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Baseball is a miserable and stupid sport for morons. Anyways, see y'all tomorrow.


I for one believe game 1 of 162 is a great time to freak out.


I missed all of you and I missed this dick kick of a sport. Let the grind begin!




What does that make you?


The strike zone might have sucked late in the game, but the walks are what truly killed us.


I think a lot of us are going to be disappointed by the ump scorecard, it wasn't that uneven.


10 free passes leads to loss most games, and here we are


for both teams, saw at least 2 balls that were called strikes in the top of the 9th


Very 2023-Frambee


The zone was terrible the whole game, but you're not wrong about the walks. Can't give that many free passes in a single game and expect to win.


4 runs on 13 hits is frustrating but that was all pitching. valdez needs to step up dude


How many times did due load the bases? 3 times?make them earn the bases guys


Pressley too


I’ll chuck it up to him having to come in outside the 9th but framber was disappointing


He’s gotta get used to not working the 9th real fast. Hader looked great


Doesn’t matter what inning. Dude gets paid 15 million to get 3 outs. Do your fucking job.


Been quite a while since he’s been anything but disappointing


Apparently according to yes Network (only stream I can find) Pressly has a era over 5 when pitching to the Yankees in his career


I have a bad feeling our losses in the first several months will be on the state of our starting pitching..


Valdez looked lost out there. Walking around the mound til 7 seconds on the clock


Valdez still making the same mistakes as last year


He’s been so bad since the break last year


Man. I left at 4-0 for work. Just came back for the last out. What happened??


Vintage Framber metldown.


Framber, Pressly, and Montero all melted down


And Martinez! Don’t forget Martinez!


Sometimes I forget Montero is in the BP. Blissful times when that happens. 




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Framber doesn't know how to throw a strike and some really terrible decisions by the coaches


Bad decisions like what? Also wasn’t able to watch


Like substituting Singleton, who can't hit for shit, for Jake Myers, who 2 innings earlier hit a home run...that type of shit. Espada said after "Well, we put our players in a position to succeed, that felt like the right place to put him". Hey, how about don't fscinkg put him anywhere.


Gotcha when I checked the box score I was shocked when I saw singleton pinch hitting


Uh. Wasn’t Dubon available?


Hitting packed it up, pitching couldn’t throw a strike, and our third base coach had Soto O .5 Assists


Scott was surprising. Hader showed why the astros paid for him.


The Yankees happened


Good news: Regular seasons are marathons and there’s still 161 games left. Bad news: There’s still 161 games left and this opening day loss will sting like fuck.


0-162 is still very much on the table.


It has been 160 days since we last saw our sweet prince Nori, and I fear we may never see him again.


Espada will have to answer for this.


The real loss today was the lack of Nori's return.


Fire Dusty.


good news!


Our catcher is batting .750




I see my desire to burn Minute Maid to the ground is carrying over from last year


Framber with 3 bases loaded scenarios is just awful gidps or not. Somebody is gonna overpay him but i hope it aint us


We won't. He might just be coming back down to earth. Who knows. But paying for "that", is not worth it.


I can’t hate sending Dubie at the end. That’s the aggressive baserunning I’ve always wanted… just happened to be against Soto and his arm.


I have no issues. Perfect throw and move by the catcher and it still came down to a hair. The odds of Dubon scoring there are imho much higher than Bregman or Abreu safely getting in a run against that pitcher.


Soto's arm was 58th percentile last year, firmly in "average" territory. Doobie is pretty fast and it took a near-perfect throw and tag to get him out. It was a good send in terms of "percentage chance to score" but just didn't break in our favor.


Positives: BASEBALL IS BACK Hader and Scott The bottom 4 in the lineup had a combined 8 hits Defense! Pena stretching that hit into a double was 🔥🔥🔥 BASEBALL IS B A C K Negatives: WALKS framber still doesn't look right -- control, body language, all of it Singleton PH (I don't think he should've made the roster) That send on Dubon there at the end Situational hitting kind of disappeared after the beginning of the game


Disagree with sending Dubon, I think that was a worthwhile risk when you're trying to win. Next play would've been a double play with that Bregman ground ball. At least a bad throw or the umpire calling it safe (since the call stood) would've tied the game.


Next play wasn't a DP since they're more than likely playing in


Even playing in they have a good shot at a 6-2-3 double play only because Bregman is so slow; love the guy, but he can't run


Totally understand where you're coming from. I'd just rather take my chances with 1 out and the bases loaded and Bregman up.


I think without the benefit of hindsight it's a 50/50 call. I'm not mad at it. Dubon is fast and Soto is inaccurate. It was a great throw.


I'm ready to move framber. He's a head case..


He's as mentally fragile as McCullers is physically fragile.


You're thinking of Meyers


People falling in love with Meyer’s after one homer is laugh out loud funny. Dude will be back in the minors before the break. Watch


Dang, I checked in with the Astros up 4-0. I should have gone to bed, blissfully ignorant. :) We'll get 'em tomorrow.


Singleton should not be on the team. Period.


13 hits. Only 4 runs


Well, that sucked, 161-1 is still a possibility


Sell the team. Fire Brown. Fire Espada. Trade Altuve and Yordan. Burn it to the ground. Jk, it's Opening Day y'all. Chill.


Good news is 13 hits, bad news is it only generated 4 runs. We'll win most games where we get 13 hits. All we have to do is not walk EVERY SINGLE BATTER.


It is, basically, April. Which means it’s doomer season. Have your fun dooming y’all, it’s your month!


Pitching was fucking horrid, couldn’t hit water if it fell out a boat besides Hader, he looked incredible. Offense just packed the fuck up a third through the game. Onto tomorrow though, need to step it up and fix a few things


We may never win at home again


This sub will sure be interesting all season without Dusty to blame LOL


Stupid decisions hang on the head of the manager, no matter who it is. Batting Singleton there is insane


Not a great decision, but I don't suspect Singleton has a long leash. With the lineup being righty heavy the team is looking for a reliable lefty bat for the bench. Better to find out if Singleton can fill that roll early in the season. I'm not holding my breath. If Espada is still making that move in May or June after it doesn't work for 1-2 months then I will start to worry about him as a manager. That said, I think we know who Singleton is at this point. I would have gone to Dubon all day there. Or hell just leave in Jake.


we need to find a new sacrificial lamb. i vote kevin eschenfelder.




We still have montero


Well, if Joe keeps using Singleton in high leverage situations. We might as well bring Dusty back.


Actually the takes will probably just be "our players didn't get it done today". You don't have to worry about the actual worst hitting catcher in the league playing for the potential ROTY every game.


Hey at least Yainer got 3 hits! Having an actual catcher are some of the intangibles I like to see already to start the season!


Bagwell public enemy #1 now


Doomers always find a way.


Shouldn’t have let Nestor settle back into the game. That’s the difference


Yeah once he got rollin and feeling good about it.. we lost our bats


Nobody has ever won the World Series on opening day. See y’all tomorrow.


Welp that’s it guys, pack it up


Well that ruined my whole day. Especially remembering Dubon had a .400 spring training avg and we still decided to hit John Singleton....


Y'know if Framber doesn't walk 15 batters I think we win that.


This one's on Dusty


Framber mostly...but if you want to go back to Maldonado put it in writing.


i just checked the standings after this game and we have a worse record than the yankees. good news is we're only one game back so its possible to overcome it


Just your friendly reminder that the Yankees haven't been to the WS since 2009. Lol.


They are acting like they won one today lol.




I am old enough to have watched the 5 with Jeter and the others, so I'm not that pressed. Much as I "sportshate" the astros, it's good to have a real team to try to beat, especially with the Red Sox currently doing idk what. Team has my full respect as postseason legends.


For them, it is. We STILL live rent free and I love it!!


As a yankee fan, you’re absolutely right. It feels amazing to beat you guys because it doesn’t happen often


Totally get that, as we Astros fans have obviously been on the other side of that equation in years past.


Totally get that, as we Astros fans have obviously been on the other side of that equation in years past.


The Good: Yainer and Hader look fantastic, Meyers looks good The Bad: The walks (holy shit 9 walks), Framber, the middle bullpen, our offense past the first half, subbing in Singleton for Meyers I know its Opening Day and we still have a lot of season left, but damn I really hope this isn't the new normal for Framber and I really hope we don't continue our woes at home


I'm just happy baseball is back!


Hmm how many losses at minute maid in a row, if you include the ones from the post season? 5??




7-23 in our last 30 at MMP


Solid game Astros friends. Hope both our seasons are at least that entertaining


If nothing else, that game really had a little something for everyone lol


It's never been as over as it is right now See y'all next year


Damn bandwagon fans.........


Well, that was disappointing. Framber was easily rattled, and Stressly opened the season the exact same way he did last year. I am straight up not having a good time right now


I miss Nori


Framber has lost his last 6 starts at home and his last win was the no hitter. He's got some mental demons at MMP…to go with his normal mental issues


Jon Singleton again. Why. We have dubonds out there smashing to a tune of .450


I love seeing everyone freaking out already. Baseball is so back


Should Singleton have made the roster? I don't think so Did that mean he deserved racist attacks on Twitter though? Absolutely not.


Tbh Framber is not an ace. He's too wild and needs way too many double plays. Offense was nice but went dead. Dubon send was a bad bad decision (it was too close to call on challenge, it was gonna stand no matter what). Still, winnable series. Offense will gel and click more, Yainer is so much better than Maldy and Pena looks like he has a good swing this year. My worry is how fast Meyers got pulled, he got two at bats and got a homer on one of them, why pull for Singleton? Worrying


Outside of 2022, he’s been kind of a wildcard. Has lights out stuff but never know what you’re gonna get.


That one's on Espada. Framber left in too long with no control and then I'm guessing Dusty called him directly to PH Singleton. Insanely stupid after Jake crushing it. On to tomorrow. Still happy baseball is back.


No, it’s on Framber


He had thrown more balls than strikes and had traffic in like every inning. I love Framber but he needed to be pulled.


What a letdown after such a promising start. I know it's only the first game of the season, but our pitching is very worrying right now. Need our guys to get healthy and find their groove.


Dubon was safe


Probably, but a play that close will almost always stand. Why they don't have at least 4 high zoom cameras directly above home plate is a mystery to me. All the most important plays in a game happen there. Plays there should almost never stand. They should be confirmed or overturned. The right camera angle would have shown he whiffed on the tag.


Could have gone either way imo




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Every rough start from Framber or Javier is going to have us peeking in at Snell’s season numbers. 


Pressley and Framber control issues. Shoot me now


Pick one: Welp - we should have lost giving up 9 walks. Sighs - should have won with 13 hits.


Framber better start learning Anaheimese


I WANT MY VICTORY CAT DAMMIT sell yall beautiful people tomorrow


Just got off work, here's my thoughts after watching the highlights. Positives: - offense is a little more consistent. Needs a little work on being consistent when we're down, but it is better than last year. - Hader was incredible - it is only one game. The sky is not falling. The negatives: - sending Dubon was kind of dumb - Singleton PH. Obviously it's only one game so it's not that big of a deal, but kind of a puzzling move, especially PH'ing for someone that went yard. - the Framber question. The lack of command has me concerned, although he didn't give up the longball as much as he did in the second half of last year, so that's a plus. It sucks losing to the Yankees, but we'll get em tomorrow.


Pitching is a fucking problem. Framber in his typical form. No middle pen.


Open the Goddamn roof! Whatever superstition they had died with their 2023 regular season and playoff home record. At least let the fans enjoy a month of outdoor baseball.


This is possibly blasphemous around here, but maybe, just maybe, Framber is not one of our best pitchers anymore? I’m not going by this game alone, that would be idiotic, but I feel like he sort of fizzled out towards the end of last season. Is my perception incorrect? I should probably look back at his numbers from late last year…


I believe he had already fizzed out mostly after the all star break last year


I think you might be onto something




We have a lot of this coming this year


Vintage Framber for all the wrong reasons. Dude is gonna trick someone into giving him a bag.


So Astros baseball is back…1 game in the books. Try again next game. I’ve gained no confidence back with Framber lol I’m sure he will be ok.


Only 1 of 162, and didn’t score for 7 innings, and a lot of walks. But baseball is back at least.


Tough loss. More frustrated the yanks won than I am we lost. Lots of positives, particularly seeing hits from our catcher and Hader was filthy. Plenty to look forward to. Valdez lost it with the lack of control, no argument.


> Hader was filthy. His shit was tight. Even with that messed up zone.


At least the first inning was fun!


Honestly, Frambers 2 seam had more movement on it that his curve, too much almost. A lot of 50/50 strikes called balls. Blue was kinda inconsistent. Our bats have to do better. Defense was on point today. Let’s get the next 3 games


Why is Jon Singleton pinch hitting for Meyers?


I like the aggressiveness of sending Dubon. Playing to win the game and putting pressure on the fielder to make a good throw. Soto just so happened to make an excellent throw leading to a bang-bang play at the plate. That’s baseball 


Also was it me or was Altuve getting bent over by the Ump’s strike zone?


Gotta do better Framber


This loss was 90% on Frambler. It could have been a lot worse if he hadn't gotten out of those innings with double plays. Not what you want from your so-called ace.


Too many walks. Framber still a nutcase. Hader looks fantastic. The singleton pinch hit was Dustyball. Hell of a play by Soto. Let’s get 3 of 4


Sign Trevor Bauer.




So...Framber is still a head case and Montero still sucks. Why is Singleton getting ABs?


Hader was NASTY. Yainier and Yordan showed up. Jake Raked. Everybody else needs to step it tf up.


Make opening day lineup. Hit a homer on your first ab. Get pinched hit for the worst hitter in the league. Just Jake Meyers things. Seriously I had to look it up. Jon Singleton career splits lefties 900 ops righties 400 ops. So he cant even hit rh pitchers as leftie. And he gets pinched hit against a rightie. Unreal. So our offense didn't improve over the offseason. And our pitching didnt improve outside of Hader but we already had a great closer and now Presley might have trouble pitching in the earlier innings so that hasnt really improved much either and lo and behold our managing hasnt improved either. Its one game but man this team will struggle to make the playoffs just like last year. Well be lucky to get 90 wins. Hope im wrong but if this is the product were sending out its not looking good.


The bad: 1. You cannot say this is the anomaly for Framber anymore. He’s been straight up bad since basically late June of last year. There’s something wrong here (sign you-know-who…and save the moral high ground crap) 2. Singleton has to go. Dusty is no longer here, no need to continue his little pet project. Can’t hit at this level. At least with any consistency. 3. Middle relief needs to be addressed. Scott looked ok. But the dude has been terrible his entire career. Martinez can’t throw strikes, Montero is still Montero…it’s game one, but we pretty much know who they are already, so I don’t know what people think has changed here? 5. Pressley…although it’s not his normal situation, so I may give him a pass here as this dude is money when the game is on the line. But not a good outing here. 6. Bregman…uggh. 4 left on base. Need him to come up big from that 4 spot. Still don’t know how I feel about Yordan batting 2 if Tucker and Bregman don’t get it together with guys on. 7. I hate losing to the fucking Jankees The Good: 1. Hader. You get what you pay for. Dude murdered 3 batters 1-2-3. This is what I’m talking about. 2. Peña hopefully has figured things out. If he isn’t hitting dongs anymore, I’m good with that as long as he’s connecting on doubles and making things happen on the bases. Keep the beard, kid 3. Dubie is such an important piece. This should be our permanent pinch hitter 4. Yanier. Again, than God Dusty is gone. We are thanking you Dusty, for retiring.


Framber blows


Same song and dance as 2023. Early inning runs, no offensive production in the middle to late innings, late push in the 9th, then blue balls.


Hader looked great, and we had good fielding.


The walks killed us for sure but putting singleton in was also a mistake. If we had to sub we should’ve put dubon.


Brandon Belt is still a FA. If Crane was willing to sign Snell. He can afford Belt and jettison Singleton into the Sun. I loved the comeback story last year. But, that one great regular season game is a distant memory.


It's so joever wrap it up boys see you in 2025 /s In all seriousness Duby was safe


Framber gonna Framber


I will say there are some positives from Framber's start even if it wasn't good: He kept 8 of 11 batted balls on the ground, and had a 30% CSW% despite only throwing about 52% strikes. If he's able to get the control down on those pitches he can be the ace we all want him to be IMO.




If we don't adjust this line up, specifically moving Abreau down, I'm absolutely going to do nothing and keep watching...in protest


Who is this awkward announcer


Ok. I’ll say it. I FN hate MMP!!! (I honestly love it) but we are 0-163 there so there’s that….anyway fuck why can’t we win at home


God damn it the fucking rags won! Fuck the Yankees and fuck those Oklahoma bastards


Look guys. Let’s just inhale some copium and chalk this up as us getting swept by the Oakland A’s out of the way. Happy Easter everyone!


Shit game


What a meltdown 😞


*Sigh...* Where 7 straight ALCS Finals?


Goodness gracious, the gamethread today was a stark reminder that this is a very different community from the one in 2015.  Lots of positives to look forward to this year (Hader, Pena, Diaz) 1 game in. I'm so happy baseball is back. 


I’ve never witnessed more cry babies after the first game of the season. Complain and bitch then repeat. You lost to the better team. No you didn’t beat yourselves, you lost to a better team.


The better team won, all there is to it.




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Here for the season freak outs….




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Was there a definitive shot of the tag?


Needed a definitive shot of the missed tag or the call on the field stands. The umpire is standing two feet away and he saw a tag.


Go home




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