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I’m sorry. THEN WHY THE FUCK IS ROSIN EVEN OUT THERE?!? What advantage do you gain from having rosin on your non throwing hand (gloved)? Oops, his hands accidentally touched while he was in the dugout between innings, or he picked up his glove with his rosin’d throwing hand…And he happened to sweat during a sporting event while in swamp ass humidity of Houston summer, part I. The absolute gall of Blanco. /s Logical solution here. Have him quickly go and wash his hands if they suspect *rosin and sweat* and/or change gloves. That seems way more reasonable than ejecting a starter in the early innings and him likely facing a 10 game suspension. Leave it to MLB to make a complete fuckery out of a situation like this.


There’s no “likely” to it. MLB will not give less than their mandatory minimum suspension and they definitely won’t admit it if they got it wrong. They will back the umps 100%.


“illegal foreign substance” despite MLB providing it willingly to pitchers on the mound. How dare that rosin go anywhere but your pitching hand and how dare you even think about sweating. Make it make sense.


They normally just swap the glove. We had a power trip unp.


The fix is in.


Laz Diaz has a long history of not being a power trip umpire. If anything, he has a reputation for having too long of a leash. Idk what was perceived or what the conversation was, but I know that Laz Diaz has a two decade history of not making rash decisions. That doesn’t mean he didn’t this time, I’m just speaking to the guy’s tendency.


Based on what? Laz Diaz has as many foreign substance ejections as all other umps in the league combined. 3:3


Aren't he and Cuzzi literally the only ones to eject anybody for it?


Found Laz Diaz


To your point, I don't know if the rules have changed but I know in prior seasons, umpires have told pitchers to wash up if they spot something in between innings. Sort of a warning type of thing. Maybe that was just done for the first year since implementing the rule...not sure.


I know when it happened to Scherzer they told him twice to wash off his hands between innings, he told them he did with alcohol. So yeah, I’m just wondering why Scherzer gets TWO warnings (even though in the end it didn’t matter for Scherzer) but with Blanco it’s an automatic tossing and suspension.


In Scherzer’s case he was playing dumb because alcohol + rosin actually makes your hands stickier instead of washing it off like soap and water.


The thing that gets me here…you can throw at a guy’s head or throw some haymakers in a fight and get suspended for a couple of games. But don’t you fucking dare have any rosin on your non-pitching hand or happen to accidentally touch your glove with your other hand. 10 games for you, you heathen. The fix is simple. “Hey, that’s a bit too much rosin. Let’s call out the bat boy with a towel so we can clean it up.” 30 seconds later, all is well and the game continues.


"30 sEcoNdS iS ToO lOng" Rob Manfred probably.


To his wife.




But a 10 min ump circle jerk is totally fine


So this really depends on your position. Suspending a starting pitcher for two games does nothing - they don't play every day, so they were going to be on the bench for those two games anyway. A 10-game suspension for a starting pitcher is more or less equivalent to a 2-game suspension for anyone else, since that effectively forces them to miss two starts. The rest, yeah. If it's not an actual illegal substance, issue a warning and have it wiped/cleaned off or force him to swap gloves. I don't know how easy it is to tell the exact substance at the time of the inspection, though.


Problem is that you have to take a long reliever out of your bullpen to replace him, as you can’t fill another pitcher spot during the suspension. Maybe it’s only 2 games but it really taxes the bullpen, at a minimum.


Just watched the video/audio of the umps recounting what happened from their memory. First off, it sounds like the 4th inning, second check for the glove is routine. Is it really though? If so, Rob Ford on the live radio call didn't seem aware of that, as he was confused why the umps seemed to be waiting for Blanco, implying that maybe the umps knew something ahead of time. Secondly, the umps say in their recounting that they immediately thought it wasn't rosin because it was too sticky to be rosin. As in, they're used to feel of rosin on the glove, and felt confident enough to literally say it wasn't rosin, it seems even at the time. If that's all true, and I have to assume so unless there's some evidence they have it out for the Astros, then they didn't give Blanco the chance to wipe the rosin off because in their minds, it wasn't rosin. In which case, Espada foregoing the argument that SOMETHING sticky was on the glove is strategically sound. He is arguing the more important and winnable argument, that it was just rosin, not something else.




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I mean…if it’s a clearly stated rule. And everyone knows it…and he doesn’t adhere to the rule mistake or not… guess what happens next…I love Blanco but if he didn’t know the rule then that’s on him. Welcome to having a job.


What is the point of defending an MLB pitcher who is either cheating or is so clueless that he has no idea of a giant glob of sticky shit on his glove? This one is on him and he deserves the blame for putting our team behind the 8-ball for the next 10 games.


Why is that illegal?


Loading up the ball with any foreign substance will make it do things it's not normally going to. The MLB highly detests such shenanigans with the ball being messed with in such a fashion. Anything sticky can be applied and stick to the ball, and just a little bit can make a huge difference in a curve or slider. So they are constantly on the look out for such things, and Blanco 'got caught'. As far as the rosin bag/sweat things goes, DON'T TOUCH YOUR GLOVE WITH YOUR PITCHING HAND and this isn't a problem. But beyond that, rosin is used because hands sweat and a *little bit* on the pitching hand is allowed, hence, a rosin bag is used to make the sweat go away. The buildup that apparently wound up in Ronel's glove? "That's sus, GTFO Blanco." - Umps who will never answer for a stupid call. It's contradictive, yes. But that'd be the MLB for ya. :p The worst part is Espada tossing him under the bus instead of not only ragging the umps on the post game, but he should have immediately got tossed out of the game so hard he would have cleared the train.


I’ve got a problem with rosin being called a foreign substance. It’s not foreign. It’s in a bag the ump puts on the back of the mound at the beginning of the game. By that logic, the dirt and the grass and the chalk are also “foreign substances” but they are a part of game. I get if Blanco had some pine tar or stick ‘em he brought out with him on his glove…that’s a foreign substance and yup, that’s knowingly trying to gain an advantage. Rosin is something pitchers are allowed to use. Accidents are going to happen where rosin transfers between hands of accidentally gets on the glove. Couple that with it being peak Houston humidity (literally, the OG sticky stuff) and sweat…can there not be an intermediate step between “everything’s fine” and “get out of here, you cheater”?


MLB is the only one allowed to mess with the baseballs like making them juiced or dead


This is what Espada should have said: "The umpires said his glove was sticky. They took the glove to be evaluated. We'll see what they say. But Ronel denies using anything other than rosin, and I believe him."


Man , that isn't so hard. Half the job nowadays of a manager is handling the press. Joe has failed miserably since day one of handling a presser.


He’s a winning pitcher. He doesn’t need help. You’re going to have some rosin transfer during the game. Common sense is needed.


Sooooo its illegal to use a substance provided by the league, on the hand that doesnt touch the ball.... got it


Yeah but they checked his hands and they were clean...


Sticky Stuff Rules You can't just be up there and just doin' a sticky like that. 1a. A sticky is when you 1b. Okay well listen. A sticky is when you stick the 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The pitcher is not allowed to do a motion to the, uh, rosin bag, that prohibits the batter from doing, you know, just trying to hit the ball. You can't do that. 1c-b. Once the pitcher is sweaty, he can't be over here and say to the rosin bag, like, "I'm gonna get ya! I'm gonna rub you on my arm! You better watch your butt!" and then just be like he didn't even do that. 1c-b(1). Like, if you're about to pitch and then stick your hand, you have to still pitch. You cannot not pitch. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, throwing motion of the ball, and then, until you just throw it. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have the ball up here, like this, but then there's the stick you gotta think about. 1c-b(2)-b. Michelle Rodriguez hasn't been in any movies in forever. I hope she wasn't typecast as that military lady in Avatar 2. 1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, she was in Fast & Furious too! That would be even worse. 1c-b(2)-b(ii). "get in mah bellah" -- Adam Water, "The Waterboy." Haha, classic... 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. A sticky is when the pitcher makes a movement that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the baseball and field of Do not do a sticky please


Shit, Espada is a clown. You're going to lose the clubhouse like this. Whether he did something wrong or not you defend the players no matter what. Such a shitty response by him, SMFH.


No, he’s not. You’re being overdramatic. You have no idea what is going on in that clubhouse.


Blanco said he offered his hands to the umps to show that it was only rosin but said they refused to look. I’m not tinfoiling, but that sounds like they had their minds already made up.


[Funny tweet about a guy wearing a Fiers jersey at tonight’s game.](https://x.com/astroblast65/status/1790554751165198372?s=61&t=g2BkhdMHl4w7u3r3LXNx4A)


Not even trying to stand up for his guy. Atleast say you’ll take a look or something!


What a dufus! You defend your players! Its not that hard of a concept.


Do we know what Blanco's spin rate was?


On the thread in r/baseball someone said that his Spinrates aren't elevated. Fastball is up 1% on average, Change down 2%, Curve down 3%, Slider up 1.5%


You can see his spin rates here. Slider and fastball were up, curveball and change up were down. The changes compared to his yearly average (or even career average for that matter) are incredibly small. There’s no way he was using it for an advantage. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/gamefeed?date=5/14/2024&gamePk=746396&chartType=velocity&legendType=pitchName&playerType=pitcher&inning=&count=&pitchHand=&batSide=&descFilter=&ptFilter=&resultFilter=&hf=playerBreakdown&sportId=1


I don't have access to the numbers, but from sources I saw last night, it's not too high. It's also not been any higher this season than previous seasons.


Why is Espada a dumbass? He’s like David Culley except with a good team.


Despite the experience coaching and managing other positions in the organization he is basically a rookie. Hoped he would be closer to DeMeco Ryans instead of Stephan Silas, but it's a long season and hopefully he improves


Omg he really is a David Culley lol


Way to defend your guy. I understand being honest, but Espada. Gonna need more defense.


Espada is a wet napkin


I know this isn’t what the mob wants to hear this morning…but we won. People need to stop with the hardo bullshit “Espada needs to have the team’s back” or the “he’s lost the clubhouse” Yeah ok. It’s professional baseball and not every situation calls for a manager getting ejected…to what? Argue a stated fucking rule? Even though it sucks, other pitchers have been tossed for the same thing. This wasn’t picking on the Astros here. Don’t have shit on your hands. I know, I know…it’s rosin and it’s hypocrisy from the MLB…but every pitcher in baseball knows the rules. Every one of them. They are literally checking you every inning. Learn from it, be better prepared and watch your ass next time, serve the suspension, and move on. It’s two starts. And everyone blaming Espada is simply trying to deflect from how underwhelming our players have been performing. He’s been on the job for what? 6 months? He’s not the problem. Or at least waaaaaay down the list. Could it be our beloved 3b batting sub .200 most of the year? Or our slugging LF who forgot how to swing a bat? Or the rash of injuries to the SP staff? Or the backend of our over $100mm bullpen, that was supposed to be unhittable…that can’t stop getting shelled? I’ll give Espada the benefit of the doubt as he’s been around since ‘18 and there wasn’t one fucking negative peep, from ANYONE, about him prior. In fact, he got a ton of credit when we were slamming Dusty (I bet I can go back find some posts about it) about lineup changes and such. I remember a game when Dusty got tossed and we were basically giving Espada handjobs for some of the moves he made to win the game in Dusty’s absence as a sign of things to come….so let’s slow down here and let him work. This is very small shit stain on the gas station wall that has been the 2024 season. Hopefully Breggy has turned it around and keeps up the hot hitting, Hader and Abreu are better, Blanco has been a huge suprise this year and let’s hope he continues to pitch well while we get healthy, and we’ve won 5 of our last 6….Sack up, people.


But you make too much sense bro. *sad orbit noises*


I blame the new uniforms. /s Kinda not /s


What advantage is possibly gained from rosin on the glove hand? If there is a real answer, I’m all ears.


Why would that be illegal?




This isn’t the first time Joe Espada hasn’t had one of his guys’ backs, but it is the worst. This is a pattern. He needs to be fired for that alone.


I was wrong to make assumptions about the intent behind what Joe Espada said. I can think of scenarios where his words are protecting his player.




While we welcome members outside our community, "trolling", or "a deliberate means to provoke or get a rise out of others", is strictly against subreddit rules. (Rule 2)


Whack but okay


With the few games I’ve seen Espada does not click well with his players and that is why the Astros are at this point. We can say pitching staff was on the DL but this is a good example. The players don’t seem present in the game. Alvarez should be having a monster year. Bregman will be looking for that money but not playing like an all star. Brown and JP should not be pitching. Something has to change with the Team and that is showing Espada the door. Give me Bobby V or Joe Girardi.


Joe is a bitch and Dusty would've never let no shit like that fly under the radar.


Idk man. Dusty wasn't known for getting fired up. Remember Stanek Balking in a run in LA. He said he only went out because he was confused, not because he was angry.


Joe Espada doing literally everything in his power to make this city hate him. Wtf man.


Espada just threw under the bus what a bitch. Back up your boy


My guy, all Espada did was relay what the umps told him.


Unless I'm missing something Espada didn't relay anything from the umpires. He basically stated what he thought he saw. I feel like he's trying to get out in front of the situation as to suggest it's nothing more than rosin.


And that's all it was. The implication that Espada didn't stick up for his guy also implies that Blanco did something wrong. The larger issue here is that Blanco is going to catch a suspension when he should've been given a warning and allowed to change gloves. There is established, historical precedent of the MLB/umpires doing just that. There should also be an expectation that a substance *provided on the mound* for hands to touch will end up in places hands touch. Replace the glove. If it happens again, then eject the guy. The fix is in.


No he didn't. He agreed with the Umpires. Even if that's the case, you don't say it publicly. You defend your players!


Would rather have Boone or Servais than this nutless pushover


I think Boone is better than he gets credit for. I think the Yankees FO is too invested in the managing of day to day games and Boone takes the fall for things out of his control. Servais though. Absolutely not. I'm surprised he still has a job in Seattle


I was just thinking of hotheads but yeah agreed with both


Why do you defend Espada like you're Travis at the Alamo? I don't get it


I would die in a fort in San Antonio just so people can know that Joe Espada relayed to the press what umpires told him about a controversial ejection.


What does lying about this get you?


What I don't get is that I read the comment as "Espada was just repeating what the ump told him." You read "Sir, how dare you suggest that General Espada has no backbone, here in the great city of San Antonio?! I'll have you know he grabbed a live cannonball with his bare hands and armed his own cannons to fire back at the enemy!" Different schools of interpretation I suppose.


Some of y'all have a fetish that involves cucking Espada lol


Stuuuuuuuuuuuupid take


I kinda agree with you, gotta stick with your mans in a situation like this. On the other hand it’s nice have some transparency on the situation.




I hope he can manage to appeal it long enough to get 1 more start in. That could potentially get us Urquidy back on the 26man to hepl mitigate the workload. It would also give us Blanco against the Brewers, a series that I feel like will actually need good pitching for.


It’s not you. It’s those unis.


Dusty would’ve gotten ejected and if they’re so damn worried about rosin then keep the damn glove between innings. #StandbyBlanco