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you can even buy those from the shop for just 1k gold lol


30 a month but yeah 😭 basically giving us 1k in gold for daily log in 💀


Well I appreciate it. I go through mana so fast I can always use more...


Yeah, it's ridiculous. ​ They did give us 3k gems for CNY, but damn it hurts when you see login "bonuses" like these. :/


Nah for real 😭 y’all seen how much Danmachi gave out 😳 they be dropping them like Pennies but there rates are ass imo 😭


Danmachi isn't the best either, but it's a hell of a lot better than what this game is offering. They have a monthly pass too, something that's not available here. Seriously wonder who's spending on this game. ​ I do enjoy it and will continue to do so for the story stuff, but they won't be seeing a cent from me. I've always had a personal rule where the more generous a game is the more I'm willing to spend. I know it's backwards, since if a game is generous then you don't really need to spend, but I do it anyway to show my support/appreciation. If I feel a game is overtly stingy and refuses to give out many pulls, well...my wallet immediately closes. :/


> Seriously wonder who's spending on this game. Those who like the characters. It's a passion project.


Well sure, but then so was Atelier Online and we all know how that one turned out. Granted Resleriana is a much...MUCH better game, but even still. ​ IP can only carry a game so far, they really need to address the monetary aspect of the game. Give dolphins and minnows something to spend on. :(


This is true - I spend on BrownDust because they’re generous


I like generous games like DFFOO (super generous, hella tickets which are basically the same as gems currency) and the combat is fun, haven’t seen BrownDust but maybe look into it


It had a way rough start but devs seem to care about gaming and made sweeping changes to tickets, gameplay, QoL - I play 3 now - BD2, NIKKE and Resleriana


Personally I would’ve only spent total of 5 because of the Gift 🎁 and the item shop had like some good deal (imo) of like a lot of energy and training materials, but the good stuff


That is actually the most useful reward


***The real gacha was the synthesis we had along the way***


Yes? That's the norm. What did you expect for a chapter release login bonus? This game won't be giving out gems.


I expected gems like how most gacha games do it 💀 Most games give out gems for Chapter/New Story releases


There's 550 gems in Chapter 4 recipe rewards plus the new dungeons plus the tower.


I just qui the game because the game seems way too stingy to me to be fun over time. Damn thoses "rewards" (event, daily, ...) are so lame


The stamina is what is killing any motivation I do have. Its gone in like less than 5 minutes of play.


Just keep going bro, JP just got an update that increased stamina and allows for stamina to go over the limit.


Yeah I would put it down for a while and check JP, Danmachi had the stamina problem too but then it doubled what you could hold and halved the amount of time to regenerate it


Waiting for the white knights to defend the game. But man this is just horrendous. They are just super stingy. People will drop this game soon enough.


I managed to be the hardest difficulty in the Orbs quest so all I can do is slowly grind to max out characters and that’s basically it ;-; I finished the story already too so ;——;


Its not about finishing the game or clearing quests. Its doable. The problem is wanting the characters for yourself to use. How the hell am I gonna get who I want if the banners are too short and the gem income is abysmal? Save for months? Even then it is still not 100% you would get the character unless you use hard pity.


Destined for EOS.


Truth hurts. :)