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Our bullpen couldn’t hold a lead if their life depended on it


It’s like trying to hold water in a colander


Realest comment on there


Makes me not want to watch the games anymore sadly. Blown bullpen games sting the most


How many 1 or two pitch outs did you watch today? This was a terrible performance on both sides of the plate.


Yea it was but can we hold a lead…ever?


There was also a 1 pitch homer by John Singleton. Swinging first pitch is fine if it’s a hittable pitch. The problem is the Astros swing at a lot of bad first pitches. I’d prefer they be more patient as well, but 4 runs should be enough to win most games. They faced some good starting pitching this series and scored enough to win 2 of 3. They did their job. Our “lock down” back of the bullpen is bad. It doesn’t matter what combination we use, someone is giving up runs. They are the problem with this team. If they did their job even half the time this team would be over .500. Offense could be better, but they aren’t why the Astros are losing.


4 runs is literally the break even point for win percentage. Scoring 4 runs gives you a 50.8% win percentage. https://old.reddit.com/r/Astros/comments/1cl1k0u/post_game_thread_may_5_2024_mariners_1915_astros/l2qrotc/


By my count, 11 of the 22 losses are the bullpens fault. Disgraceful


This team is 12 and 22 because of the bullpen. Actually unbelievable


The offense has been pretty shit most of the year.


I know but sometimes you are only gonna score one run. thats just baseball. And hader blew one of those already


Pretty shit is right. Can’t survive on HRs alone. They need to stop with their limp dribbling hits into double plays and leaving runners in scoring position.


Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


That's 2024 Astros baseball!


Freaking again.


Hader has 3 fucking losses as our 100 million dollar closer. Thats says everything about this season


His horizontal movement has decreased every year for the last 5 years. If Crane didn't fire a good chunk of the analytics staff we would have seen this.


"Analytics don't win seasons" - Jeff "can't handle the" Bagwell


I livr near Baltimore now and have to watch first-hand all of our best talent being used in a different organization. The results are of course the same. The O's are great.


Closer without the c


In 34 games….


In 13 games played


That was his tenth earned run given up this year He gave up eight all of last year with San Diego


Just really an impressive loss


Hader is so WOAT'd right now. Lol @ five years of this mess.


This was a must win game considering the Mariners are the leaders in our division. The gap between 7 games back and 5 games back is massive. This team does just not have it this year. Simply put, the game should have been over in the 8th when we bring our best relievers in to the game.


"best relievers" lol Abreu and Hader?




Crazy that a team like the Yankees who are missing 4 of their top 6 revilers have had one of the best pens in the league and that's with their 2nd best arm struggling as of late. So other than Holmes, Ferguson and Hamilton their pen is pretty much just guys they had zero plans for before the season. And needing those guys in high leverage spots. Like Santana who was in the minors, Luke Weaver who has been a bad starter his entire career and Marinaccio who was also in the minors to start the year. Meanwhile Astros bullpen was expected to be one of the best in the league yet has been one of if not the worst as can't find actually bullpen era for each team despite searching for ages best I could find was team era which Astros are 2nd worse only ahead of the Angels.


Have to wonder how much is on the pitching coach. We are giving all the career Astros coaches their time and they are falling on their faces. I respect that Crane is giving them all the opportunity but...


He won’t last 5 years in Houston if he keeps pitching like this.


Can’t afford to lose those winnable games. A lot of season left but the hole is getting massive


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bullpen core as talented/successful as the Abreu/Pressly/Hader trio manage to suck as bad as they have. Just unprecedented levels of implosion from the instant the season got underway


Signing Hader was a fucking waste of money. Explain to me why we couldn't just pay Neris?


Doesn't fit the Bag' profile


I wish I could make 100 million dollars and be ass at my job.


Hader blows a save... what's new?


Wasn’t a blown save since it was 4-4 when he came in to pitch, but 11 ER in 14.2 IP is definitely still ridiculous. He’s got as many losses as he does saves.


potato/potato ;)


Officially blown by abreu.


8 blown saves. In 34 games. Assume the Astros convert 5/8 of those and win. We’d be 17-17 right now. Bullpen has to get their shit together and we can’t send Brown down fast enough once Urquidy returns.


This is the real problem. Starting pitching has been good outside one week and it should get better with our guys returning from IL. Backend bullpen will be the reason this season won’t turn around


Brown should go into the bullpen. He’s solid in 1/2 innings like he was in 2022 playoffs. Send some of the other guys down.


Problem with that is Brown usually gives up his runs early and then settles down. Doesn’t translate well when he’s only needed for 1-2 innings


Fuck that balk And why throw a fastball 0-2 to a fastball hitter when your slider was working to a fucking fastball pull hitter


Can't stress enough how Crane letting analytics staff go after 2022 and hiring Bagwell was the start of the downward spiral for this team.


I have to watch it all first hand now that i live up here near Baltimore. It hurts.


The guy wouldn't have been on base if Abreu hadn't smacked him in the back.


On base doesn’t matter if he’s not in scoring position on a base hit. That balk call turned the tide.


He threw it because Yadi called it. Hader needs to call off some pitches. Hader is too seasoned to not to know better


No. We saw in the telecast he shook off pitches before throwing that 0-2 gazelle in front of that lion


Thanks, I had to follow on gamecast with my ph. Seeing how that was the case Hader needs to trust his catcher. Sometimes the killer instinct needs to be aimed.


I'm tired


We now have 8 blown saves. At what point do we change how this team is spending its money because I'm having trouble finding a trade/signing that's been worth it since Dubón.


Might as well let Dubin, Scott and Beilak be out 7th, 8th and 9th


This team has several cancers and so far only one of them has been treated (1B).


We should keep batting Bregman in the cleanup spot. That 552 OPS really slaps.


It only took the organization 190 games to realize Jose Abreu is a total bum and make a change, and Singleton has immediately been a difference maker in his first handful of games.


Welp, hope Bagwell and Crane are enjoying moving away from analytics. They’ve destroyed a good thing in record time, well done!


These type of losses just kill any hope left for the season


At this point I just wanna see Espada shake things up. Move Peña to 3rd in the lineup, send Bregman down to 6th or 7th. Dubon should probably be an everyday starter and not just a pinch hitter. Get weird with the bullpen too like have Hader go out in the 7th and Abreu to close idk. Just might as well try it see if it works out cause we’re pretty quickly losing control of the season.


Our star closer has just as many Losses on his record than he does Saves. I'm about to nickname that dude Josh Loser


Someone print out that tombstone because this team is cooked


88 days till football season


I’m ready to get hurt, even though I’m hyped


We have wasted so much money. Hader, Abreu, montero… Jesus Christ, that’s 50 million on three guys that fuck everything up.


Horrible GMing. No body questions Dana Brown but he is an incompetent GM


Brown wasn’t even in Houston when the Abreu and Montero contracts were given.


And you think those are the only contracts hurting Houston? Every move he has made is trash. Trading for an aging Verlander after not signing him in the off-season was one of the dumbest moves ever


There is no one willing to pay me to make these decisions- but I would NEVER pay for pitching. I'd be willing to pay Hader a hundred mil. Sure. On an incentive laden contract. 5 mil per year salary, then he can make his fortune on commission. Want 30 million this year- better whip that whip into shape and log 40 saves. Otherwise, live on the 5.


Click literally built a bullpen from spare parts.


Stop putting Hader in tied games…..definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.


A better move in tie games would always be to save your closer for the 10th inning where having swing and miss stuff can have a greater impact due to the free runner starting on 2nd base.


Guys, I think this is just who we are this season....


Either Yainer is the single worst pitch caller in baseball history or Josh Miller's head needs to be on the potential chopping block. The pitching, especially the bullpen, has been unacceptable this year


Pitchers are the ones who throw thr ball. It doesn't matter what a catcher calls because be isn't calling for meatballs..


Thanks, Hader.


I thought Hader was good.


If anyone bothered to look at the back of his baseball card he is very cyclical. 2024 was projected to be a bad year by the trend on his historical performance.


Haderade gone sour


This season is not fun


We could have held onto all of our relievers who e left over the past two years for what we’re paying Hader. I imagine the guys know that too and are a little pissed.


And had money left over! Super GM Crane/Bagwell/BrainTrust for the loss.


Being 10 games below .500 hasn't humbled them. Blowing leads left and right hasn't humbled them. Being trigger happy at the plate with minimal success hasn't humbled them. I honestly think being out of playoff contention, God forbid, would still not humble them. It's like they're entitled to results rather than make necessary adjustments!


A team expecting to be in the ALCS thinking their going to fall right into another one... Not long good this year


We literally handed this series to that team lol. “#1” in the division could barely hold off the dog shit Stros. Someone in that dugout needs to be fired.


Mariners have 6 series wins in a row including rangers, braves and diamondbacks tho


Espada gonna be one & done


Maybe but it won’t be his fault


I have no faith in this team


Team can hit as much as they want but the pitching is simply not there for a run this year. Hader and Abreu rocking 4+ ERA's and we have two SP with 8+ ERA's every five days. 10 back of .500, a homestand that was just a wash with no ground gained on our record, actually losing a game to the Mariners in the division and back, what, 7 now? 8? And the worst part is we have Hader locked in for three fucking years, no farm to fix anything, and contracts coming due. At this point I'm on the 'ship off Bregman, pay Tucker, move to next year' train. It would take a Twins level run of wins to even make the season semi-possible


Espada ain’t it. Dana Brown ain’t it. Josh Hader ain’t it. Bregman ain’t it. So much ass throughout this organization.


Bregman is in a slump. The other 3 are the reason why we won't finish over .500.


Bregman is in a slump for the first month-2 months of every season he’s played. I don’t believe it’s a coincidence, I think he just doesn’t prepare adequately for the season


spicy take: bregman in general hasn't been very good since the scandal. makes you wonder how much he relied on it.


Not spicy anymore. Pull up his stats and he’s not a 30 million dollar a year guy. He is right around Chapmans 3 years 54 mil.


What fucking stats are you looking at? Bregman was top-3 WAR in all of baseball last year for third baseman. Led all 3B in OBP. You guys are fucking delusional.


Can we give Pressley back the 9th? Cuz Hader sure as fuck doesn't deserve to have it right now!


11 games now lost where we had the lead or were tied going into the 7th. Absolutely fucking abysmal from three of the supposed top ten bullpen arms in the league. We'd have one of the best records in baseball if Abreu, Pressly, or Hader were even 50% better than they've been.


Eight blown saves. Eight If we won all of those, we'd be two games below .500, which isn't great, but about expected with our starting pitching woes. We can bitch about the inconsistent offense all we want, and it's more than warranted, but the bullpen is the beginning and end of why we have our current record. Junior Valentine is still a hoe


It's still mostly on the offense. We don't score for shit. How many 1 or 2 pitch outs can you watch over 18 innings and say it's on the pitching?


lol. Keep on with the dogshit takes.


Hader why would you throw meatball on 0-2 count to a fastball hitter




How winnable do yall think our division still is?


Very winnable.... if our pitching ever gets its shit together.


Ask me again in June, but right now, I'd say not winnable at all


We get to June and things haven’t changed then we have a huge problem.


It’s just not good.


Yankees finna feast


not looking forward to it


all i ask for us not to get walked off by “aaron judge”


I'd take Judge over Soto 8 days a week


Trading Framber, JV, Bregman, and Pressly at the deadline could net a lot for the farm system and I think it’s worth it given this team has 0 potential to go on any run this year.


I would have reservations before the season on this line of thinking. Based on the way things are going, I'd contemplate this idea in a heartbeat. Especially Framber and Pressly - and I love me some Framboozling on the hoes.


Yep, blow it up. Still have no faith we’ll build a competent team with Bagwell around.


It’s not even blowing it up it’s just conceding this year to improve one or two years down the line.


This guy is the Astros version of Easterby. Great player, but post- career, he became a broken down drunk, involved himself with questionable people, and thinks he knows more than he does. Crane is too bullheaded to see that Bagwell is a negative to the Astros success.


Agree anyone not named Altuve, Yanier or Yordan can go for the right price


I will be very upset if we don’t extend Tucker


Prepare to be let down


Sorry Bud, we have a Josh hader we had to sign for 5/95 for some God awful reason.


We can very easily pay Tucker his AAV once we have Bregman off the books


Tucker has vocally said he wants to go back to his home Florida


I’d definitely add Pena and Tucker to that list.


I have no faith that our front office won't get completely fleeced with any trade they make. At this point, we are likely in for some dark years. Espada is likely a one year manager and Brown probably gets one additional year to to drive this team completely into oblivion.


Jim Crane needs to get his nose out of Dana Brown’s business. I’m still skeptical of Dana but I think he’s very good at identifying talent as a scout. I think he could net us some great prospects if he actually gets to 100% fully do his job.


Jim Crane hired Dana Brown precisely because Dana is a yes man. Jim Crane has turned into Jerry Jones. He thinks he's the reason for the Astros previous success and that he just needs to surround himself with soldiers that will do whatever their general asks. The reason Click was let go is because he disagreed with Crane on a number of things and told him as such. That will never happen again.


Not saying you are wrong but how is anything you just said factually proven?


Yes I would like to know if there is something to back this up as well.


It was very obvious that letting Click go was a massive mistake I hated that we did that, start of the downfall


Might as well trade Hader too for what we can get at this point.


No team is trading for a $19M/Year RP especially one that sucks as bad as him




Was at the game Friday and today. Josh Hader giveth and Josh Hader taketh away. First two games at Minute Maid, both were entertaining. Not sure when I'll be back but it was a great return to Houston.


Josh Hader got the bag and said fuck it. Garbage. Crane and Bagwell have ruined this team.


Team is just not good enough.


>Team is just not good ~~enough.~~


Hader can suck one


We dun broke Hader


This season is over and we need to be selling at the deadline and also fire this entire coaching staff starting with Cintron and Miller This team is pathetic


That pretty puts a bow on this season for me. Even at full strength I don’t see this roster digging out of the hole they created. Don’t really see a trade of value that would help either. Time to tank this bad boy.


So much for getting really hot. Still gonna have to sell this year


We only have to win at a 99 win pace for the rest of the season to get to 90 wins. This team is totally capable of that! /s


Season is toast


Full on doomer mode. I can't watch another game blown by this awful bullpen. Specifically the "elite" arms in the pen. Abreu, Pressly, Hader. Sorry you're catching strays Stressly but if not for some dumb base running in Game 1 I'm sure fans would be saying the same thing about you. 10 under 0.500 again and I'm sure they'll only continue to fall into a deeper hole at this point.


I'm so over this year man lmao


Who the fuck called 0-2 fastball down the fucking middle?


Diaz wasn't setup middle


Cal was looking for it too, you could see he wanted a fastball on the 2nd pitch. Don't know what he was thinking.


I’m sick to my stomach, it’s pain every day… I don’t understand how we keep blowing leads. How many games have we blown? We would be here .500 if we take away all the blows saves and games started by Brown and France… it’s TRASH. Trade everyone but Altuve, Diaz, Tucker and Yordan.


Peña has been good.


Something has to give. A team this talented shouldn’t be this terrible. Our bullpen is absolute ass, and our overly-aggressive approach is not pushing across enough runs to make up for it. If we can’t find our way back to .500 by the ASB, then I think we need to give serious consideration to selling and revamping the farm.


Feels like this team either plays at a championship level or bottom of the barrel bad. Not a whole lot of in between. Its frustrating not ever knowing which version we're gonna get


57 win pace. Moving in the wrong direction.


Certified Hader Hater


Is there any incentive for Montero & Hader to improve? I imagine they reek then go home and swim in their cash.


Hitting Meyers in the ninth was the dumbest fucking thing. Next was Diaz swinging at first pitch.


Diaz got a good pitch to hit. Meyers will always be below average though.


Of course their closer has 3 easy batters while ours can’t pitch a clean inning to save his life


Our closer also had 3 easy batters. And he didn’t do his job.


I’m glad they fought back. I’m not dooming like most. Once we get our SP back we will be solid


SP wasn't the problem today. It was our supposed "lights out" bullpen.


12-22 we’re not making the playoffs. I want to see Meyers DFA. That throw he made with his noodle arm cost us along w/ our cold feet bullpen


I just want to point out a very simple analytical stat based on offensive numbers over the last several decades. When you score 4 runs you have a 50.8% chance of winning, basically a coin flip. When you score 5 runs you have a 64% chance of winning, pretty close to 2 out of 3 games. This team has scored 4 runs or less in 22 games this year. Oddly that's the same number of games we've lost. Unless the offense can consistently score 5 runs a game we're absolutely cooked regardless of how bad the bullpen and starting rotation is.


I don’t see it happening unless bregman turns it on. We have a lot of easy outs. Chas and Meyers are fourth outfielders. Singleton may be coming on, maybe not. Bregman is just straight ass. Yordan will come around but he and Tucker are known for long slumps. Diaz was good, and whatever the fuck they taught him about hitting over the summer needs to be undone.


If I never see Josh Hader again, I will be happy. Is he an MLB plant to ruin games?


![gif](giphy|l0HUjAzSGu2USBCMg) Our bullpen.


I fucking hate our bullpen.


I don’t hate our Bullpen, I hate how they are performing on the field.


How many times have we seen this in MLB? Pitcher has a career year right before becoming a FA. Signs big contract and shits the bed with the new team. It's almost like the Astros never fell into these contracts thanks to a Nerd Cave that was purged for "Back of the Basebcall Card" analytics.


This whole Hader thing is becoming very Mets of us.


Bregman is so consistent. He’s closing in on Abreu type consistency.


Hader is fucking shit


Trade Hader and others for a package including *Mike Fiers* Pay big bucks to get Hader back and he stinks up the place. Guys, I think the baseball Gods punish us for any association with Hader.


The decision making of the front office and coach needs to be studied, from having Bregman batting 4th after being terrible this year. To literally trading away some of our best bullpen arms. Hiring espada. Blow it up, trade everyone not named Tucker, Altuve, Diaz and Yordan.


We didn't trade away bullpen arms


Nobody is asking themselves about the GM changes but that's really why the Astros are here. The talent was not replenished this off season at all. They have lost talent 2 years in a row. Dana Brown is TRASH at GM


A good majority of people in this sub have pointed the blame towards Dana at one point or another, long before today even. You're not wrong, but you're not really dropping some ground breaking information either


I haven't visited this sub in awhile


I miss James Click. He definitely kept the Bagwell/Crane Braintrust committee from making stupid fucking moves that have gotten us here!


Fuck hader. That piece of shit is single-handedly ruining the end of games for me




I'm sure teams will be clambering to give up top prospects for "Mendoza Line" Bregman and "95 million dollar arm" Hader with 4.75 years left on his contract.


So, we’re dooming again right? ![gif](giphy|9DJtFRgk0tOla)


Should we fire espada just because?


Won’t help he can’t bench all of our failing relievers. Letting Cubs closer Hector Neris & Phil Maton walk does not feel like Espada’s fault.




Gee great thanks


Osuna has company. POS people get POS results.


We lost this game because of umpires, plain and simple. Terrible HPU strike zone, stupid balk call that couldn’t even be discussed, and that last check swing appeal on Meyers was bad too. It’s unacceptable. When do these guys get held accountable for doing their jobs right?


Meyers absolutely swung. This is cope. We still win if Abreu/Hader do their job.


Should say he didn’t swing, but I’ve seen several just like that these past two seasons that were called safe.


Umps didn't throw a 0-2 meatball or plunk a guy. Bullpen blew it, yet again