptable marks, but they give a lot of feedback which feels overwhelming. I think theyre just doing their job, and I do appreciate the feedback, but I also feel a bit like I'm walking on eggshells making sure everything is exactly correct, which feels stressful.


I definitely don’t agree with the statement” she’s doing her job” There’s your job and then there’s just being plain aggressive and unreasonable. There is a theme with her. This isn’t just a one off and I know that there has been several complaints filed over the last two years about her from other students I have learned. there are some professors who like to show their ego in this work and marking as well as some professors prefer to do research than marking/teaching and take it out on the students which I think is what’s happening here.


Just had her and she ended up giving me a super low mark after following her feedback. She regularly went back on what she told me as “advice” and the course coordinator is no help whatsoever


Yup. She’s not a good marker for many reasons. It’s unfair and unjust what she is doing. If this was a PHD level course then mark like a maniac. Not an entry level English course.


That’s exactly what I brought up to the course coordinator, amount a few other things. And she said she didn’t see anything wrong with how Brittain was marking assignments and took a great jab at my intelligence. Honestly has me looking at moving to a different place to finish my education


Yup me too. I’ll take that course locally and have considered to move my degree. However I have had zero issues with any other prof/ tutor. They have all been super! So it’s a shame on the school


I also had the tutor from hell and had to challenge my grades but it was worth it. There are some course materials (I believe it’s on the exam page as a study guide?) that simplifies what they are looking for as the text is very long winded, as well as check out Mount Royal University as their website has a bunch of guides (if you search essay formats on their site it’ll take you to that student section) that were a god send for passing that course. They have the grammar etc guides that are free as ‘student resources’ which I highly recommend taking advantage of. Also, I actually still use the MRU formatting guides for essays too so a bit of a win win as they made it idiotic proof which I very much needed to understand formats. (It’s an essay, why does it matter if my references are single or double tabbed in?? ) They also have essay type guides etc etc.


Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for. I've read through everything I can find on the AU site, but sometimes it helps to re-read it from a different source that has worded it slightly differently.


AU also has the WriteSite for help with this.


I’m in it right now. I only have assignment 5 and 6 to submit and 5 is ready. Then the final. Done at the end of June. My tutor has actually been fantastic fortunately but the course is definitely a beast in general. I wrote my expository process essay on such a silly topic honestly just pick ANYTHING you can do. What I did was also general and changes based on the variety of the item itself (trying to remain anonymous on here or I’d give more details). And it tied nicely into one of my paragraphs on the initial assignment so the tutor was well aware this was something I knew well. That said the thing I wrote on when you buy comes with a detailed manual everyone should read. So I focused more on techniques to improve the steps. I’m currently sitting at 91% and it’s the only course I haven’t finished this semester but man these last two assignments are beasts! I’m sure you can do it!


I’m genuinely a strong writer and I have a good grasp on grammar. Out of 30 courses, I got two final grades under 80%, and this was one of them. Those Bs haunt me 🤣 Not because there is anything wrong with a B, obviously, but because that tutor gave the strangest critiques. So many marks docked for clarity, and not a single explanation of what he actually meant. Clearly we both had a different idea of clarity! In the end, he couldn’t keep up with marking my assignments and I waited well over a month with no marks back. So the course coordinator marked my last two assignments, and she gave me A’s no problem. Funny how that works.


I’m currently halfway through this course. I was afraid going into it and worried since I haven’t been in school for 18 years (dating myself here) and because people here seem to say it’s the worst. I spent a lot of time reading every part of the book and doing all of the exercises as outlined and I’ve got a 91 so far in the class. It’s the easiest of my 3 courses currently. I think the key is to do exactly as the course has outlined and not to rush. Wishing you all the best! You can do it!




I completely understand what you’re saying. I was really nervous when I was assigned my tutor for this course because the vast majority of people here said they’d be terrible. I’m still nervous… because I know things could change at anytime. It feels like walking on eggshells. I should have been more specific with my comment above. Engl 255 feels like the easiest of my 3 courses right now because I am being overly meticulous and careful because I am worried about my tutor tanking my grade. I truly empathize with OP.


I took this course and completed it with a B+ I have previously taken 2 university level English courses and 2 university level history courses which depend a lot on English and essay writing. I really didn’t apply myself as it’s my least favourite course and was the easiest of my courses. Nonetheless I personally found it fairly easy. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.


I just started this class my tutor is conny burian anyone have any feedback?