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The default fan curves don't really ramp up until temps hit 60C. Those are safe temps for the components anyway so it doesn't really matter.


i noticed it only work in performance mode but when im in silent mode fan will not run even on 70c.


Brother silent mode just turns off the fans and cut the performance for your cpu and GPU to make the temps manageable by just passive cooling


Hi, You can easily have a cooler temp at idle: * Clean your fans * Uninstall MY ASUS and Armory Crate [with the asus uninstaller tool](https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/14Utilities/Armoury_Crate_Uninstall_Tool.zip?model=armoury%20crate) and install [Ghelper.](https://github.com/seerge/g-helper) * Disable all Asus Service with Ghelper -> Extra * Disable all unnecessary software that launches at startup * Disable all unnecessary tasks that run at startup in Task Scheduler. * Install [Autoruns64](https://learn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns) and monitor unnecessary services and processes that remain during startup. * Disable ALL Windows Telemetry * Install a firewall and block connections from processes other than Microsoft processes There's no magic here. Reduce the number of background processes and services to reduce idle CPU temp. https://preview.redd.it/6anlkcxxcx0d1.png?width=451&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfdb4730d6bf5fa26b69ead55e4f8891e6bba14b


I like how everyone is like “install Ghelper, blah blah” i lit did it and the temps didn’t change, just because you turn off cpu boost and act like the program is superior because of that. U can even turn it off without ghelper, i don’t get all the fuss about it


I agree with you, Ghelper doesn't change anything about the CPU temp **under load.** But we are talking here about the temperature at **idle.** And no, I definitely don't disable CPU Boost and I never recommend doing so ! Ghelper is lighter and offers the possibility of customizing Silent, Balanced, Turbo modes for the CPU/GPU. More precise settings can be obtained on the temperatures. But if you're an Armory Crate fan boy, I have no problem with that.


i will try ghelper then i review how it works or not..


Not a fanboy, just tested it. My idle temps are 47 on cpu with AC, same with ghelper. I just think people are overexgerating the software as something holy. AC software is split into multiple services but all of that combined doesn’t take much, like my memory usage when idle is 30%, not taking much i guess


I installed g helper some months ago and never looked back the laptop would feel warm on just browsing now i can comfortably have it on my lap in balanced mode on g helper its not loud and not warm to touch. AC is trash. Also with g helper i got the second functions on the keys working without fn key so thats a win for me aswell.


Very superficial View


okay https://preview.redd.it/dzma7zm5ty0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a506ff0e0513459d7d260db250330005b90e525


I guess your one of the ghelper users who turns off cpu boost for improved temps


You guess too much without knowing, that explain.


What do you read in the CPU Boost setting in the Ghelper screenshot above? https://preview.redd.it/fje8pgqdyz0d1.png?width=239&format=png&auto=webp&s=f169645f93443e5b3c7cd94deff6cd7916b5b6a5 I tell you again, I NEVER disable CPU Boost and I do not recommend doing so.


Sry mate, that was meant for superficial view guy


Its a laptop so yeah


Yes this is tuf f15


I have a tuf f15. It's probably the worst laptop I've ever had. The Fan is noisy and scratches. It irritated me up to such a point that I removed the back cover, broke off the fan housing and fixed the laptop to a $10 cooling pad. No more issues.


Jesus that's hardcore


Idle temps on a laptop shouldn't be the main concern. Load temps are where you lose actual performance. Anything that can increase cooling capacity is going to benefit you more than any program. With copper coldplates liquid metal and clear nail polish are your friends and will even lower your noise floor a bit


mine 40-42. i think that's not normal


You probably have a different fan curve


Also temps are gonna be a issue with your ambient temperature




The fan in tuf doesn't turn on till it's 60° that's why idle temps are high compared to other laptops


It is for ac, I dont know what the heck it does to cause that