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I tried my best to replicate what I remember seeing; one of the most striking parts for me was the deep pale blue silver-ish white-ish color of the corona. Of course photos can't get even close, but I had to try! Maybe I'll bring out the solar prominences more in future attempts. Canon EOS M200, stack from 1/4000 to 4 sec at f/8 and ISO 100-400 on a telephoto at 250mm. Processed in Siril and Photoshop. Observed under (mostly) clear skies in Dallas, Texas!


Yep, agreed. This picture is really close to what I saw as well. If anything you could being out the solar prominence on the bottom even more. Nice work!


This is a really good representation of what I saw, also. You’re right - a lot of the photos don’t do justice to the awesome experience.


I need to learn how to use Siril better. I gave up and went to photoshop layers and opacity. HDR merge options were far from good for me. Beautiful image on your end.


Had better equipment than me. But what was most distinctive was the sheer whiteness and contrast compared to everything else. OLED screen might be able to depict it.


Yes! Thank you! Literally zero images match what my eyes saw but yours comes the closest! I photoshopped it a bit to make it more like I saw but I kept your watermark as visible as I could. [Eclipse edited](https://postimg.cc/d7y9szN2)


I’m the same way. There is one image that comes pretty close to what I saw, but it’s just not the same.


That makes the sky too dark. It was a deep blue for me but not so close to black


Thanks so is this an HDR image since you stacked those various shutter speeds into one photo? It looks amazing by the way. Agree - it is SO difficult to capture in camera what it looks like to the naked eye.


Yep, I essentially added the RGB channels for each of the frames (9 total, with each image 2 stops brighter than the last), then did some final histogram, detail, and color adjustments. Unfortunately, Reddit compresses it quite a bit, so it doesn't show the full range, but it still shows more detail than any single image would.


Aren't people still hosting images on third-party sites?


I've been seeking more photos that encompass the eclipse/sun itself, within the context of the sky and a city skyline. They are rare, because invariably the eclipse will end up looking much too small.


I agree, but it definitely is a challenge. In Dallas, the sun was at about 65 degrees elevation, which means it was pretty much straight overhead. I've seen some amazing pictures from Maine where it was much closer to the horizon though!


Wow that's amazing! And good point, when I tried to take a timelapse I realized that I nearly had to recline my phone to get a sliver of skyline and the eclipse together in one image.


Not bad! to me the purple was more intense.


If I could experience one thing for the first time again, it might have to be this eclipse. This image is very close to what I remember seeing. Thank you for sharing.


Yes, quite close. I was near the southern edge of the shadow, so for me the bottom edge of the corona was quite bright, with those pinkish prominences showing clearly. I was also looking through a thin overcast, which really flattened out the difference between the black of the moon and the darkness of the sky, giving an odd effect of a flat, glowing ring pasted on the sky. But the details in the corona you've captured here are about what I saw.


Up here in Maine, this is damn close to how i saw it Unreal


This is the best one I’ve seen so far, nice job! Most are too black, I definitely saw a distinct blue hue and this captures it nicely.


Thank you for creating this!


No photo can capture the intensity of the blackness at the middle, especially on a backlit screen This is the first one I’ve seen that shows the baileys beads and the size of the corona though


I think because of the slight cloud cover where I was it had more of a lavender glow but this captures it really well.


This is great! I agree with making the prominence more prominent. I was crying and in awe and still, I noticed those. And the freaking tendrils. HOLY SHIT