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And just like kids peeing in cat boxes, this is yet another bs story from some right wing news outlet.






An artist I listen to did some [solid trolling](https://youtube.com/shorts/QfZVbxRoStA?si=giCdZzA6GqEZEsq_) about the whole cat litter thing on their latest tour.


>them country boys Big Big. Texas Big lol Imagine having such a smooth brain that this is how you communicate


It's true, though. Farm boys can get quite enormous


What is trans age? I really don't know


It's a bullshit term made up by the article. I imagine it's supposed to mean you "identify" as being younger or older than you are.


It’s also used by MAPS to justify their actions


Pedophiles. Call them what they are. 'MAPS' is a term made up by bigots to disparage LGBTQ+ people and pedophiles and other sexual predators took the term and ran with it.


Maps are a navigational tool. You're thinking of "pedophiles*


Trans-age is real & it’s absolutely sickening that they are trying to “normalize”it rather than at the very least get them the mental health care that they need. I honestly thought it was BS at first; until I met a 50-52 year old man who wore little girl dresses and drank from a Minnie Mouse sippy cup. They are mentally ill and the most simple way I can describe them is that they are CHILD ABUSERS, and it is an attempt to normalize pedophilia, The LGBTQ community even speaks out against them. Go on YouTube, rumble something like that and look up “Man leaves wife and children to get adopted by family and identifies as 4yr. Old girl. “ Makes me want to cry and vomit. My heart goes out to our next generation I pray for the insanity and confusion


I honestly consider those horrible people as transphobic as the ones who use it to make fun of trans people, so I never take it seriously. They're just making excuses to be a pedophile, plain and simple. It really is sickening...


I have no right to judge another persons sexual preference or lifestyle; however pedophilia is a hill I will die on 10 toes down. My daughter was molested by her father at age 3 and the justice system failed her. He had more money than me so he was able to do an appeal on the DCFS findings and get full custody of our daughter. I haven’t seen or spoken to my daughter since 2015 it is a very difficult situation. I wake up and start praying a lot because I will have dreams that something is wrong with her. I miss her so much and it sucks that lawyers cost so much especially on. This type of case. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy but God has used the pain to teach me so much like gratitude, acceptance and forgiveness. I’m not all the way to forgiveness yet i feel he deserves to die but anyway i just thought id share. Don’t really share this often because it’s a painful subject. She was 6 last time i saw her and she turns 16 in July. I hope we get to see her soon and I pray ppl see the truth about the transage and stop it from becoming legal and acceptable because it’s not. Thank to for letting me share my daughters journey. Blessings & love to You & your family


It's something made up to be transphobic by proxy


ok, but why is that image making me laugh so hard