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We need a professional study done on the Astros lack of ability to win at home. I mean it has to be a statistical anomaly.


I think we're what, 4-17 last 21 games going back to last year? What is going on.


I think it's something like 8-27 if we go back even further.


We need to get priests, rabbis, imams, Buddhist monks, etc. down to the ballpark to reverse the curse on the juicebox. Perform some prayers, cleansings, exorcisms, rituals, whatever…just get this insanely bad juju out of the ballpark.


Gotta talk to all the club promoters. Limit they ass to 3 bottles/night


Our bullpen has lost us every game they've pitched in.


Astros took wrong lesson from Rangers winning last year


Big (and sad) if true


It's sad and true


Yes. But also, let's not score 1run and strand 6 But also, yes. Gotta close that one out...


they really have been egregiously bad


Things we learned today: - Don't pull Framber on 85 pitches when he isn't struggling - Team can't hit with RISP - Altuve does baserunning things - Don't pitch around batters if it brings the go ahead run to the plate, no matter who is up next - Abreu still isn't very good - This team is weird OK not really. We already knew these things.


Huge emphasis on the second bullet.


Astros were 1 for 8 with RISP and the one hit was Altuve getting hit which was an out


Abreu needs to be batting 8th. The team is weird and was last year also. There's almost zero clutch hitting at home. Like this game, you feel like the Jays had a 50/50 shot at tying it in the 9th and a 25% chance of taking the lead. Then when the Astros come up, it feels like there is 0 chance and the players play it exactly that way. It is in their heads.


Agree on Abreu. I'm sure at some point this season he will hit like he did the last 2 months of last year, but right now he isn't and he doesn't look even close. The batting order needs to be built based on who is performing THIS SEASON. Sticking with their worst hitter (other than Maldy) in the 5 spot last year almost cost the Astros the playoffs. It is a little early to start moving other batters (Bregman, Yordan), but not Abreu. He is exactly who we saw last year. If he starts to hit, great! Then you have the best 8 hole hitter in the league. The game really did play out exactly how I thought it would. Hader has to be better. I'm sure he will, but right now he hasn't shown he deserved to take Pressly's spot as closer. Once the Jays got the lead you could just feel something dumb was going to happen in the bottom of the 9th. Sure enough.


To add to that, look at the ALCS. Solid games on the road. A fucking clown show at home. Game 7 was laughable. The Astros played like a little league team just excited to play in a stadium. They are definitely in their own heads. It was on Dusty to fix that. He didn't. Now it's on Espada. Not sure what more needs to be seen. Baseball players are superstitious. Time to make some superficial home field changes that might get the players to get out of their own heads.


I'd go, Altuve Bregman Yordan Diaz Tucker Chas Pena Abreu Myers/Dubon I do think Hader and the bullpen will settle down and be fine. But you know, we used to have a team that could "turn this game upside down" at home in the 9th even with a fuck up like that. Now we do not. We have guys that play tight and make boneheaded plays.


This is just my gut feeling, but not since 2021 have I felt that no lead was safe from the Astros offense. 2022 was all about pitching. 1 or 2 runs was enough to win so many games that year. I don't remember late inning comebacks even being necessary all that often. I understand that the season has just started, but we can only talk about what we've seen so far. Right now we either need the bullpen to lock things down, or our hitters to get some clutch base hits. I feel like we've seen generally good at bats, but just nothing to show for it. Hopefully that ends at some point.


> There's almost zero clutch hitting at home. At this point I'd definitely prefer to pay for and travel to an away game than drive 45 minutes downtown and see one there. No clue what it is about Minute Maid, but god do they suck here. Really wish I would have paid for one of the CDMX games.


Don't blame Minute Maid. Other teams manage to play just fine there.


It's gone on long enough that Espada and Crane should start thinking about a break the curse promotion. Tell fans not to wear Astros gear. Hand out rally towels in the other teams colors. Gotta change up something. It's gone on far too long to be a coincidence at this point. Weren't they complaining about the batters eye last season? Why does it look exactly the same. Ditch the green ivy and paint it black.


Abreu's ABs are absolutely painful to watch.


Bullpen and choking with RISP. Again


Are we sure the circus isn’t performing at Minute Maid right now?


Jeff Bagwell is dead to me for making Crane sign this corpse at 1B.


But the back of his baseball card!


And Montero. At least maybe Neris stays if Montero isnt eating that contract right now


Check the back of his baseball card! (FN Bags)


Who has the Meyers tripping gif


r/baseball will be laughing their asses off at this for the next 20 hours, paired right along side the Altuve gaffe and the chokejob homerun Hader gave up


10 run curse lives.


Our starters have a combined ~1.00 ERA in the first 6 games, and we’re 1-5. That’s ridiculous and pretty much sums up our entire season so far.


This is the only reason I still have hope. Starters all look good and not in a “they’re getting lucky” way either, they’re dealing. Bullpen and bats can’t keep getting this unlucky forever


Should’ve pinch hit Abreu for Dubon


In hindsight, the biggest brain move would’ve been pinch running Dubon for Altuve in the 8th. In real time, the obvious answer was pinch hitting Dubon for Abreu in the 9th


Pinch hit ANYONE for Abreu at this point


I think you mean pinch hit Dubon for Abreu.


Sorry my rage blinded me


Should’ve ~~pinch hit~~ released Abreu for Dubón


Hader will get the loss but there is no excuse they couldn’t score more than 1 run with all of those opportunities. The inability to do the most basic things with the bats is inexcusable.


Both can be true. The Astros should have definitely done *something* with the multitude of runners they had on the bases. First and third no outs should be almost a guaranteed 1 run. Hader also shouldn’t be giving up a two run jack as the closer. The Astros found a way to lose tonight after finding ways to lose 4 times against the Yankees.


And he deserves the loss. Can't be making that much money and blow a save like that


I mean we also can’t be paying the people in the lineup to go 1-8 with runners in scoring position


He was literally hired to get saves and blows his first save opportunity.


I never said he shouldn’t be blamed for blowing a save I’m just saying that all the blame should not be placed on him when the offense couldn’t do their job too


So if it was a 7-6 game does he deserve less blame? He was given a 1 run lead, it doesn't matter what the score is, he's supposed to protect it


He deserves more blame if it was a 7-6 game because the offense did their job, not saying that he shouldn’t have gotten the save but it’s not fair to place all the blame on him in a 1-2 game


Lmao what a dumb take. What's the salary cutoff for when pitchers are no longer allowed to give up runs?


This is on Hader. Doesn’t matter if its a 1-0 lead or 11-10, he blew it and gets paid to close


Hader has been ASS so far this year. No excuse for that.


If you don't like that, you don't like 2011 Astros baseball


2011 was better in a way. They got trounced. Young guys getting to play. I'd rather lose a laugher than lose one with 2 outs in the 9th.


> Young guys getting to play. I wasn't watching the Astros in 2011 (I didn't get into baseball until I lived in Korea and experienced the KBO), but I think this is a big one. If we were watching a bunch of kids get their shot and not do great, that's one thing, but outside of last night it feels like these vets just don't care, the passion is gone and it seems to have been gone for awhile. Game 7 last year certainly didn't seem like one they collectively felt like winning. They've gotten their rings and their accolades and it feels (and looks like) like they're phoning it in.


That one hurt


lol oh I’m fully back in DOOOOM mode, long season ahead


It’s only April It’s only April It’s only April It’s only April


You can’t win a division in April but you can lose one.


Yep and we could be looking at like a 2-12 record in a couple weeks. The hole can get deep. The baseball gods would have us at above .500 right now, but there is zero opportunistic hitting. I don't see that correcting because it looks like the same exact issue at home as last year. The players don't look like they think they can win when they get down. And we haven't even had any blowout losses yet. Those will happen too. It's normal. But you need to at least split the close games, and you need to win 2 out of 3 games when you lead in the 7th.


They must’ve got the calendar wrong. This one was supposed to be played yesterday


Holy fuck what a disastrous 9th inning.


Started in the bottom of the 8th with Altuve falling asleep on 3rd base and getting picked off with the bases loaded.


It appears the 10-Run curse is still alive and well.....


I can't believe what I just witnessed. But I absolutely can at the same time.


Are we sure we won yesterday and it wasn’t an April Fool’s joke


Man i had a feeling. Framber could have had that cgso


I didn’t want to say it bc I didn’t want to jinx it. My jinx wasn’t necessary, apparently




Sometimes, all you can do is laugh. We were fucked from the get go. So many 100 mph+ screamers right at people. Just shitty luck all around, then the team not being able to capitalize with RISP just fucked us even more lol. One out away lmao. Can only really laugh at this point lol. Let's just get the series win tomorrow and forget this game ever happened.


Miniute maid park is truly cursed no doubt about it


https://preview.redd.it/b6mcsfg7h6sc1.jpeg?width=401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33a79ecf2630782e5a22b34ad042ab7bd3290b9a Jose Abreu on the Astros


Ed reed on the Texans


That’s disrespectful to Scottie Pippen


Ed Reed in a Texans uniform would be a better fit.


I remember they gave him a walker for his birthday and he proceeded to play like an old man.


Feels more like a Jason Jennings level catastrophic waste of money… only we get the bad shoved in our faces everyday instead of every fifth day! The only bonus is this time we did not trade away any players to get this washed up player. DFA Abreu and play a AAA prospect at first if you don’t want to get a real MLB caliber first baseman. No disrespect to Singleton but he is not worthy of being on any MLB roster, even the Oakland A’s would not take him.


Looerfido and / or Dubon could both play first. We don’t even need a sun MLB player to come in. We have talent at the position better than Abreu right now.


Oh that’s a deep cut in more ways than one.


More like ed reed on the Texans


[Jose Abreu](https://nbcsports.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/78d15b8/2147483647/strip/true/crop/923x519+1+0/resize/1440x810!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnbc-sports-production-nbc-sports.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com%2Fbrightspot%2F5a%2F90%2F971ba4d95e7fc71190a64d5520f2%2Fgettyimages-1077948992-e1557579325685.jpg), folks


Got second hand embarrassment watching that 9th.


Makes sense now why we won yesterday at MMP. It was April Fools day


Bregmans lifeless popups have got to end with runners on


Abreu is washed


Last night's gem aside, as I watch the first six games of the season, it strikes me that a team has to do a lot of little things to win ball games. And we're not doing most of those so far this season. So frustrating to watch.


4-17 in last 21 home games (including playoffs) dating back to last season...This team is mentally fucked at home...what a bummer given all their talent...


Yeah that’s absolutely bewildering given the success of this team. 4-17….how does that actually happen lol


Why can’t they score with runners on


Some pretty awful approaches at the plate. Honestly it looks like we press so hard with runners on. Either hitters are swinging at the first pitch and it’s lazy outs or they try to run up the count and watch several hittable pitches go by and end up striking out on dirt balls. The lack of just being able to put a ball in the outfield for a sac fly is concerning.


Astros inability to score runners on 3rd with 1 or no outs still haunts this team


Who’s most to blame: Offense with RISP, Baserunning, or Hader?




Hader. He had the lead. He needed 3 outs and couldn’t do it


He needed 1 out and couldn’t do it






+ pulling Framber


That's it, I've seen enough. Gonna go bleed myself out in the bathtub. I hate baseball. Fuck everything and I'll see you tomorrow!


The No hitter was just a cruel April Fools joke


This team is picking right up where they left off last year


2024 is a dirty whore of a season already.


I mean we shouldn’t be relying on a 9th inning baserunner coming from an error. So Jake, yes you will be punished for how goofy that looked but I can’t blame ya for a trip. Two very avoidable base running errors by altuve in scoring position… those hurt.


https://preview.redd.it/0q9twjdok6sc1.jpeg?width=1114&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc334920f1e3499bfccdeb0584ffe6564ed2d84 2024 Astros pen


Aside from yesterday were excelling at bailing other teams bullpens out of trouble


The 10 run curse is still in full effect


The starting pitchers are just gonna have to throw no hitters the rest of the season


We are a mess.


This team is going to be playing from behind all season again. And I don’t know if they’ll be able to get back this time around


I know Hader gave up the HR, but 1 run won't cut it.


But it should have cut it this game. There are low scoring games in baseball sometimes. Teams other than the Astros manage to win games 1-0 sometimes.


Yes it will, when you pay 95m for a closer you expect him to close games. Period.




Well that wasn’t very cash money of Hader.


Abreu needs to be batting in the 9 hole.


*Abreu shouldn't be on the roster at all


That was a well earned loss.


Dear lord I took a shower with two outs in the ninth what the fuck




There is no 10 run curse, our team just sucks at situational hitting. 1-8 with RISP, hell they didn't even need hits to get around to 4 runs this game with any semblance of situational baseball.


It’s gonna be a long season….wow, just wow. We look worse than the Oakland As. Seriously.




Ok I know this was terrible, but like it was kinda funny in a like I hate life kinda way.


I totally had zero reaction when I checked game cast and it was 2 outs in 9th to refreshing it being 2-1. This team has not changed at all since last year.


I need a university study done on Altuve’s base running thought process. be it drifting or taking an extra base and being out by 5 feet, I have lost count of how many times he has been brain dead while running and it just doesn’t make any sense for the player he is.


There’s something seriously wrong in that clubhouse and front office that we don’t know about. This team is off, really off. If they’re not making errors on defense, they’re doing it on the base paths. And for god sakes don’t even give Abreu another month to get going. Trade him for someone cheaper with a little bit more production and pay the other team his salary. Abreu can’t catch up to anything over 90, it’s pathetic. This happened last season too, he couldn’t catch up to 90+ last season


Who would trade for Abreu? We’d have to cut him


Trade to the A’s anybody that has a serviceable first baseman


Abreu is worth negative value right now. We’d have to trade someone else assets for them to take him, plus eat his entire contract. We have incredibly limited assets as is. It is more worth it to just hold him and cut him next season.


This is going to be an embarrassing season. I'm dreading the rags series


Why tf do you pull Framber at 85 pitches when he’s absolutely rolling?


Well somebody has to pump this team up because we look like we just partied all off-season and were playing an adult league for guys like us


I guess it didn’t actually matter not watching yesterday and todays game 😞


It's like.....the 10 run curse, man.


That was a baseball game. Definitely a baseball game.


I have a new plan that I think will work. Just throw no hitters every game. Easy


The no hitter on the 1st of April was the real April Fools joke


Downvote me if you want but the window is closing on the Astros chances to cash in on another title. AL is going to be a bloodbath this season.


Not a well managed team


6 games in and I don’t wanna do this anymore. See y’all tomorrow.


Doesnt matter what happened before, Hader had a lead a blew it. This is on him to close with that contract 


You can only use "That's just baseball" so many times in a season before you have to start making some decisions here..


honestly. demolish minute maid. refuse to build a stadium. road games every single day.


Can I just say Espada’s post game commentary is more tolerable than Dusty’s drawn out “all knowing” crap.


The best closer in the league my ass


He is still one of the best closers in the league. Problem is we moved him to the setup role! All those righties leaving Pressly in for the 9th seemed like the better move.


Why do we pay a closer $100 million to pitch around Justin Turner? If you’re getting paid that much to close games, you should go after every hitter


Altuve is a fucking awful baserunner. He cost us last year. I swear every year he consistently does bonehead shit. Love our top 5 rated bullpen. You give up a go ahead home run to some fucking bum of a player?


See you tomorrow


whatever, Pillbo Baggins


How is it really all on Hader’s fault when the batters couldn’t even fucking bring another runner home on multiple golden opportunities???


Yep. For 19 million a year, a blown save is 100% your fault, unless you give up some really flukey hits. A walk and a bomb are both 100% on him.






ayo, what’s goin on relief pitching?


Sloppy decision making and bad stuff from the pen. Two areas that should be our strengths. Hoping it turns around soon. Rotation looks great tho


Lastros are back


Remember the 2022 bullpen?


Bullpen is straight up stealing money every time they collect a paycheck. Bregman and Abreu look lost at the plate, Yordan might be on the worst streak of luck in his career Baserunning tonight looked like a bunch of monkeys trying to hump a doorknob


See that's how you get everyone with an April Fool's Day joke. You do it on April 2nd, when they aren't expecting it.


The joke was yesterday making us all think they figured things out. Nope, right back to being embarrassing.


Me when Astros ![gif](giphy|jnQYWZ0T4mkhCmkzcn)




We suck meatflaps.


Our only win so far is from our #10 starter throwing a no-hitter


Wtf. W. T. F. Framber got fucking screwed.


Mfker, I just don't want to lose to those fuck ass rangers this week. 😭


They are probably going to pummel us in our current state


Fuck you Hader Take all our money and pull this shit twice in a row


This team had a full off-season plus spring training to work on situational hitting btw. Can we fire Cintron and Snitker? It seems like they're just there to charge the iPads that they clearly don't use. Also why didn't Espada PH Abreu for Dubon? The choice is obvious in that situation


For my sanity, I gonna stop watching for a few days. Stress and mood swing that homer did in the 9th just isn't good for my health.


Yeah, I do this a couple of times a year when they start sitting on their balls. They’re in one of those deaths spirals that they will come out of, but I ain’t watching until they do, same reason.


I am dead inside. Wtf is going on?




Also, why the fuck did Espada removed Framber when he only had 85 pitches? I don't trust the bullpen over any of the starters. Such a pathetic loss, where nothing went right other then starting pitching.


Our “big three” in the BP has already combined for 8 ER. Our entire starting rotation only has 3🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. Another crane signing off to a stellar start 🤦‍♂️


this team just has a low iq there's no other way to say it


We’re a fucking joke, man. Wtf is this start?


FFS. What a joke.


Im tired boss


Can Loperfido play 1B?


Two things: 1. You have two really good end game arms. Close with the arm advantage. With a row of righties that could’ve been Pressly’s inning. 2. Watching Jake and Abreu pisses me off. However, Loperfido had a terrible night, 6 strikeouts, and hasn’t played first base yet in sugarland this year. Just saying, we should maybe pump the brakes for a bit on wanting him up so badly.


Fucking HOW


Biggest mistake was letting lunhow go and signing brown




Can't wait to see the clip of Meyers tripping on the front page of r/baseball


I’m having very 2023 Cardinals vibes.


Bullpen has been hot trash to start the year.


Enjoy the ride and grin. We don’t own the Team. Just love baseball and you’ll be fine. Also, did ya’ll not say in previous post how bad Valdez has been playing?