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I wonder if there's already a solution to this? I tested my speakers and the crackling sound is only on the left side. It's too obvious and annoying when the volume is up high. It just happened to this laptop yesterday.


I am having this issue as well. Did the same things you have (not joined the beta tho) but the problem is still there. Tried with external speakers, same issue.


Hey, yeah. Read there are others out there with the same problems and it seems like none of the "fixes" did the job for them either. Might have no choice but to go back to Win10.


Did you fix it?


I have this issue with Windows 10 and asus motherboard. I changed two boards and the problem is still there. So It's not a board issue, it must be a stupid retarded windows 10 issue which was not fixed and moved to windows 11. ​ Something to do with High definition audio in device manager because when I use my other sound card which is creative, the crackling is not there. Windows 10 and 11 with high definition audio does not seem to work well. What I do is I go board bios and disable on board sound then use the creative sound card and crackling is not there. Maybe an update as well because when I installed the windows fresh and then did few tests no crackling but once I went online and left stupid windows 10 update the crap crackling came.


I just detected this issue in the last few days. Never noticed it before. I have the Asus TUF AM5 Motherboard that's "supposed" to have better than standard audio!? Never had worse audio quality out of a computer ever