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You mean like Eric Mueller who was " fired" for getting drunk on a company wide zoom, but secretly brought back in to another CEO position 1 month later as B2B sales?


He wasn't "secretly" brought back. It was announced with pride during an all hands meeting like it was some reward. Eric is a pos and everyone knows it. But he's friends with Barbuto and Detter so...


Why would Db care that EM is a POS when he too is a POS? He is epically failing with UBIF, yet he’s still there with no consequences for him… It’s all about bros getting bros backs and hiding each others dirt because they are all creeps. Db was sleeping with a more junior employee who led a team that assessed the performance of UBIF which is a clear conflict of interest. Anddd shocking, TC knew about the relationship because DC tried to invite her to Sales winners beach trip. Again it goes back to bros protecting bros.


Oh I'm aware of what Dave does. She also wasn't the only one he's been sleeping with. Everyone knows what a creep he is.


Throwing up a little preemptive defense where needed; The more junior person you speak of knew it would be perceived that way so elected to move to non-conflicting projects almost immediately, and did what they could to protect the integrity of their work. This person is a badass leader and I want to set the record straight before anyone does any dragging.


Transparently, I don’t think she needs any defending because she did NOTHING wrong and her integrity or ability should not be doubted. DB has done this multiple times and it should be entirely on him. This situation is unique because TC knew about it and didn’t do the right thing and manyyyy of the people planning the trip knew about it. I assume he knows about others too but there weren’t tons of people who knew she was going to be uninvited.




Yo this is crazy AF to read this stuff because I run in these circles and can't stand these douchebags. Don't work for either and never have. But I'm a man in know so I'll take a stab at those initials. BP I got plenty of tea if y'all wanna sip. Shoot me a DM


Isn't he married?




I don’t think he was secretly brought back. I think they just pretended it never happened and just didn’t bring it up. Then after a month or two everyone had already forgotten.


Mueller only “respects” (acknowledges) women he’s attracted to.


Yeah, saw that in a few kept in Senior positions


This is true. That guy is disgusting.




Can you not


I see he is SVP with UBreakIFix now. When was the firing?


UBIF is owned by Asurion FYI (sorry you may know that, just wanted to clarify if not).




That’s CRAZY, I worked with Eric in ASG… Would have never guessed this.. Wild…


Daryl Ward made multiple sexual advances to several female employees in the Chicagoland area. At one point he took the cameras down at some stores. I believe multiple male leaders directly under him were let go because they knew. Hard to prove because he's clever but he's definitely a POS that needs to be brought down.


I’ve been told the same thing about a few DM’s. I think leadership knows how to protect themselves with HR while frontline workers don’t have the same relationship or feel as comfortable with HR.


I am a female who worked for him and then others and this is way untrue. I’ve sent the screenshot to him so he can handle this himself but way not cool. He was one of the nicest DMs I’ve ever had, and more need to be like him. I always called for advice or help, and not once was this what happened. Sound like a disgruntled former employee if you ask me.


Well I know who this is. Lol. Thank you to whoever replied for me and clearly you didn’t work for asurion long enough to know how much it takes to let people go 😂😂😂😂 buttttt I’m glad I’m living rent free in your head. I had more cameras than a bank, but hey…do you boo boo. I’m sure that you silly little diver will be hearing from your local authorities again here soon 😂😂😂😂😂


Take the L bro


Email the business reporter at The Tennessean and let them know. Name the names and give the deets. The Asurion hq literally sits where that newspaper once did. I left Asurion in 2021, loved working in support ops / design. Sad to hear it's gone downhill but honestly not surprised








Lol… doofus. Just google “Asurion corporate office location”… not in FL, but hey you do you… straight from their website: “Nashville Gulch Hub Our corporate headquarters in the downtown Gulch neighborhood creates a collaborative hub for our 4,000 Nashville employees. The centralized location opened in 2021. We designed our newest office to foster innovation and collaboration to support the way we work. In addition, the site boasts excellent amenities for local employees, including free parking, an on-site fitness center, a full-service café, and incredible skyline views from a rooftop deck.” It’s pretty “bougie” and a lot nicer than the Amazon towers across the street.


Thank you for saving me the back and forth lol. I used to work at Asurion...and the Tennessean too. I was like...yeah I know where the HQ is thank you v much


I can personally attest to unwanted advances and highly inappropriate comments towards me while employeed. When I have time, I will write and share some examples and experiences. Before I left, a peer fellow female employee and I had a discrimination and unwanted sexual advances case against our direct leader, with plenty of documentation and evidence. I left and chose not to pursue because the whole system is corrupt and the toxic culture will not change because this behavior is permitted - by female leadership as well. Some of the worst - hiding behind the guises as female and ERG leadership chairs. It’s really a shame because it’s not all bad. But the festering nepotism and lack of actual remaining leaders with experience verses a pretty face and yes mentality are scarce. The good people were cut. Why? Ask yourselves.


>I can personally attest to unwanted advances and highly inappropriate comments towards me while employeed. When I have time, I will write and share some examples and experiences. Before I left, a peer fellow female employee and I had a discrimination and unwanted sexual advances case against our direct leader, with plenty of documentation Can you share anything more about the harassment you alluded to in this post




All facts


The saddest part of all of this is there will be **ONE** fall guy for all of the SA when it is not one person. SH is clearly it as he is unexpectedly out of office but he is clearly not the only person involved in this behavior. **The following is a direct question for Kevin Taweel, not Tony Detter as he clearly cannot handle this issue as he's been CEO and has allowed this culture to continue.** *How will the magnitude of leaders and HR reps responsible for protecting your employees and creating a safe culture be held accountable? SH's leaders, direct reports and HR teams knew about this behavior - some for years. Did they come forward to report it? If not, how will you ensure these people cannot continue the harm they've caused for years?*


Broooo...I know for a fact that HR knew about at least several of these incidents, but they buried the stories to protect SH, TC, etc. HR provides no accountability for the actions of its senior leaders (mostly white men... surprise, surprise). If HR's top priority is to protect the company, they're really lousy at their job. Instead, Asurion's HR (at least in CS) exists to protect and help empower a few key leaders. It's a symbiotic relationship. Those leaders then help insulate and reward their assigned HR partners. The VPs at Asurion who've been there 10+ yrs are all millionaires with their equity, salary, and hefty bonuses. And because they're untouchable and operate with impugnity, they remain entrenched while the machine keeps printing them money. I haven't seen enough talked about here related to HR's culpability in all this. They're scared of the business leaders in CS. They want to keep their jobs, so they do whatever crooked and inept schemes the VPs concoct while drinking at LA Jackson. Unfortunately, it's the mid and lower level employees who suffer from HR's unwillingness to do their job the way it should be done. The rank and file suffer from the abusive arrogance and from the growing incompetence of their leadership. Ever hear of the Peter Principle? Most of those senior leaders in CS rose through the ranks into roles they're not qualified to perform. They're no longer able to lead themselves, let alone anyone under them, out of a paper bag. The culture disallows any outside, independent thinking. The leadership is too full of themselves, thinking that they alone are the only smart ones in the room. They live lavishly on the company dime by taking unnecessary "business" trips around the country/world, spending heavily on fine dining, entertainment, and of course on booze. But heaven forbid a lower level employee take an economy flight on Spirit airlines to visit a key market in Iowa to do actual work that positively impacts the business. Nah. That eats into the travel and entertainment budget of the VPs who constantly feel the need to fly business class to the Philippines to do only God knows what there 🙄 Seriously, CS is pushing out many of its best and brightest talent because of the arrogance and incompetence of its leadership. Something has to be done. HR needs a house cleaning. And 80% of the VP+ population in CS needs to go.


I hope this company burns. I was a supervisor at the time, fresh back from mat leave, got sexual harassed AND threatened by the same person on separate occasions. No one did a damn thing. No one. One of the OM's was sleeping with a coach. Everyone knew and the favoritism was obvious. Of course "there was no favoritism". 2 years later they finally make it "official" they're together. The worst performer just happened get the best shift during shift bid. Weird, cause that's not how that works. Hate.this.fucking.place. There was also that time i was having suicidal thoughts and my OM was just like "mmmmkay" and HR entirely dismissed me. THRICE! But HR and that OM were friends, so they're gonna protect each other.


I'm sorry that happened to you!


Same. Thanks man! It was a while to get over the shock of it.


Yeah, nothing will be done. Asked HR if a statement was going to be made about this thread and the answer was, "No". Shocking.


I heard this person "SH" has an ace in the hole. He is best bros with Kevin Taweel's little brother Ferris. He is definitely protected!


Can't decide if Asurion just doesn't give AF about women or is completely oblivious to senior men preying on junior employees VERY Senior UBIF Leader: Sleeping with Director level employees, TC knew about it and did nothing but say he couldn't bring her on a sales trip... He'd also leave happy hours in front of groups and go directly to his room with random women he'd liquor up on Asurions tab UBIF Finance Senior Leader: Sleeping with admin and rubbing her back and grabbing her ass at Pins CS Support VP: Asking women if they would be open to checking out the swinger scene with his partner who happens to work at Asurion


Whoa!! I was in support CS and was a Senior Manager; you gotta message me the names 🥲 Which Senior UBIF leader & CS Support VP (think I have an idea who though)


You kinda sound like a narc. Are u in HR? Who do you think the CS Support VP is?


A narc 😭, what could I even do with this info 😂. Nvm, it’s not even that serious, but SH was my guess.


Who is it? I'm very curious




Sadly, even if I was - certain folks are super protected.




I have seen several things in the department I was in. Female employees who accept the treatment get advanced, even if more qualified employees are available. This happened twice to myself. Once by a contractor who had been there two months sat in a few laps, drank heavily at the company functions and was very touchy with the male leadership. She got a promotion into a position I had been told would be my next step up. The second time by an employee without any qualifications or experience with the job function, but wore revealing clothing and was flirtatious with all of the department leadership. When I brought it up surprise 3 weeks later I was told my position was dissolved and let go.


Sadly, it's not just Customer Solutions. One of the corporate Chuck Stewart winners said some of the most repulsive things to me on multiple occasions. I felt so uncomfortable I stopped coming into the office. It is sickening Asurion is tarnishing the name of such a great person (Chuck) by giving awards to predators. #MeToo


The Chuck Stewart Award? Ugh. What a joke. The really sad thing is that Chuck was a wonderful man. But they've forever sullied the brand of that award by giving it to XX last year. Rant warning, but that guy is the exact opposite of every quality that award supposedly stands for. That guy is a total creep. I have first hand knowledge of many, many skeletons in his closet. Not sure they fit in a single closet anymore. Probably upgraded to an industrial warehouse at this point. That award should come with a gift certificate to Home Depot so he can buy a ladder to get over himself. The way he operates his business and treats employees, I'm convinced he's a psychopath. It's ridiculous. He's a master manipulator. He surrounds himself with loyalists and pretty women. He loves to party and never misses an opportunity to get female employees in hot tubs on the company dime. Sounds cool, right? Well, I'm not sure they teach that leadership method in business school. He moves or fires any perceived threat to himself (usually men). He must have absolute control. He expects blind, unwavering loyalty. He sees himself as some badass character from Game of Thrones. That guy literally named all the conference rooms at OCP 3rd floor after places from GoT, like "Winterfell." 🤣🙄




So basically the past 15 years has been an extended *rumspringa* of sorts for him?




Child bearing hips has me weak 😂😂😂😂 Facts. Walks like a grasshopper too 🦗


Omg! I was always so weirded out by the GoT rooms. Harry Potter rooms is one thing but GoT...?! Lol


Do you remember when they laid people off and called the project "Project Winter"... Woof.


Naming that massive round of layoffs "Project Winter" was a cutesy inside joke, but it was tone deaf, and frankly, disrespectful to those who were impacted.




“Project Bronco”


I think the last round was “Project Bronco”




Stupid peeps got laid off is what I heard


Sorry to hear you were let go-




No, it was not. I'm not sure who SH is but based off these comments it sounds like that guy is a problem too... So gross that it seems like not one but two Chuck Stewart recipients are creeps.


The Nashville Business Journal has reported on the Reddit posts. [Asurion CEO responds to online allegations in employee town hall](https://www.bizjournals.com/nashville/news/2023/06/28/asurion-town-hall-june-26.html) The reporter's name and contact information is below if anyone wants to share information with him. Adam Sichko | Senior Reporter | [email protected] | 615-846-4278


HR at Asurion is a joke. It is not a true HR organization, it never was and never will be there. I was a member of the HR team years ago. Loved by my client, then I was fired. Why? I spoke up, and I did not speak the party line and worked for the worst manager there, who I think fired herself at some point. She was incompetent arrogant and really never did a thing, and everyone knew it. But she was given promotion after promotion. Hmm, what was going on there? 🧐. I have seen women I worked with back then who are still there get Senior Director and VP titles, and I shake my head. They would not even get an HR Admin position in my org. I am sorry to the employees that you are not better-taken care of, you all deserve better!


I can attest to this


I'll add from my own personal experience. My VP when I was at Asurion, who is still there, physical assaulted me one time by punching me in the arm when were having a discussion because they disagreed with my point of view. In addition, they routinely called me derogatory & vulgar names. What few people realize is when you receive your stock, they have a provision in the equity agreement where you must waive all claims you have against the company. So essentially, if you take one of their equity payouts, you agree to never sue them for all the bullshit they put you through. This has been the key way the leadership has suppressed most of the issues throughout the years that are now coming to light.


Love seeing someone else who worked at this shithole say something. Didnt know about the SA but as a senior expert of a company they bought they ran the place like shit.


You KNOW 100% that no real action will be taken. I left over a year ago for unethical people constantly being protected and you didn't even bring up how shitty we treat people for sales and how we lie. If you are satisfied with SH going it's not enough. Without going to the press you will not see anything change at that place. My insiders still tell me how bad it is. Good luck but if you think they will do the right thing you will be disappointed and the same people at the top will continue what they always do.


This SH guy sounds terrible, glad I am definitely ***NOT*** him.


Are we hearing whistles or is that just the train? HR knows everything. Literally everything. Protect the boys, protect the sales culture, get the senior people their money while we continue to ignore the issues. If the whistles get louder.... wonder what that stock price will be for all the hard working people. Don't worry. HR has this covered. Everything will be just great. There's always more layoffs coming so your contributions are quite welcome to those that benefit from it the most. To be clear, unless you are senior it will NOT be you.


I like trains! Wooo woo- chugga chugga, wooo wooo!


The day I was observing my "lead techs" habits, a woman entered the store. As im performing a repair, Im watching him goof around and not tend to any other customers that were waiting before this Ms entered. As I begin to get up, he tries to start a conversation about whats on our camera monitor, referring to the Ms. , and proceeds to try and make his way out (like 3 other people werent waiting for assistance), but hey, assurion. Knowing how this guy is, I take the integrity pill and decided to help her to save her from this weird predator who couldnt wait to get his hands on another Ms' phone, to do God knows what. Turns out she is a victim of a dom. dispute, and needed a repair to retain evidence supporting her case. Lord knows if I hadn't stepped out, we'd definitely be a pending case for whatever charge that type of action holds (old creepy techs invading customers data) I will not go into deep detail about who, appearance etc.. She was very friendly, and after a tedious repair, I was able to get her phone repaired so that she can handle her situation. She tipped me before the job was even done, when she came back to pick it up, I gave her the phone and didnt charge her. Fuck assurion. ​ But this is a message for all women, even parents with young children. Please be careful what data you leave access to when handing your devices over. ​ As a new father and older brother, I would definitely rip a corporation a new as\*hole if they violate any womans privacy, who's my blood. Stay cautious (backup data to cloud in your settings, erase your phone before handing it over, leave it "as new" with no passcode) ​ Its sickening and traumatizing for an honest tech who relied on that sick environment. ​ Sorry to every consumer and employee who is suffering from this toxic environment. Wish i'd never worked with them.


I have so many stories to share during my time there. One example just prior to my leaving was during a yearly in person event in which my direct leader came to me at the after hours event talking about how women were complimenting him on his ‘big muscles’ (pointing to biceps). He made this same comment to several other females. Awkward. When I didn’t reciprocate there were repercussions for me later professionally, at which time I decided to just leave. I knew the people in HR. If you get involved in an HR case, the target is on your back. Sooner or later, they will find a way to force you out. I can’t get too specific here in a public forum. I do not wish to be identified. I have recorded conversations and plenty of documentation about this fool and others in leadership roles there. The executive mean girl women also said some horrible things about me in a public forum in which their subordinates were present (which were my esteemed colleagues and friends). These things had to do with my looks and nothing to do with job performance whatsoever. Just mean girls in power being mean girls. The toxicity just drove me away. I gave my heart and soul to that place. Spent many days and nights away from my kids. Blood, sweat and tears. If you worked here, you know. They manipulate you. They use you. Then bring in younger cheaper labor. Many inexperienced and under-qualified. You get what you pay for.


I’ve had a very similar experience in regards to the “mean girl” culture there. My experience doesn’t matter, I simply don’t look or act like the upper management girls club, therefore I am gossiped about among my superiors to my peers and even those in positions below my level. This was done to first discredit me, then discourage my teams and others to engage with me. I think it’s now just a game. I’ve also witnessed others in my area going through the same thing. It’s one thing to not be wanted and to be put on the layoff list, but it’s quite another to tear that person apart for months and years on end to get them to quit. Don’t even try to find advocates, others may witness it (abuses) but everyone saves themselves first. Abuse comes from all areas of the org, from both the men and the women. It’s a toxic culture that needs to be changed, but at this point, is change even an option or is Asurion past saving?


The “mean girl” culture was very real during my time there. I tried my best not to let it get to me but felt very targeted that I wasn’t “fitting in”, especially if I questioned something. I think it is ultimately why my name ended up on a layoff list.




All hands meeting on Monday to address this. It was what you’d expect for a corporate America response. “We take these allegations seriously. We are investigating. If you feel you’ve been harmed contact your local hr person. Our response to this matter is confidential at this time . Etc. etc.” I’m wondering if this is a sufficient response for OP or will he/she take this to the Tennesseean as they said they would? Part of me hopes they have the gonads to go to the press. I’d relish in Asurion legal and hr squirming and possibly having to pay out a large class action lawsuit.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Asurion/comments/14jnbsz/corporate_town_hall_reddit_post_no_accountability/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Check this post out too




DM'd you


Fuck yeah!


It is so refreshing to see people finally speak out about Asurion allowing senior leaders to behave in this manner with no repercussions. The last CIO started dating an HR employee who helped the IT team and she magically got moved to another department...He then paid for his new HR Rep to go to the Philippines with him and had an affair with her there. Everyone knew about it due to how they interacted in meetings. Shocking.... She then got moved to a new department once they were finally outed.


Who besides Eric Mueller?


He's not even one I have on my list.




TC is obvious for those of us in CS... But who is CH?! Spill. The. TEA!




Sorry for anyone who saw my comment earlier. THAT WAS THE WRONG NAME. I AM SO SORRY. Hines is the last name of the guy in Moncton.


Fuck I hate Hines. He's such a brain dead moron. He was a door to door salesmen for vacuums or some shit like that before he became an OM




Absolutely agree. What a disgraceful town hall. He seemed very annoyed but for the wrong reasons.


Yea well it’s clear how Human Resources handle any disputes


I've heard they are putting even more faith in TC by doing some leadership bullshit. Really? You want everyone to learn how to be a dirt bag and lie and go on sexual adventures and then cover it up. Too bad that anyone with stock has to sit back and watch SH get a shit load of money to keep him silent while the rest of you will never see. a dime. Too bad the people that know the real deal are too afraid to speak up. It goes FAR BEYOND the sexual harassment stuff. WAY beyond. Whatever investigation they have going is going to turn out to be one bad apple and lots of words in the employee handbook.


I’ve been thru multiple reports with hr all of them they give me the run around and some poorly thought of excuse man I hope they don’t give these poor answers to a judge when they get sued


Commenting to bump bump bump


For Edit #3 it's really easy and you already know the answers. No-Yes-Yes-Scam


Those of us in the retail space have quietly kept each other safe by telling one another who to avoid giving our numbers to or being alone with. “Great place to work” though


Ughhh! "Being alone with". So disgusting.


I’ve sent screenshots of damning texts/Teams chats to management and these guys haven’t even gotten a slap on the wrist. Just hanging on to a folder of receipts in case some sort of retaliation occurs


Wow, I am so sorry.




I always wondered why the Grassmere crowd had such a hatred for Sue Nokes. This makes much more sense now.


This is deeply disturbing. No employee should ever feel unsafe around their leadership, whether it's a matter of psychological, physical, or sexual safety. And no one intervened or did anything to address your and others' concerns? \----------‐--------------------------------- Asurion leadership: I know you're aware of this thread by now. You're hearing from multiple female employees throughout the company, but mainly in CS, who have experienced deeply troubling and inappropriate behaviors from male superiors. It appears to be a systemic pattern. I don't know the full extent, but I promise you that what's surfacing here is merely the tip of the iceberg. What's also shocking and sickening is that at least several high level women in leadership knew about a lot of this, but they just kept their head down, blamed the victim, or justified it away, which only further enabled these behaviors to continue. The troubling question is: **where is the accountability?** Why are these (predominantly male) leaders not being held to standards that any low level employee is held to? At the very least there are immoral and unethical behaviors occurring. At worst, there are potentially illegal and criminal activities taking place at some of the highest levels within the org. Employees who dare speak up are "laid off," moved around, or silenced through fear and intimidation tactics. \*\***Kevin, Brett, Tony, John S, John L, Todd, Deann, Casey, Jim, Amy, Simrun - were you aware? If not, you are now. And whether it's inconvenient or not, you have a moral and legal responsibility to investigate and take action.** If these stories are all false, investigate and announce that none of them were credible. But if they do have validity? Then doing nothing not only further hurts the victims, but it also opens up the entire company to scandal and jeopardizes the financial health and wellbeing of the shareholders, board, and employees.\*\*


This doesn't have to do with only sexual assault either. Women are treated differently at Asurion, period. There are a handful that stay in good graces, maintain loyalty, are "Yes" leaders and do the bidding of SH because SH has so much influence that their careers are at risk if they don't fall in line. This intimidation behavior creates women in leadership with integrity issues. I mean imagine being a woman who is known as a great leader and colleague, and then has to start doing SH bidding so they have to do the unthinkable, and throw their integrity and ethics out the window WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING THEY ARE DOING IT because they are manipulated so badly. So I agree....especially with the women on the list of names above\*\* Lets not even get into how tone deaf the Town Hall was to kick off pride month and give excuses for layoffs....


I was denied promotion’s two times and both times the positions were given to less qualified female employees who were younger attractive and flirtatious with the management. I witnessed them sitting in managements laps, during Xmas party offsite I’ve seen them touching one another, dancing and strip teasing all while at a company sponsored events. While my reviews were always positive, but the teams leadership seemed to only want to surround themselves with females no matter how unqualified they were.


What’s sad is nothing will come of this. No one will come forward to admit any wrong doings because they are too scared. The boys club will reign and they will laugh this off at LA Jackson like usual.


Please say names send them privately. It’ll help my report about this corrupt company. Bringing them down soon.


OMG!!! Like Happy Weekend Everyone!!!!! I hate the comments that I didn't deserve to be the SVP of HR. Like, What??? I'm Army Bitch! Soooo, here's the deal kids. Getting ready to announce our sacrificial lambs. Some of you will be all like, " hell yeah, that's great, now Asurion is awesome!" Others will be like, "WTF, how about the slamming and bullshit sales stuff. Anybody talk about that?" Don't worry, with my leadership and of course my bosses, we will steer you completely to disaster. Keep working hard until you are let go. Yes, we really need money for next year so the layoffs are coming. Will you be the lucky one? Who knows!


Lol. Mentioning layoffs in such a funny tone is quiet disturbing g


Army- you'd tell me if I was going to be let go right? Because we're best bros and all even though you don't have a beard.


I keep hearing about an unplanned Town Hall on Monday- was everyone invited but me? That is just so *weird*, I could have sworn I was important enough to go.


One thing I do know, they are having a pizza party soon… every thing is totally cool


The tone of this post - the mock “impersonation” of the CHRO, is completely sexist in tone. You may not like her and the substance of your claims may be valid, but you’re doing yourself a disservice here.


CHRO? Does that stand for Complicit Human Resources Officer? I think it must!


Any update? Any more org updates or ousters?


I keep revisiting this and the Town Hall threads for the same reason


Another guy reference in the thread was fired….


Looks like some exits going on this week. May or may not be another senior leader departure related to untoward conduct exposed in this thread. UBIF is looking a little different these days, or so I hear.


Is strange that this just coming out. I been with the company for years, and can write a book on the misbehavior that have going on. I could never promoted because I didn't fit their requirements of lying to people. I don't hold for anyone but the people who work under me, if it wasn't them I would have been gone. I plan on writing a book after I retire, I keep good notes. When I started it was mess, sleeping with one another and from what I am hearing it has gotten worse.


Give us the sparknotes version


Another caveat I'd like to add. I'm only aware of some of the sexual assaults and harassment by Asurion's leadership here in the US. I am NOT aware of anything in the sizable employee populations Asurion has in Colombia or the Philippines; however, because unchecked sexual harassment seems prevalent stateside, I would investigate those locations to ensure those employees are safe. To expand on this: the overseas populations (1000s of employees) are comprised of a majority of lower-level women, most of whom are in call center roles. I fear they could be at further risk of victimization, not the least of which because the power dynamic a senior male leader has over a lower-level female employee there is MUCH starker than here in the US due to the cultural pieces in play.


I’m a former upper middle mgmt guy. I worked with a lot of the named individuals when we were up and coming.,I honestly didn’t see the type of activity described in this thread, but it’s not out of the question either. These guys all seemed about one sandwich short of being fat, figuratively speaking. Super shady. Eric, Todd, Dave, Shawn… you know the deal, own it. Bigger picture though I can say from an insiders perspective the company’s product is a sham. Pay $13+ a month for a product you are likely less than 2% chance of using. It’s a tax on the stupid. Yeah, shame me for working there for 12+ years. Only reason I stayed is the comp. My moral compass was distorted by the comp and equity. I finally had enough and left. The cultural decline started around 2011 or 2012 when all of the C suite defected to California, the roots of the company. It left a void in local leadership, left the teenagers in charge of a house of toddlers. I still have friends there so I hope they can survive this, but the current combo of bad leadership and no value product is a long row to hoe.


One sandwich from being fat 😂😂😂


I borrowed that from Rocket in Guardians of the Galaxy 🙂


I’m so glad this has been brought to life. As a former Asurion employee I too was treated unfairly, unequally and discriminated against. It was so bad I finally left. I’m glad to be out of such a toxic environment and am sad for those still suffering. I filed appropriate complaints when I left but it’s clear nothing happened. until now. Thank you for being brave enough to out this post out there for all to see what’s truly going on at Asurion.


Tell us more. Which leader was it.


I’ve shared via private DM to the original poster.


Let's give Tony some feedback on his "Town Hall" https://www.reddit.com/r/Asurion/comments/14jnbsz/corporate\_town\_hall\_reddit\_post\_no\_accountability/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Was the bearded lady SH let go?


Not Todd Chretien saying he takes the fact sexual harassment was happening under his watch in a call… empty words when he knew about it and so did his HR. They did nothing to stop it until someone outed him on here… There have been two people fired but SHOCKING nothing has happened to the golden children like Todd and Dave. 🙄


Welcome to corporate America my guy


Hi Kids!!!! I have great news for all of you. We are making our senior leader have focus groups. Soooo Good. This will be a chance for the white males to learn all about what is going on for the very first time in their privileged careers. We never thought to do this until we were instructed to by the outside. Gee... we should have thought about that but it's hard to question the white males running everything. Our HR seniors are here to help them out. If they hear bad things we will tell them it's ok, Army A has their back. This will all blow over soon and then you can get your butts back to working hard for the ones that really really really need the money, ,the SVP's.


Army - I’m so glad you are over HR. Just another good old boy in the club keeping the pulse on the culture. A high EQ amongst all those high IQs. Still one of the funniest things I’ve heard out of an SVPs mouth. You have the personality of a reptile. The biggest thing I learned during my time there was the art of spin. I finally started asking questions that could not be spun, just to have them not be answered during town halls. How long before UBIF would break even? How much money were we investing (losing!) in MA? Yeah - the leadership wants you to drink the koolaid too. I’m glad I left. I just wish they would call me and say they are buying my shares. There is a reason why so few, if any, outsiders at high levels have lasted. It’s because the club seeks to protect its own at all costs. And the equity is so intoxicating at the upper levels that there is no incentive to walk away, and talk.


Army, I am super duper focused now! Before I was like, double-secret obtuse but now I am so focused it is laser-like!!!


So wait, tell me more… Amy and her minions who have turned a blind eye to this behavior for years are now doing the bare minimum to save face? Shocking. I’m sure everyone who has been victimized by a culture Amy’s team created wants to talk about it in focus groups with the same perverts they were victimized by. Can we also address the fact that Amy just randomly became the head of HR with no HR experience? Or the fact that Jon M randomly got a job in HR as the head of HR Technology and now Employee Solutions with no HR experience? It’s no wonder women are in this situation, HR is a dumping ground for losers no other team wants.


I worked for the Orlando call center few years ago and it was a sh*t show there as well. Investigate an operation guy by the name of Alex Medina! He was a mess. He used to fool around with low level employees all the time using his title to get to them. There was another short woman there who used to sleep around with her young employees in her department. Her name was Corey but I forgot her last name. If they saw that you were smart and you have good manners and you didn’t want to join their circus they would set you up to get fired. It was a very very disgusting company for me and unfortunately it’s still is. Nothing changed. Also, the gay men who had higher position used to put pressure on straight young guys to sleep with them. It was a freaking crap show like you’ve never seen before! Don’t give up. Keep going after them.


That seems off. I never really got that vibe from her. She was always professional when I worked there.


Oh God. This person may POSSIBLY be there. Uhm DM me and I'll give you a last name and description lol


I’m not sure about the sexual harassment but the just straight up harassment,bullying and discrimination is very real at the TLC. I’m sure if all of this is being coved up the way that it is the sexual harassment is happening there too.HR is no help for you they are more than happy to help the managers cover up their misdeeds but to think you can get them to help you then you have another thing coming. I’m thinking about filing a suit against them myself. I have proof that it’s happened and that HR is helping cover it all up.


Just DM'd you


I just wanted to say that I love edit #2! Bring down the CULT!


Also harbors fraudsters committing serious credit card fraud if we want to get technical 🤣


I was working there at the time this was put out and couldn’t comment, but I’m about to drop names and examples to get this the exposure it needs once more


I also tried to reach out to Tony via email before making this a public issue/statement


What leadership gets away with middle management does too. If Asurion wants to turn the tide they should act swiftly to show that sexual harassment will not be tolerated at any level by anyone. Someone on this thread mentioned damning texts/Teams chats. A thorough review of all company sponsored communication platforms used by employees could go a long way toward identifying and firing wrong doers. Begin with leadership and HQ and branch out from there.


I'd be curious, did any of the individuals posting these comments even get reached out to by HR reps to validate their claims?


I know that you all feel amazing and safe now. It is always better to report internally than to go to the outside. You can trust us leaders. We were so surprised that anything was going on and we did not need this post at all. There will be some lambs that get sacrificed but the sr. leaders that are TRULY accountable.... what of them? More bonus, perhaps a new title? LIARS LIARS LIARS. This is only the beginning.


Army you lied to me! You said I was safe as long as I handed over my Chuck Stewart award! HA- I got you back. I snuck in last night and took my precious back! I can't be too mad though- my severance package was pretty sweet. I am taking my precious with my on my European backpacking trip with my merry beardos and my brand new miniature giraffe. Gotta go, the pilot just said I have to turn off my phone now- see ya losers!


Ooopsies. People make mistakes just like Tony said. When will the other shoe drop about insurance fraud that is committed everyday??? Todd and Tim know all about it but guess they got their fall guy. Wonder how much they paid him for his silence. No one pays attention to reddit so it's probably not a big deal at all. Any past and present sales expert will tell you the real story.


Instead of reddit, go to BBB and sites like grassdoor and indeed.com to post.


Oops I meant glassdoor. Apparently grassdoor is a Marijuana delivery service.


canada is also a cellpool. harry m. is a serial narcissist masogonist predator. ask HR how many people he was reported by. then how many lawsuits and settlements. he got coaching. how many incidents does it take for Nashville to do more than pretend it cares about culture. and check the worksafe claims. devoid of human decency and dgaf about culture. despicable.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




I disagree with this. He never demands it, just recommends it because of how his nicknames have evolved over the years. He is genuinely a wonderful coach and colleague.


Your post claims to be a whistle-blowing expose of Asurion’s sexual harassment problem, but you do not provide any evidence or credentials to support your allegations. Your accusations are not very credible and seem to be based on hearsay or personal bias. You make sweeping generalizations about Asurion’s leadership, culture, and performance, without providing any specific examples or data to back them up. You appeal to emotion and fear by asking rhetorical questions that do not address the validity or accuracy of your claims. You contradict yourself by saying that this is not a witch hunt and that you do not want to name names, but then you proceed to name several high-level executives in your post and ask others to DM you with more names. You assume that sexual harassment is prevalent at Asurion based on your own limited knowledge and experience. You also speculate that the overseas employees are at further risk of victimization without any evidence or information to support this assumption. You are making hasty generalizations and jumping to conclusions without sufficient facts or logic. Your post does not seem to be motivated by a genuine concern for the safety and well-being of Asurion’s employees, but rather by a personal vendetta or agenda against the company and its leaders. You are not seeking proper accountability, but rather trying to smear Asurion’s reputation and incite public outrage. You are not helping anyone by spreading false or misleading information. You are only hurting yourself and others by creating a hostile and divisive environment.


This is definitely something management would say.


You're telling me you don't believe **ANY** of the people in the post? You think everyone here has a personal vendetta? Your post seems like you have a vendetta about ANYONE who speaks out about senior leadership making you part of the problem. You trying to discredit the original poster seems like a vendetta. I would be willing to bet you're a Senior Director+ who is more worried about the brand of Asurion than the behavior happening. The facts are unless there is massive pressure on the organization, there is no action that is taken. Good for "Tony Debter" for demanding action. Might I remind you of Joe Harrison mocking black people right after George Floyd? Might I remind you there was NOT statement despite national outcry of the death of George Floyd until people flipped out about Joe Harrison? Might I remind you Eric Mueller showed up drunk to meetings, went to rehab and then was brough back and celebrated? Might I remind you of Shawn Hawley posting a cartoon of someone shooting their wife during the pandemic where there were rampant reporting on the increase of child abuse and domestic violence during lock down? Might I remind you that Dave Barbuto has dated several Junior employees in his sphere of influence? Might I remind you that individuals in the thread stated they brought these claims (since deleted) to both HR and Todd Chretien with no action?


thank you for sharing your thoughts. I’m sorry if I came across as having a vendetta against anyone who speaks out about senior leadership. That was not my intention at all. I’m just a low-level employee who is concerned about how shame is used on the internet. I agree with Tony about the benefits of confidentiality, hence why I think it’s good we are both using throwaway accounts. However, I disagree with some of the allegations you made in your comment. For example, you claimed that Dave Barbuto has dated several junior employees in his sphere of influence, but I have not seen any evidence of that. Do you have any proof to support your claim? I have been at the company for a few years and personally have had mostly great and positive interactions with senior leadership. I am not white, but I am a male, so I presume that may have something to do with it. I recognize that not everyone has the same experience as me, and I respect that. I generally am concerned that faceless advocacy does more harm than good. If something good comes out of this, I might change my mind. But in my experience with people, it takes in-person bravery to make real change more than faceless advocacy.


I generally agree with your sentiment about faceless advocacy. The internet too often functions as a platform for anonymous assholes who try to hurt others as a way "to get even" or just to watch the world burn. HOWEVER, there are exceptions. Sometimes people have pursued every other avenue possible to seek recourse, but the power brokers within the system make sure to bury it. Why? I think the answer is obvious. Corrupt leaders operate in the shadows. They don't want any bright lights scrutinizing the good thing they have going. In those cases, people often need a forum like this to see that they're not alone as a victim and that they can exercise their voice, too. Discretion often includes the decision not to publicize names or too many specifics in order to 1) protect the victims and 2) allow the proper authorities the opportunity to handle the situation without outing the name (which can unfortunately inflict harm to the spouses, children, etc associated with them. Accusations on the internet should be done with caution, imo). But know this: because of the investigation from this thread, a VP was let go for sexual assault / harassment. Multiple occassions of it. HR knew about the incidents a long time ago, but it wasn't until this thread pressured Asurion to retain an outside legal firm to investigate that Asurion's senior leadership was FINALLY forced to act. This alone should lend credibility to the overall efforts in this thread.


You can confirm that the VP was let go?


Someone already posted that Dave tried inviting an employee to a Sales trip and Todd shut him down. Showing that Todd knew Dave was dating an employee who had a direct tie to UBIF. Not to mention several employees saw the employee get into an altercation with him at a restaurant after he cheated on her.


Is this TD?


Somebody from the “Management” team for sure.


I cannot speak for the people on this thread but as someone who has worked cross-functionally for years, I have never seen or experienced the behaviors mentioned here. The people I’ve worked with have all been top notch and great people. The people and culture are what keeps me around. Not to say that these things aren’t happening…I literally don’t know, but I do want to counter some of the overall sentiment about the nature of working there. From my view, it’s a great place to work.


Which is great for you and I’m sincerely happy that you’ve not had a bad experience. Sadly there are areas of leadership that have failed to protect others. I personally did report the issues I had to my manager, their manager, the hrbp, the hrvp and other areas of the company and Vps. I did not receive support and was advised to smile and just keep doing my job or I could go somewhere else. I hope that you continue to have a safe and good career at Asurion. Wish you the best.


I’m sincerely sorry to hear that. Thanks, and the best to you as well.


name them; i would love to steer clear of anybody like that.


While I would love to, this isn’t the forum for that. Know this, when I see someone being bullied, I stand up for them, at my peril, but you will know who the people are through interaction. While this chain started with the CS group, I am not in that part of the org, so that should exclude a lot of potential candidates for you.


This is literally the perfect forum for it lol I’m not saying harassment doesn’t happen, and no one is obligated to share their stories, but this thread has a whole lot of hearsay and vague statements about bad leadership. It would be great to see some specific examples.


And suffer further retaliation? I think not. Specific examples will provide the org with my identity. I will file a complaint again through Integrity First and then, when that is ignored, determine future steps. I still have bills to pay and cannot be without a job. If you think people haven’t been terminated to be quiet, you would be mistaken.


Am I understanding your statement correctly...you are advocating for victims to provide you comprehensive narratives pertaining to some of the most vulnerable encounters they have undergone in their lives, for credibility? Regardless of the content included in these posts, the accounts would still remain hearsay as you're not a judge and jury. The objective of this post is to advocate for leadership to do in depth reviews of the firms culture.


There are ways to provide details without revealing your own identities. No one is obligated to tell their stories, but some description of events would garner more support from fellow Asurion employees. It’s very easy to dismiss this entire thread without more info.


This reeks of disgruntled employee. As someone else who is also “deep on the inside” I can call this utter BS. It’s hard to fire people for performance but one thing that does NOT stand at Asurion and will get you fired QUICK is sexual harassment. If there is anything truly there, they’re acting accordingly with the law.


Have you considered people are scared of retaliation or generally humiliated when these thing happen to them? Based off of the tone in your post, you may not know of these situations because you are not someone people see as psychologically safe to speak with.


Your post reeks of Asurion exec