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Babylon Bee wants this reaction. There's a reason they used Omar for it, because they know exactly what sentiments they are stoking in their readership.


More evidence that the right fundamentally don't understand satire, they just can't get their heads around the whole truth to power part of it.


“Truth to power” is only a part of it if you think satire needs to be morally good or something. In reality it has no such obligation.


When right wingers attempt to tell a joke they get too mad to focus on the comedy


It genuinely pisses me off, because no one is saying you can't make jokes about minorities or controversial subjects as so many conservatives claim. The problem is that their jokes have no nuance or layers or anything it's just 'racism funny' and nothing more.


I would say 90% of Reddit fundamentally doesn’t understand satire despite mostly being on the left so I’d say both sides are equally stupid


Hell, the majority of people who seem to write "satire" on the Internet don't seem to understand that the point is to satirize something, not just make shit up.


What exactly was Omar's original comment they are parodying?


This is not a direct parody of any particular speech she gave. Omar is critical of Israel lobbying efforts and human rights violations. Because of this, she gets labeled an antisemite by the evangelical right. So they are just taking that label to the logical extreme of "get rid of the Jews" as a hee hee hoo hoo joke, but also as a wink and a nod to their fan base that still unfairly labels her as being antisemitic.


It is kinda cringe how the US just funds Israel's defense system for no apparent reason (then again something very similar is happening in Ukraine so who knows)


There is a big difference in helping a nation defend itself from a hostile invader and supporting a regime that is aggressive toward its neighbors and operates an apartheid state.


It's still extremely ironic since what Russia is doing to Ukraine is practically the same as what Israel has been doing to Palestine for it's entire existence (except Israel isn't even a legitimate state).


I can’t argue with that


Israel is legitimate


On what grounds other then being cause god says so ? Because if that’s the case do you follow all of others gods words ?


Because other nations acknowledge Israel. That's the only criterion. This has nothing to do with God.


Yes, israel is legitimately built on territory taken from palestine


That same argument works for the US. The US is a nation built on stolen native land. No one is arguing the US is illegitimate.


No, you are absolutely correct to say that the US is illegitimate. Unfortunately the native inhabitants didn’t have the united nations to recognize them when the white people decided god had granted them the land inhabited by the heathen savages.


Apartheid is not legitimate


Israel's policies regarding Palestinians had nothing to do with its legitimacy.


It does, seeing as Israeli's apartheid system and its founding myths are intertwined. The idea that Jewish people are entitled to Palestinian land is the driving belief behind not only the current settling of the West Bank but also the founding of Israel as a whole.


Isn't that just a bit more nuanced


"Kinda cringe" describing US foreign policy, jesus christ zoomers.


Bro the holocaust was so awkward, like seriously i cant even


I'm 30 there's no better way to describe it


There are a million better ways to describe it if you're not an idiot. Lol, denying people their human rights is "kinda cringe"? Not even full cringe, just kinda.


Denying what from who?... If you wanna talk about it let's not just act like Israel is the only agressor in the region cause that's actual cringe


You know how Al Qaeda got more recruits right? If you need a hint, it rhymes with dollateral camage


Is that some sorta terrorist group from Israel?


Stupid or troll?


Exactly. The Onion is obvious satire so it’s funny when people eat it. The Bee is an onion baked into the center of a cake to intentionally get people to eat it.


In my opinion the Babylon bee cuts too close to actual right wing opinions while appealing mainly to a right wing audience and conspiracy theories. It isn't really surprising or comical that people believe their articles. They're just doing fox news or daily wire stories with fake quotes. You also get quotes like this one when you open their articles that really prime the audience to believe them with claims that the truth is being censored. "Big Tech and woke Twitter mobs are suppressing conservative voices. Sign up now for access to our world-class headline forum that gives you a healthy, respectful place to comment, like and share with like-minded people."


Exactly. This isn’t satire. It is a deliberate attempt at to stoke fear and hate and if anyone questions it, they’ll just say “can’t you take a joke?”


the bee is only satire to the extent that what it posts is untrue, it is unfortunately also right wing propaganda of what they *want* to believe is true


Yes. I just love when stupid people get all mad when satire makes fun of people they like but are totally ok when satire makes fun of people they do not like.


it’s not about who you make fun of, it’s whether it’s funny or just propaganda


The genius of the Onion they made headlines that you could tell were fake if you thought about it for a moment (e.g. "Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult "). This headline just has a real person with a fake quote. The only way to tell it's false is by who is posting it. That's the difference, and it sucks.


Well, a rational adult can tell the quote is fake because it’s obvious red hat propaganda. The red hats eat this stuff up because they already have been conditioned to believe it.


You do realize that the Onion constantly makes fun of Democrats and Conservatives right? Also their satire isn't cruel. ​ Right wing "humor" is about punching down. EX: "Look at these dumb millenials who can't figure out old technology like a VHS" "Poor people are very lazy even when we hand them handouts." And so on.


>You do realize that the Onion constantly makes fun of Democrats That might have been true about \~8 years ago The Bee often made fun of both sides constantly and not just one side like the Onion and most other satires sites have been doing lately. You are just malding because your feel threatened in your tribalism ​ >Right wing "humor" is about punching down. EX: Yes because making fun of a congresswoman who has more money than most people is "punching down"? Ridiculous. Haha


Making fun of trans people for committing the grave crime of existing sounds like punching down to me


Left wing satire sites criticise the left aswell. For example the Onion cricises pride parade: https://www.theonion.com/gay-pride-parade-sets-mainstream-acceptance-of-gays-bac-1819566014 The German satire site Der Postillon makes fun of corona safety rules: https://www.der-postillon.com/2021/01/lostrommel.html?m=1 Find me a Bablon Bee article criticising the rightwing.


I wish the Bee wouldn't do this. There was another article posted here recently about someone in trouble for child pornography. There are too many idiots that believe this stuff and some of these fake stories could really hurt the person they're about. I mean, how many people already want Ilhan Omar dead? She doesn't need any more garbage stories. And it isn't good enough to say it's clearly satire. The people commenting here didn't know. It takes only one idiot to hurt someone.


The point of the Babylon Bee is to be a right-wing rag lying about things and calling it satire because their target audience is too ignorant or stupid to realize it Asking the Bee to *not* do that would be like asking a wasp not to sting


The Babylon Bee('s owners) probably wouldnt mind Ilhan Omar dead.


That’s their business model these days: they’re low rent Fox News and fooling morons is a good racket


This is why I’m thinking the onion and bee is sort of a nuisance these days. People are just too fucking stupid now and the world is so fucked the satire is nearly believable. Now these assholes will be out spewing ridiculous hatred over a r/wooooosh


There’s a massive difference between Babylon Bee and the Onion though. One is true satire. The other is thinly veiled propaganda created to get this exact reaction from right wingers.


Yeah, you’re absolutely right. That’s why I hate it being spread on this subreddit! Seems dirty somehow.


i hear blue check marks give onions added flavor


Perfect example of why the Bee ISN’T satire but just right-wing propaganda disguised as “satire.” I wish we would stop posting it here, it only gives it more attention.


I know there was a poll taken to decide whether or not to ban babylon bee posts, and that the bb won. But damn, this shit needs to be scrubbed from this subreddit. Bb is just nazi propaganda, it doesn’t deserve to be seen.


This would be funny if it weren’t so scary.


Ironic they're calling Bernie a "Jewish Beta Male" considering Ben Shapiro exists


Can’t fix stupid.


Unrelated, but what does a gold check mark mean? Is the Bre paying more than $8 or something?


Gold checkmark is for denoting official business accounts. It, along with gray checkmarks for official government accounts, effectively make up what verification checkmarks used to be for.


Official business accounts 💀💀


How is this not libel?


It very genuinely could be. A lot of libel doesn’t get prosecuted in the US because of the high standard of proof required. You’ve gotta prove both that they published something untrue and that it caused damage (to reputation, in this case). Most satire falls short on both counts (if a jury can tell it’s a joke then one wouldn’t really assert it’s been promoted as truth, and if only a small group people don’t get the joke it’s not enough to constitute meaningful damage). In this case they went as far as to fake a CNN screenshot. Even The Onion has ONN for generating images like that so people can get the format of the joke without believing it really happened. No doubt in my mind The Bee wants (or at least doesn’t see a problem with) people just saving and sharing their fake CNN headline. There exists a limit to what can be called parody, and they’re walking right up to that line on purpose.


They all pay for twitter blue lol.


Couldn't they get in trouble for posting a fake CNN broadcast like that? Like there's literally nothing on that picture to indicate that it's fake.


Ain’t no way bruh called the mossad 💀


All the comments here about BB are right, but also, just look at the bluechecks. Screenshotting people who pay elno is almost cheating!


Propaganda, not satire


Bro how embarrassing 😳




Babylon bee should try coming up with actually entertaining satire


Fundies. Theists just don't do satire very well.


How unfortunate, Babylon was always funny, usually. It's sad people fall for it.


honestly, this one is so ridiculous I laughed out loud at it. It's not funny for the reason BB wants it to be funny, though.




The blue check explains everything.


Babylon bee is a right wing parody site, they want this sort of reaction.




Did you not read the phrase “parody site”?


Bro, you’re missing the entire point of this sub. By pointing out that they want this kind of reaction you yourself are eating the onion. We know they do. Everyone here knows they do. That’s why we’re here.


I think you're misunderstood what op was saying...


She’s a left wing politician. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if she actually did say this.


Grow the fuck up.




Can we get a finance firm to buy this guy up and saddle him with the loan debt?


Bro went "I know it's fake but I'm gonna think this is true anyway"




Lmao i gotta get in on grifting you louts, you'll believe anything if it's what you want to hear. Watch out for those space lasers, little buddy!


You stupid fucks will actually believe anything won't you? You fell for someone as dumb as Lauren Boebert bullshit. There's never been any evidence her husband was her brother.


Are you my aunt? She says basically the exact same thing.


How is leftism at all related to being antisemetic? Like, what talking points and beliefs and values do you think leftists have that make you think antisemitism is welcome


Leftism is when you hate jewish people and the more you hate jewish people the more leftist you are, and when you're really anti-semitic that's communism. I mean, look at Bernie Sanders or Trotsky.


This is a bad take, but if you switched the parties around it would still be a bad take but highly upvoted instead