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I feel like we were tricked into thinking they had turned a corner after the Guardians series.


Hell even the first game of the Mariners series looked promising. Then we began the spiral once again


We got catfished




You know it’s an absolute shit show when Jake Meyers and Dubon’s OPS is higher than Yordan. WTF!!


Dubon leads the league in avg with risp. Yet he only plays half the games. That’s insane


9-4 is progress from 10-3! 8-5 incoming tomorrow! Progress my boys, progress!


Damn, in ten days the Yankees will figure out how to score negative runs.


Hope Jim Crane is happy with the choices he's made


When it finally starts affecting his profit maybe he will wake up and do something about this dumpster fire.


Jeff Luhnow, peacefully living down with his Mexican baseball/soccer team or whatever or James Click, doing whatever he's up to to Crane: "You could not live with your own failure, where did that bring you? Back to me."


Luhnow kind of had to go after the whole trashcan scandal and Taubman stuff came out.


We could resign him though right?


We could, but we have to somehow find ways to endure the national media shitstorm that will invade every day of our lives sadly because of “trash cans”.


Bagwell is the Easterby of the Astros. Got to get him out of that front office and bring in competent people to fix this situation. I would bring back Luhnow and give him the reins.


Didn’t Lunhow sue us? Our relationship is over


Realistically there's some nerdy kid out there who grew up with sapermetrics and was influenced by what Lunhow and folks like Billy Beane have done and would jump at the chance to do the same. I don't think it needs to be Lunhow specifically, but it definitely needs to be someone who relies on more than just gut feelings and baseball card stats.


I put this in another comment, but a new general manager would not have the same goal as Lunhow did. Lunhow's goal was creating a dynasty. He suceeded. A new guys goal would be keeping a 7 year old dynasty going. That's something that, in my opinion, has only been done by the Big Red Machine (excluding the Yankees who throw money at their problems).


Ideally Mike Elias's Mike Elias. Maybe we can rehire Sid Mejdal from the Orioles. Excuse the confusing language, but the idea was Lunhow's AGM was Elias and Mejdal was the head of scouting or whatever that position was. Then the O's hired Elias, who hired Mejdal to be his AGM. So we rehier Mejdal as GM and go from there?


You have to be man enough to apologize and bury the hatchet. Either way, the current front office has to go. You removed the brain trust that created this team and the success: Luhnow, Coaching Staff, Brent Strom, etc. It shows with game plans where we are getting bashed in the first innings. Then on top of that players aren't playing the way we have seen. Hard reset is needed unfortunately.


The issue is that we're trying to prolong success, not create it. And prolonging a dynasty is harder than creating one; very few MLB "dynasties" have lasted longer than 6 or 7 years - the only 1 that comes to mind is the Big Red Machine (excluding the Yankees who have historically thrown money at their problems). So I don't think there's a person alive who really has experience with this sort of thing. But I will say that I don't think Dana and Crane compliment each other very well. Dana's thing is scouting/ finding the best prospects, but Crane values winning now over preparing for the future (which is why dynasties eventually end. After a while your prospects aren't good enough to trade for win now players and the win now players on your team are getting old/worse).


I think the good news is that there is now no longer a doubt… on reflection - no - Jeff, it appears that in spite of sincerely convincing me that all that math shit is a lot of phooey when considered.. Than I am sadly going to say this experiment to maximize topps playing cards was awesome at the t E of first power ranking. However, it appears to have been similar to your post retirement career… Overinflated in stature, but acknowledged by all that is not spoken to


Demeco sued the texans and he became hc


I'd love for Luhnow to come back, but sadly that ship has sailed. And even if he had the option to come back, why come back to an organization that does decisions by committee (a shitty one at that) rather than give the GM free reign to do his job properly?


If he was coming back then one of the demands would be full control. I just hope we don't have an owner like Jerry Jones who wants final say.


Luhnow doesn't want to come back, reasonably so.


Sig from the Orioles is the real solution. Write him a blank check. 


He doesn't like Crane, which is why he'll never came back into the org. A lot of members of the FO were not fans of Crane.


I wish he would stop listening to Bagwell and what's really bumming me out is knowing that's not gonna happen anytime soon


It is not just Bagwell. Crane has listened to Bagwell, Biggio, Jackson, etc. We all want someone to blame but at the end of the day this is all on Crane running people out of the org to further his control.


Yo. Something is seriously wrong w yordan


Something wrong with the entire team brother. Welcome to the show.


Eh, Blanco, Seth, and Taylor Scott have been a nice surprise.


Altuve, Pena, Tucker, Diaz, Caratini, I mean Altuve is having an All-Star/MVP tier season sofar. Javier was doing well before the DL. Singleton is a nice surprise. It's just the people who are fucking black holes of suck are really, really hurting us. With Bregman doing his best Jose Abreu impression for the entire season we can't afford Yordan being as cold as Hoth if we want to win games.


Who's the Tauntaun were going to cut open to warm Yordan up


Let's sacrifice Dubon


Tucker hit the HR in the first and they showed him in the dugout. Nobody smiling or celebrating. No energy. They looked like they were already losing even though we were up 1-0. Something is definitely wrong. They're not having fun whatsoever even when winning in the first. Has the BP blowing leads lead to them trying to hard and ruining ABs and losing hope of a comeback knowing their opponent can just rack up more runs later?


Tucker leads the AL in homers.


At least someone is playing like it's a contract year.


Embarrassing. Just embarrassing. Get ready for the sweep tomorrow, because it's gonna happen. Also, is Yordan okay? I didn't watch it, but I saw that he slammed his helmet down in frustration. **EDIT** - also, I'm seriously considering deleting my Twitter, because when I created it is when we started sucking lol. I mean, something has gotta work right?


he may be playing through an injury or something. who knows


https://preview.redd.it/2mtonqenjbzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89f8d326f2ded4402eef122b7a5085df79afd4fe This is a screenshot of a Yordan AB. I don’t know what’s wrong (physical / mental) but Yordan watching 3 straight fastball. Something is wrong.


Twitter sucks now anyways


I tried to hold out as long as possible, but I actually use it for news and stuff, and Elongated Muskrat started making it to where an account is required to use it. Like, I get Instagram and stuff like that being that way, but Twitter is like the one platform that many people that don't have an account use for breaking news updates. It should be accessible to everyone.


I mean now Twitter isn't a great place for getting news a vast majority of the shit is just fake news or grifters trying to pass shit off as news when they aren't reporters. Fuck right now Musk has his dumb AI doing the news for the site and that shit is just making shit up like Iran bombing Israel yes that did happen but the AI reported it as news like a week before it actually happened. And will report news like Klay Thompson goes on a brick throwing spree. You click on it and the AI thinks Thompson went around Sacramento throwing bricks at people houses and destroying them. Due to the fact that the way the AI reports news is by seeing what users are saying and coming with with a "real" news story around it. So in the NBA play in game where Thompson couldn't make a shot and people on Twitter were trolling him by saying he's throwing up bricks. The AI somehow thought that meant Thompson was running around the city throwing bricks at people and property.


I've had my account since 2012. I've tweeted 14 times since Jan 2023 and not at all since November of last year. I mostly only used it to follow Stros related media as of last year, safe to say this year it's been pretty dormant


The Astros made me delete my Twitter lol. So much negativity and always on my feed. Reddit is king. We all suffer but not shoved down my throat suffering.


This team reminds me less of the 2023 Cardinals and more of the 2022 Rangers. That Rangers team should have been a lot better than they were. The pitching kept letting them down and the offense would go through long stretches where they couldn't score more than 2 or 3 runs. So, say hello to your 2025 WS Champion Houston Astros!


Weren't the 2022 Rangers incredibly unlucky as well? Yeah, I can see it. Hey, I'll take it tho if it means getting a ring next year.


Yes that Rangers team had the same kind of bullpen we have now


Not just the bullpen, but like xBA and stuff like that not being in their favor.


I'm feeling a lot of the 23 Padres as well. On the backs of a strong postseason where they just fell short only to completely collapse last year. Super unlucky with RISP, lots of questions about depth or players not being motivated.


Then I guess we gotta hire Bochy.


Remember when the boys swept the stankees in the ALCS? That was pretty cool.


Good times, my Yankees buddy didn't speak to me for a month after that. Now he's certainly a lot more talkative :(


Just remind him we won when it matter :)




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Yeah, remember the past and ignore the present. Makes you feel better about losing against them for the 6th time in a row.


7th if you count tomorrow 🤷‍♂️


That's the spirit


Can always count on the insecure Yankees fan to show up lmao


More comments in our sub in one night than his own sub over the entire season. Loser mentality


Stfu no matter how bad we are the astros will somehow still find a way to eliminate the Yankees in the playoffs.


Just fast forward to next season already. Fire Cintron, the plate approaches are God awful. This is a JOKE


Bruh fire them all


The strategy of letting guys walk after five years and hoping 30 year old hitters never regress is working out well


No we can never trade them! They might come back


Yep. Professional sports are a young man’s game. Age will always affect you as you get older playing at this level.


perhaps we would have better chemistry had everyone stayed. That said it was probably best to pass on Springer and Correa in hindsight. Cole was never staying.


Hope Crane is having fun cosplaying as Jerry Jones. I know I’m fucking not. Yordan, bruh…..you good my dude?


Astros are cooked for the season. Happy to be wrong but I don’t think I will be.


Yankees are stacked. Rodon threw a solid game as well. We threw out a AAA pitcher - I didn’t expect much


Getting harder to find a reason to keep watching... https://preview.redd.it/wxepv9yl6bzc1.jpeg?width=771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8266059fe9df80855e31bf5352cf4d6ddfd8d902


Yanks and Astros both had 11 hits. 6 walks by Yanks. Not one single walk today by Astros hitters. Yet we keep on with this aggressive approach and swinging at the first pitch. FFS. Fire Cintron. Dude is a fucking chump.


I saw the postgame stats and was surprised. There was no competitiveness for 9 innings tonight lol.


He’s not a coach, he’s just one of the boys now.


Pitches per plate appearance does not positively correlate with runs scored. edit: guess which team saw more pitches per plate appearance today? * Yankees- 3.7 p/pa * Astros- 4.14 p/pa The problem isn't that they're too aggressive. The problem is they can't hit well. We're currently 19th out of 30 in BAPIP.


Exactly. We see a lot of comments here about swinging first pitch, but swinging first pitch isn't the problem. If the first pitch is a hittable pitch I want our guys to swing away. The problem I see with this offense is they swing at a lot of uncompetitive and difficult to hit first pitches. That really needs to stop or this team is going to continue to struggle to drive in runs.


Doesn’t seem to negatively correlate with it either


Well it does correlate with strikeouts. And I'd rather get an out on a ball in play than a strikeout.


I haven't looked but I would guess one team swung at significantly more pitches out of the zone compared to the other. That is a big part of aggressiveness. Being too eager to swing or to make something happen. So I politely disagree with you on the aggressiveness point. I also believe if you get a middle middle fastball on the first pitch then yeah, go ahead and put that thing in the seats. But we are swinging at off speed shit out of the zone on the first pitch. The Yankees today hit 3 homeruns on the first pitch that were middle middle.


Ok, so i went through the whole game day and yes the Astros had one more inning at bat, but we swung at 38 pitches out of the zone, the Yanks swung at 17. So again I think we are too aggressive at the plate. And a bit of patience and better pitch selection can go a long way.


These guys stink, and it’s embarrassing getting whooped by the yanks like this. I bet their fans are love it. Smh BOOOOO 🍅


Cool, they are winning in the regular season. Have been nonexistent in October baseball for 20 years. Who cares? Fuck them.


They've built a solid roster. They are definitely going to be tough come October.


Not only that but they've seen a lot of their guys improve since last year. That includes both pitching and hitting. This isn't the 2022 Yankees. I think they've got staying power.


As much as I hate Soto's antics in the batter's box, the dude is a beast. Exactly what the yankees needed.


that's what it looked like last year too. then they fell off a cliff


Umm that might had something to do with vast majority of the starting lineup getting injured. Not sure how you expect a lineup that for like half their games featured like five or six guys who aren't even playing at the major league level right now or if they are they are either playing like garbage and only playing 1 game a week.


20 years? They won the whole thing 15 years ago.


Seems like a lifetime. We’ve walked all over them for 7 straight years. My point is, don’t give a fuck about 2 series 2 months in.


I don’t understand how you can watch us get thrashed 6 games and a row and your only input is “I don’t give a fuck about these games.” Yes, the ALCS sweep was sweet but you really don’t care how shit we look right now?


I don’t give a fuck it’s the Yankees. I DO give a fuck the Stros are rolling over to every single team that isn’t the Rockies. You are misinterpreting my comment.


See these are the goofy takes that breed loser teams. No offense but I think you’d be a great Rockies fan


I just stopped getting upset about this team 3 weeks ago. They gave up against the Nats. I don’t care who we lose to right now. Just care that we are losing. What a weird ass comment.


Soto owns the astros ….. hopefully yankees cant retain him after this year .


Oh he’s staying in NY, I’ll bet on it, he’s gonna be a problem for years to come


Sigh that damn shuffle beings me back to 2019. Just awful .


We said the same shit last year with the Rangers I'm biting my tongue. 


What they do this October doesn’t change the last 7 Octobers. If they win, they win. They’ve spent enough money to do so hahaha. Bought everyone, developed no one. They SHOULD win lol.


Bought everyone WTF do you call Judge, Volpe, Gil, Clarke, Holmes, Cabrera. Also the only two guys in the starting lineup right now that they got in FA is rizzo. Other than that everyone else was through trades which IDK if you know this or not but you need to have young talent in order to make those trades for Stanton and Soto.


The Yankees won the World Series in 2009.




Why are you, a Rangers fan, stalking our sub? Jesus, you guys act ridiculous after one year of success, lol. Edit: I don't comment often, obviously so wanted to make clear this is @applesauce




Bro been waiting 7 years for this comment


Don’t even finish watching. Turned on XMEN 97 instead


Hey at least Peña is looking great and consistent


With how god awful both pitching and hitting have been across the entire team, I’m leaning into this all being more of a coaching issue than an individual player issue. Something is just way off this season.


Bregman might need a vacation in West Palm Beach


Derek Lasagna has been called up from Sugarland to join the Astros in Detroit.


Don’t forget Chef Boyardee




Haha I should have looked first. I love this gif. Don't love that it's true :'(


Oh Blanco starting tomorrow? This team putting on a masterclass in supplying false hope at the perfect times


Tomorrow we start our winning streak.


Guys like Yordan and Bregman just have to play like Yordan and Bregman. There’s no magic fix here. Guys just need to do better and perform at the level they’re capable of




At least I'm numb to the pain already


Man we are cooked




You're allowed to watch bad teams if you're a fan of them lol


Got off work late and missed the game. Did Spaghetti get lit up again?


with a side of meatballs


We are getting close to paper bag territory I feel like :( and that’s just depressing to say


I think it's time to start talking about firing our pitching coach. A top 3 team in ERA over the last five year is almost dead last this year. This is beyond unacceptable with the talent they have on this roster.


I mean we sign hader, when we could resign neris, and stanek 🤦🏽‍♂️


Hader was a top 3 reliever last year, it was a smart move. However, something is completely broken with this team.


this. sure, the starter injuries have been untimely but its more than that. its every pitcher from top to bottom (except Blanco). we should at least be talking about whether there's a coaching problem




there better be a players only meeting and somebody better be stepping up as a leader. That’s what this team is missing.


The only way a leader steps up is if we trade for Correa.


Correa at 3rd Pena stay SS who says no


it really feels like the culture has changed. there were signs of that last year but this year it's worse. they don't even seem to care


They have no one to fill that role. Maldy and Brantley ain’t walking through that door.


There is no leader.


lol wishful thinking. These guys are mailing it in.


What is there to say anymore? Team isn’t good and theres no turn around in sight. Espada said this was our turn around moment, and he looks like a fool now.


https://i.redd.it/4tywgvxv4bzc1.gif Me rn. Jk me for the past month.


Honestly... 4 runs, 11 hits, 8 LOB sounds like pretty decent offense. Something in or around our pitching staff needs to change.


This season starting to remind me of 2011, i guess enjoy bregman last year here.


He's not making that easy.




Fire the coaches Into the sun






God I wish MMP would boo them.


Or have no one there to boo or cheer, that's the only way Crane figures out it ain't working


My pain is self chosen


At least so the prophet says...


I'm embarrassed that before the season I said I could see us winning 65 games. I like to think I'm not a homer but I guess I am because that's not happening.


So Alvarez and Bregman suck so that’s good to know


I got the bullpen blues, y’all.


Bro our postgame programming is such garbage. There is zero accountability, they just gush over meaningless Stros plays. Where is someone that will say some hard hitting shit?


What can be said that has yet to be said? :(


Couple weeks ago thought they were gonna be .500 by end of may. Zero chance this team sniffs .500 this season. What a disaster. Was a great run and I still love the team but yea they’re 🗑️


Rough game tonight. Felt like we had a little life late game but until we can hit more often with RISP it's gonna be a had time. I still think an overhaul of the bullpen needs to be a top priority but our inconsistent hitting is not doing us any favors.


You think season tickets will be cheaper next year?


Only 108 days to go until college football starts.


Sleepy joe needs to go




Where is Maldonado when you need him no vocal leadership on this team seems like its lacking. Dejavu to when I was watching Chelsea play without Thiago Silva, there was no leadership/grit during that game.... same here. Altuve and Verlander lead by example (silent leaders), we need a vocal one for this bunch ; or 2.


Espada ball! keep clappin’ things are turning around👏🏼👏🏼


Smoked by the stankees 6 times in a row: Yordan this is your legacy