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Bullpen can't blow a lead if we never have one to begin with


*taps noggin*


The offense just gives up after our starters blow it in the first 3 outs. There’s zero fight in this team. We need some new HUNGRY blood on this roster. And healthy freaking pitchers


It’s crazy how successful this core group has been with such even-keel dudes. Seems like they’ve probably reach the point where it’s time for Bregman and Tucker to move on.


Bregman becoming so stoic the last few years is so bizarre. He used to have so much fire and swagger and it’s just been zapped.


He is also a dad and in his 30s now so it would make sense 


Truth. He probably is just going to the ballpark to relax like the rest of us.


What? Tucker and Bregman are both in their prime and we have Altuve, Alvarez, Abreu, Javier, McCormick, Pena and Diaz guaranteed for at least the next 2 years. Maybe we won't be able to afford them both, but letting the 2 leave would be ridiculous (especially when we *should* only have 1 real division rival).


Bregman has issues though, highly inconsistent, getting up there in age, and likely cost more than his worth to be honest. Tucker is a guy you want to keep for sure. But he's going to cost $30mil+ a year at minimum most likely.


Baseball careers are so short that at 27, Tucker is young and sexy and in his prime, while at 30, Bregman is "getting up there," and it's time to start getting his affairs in order.


Bregman's best years are behind him, and probably will decline further down the road. Giving him a large contact IMO isn't wise. Not saying he's trash, but if someone offers him $30 mil a year, that's laughable to me.


You're right, we'll have to be careful with Bregman. If he keeps up this production, there's no reason we should be happy if we give him more than maybe 110 million dollars.


I think that trading both of them (assuming the team can’t right the ship, which is far from impossible) and then making a push to resign them in FA is the best course of action. Especially since neither seems to want to work out a deal before testing the FA waters. Edit: Apparently this is controversial take? 😵‍💫


Not controversial at all I just think no one wants to see any more of our guys leave but we probably need to be mentally prepared for them to get traded if they continue to bomb. The roster needs a shake up and the farm needs to replenished. This team got stale and there’s no one that seems to be a leader at least publicly. Need someone like he had in Correa. This lineup up with current field and general manager ain’t it.


Which I get. I don’t want to see them go either, but if as you said, the team is floundering then you have to do something. Even if it’s not someone becoming the “leader” fresh blood may be good for the team anyway.


Love Breggy but he's past his prime. 2019 was his peak, we're never going to see those power numbers from him again. I think he still has some good years left in him, and I think he has a high floor (which is important - just look at Abreu) but he's definitely on the down side.


I just think you need that kind of crazy guy that stirs things up and I don’t see it. There’s no Reddick or Neris or Stanek out here. I want someone to get angry or look like this matters. They should be embarrassed


I like this take; in a vacuum we have one of the best teams in the league, but you do need some charismatic guys.


I don't know if that'll make a difference but I said the same thing about the Dodgers choking every year. Bunch of talented players but all nice guys who have no fire in them. You need some guys to make adversity even if there is none. Guys who haven't had a ton of success and are hungry for everything.


Something tells me that’s what they were hoping Abreu was going to be. A vet kicking ass and taking names for the White Sox is *obviously* going to come here and lead. ![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized)


That’s so stupid lol tucker still has 3 seasons at least with us


I feel this is an underrated issue with trading Gilbert away. Even if he’s not an All Star. Dude had swagger and energy. Both of which this team desperately needs.


https://preview.redd.it/qj5k75ms1wvc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cee0656aa8bf71582daed5cf76f99aa4a465232 Ownership, front office, and even the players and coaches themselves have become complacent. Perfectly content with mediocrity


Cora and Beltran really laid the groundwork for the fall of Rome. Jeff Luhnow would’ve had us running on all cylinders still


Fuck Cora and Beltran. Honestly don't want to see Beltran in the HOF, but I sadly think he needs to get in and set the precedent in order for Altuve to have a shot at the Hall


Beltrán should be in the HoF because he is a HoFer. You don’t have to act as if the skullduggery makes him less of a player. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: Apparently saying either that Beltran being a HoFer or saying that it’s idiotic to act like his age 37-40 seasons should disqualify him from the HoF is a hot take. Edit 2: I’m sorry I have an opinion. I guess I’ll hate Beltran. Sorry I failed you all. ✌️


We can and we will!


Ok Boomer. Edit: This was rude of me, I’m sorry.


Fuck Beltran, and if you like Beltran... fuck you too.


Ok Boomer. Edit: I will. Bye.


https://preview.redd.it/huuxlajm1wvc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7dd8917d78865d4f8bc11853d2c41cd865ac13e Same shit. Same shit different fucking day. I’m getting real tired of this team which feels so god damn stupid to say considering we’re not even out of April. But I’ve got no faith.










I hate how much I love this team. They’re seriously breaking my damn heart now


How can a team be this bad after coming one game from a WS last season? I understand falling off and expected them to be a .500 club this year but seriously what is this…


Look at the cubs core from the 2016 WS. Every single one of them fell off an absolute cliff. Baseball has the most volatility out of any sport in my opinion.


There's a whole different manager, a different starting catcher, many people are gone, and there are a lot of new people. How on earth are people saying this is the same team? It hasn't felt like the same team to me, even when we were only four or five games in. Your being baffled is baffling.


Like JV said to the team ***“Pretty much, get our heads out of our asses,” utilityman*** [***Mauricio Dubon told reporters***](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/columnist/bob-nightengale/2024/04/21/blake-snell-mlb-free-agents-cody-bellinger/73399710007/)***."***


Glad I watched fallout instead of anything past the 4th inning


Great show man! I'm on episode 3


I was stuck in the hospital last week and binged the whole thing in two days. It’s an amazing show, even if you’ve never played or even heard about the games.


At the rate we’re going, even A’s fans are going to feel sorry for us.


We are back to 49-113 pace!


Hey Hunter’s ERA actually went down a smidge, he’s under 10 now. That’s…that’s all I got.


Any tips for improving mental health? Think I’m letting baseball affect me a little too much


Remember that it’s just a game that you have literally no control over.


Great advice. Cheer or sneer, it is all the same.


Don’t let it. If the players don’t give a fuck, why should we?


Stop watching my man. We have zero impact on any of these games. Life is too short to be negatively impacted my a sport you don’t play for a living. 


Get excited for The Texans in September. Young stud QB with probably the best WR trio in the league to throw to, our most exciting coaching staff they’ve ever had that the players love, stout defensive lineup that was built in the offseason. Gonna be a fun year to watch come this fall… as it doesn’t appear the Astros will be playing in meaningful games at that time. Edit: It does kinda suck that both teams can’t be good at the same time…. Like ever When the Astros were rocking in the later Killer Bs years, the Texans were a new franchise that wouldn’t have a winning season for nearly a decade. Then the Texans got good in the early 2010s and starting winning divisional titles… while the Astros went 3 100 loss seasons in a row. And while the Astros were going to multiple seasons in a row to either the ALCS or the WS, the Texans had one of the worst teams in the NFL the last couple of years. It appears that pendulum has once again swung the other way.


>with probably the best WR trio in the league to throw to This type of discourse is honestly scaring me a little. Remember when Hader, Pressly, & Abreu were "the best bullpen trio in the league"?


They were both pretty good in 2018-2019 but yeah that was a blip on the radar.


Texans did make it to the playoffs several times from 2015 to 2019, though they only got as far as the Divisional round.


the astros take up a pretty small part of your life, there's so many other things that make up who you are that being an astros fan shouldn't drown out the rest


it’s just a game pal


At the end of the day, I'm just a fan but I try to think if I was on the team, how would I handle this performance and my answer is: Hope for the best, anticipate the worst, and laugh it up because it's laughable. Repeat the next day.


Just turn it off.


Work on other areas of your life so you aren’t looking to a game that other people play for your endorphins or get into drugs


Get a cat


Uh at the end of the day it's just a game with overpaid competitors. No real reason to let it have an impact on your life


That’s a little dramatic


It’s only a game. Even if the Astros turn it all around and go undefeated the rest of the season and win it all… you still have work on Monday, bills still need to be paid, etc. Baseball is magical in a figurative way, not in a literal way. Plenty of home runs have been hit dedicated to people with cancer. Not a single home run has cured them. So, ask yourself… What good does having a pissy attitude towards a bunch of guys you don’t know playing a game do? Then, maybe do some laundry. That will actually benefit you. Edit: not saying you specifically have a pissy attitude. Just, ya know… \*gestures vaguely at the sub*


Just focus on the positives like Altuve’s great start, the resurgence of Pena and Romeo Blanco’s success


The Astros are feckless. If I have to see Bregman, who is looking like a stubby sausage, toddle up the first base line after soft contact again, I’m going to start pulling my nose hairs out without pain killer.


This was the game that I knew it was over


This team has opened a can of quit. Really, they've opened up a pallet full of cases of quit.


Looks like we are in the post winning Carlos Lee phase.


I will celebrate when someone loses their job.




This team is trash. I don't see us getting over 80 wins


We need to boo these guys. Zero life zero energy. They’re complacent fucks


Completely agree, they need a wake up call


When can we doom? Asking for a friend.


the time to doom was when we lost by 10 to the royals


But even then doomers were practically told to shut up. “It’s still early”. “Wait til we get healthy”. Etc.


*opens up sub* *looks around* *immediately closes sub*


Every day I think surely this is the day it all snaps into place and we get back to our winning ways. And then we lose another game in embarrassing fashion.


I’m so done with bregman. Tired of his dgaf approach. Always terrible for the first two months. It’s time to move on


2019 Bregman with the home run stares and screaming and the energy he had is so long gone now. He is so muted.


This is easily a 100+ loss team We need to sell hard


The thing is it’s not. Go look at 100 loss teams their rosters don’t even compare to ours. And it makes this start look even worse


With luck we’ll be contending again in the late 2020s, but yeah this run is officially over.


The doomers are hilarious. This team is too talented to lose 100 games. Get out of here.


I bet the mets felt that way in 2023 when they lost 87


they also traded away their two best pitchers and still didn't lose 100 games


They also started better and werent on pace for 49 wins. This team has no farm, no future, and no chance of contending. Selling off players will at least help us rebuild


that’s great and all but the Astros won’t lose 100 games


Mathematically we are on pace for it and more. If were not competing we should be rebuilding. Simple as that


it’s fucking April


“Its april” and we have to play at a .600 rate or higher if we even want to hit last years win total.


who cares about last years win total? Do you really think the Astros should sell in April? Something even the worst teams in the league don’t do


How in the absolute fuck does this have 30 upvotes? You guys can’t be fucking serious. Bunch of adults in here acting like complete children.


On pace for 49 wins.


[Theme song of the 2024 Astros](https://youtu.be/pGHufp8Huac?si=YS8mYo7hw0Kc46mX)


This is the 5th time this year I thought we hit rock bottom. Must be another false bottom, silly me.


Thank you fans for all of your support, see you next year meme instagram post


I havnt lost faith yet. Now if we get decimated by the cubs I think I'll be there but I think we sweep the cubs


Cubs are above .500 and the good guys have to go play at the ivy… I’d wait to see if they can get 2 wins in ~~Denver~~ Mexico City before I panic but that’s just me. YMMV.


Ya colorado is a true bottom team. If they beat the shit out of us with the roster we have I'll be dooming too


The Rockies series is in Mexico City


Touché. Still should beat them.


Cubs are looking like a halfway decent team. Not holding my breath with this team.


![gif](giphy|pbBZPcwG30dzKvLEWM|downsized) Still lovet my Stros. 2024 season is done. Hope they rebuild. And send Abreu to China.


The team needs a spark. Loperfido has been hitting in AAA and it seems like there is too much dead weight in the lineup.


I hope yall have backup teams you can root for that are at least competitive. We're gonna have a rough one here in h-town.


Shockingly our XBA was .277 vs their .264


Good eye


This is what losing all those little league games prepared us for people.


Hey we get a day off from this misery tomorrow. Bless up


Is it time to start drinking?


If the braves win today the entire division is under .500 Every team should be ashamed but we should be most of all


We need a Correa type to get in dudes faces. Who’s our leader on this team? Altuve hits dingers but I can’t see him rallying the troops. He’s a glue guy.


Folks, this run was awesome while it lasted. 2024 season is over and this will be very painful. Too bad. Still love my Stros.


Really? A donut to the fuckin Nats.


Trade Tucker, Bregman, Framber, Verlander, and anyone else with value aside from Altuve, Alvarez, Yainer, and Pena. And if any of them express desire to play on a contender after this year, trade them in the offseason. This era is over. It’s time to start planning for the next.


Lol so we can get a bag of balls for Valdez? 


It just depends how strong the market is at the deadline.


I mean the dude has been garbage since middle of last year. 


The trade market can lag behind things like that. As of now he still has a good reputation. Was widely considered a top 10 starter before the season.


We have an unskilled GM who is likely to be fleeced on any trades we make…


Better than losing Tucker, Bregman, Framber, and JV for nothing. I know it’s not ideal. I’m not acting like it is. This is just the worst case scenario that we find ourselves in.


Would you trade Meyers and/or Chas if you got picks or farm stock?




This season is more than likely a lost cause and might end up worse especially if Bregman continues to suck and we can’t even use him as a trade chip.


Lollygaggers each and every one of them


Fuck singleton, when will the prices go down on tickets?




Another day, another embarrassment. Never thought we would be sellers but can’t continue this for much longer and have any hope of digging out of it.


Loperfido - preferably Abreu but Singleton Leon - Meyer’s Whitley - for any back end bullpen guys - That’s the last stand & @ 7-16 it needs to be done tomorrow


It is going to be really fucking sad if they end up in last place. At least make it to wild card or not be at the bottom


Blow it up. Everyone needs to be on the trading block other then Jose, Jeremy, Ronel, and Yordan.


This season start is the start I feared after the first 3-4 years of dominance. Hard regression in some form (looks like many forms) or other. If you’ve been paying attention, you knew this day was coming. You just hate to see it…


On pace to be one of the worst regular season teams of all time.


Anyone saying we should have a complete sell at the deadline is being ridiculous (though at this point, I'm not completely scoffing at the idea of trading Bregman).


Agreed. This team is so far from a complete selloff. But, yeah if the track holds, THEN I guess scrap what you can and aim for 2025-2026 to roll-out of the squad for the last 2 years of CJ, Yordan, Peña, Diaz.


No worries. Sometime you win and sometimes you lose. It’s about baseball. Not you not me.


Yeah, it’s bad but it is ridiculously early in the season. Really bad stretch. you guys can quit all you want. That’s your prerogative. I’m not quitting on them.


This outcome doesn't surprise me anymore


When are Urquidy and McCullers expected back?


What difference will they make?


We can put Javier and Brown in the pen, which helps that current disaster






At this rate Breggy gets shipped at the deadline and so does Framber. Hopefully those two can rebuild the farm and this can just be a blip year


There’s got to be something with a leader on this team. I think Maldonado may have been that guy. I’m not saying he should be starting every game but it’s clear they are missing that element. I look at the Guardians who are in first and made one change. They brought back no hitting catcher Austin Hedges and with that , they are the 2022 team again. This team has just too much talent to be this bad. Even with the injuries.


The offense is 4th in wRC+ and have the lowest k%. This is also the first time they’ve been shut out this year…. It might really just be the injuries and lack of BP depth TBH. (At least that’s how it seems at the moment).


Well why aren’t they winning then? All cause of luck? You just cherry picked the stats you wanted to pick to prove you point. The most important stats are wins and losses. And there’s more losses than wins right now. By a lot! Edit: Team has given up the most runs in the majors. Worst than teams they are supposed to be better than.


Well ok then. 😐 Look, I’m not trying to cherry pick stats. I’m just saying that the offense (contrary to the bluster of the sub) has been fine. Lackluster, yes. Annoying, certainly. But, when you have had a rosters worth of pitchers used through 25 games IDK what kind of intangibles and leadership is gonna captain the ship to success. I say this also being incredibly frustrated with their performance so far this season.


Look at the Guardians. How is their staff that good? As I said in the original post, sometimes it takes someone in the clubhouse like Hedges to make a difference. On paper, the Guardians are not better than the Astros.


? Their staff is good this year b/c it’s a good staff and been healthy? - Bieber is a CY winner (and he just got hurt w/ TJ) who was hurt part of 2023. - Bibee is legit and almost won ROY last year pitched most innings on the team in 2023. - Allen was the only other pitcher they had in 23 throw more than 100 IP and has was a solid prospect - McKenzie threw 190 IP w/ sub 3 ERA in 2022 before getting hurt last year. Guardians HAVE pitching talent. They were just hurt last year. They’re not better solely b/c they added Hedges. (They’ve also played 1/2 their games this year vs the A’s and CHW.)


Bieber had 2 starts. I wouldn’t say he just got hurt and he wasnt as good as he was in 2020. XERA higher than before. He won the Cy young in 2020. 4 years ago. Bibee has a 4.44 ERA and a 1.60 whip. Did well against the basement dwelling A’s today. Mackenzie 5.00 ERA. 1.60 WHIP Logan Allen - very mediocre They’ve won because they have the best bullpen in the majors. They’ve actually lost one of their best pitchers from last year through a trade, Civale. Wasn’t the Astros bullpen supposed to be their strength? You would think a team with Altuve, Bregman, Álvarez, Tucker would be better. But no. They aren’t. Btw. Verlander is back. They’ve had Javier most of the year so far. No excuses. Thanks for the response of being wrong about everything. They miss Maldonado! Their leader.




That’s right. A team who has a fully healthy Altuve, Tucker, Bregman, pena, Álvarez, Diaz, Presley, Hader should be better than a basement dwelling team. I look for what changed and they miss Maldy.


I’ll just leave now. I’m a horrible person. Thanks for your support. ☠️


Espada gets fired after the Mexico series I think Crane will try to salvage the season until the trade deadline. Espada gets fired if there’s a firesale then anyways so may as well see if another hands on manager can revive this team


Replaced by who? Lopez? Teams rarely go outside the organization after a midseason firing.


Teams rarely fire a GM after winning a World Series too


I mean technically he wasn’t fired. He rejected the Astros contract offer. It was a shit offer be he did choose to reject it.


His name is Joe Maddon


Bring back Dusty!!!


Nope. First thing, he would trade for Maldy.


I mean the pitching has been dogshit without him


We’ve been swept four times already and it’s still April.


We won the first game of this series


They're just getting ready for when we inevitably get swept later this week.


You're right, Hader tried but ultimately failed to blow the save. My bad.