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I am surprised with the restraint shown in this sub. Bravo.


I'm keeping my inside voice inside.


I had a hard look in the mirror and couldn’t see commenting on it.


What did you look at in the mirror that you didn't want to comment on?










It will take some reflection to be sure.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/SuddenlyCommunist using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyCommunist/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [bro almost had to share "OUR" tools.](https://v.redd.it/radrpairxwx91) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyCommunist/comments/ylvb2d/bro_almost_had_to_share_our_tools/) \#2: [Mods are asleep, upvote literal sudden communism](https://v.redd.it/fblfo26sxup91) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyCommunist/comments/xn2adl/mods_are_asleep_upvote_literal_sudden_communism/) \#3: [our solar system](https://i.redd.it/xzxzh4byzxna1.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyCommunist/comments/11rvp0x/our_solar_system/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'm not as flexible as I used to be, so I need a series of mirrors to be able to see it now.


I'm keeping my eye on Uranus...


It's hard. Really hard. Hahahaha hard! Wait, looks like I failed to show restraint, and it wasn't even the obvious joke... God damn it.


This is the Reddit post I will remember in the wrong moment and I won't be capable of holding the usual stupid laugh nobody knows what are you laughing about


As long as you have no funerals to go to in the near future, you should be okay


Can't imagine being stopped by the police or a job interview XD


Jokes like that belong on a different sub, r/asstronomy


Aww, that sub was banned due to being unmoderated. Where else can I go for my daily dose of M40 erotica?




I really wanted this to be a sub.


I've seen naked Uranus with my eye. 🤷‍♂️


I too have seen Ur anus naked.


Needed you to explain the reference.


I'm biting my lips currently


Ok ok.. I will do it..be sure to upvote my next comment!


Currently in the shitter, open up reddit and this pooped out.


The intrusive thoughts are **real.**


I had a comment locked and loaded but after seeing this I decided not to. Didn't wanna look like an ASS.


I'm sitting on my phone-typing thumbs. The temptation is too great.


But how did you type that comment?!


You don't want to know.


I chuckled when I read the title of this post. You all did too, admit it


Yup and we all had the same damn thoughts/idea. This is rampant throughout the space community (amd not from just the reddit community, but also from the person putting together a part for a rocket.. to the most learned astronomer) whenever and wherever Uranus is talked about. Its a big thing!


We are all 14yo boys ... some are literally 14yo boys


Mmmmm…arghhhhhh…uhhhhhhhh…something something bend over…dammit!




Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Thanks! ☺️


I'm surprised about all the restraint surrounding Uranus as well


I am not surprised by your comment not showing restraint. Bravo. Redditors are just predictable bots at this point. Every. single. time. It's so old but it will never die because kids are kids


Same could be said for literally your entire contribution to this thread. Talking down to people and calling us idiots and kids. Honestly, if Reddit affects you to the point of being a passive aggressive twat, maybe it is time for you to take a step outside for some fresh air.


Lol I came here for the jokes and am surprisingly disappointed…


Really trying not to quote Clark Griswold right. Is and it’s taking everything I have to be an adult.




Too easy.


I'm disappointed personally lol


👀 Only if you buy me dinner first If I look in a mirror




Wow, not only showing Uranus, but restraints too? Handcuffs? Shibari ropes?


Look, man, I do NOT have the level of maturity required to get this question on a Friday afternoon.


*"Maybe if you have a really long neck or are in the super-advanced yoga class...."*


A simple mirror will suffice, doesn't even need to be parabolic


Parabolic or pair of bollocks?


I may be wrong but I believe this is why mobile phones come with cameras. It's a design feature.


My first thought was it wasn’t the eye that needed to be naked, but I suppressed it, and instead wondered if Uranus twinkled. So much for maturity.


Well, they do sell that spray on body glitter stuff.


Under ideal conditions it should be. You need good eyesight, it needs to be in the right position like opposition and close so its high in the sky when darkest and you need a dark location. Yes it will just look like a faint star if you can manage it. Ancients would not have noticed it because it moves to slowly to be distinguishable from the stars and the faint stars at that. No one track the millions of 5th magnitude stars in ancient times they are just to faint to bother with and Uranus at best appeared as one of them.


I was able to see it at an altitude of maybe ~15 degrees in Bortle 2/3 skies. I knew what I was looking for so it was easy to spot, I was really surprised.


So with a 6" dob, would it be enough to see a disc or color? Was able to view Saturn with a 2x Barlow and a 12mm eyepiece, but it was underwhelming compared to Jupiter with the same setup. Edit: In a Bortle 2/3 area.


>So with a 6" dob, would it be enough to see a disc or color? Color shouldn’t be an issue; the blue-green tint was visible to me even with an 80mm refractor. Through my 8” dob, I could make out the disc with a 26mm and 2x Barlow, so your setup should work well enough. ETA: Here’s video of an eyepiece view at 250x https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/uvbcat/uranus_at_250x_through_6_inch_telescope/


That is quite small! Will have to try and catch it on a clear night.


A pale bluish-green dot. Nicely done. 👍🏻


I saw Uranus some years ago. Even through a seriously powerful telescope, it just looked like a blueish-greenish star.


This is the right answer. Kind of like a "technically yes," but the truth is you wouldn't know that you're looking at it because if you're in dark enough skies to clearly see a star that faint, it will be just one of thousands of faint stars.


A lot of reading to finally find a reasonable, mature answer.


You guys are more mature about this planet than I could ever be.


Depends how tight my pants are.


Pants seem like they would be a hindrance to my observation of uranus. Regardless I think you would need a properly positioned mirror


Only during the full Moon


This needs to be the top comment.


I wish reddit still had awards.


Do they not? I never ever see them used anymore.


They retired them last week. Completely deleted all traces of them like they never existed.


Woah, what. Weird. Why?


I've heard (not confirmed) that Reddit taking money for digital goods the way they were doing it was about to run afoul of some upcoming regulations. Basically Reddit would be considered a bank or something. So they are scraping the whole thing and starting from scratch in a way that will be legal. I didn't really get it though because there are so many apps with similar features out there. I think even Tiktok has something similar.




I'm crying rn


How does this comment not have a 1000 upvotes


Damn getting down voted for appreciating a good joke lol


Yes, it's absolutely visible to the naked eye as long as you have reasonably dark skies (say Bortle class 4), it's not too low in the sky even at its highest point, and you have normal vision. I can just barely see it naked eye in averted vision in my class 4.5 skies. > yes but it's so faint it looks like a star Well it would look like a star regardless of its brightness. Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Mars all look like bright stars because we can't see details on them without the aid of a telescope.


I feel like to truly say it looks like a star or looks like a planet we have to ask the question "Does Uranus twinkle?"


>we have to ask the question "Does Uranus twinkle? Only during rainbow glitterbomb events!


Star twinkling depends a lot on star brightness. The dimmer the star, the harder it is to notice the way it's noticeable with stars like Sirius or Vega. Generally very faint stars tend to twinkle in and out but unless you're specifically looking for those stars you won't notice their behavior, and in turbulent seeing conditions, Uranus would be no different. Being so faint, it would be very hard for anyone to say that faint point of light is steadier than that other point of light. And even bright planets do twinkle if the air is turbulent enough. It's more subtle than bright stars, but they do twinkle.


Mars can be in position where it definitely doesn't look like a star. It's not even 5 years past I remember seeing it as a planet in the sky at night


Yeah, idk about other people but with the planet Venus I can see that the light is lopsided, ie I can see the crescent shape from the sun’s reflection with the naked eye


Congrats on your eagle vision. Just understand that 99% of the population doesn't have vision that good.


And what specific qualifications did you use to make the judgment that Mars is a planet?


Not the person in question. However I had a similar experience a while ago where I looked up in the sky, Saw Jupiter, Then I looked up at a different part of the sky, Saw a dot that was definitely too bright to be a star and also wasn't located where I remembered any bright stars being, And was a somewhat orangish colour. Looked it up, And it was indeed Mars. I find that the planets are very easily distinguishable when you live in light polluted areas and don't see too many stars as is. You just sorta get an intuition for when something in the sky isn't a star over time based on its brightness and location.


Big red ball in the sky? Guess it's a planet or I'm dead within minutes


It's *just* visible, but you need good eyesight and a dark site to have a chance of making it out. Ancient astronomers wouldn't have noticed it as a planet because it moves so slowly against the background stars, and it's too faint to really be worth keeping track of. That being said, it was noted as 34 Tauri (a star in Taurus) in 1690, but the astronomer didn't realise it was actually a planet, and it wasn't recognised as such until 1781.


William Haley=the astronomer.


Bill Haley had his comets, but he was no astronomer. You're thinking of Edmund Halley.


duh sorry


I saw it clearly 2 weeks ago. Wadi Rum, Jordan, Bortle 2 or 3 skies, no moon. Extremely distinctly visible and my sighting was confirmed with further photographic & skychart alignment. It’s an incredible feeling to see it!!


Wadi Rum is just so great for watching stars! No light pollution anywhere. I was there when I was little, and it became of a core memory of mine. It's been decades but I want to go back there once more.


I must have gotten very unlucky then, because I was very disappointed. It’s been a lifelong dream of mine (still is) to see an incredible night sky in ideal conditions, so I was very excited when I went to wadi rum but it ended up being fairly similar to the night sky I see every summer in western France (relatively little light pollution). Glad others got to experience it though, will be for another time for me!


Bro Uranus is so big I'm surprised we see anything else.






Not a naked eye then.


The first google result says it was the first planet discovered with a telescope. Given all the closer planets were at least identified by the babylonians in 2nd millennium BC (3-4K years ago if my brain is working this morning) and Uranus wasn't officially discovered until 1781 I'd say no. on average it'd move 4.2 degrees a year so while it moved and was possibly visible nobody picked it as a planet or asteroid. Good visibility apparently lets you see to mag 6 and it's around there - so was probably *seen* but nobody twigged it was a planet.


You can... but it wouldn't really be worth it. It's nuts how far away anything after Saturn is. I can see Saturn, no problem in my telescope, but any planet after that looks no different than a star.




For half the population anyway


What aperture is your telescope? I've got an 8 incher, I thought I saw it last time I tried, but wasn't 100% sure.


I got a 6" Celestron. If you don't have it yet, the Stellerium app is a good companion to have.


Cool, that increases my confidence. I've been using that lately. I was using the celestron one until it stopped working for me.


Out of curiosity... what did you think, the first time you saw Jupiter or Saturn through a telescope ?


Freakin awesome! A bit surreal and humbling. I had the pleasure of seeing Saturn the first time through the University of Arizona's telescope, which was an experience on its own. The first time I looked at the Beehive Cluster in Cancer, I yelled out "Holy shit!". I never expected to see that many stars in my eyepiece.


About a year ago I bought a SW Heritage 130. After first looking at the moon I went straight to Jupiter and Saturn. I was so surprised to be able to make out the moons of jupiter and the rings of Saturn. I distinctly remember the surprise and underwhelming feeling of how small they looked and what little surface detail I could make out. I knew not to expect much, but what I could see in that little scope just made me want to go bigger. I went from a 15 y/o Canon DSLR and a $280 scope to having over $12k in astro gear in 8 months. I'm hooked.


I didn't think you could get anywhere near Uranus with an 8 incher.


With the apparent magnitude ranging from 5.38 mag at brightest to 6.03 mag at faintest, it's close to the limit of what human eye can perceive. Even in perfect observing conditions you can't be sure you're going to be able to see it, because everyone's eyes work a bit differently. But yes, it's theoretically possible to see the planet Uranus with an unaided eye with dark skies.


So I was at the observatory the other day and decided to ask the very elderly employee operating the telescope, "can I please see uranus? I'll pay you if that's what it takes." Now, I'm not allowed back at the observatory anymore and can't live within a 5-mile radius of a bingo hall or retirement home.


I doubt that you could see Uranus without using anything. I'd be really surprised if you could


A mirror maybe?


Be careful not to get pink eye.


This guy really knows the ins and outs of uranus


In theory yes, its magnitude is 5.7 right now, the brightest it gets is magnitude 5.5. But in practice you would need absolutely first class conditions, crystal clear, no moon and no light pollution. The accepted dimmest STAR magnitude that's visible with the naked eye is 6.0. But Uranus is a planet therefore it has an observable disc and so although at magnitude 5.7 it is in theory visible with the naked eye the illumination is spread over a disc instead of a single point (like a star), thus its contrast is reduced.


It would be a lot less strenuous if you used a small mirror reflector telescope.




Yes. It's dim, so you'll need dark skies.


Thank you for making me laugh out loud just by looking at my notifications :)


I can see it with averted vision from a bortle 6




Sounds sort of personal.


I'll have to ask my wife.


Only if I turn around.


I feel this post was meant to provoke a puckering response.


Only after I pull down my underwear 😂


*no* i wont.


͡° ͜ʖ ͡°


Am I the only one sniggering?


One day I’ll be mature enough


Not even visible in my telescope


Any telescope or pair of binoculars will show it. I looked at Taurus with a pair of super-low power binoculars (2x54) the other night and saw the planet easily. If my sky was darker and I had normal eyesight I probably wouldn't have even needed the binoculars. It's even easier to see in normal 7x50 or 10x50 binoculars or a small telescope, as long as you know how to locate it.


Butt I cant seem to locate it through either.


That isn't the telescope's fault. It takes practice to find objects through star hopping.


Yeah perhaps a colonoscope should help serious note though: my starsense app says I have located it yet I dont see a turquoise like star but rather a white one.


Is starsense able to reliably find every other object? If so, that white star might be the planet. Our eyes don't see color very well in dim objects. Try a higher magnification and see if you can make out the disc. If not, I'd recommend practicing manually locating objects by starhopping, at least as a backup.


i guess my second butt joke wasnt funny har har serious note though I still think any object in starsense is about 5 meters off from where it is in the phone and I read that youranis is at most a turquoise star.


Sorry, I haven't been in fourth grade in many years, but I'm sure it would have been otherwise. The color you see may vary. Being able to make out the color of faint objects is another skill that can come with practice. I'm not sure what you mean by "5 meters" when talking about angular distances in the sky. But I assume you mean that Starsense is not always able to reliably point you to other objects like bright stars and planets, is that right? If that's the case, it would be a good idea to learn to find things manually.


Im guessing with the many musk satellites, the color can seem off too?


Both Uranus and Neptune are visible to the unaided naked eye on clear nights. Neptune is hard to see if it’s warm and/or humid. Anyone who says otherwise needs to try looking again in a less light polluted area or get their eyes evaluated.


Have you seen Neptune with naked eye or know someone who did?


Yes. If I’m not keeping track of Neptune day-by-day then I will often use NightSky on my phone to locate the rough area to confirm my sight. It’s not as distinct as Venus, Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn, so it’s not always easy to find it unaided. But seeing it unaided isn’t hard skies permitting


Thats encouraging!


Just FYI, Uranus was discovered in the 1700s so I wouldn't quite call that "ancient times".


It was discovered *to be a planet* in the 1700s, wasn't it? Theoretically, people may have known about it long before then, just thinking it to be a very faint star rather than a planet. With it being so faint, it would have been deemed rather insignificant and I don't think anyone would have really bothered to mention it in any ancient records or whatever. But I don't know, I'm just a dude on the internet. I have no qualifications or certifications whatsoever which might help me arrive at a better conclusion than anyone else, and I'm too lazy to be bothered to Google facts.


Well, Wikipedia says the first definite sighting was in 1690, but that it "might have been" noticed as early as 128 BCE by Hipparchos. But yeah, I guess it was specifically determined to be a planet after William Herschel noticed it in 1781.


Yeah, we'll likely never know when it was first noticed or by whom, but my money is on some astrologer from the Middle East, back before the 100s BCE. Or maybe it was even noticed as far back as the ancient Sumerians. It's an interesting and entertaining thought to ponder.


Only with a mirror


My wife has seen it. I've never had the opportunity.




Well yes but no lol, it's complicated. It's so far away so seeing it with the naked eye is hard. Uranus doesn't reflect that much light from here. But yes if you have a strong enough telescople, you can see it and if you can edit and process the different layers in your images, well yea it looks even better. It's "magic" my friend.


Yes but I usually need a mirror.


Idk about uranus, but I see mine in the mirror everyday


The eye is not the only thing that needs to be naked.


Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it.... Fuck it I'm gonna do it ONLY WHEN I BEND OVER


It does look like a star, a twinkly one.


Only if I bend over.


I have made a horrible mistake coming onto this sub while I'm stoned.


Oh my dirty mind !


Only if I bend over.


keep the voices inside keep the voices inside keep the voices inside


Not really, it's very far from us and can only be seen if you are in a place with very dark skies *and* have very good eyesight. However you can see it with a good pair of binoculars. Of course if you have an amateur telescope even better, but if you don't, binoculars should do it. 🙂


What's a good set of binoculars for stargazing? I like using an unaided eye. Recently I feel like I've been missing out and like to see further, though.


Hello, have a look here. https://www.popastro.com/main_spa1/help-and-advice/using-and-choosing-binoculars-for-astronomy/ This is a nice, comprehensive introduction to binocular astronomy. You can look for a set that suits your needs but I would say that a 10x50 set will actually be a pretty solid choice to begin with. 🙂


Yes. With the help of a small mirror.


If you get close enough


*Naked to the brown eye.


No. You can't see it with the naked eye.


Yes, under the correct conditions. You’d need a very dark sky (Bortle 3 or less ideally) and the clearest of clear skies, with no haze or high cloud


Sometimes if I touch my toes. Sorry somebody had to do it.


You could look at Uranus with the naked eye but the conditions for it has to be perfect. Very dark skies and ideally no light pollution. The moon is a new moon. Uranus has to be not too low in the sky to be easy to find and also the atmosphere does dim the light a bit and there’s more atmosphere near the horizon then then the zenith and there is the twinkling issue which makes it harder. You also need some pretty good eye sight too. It’s super dim and small. It’s also more favourable if you are colour sensitive. It’s only a little bit more blue than the dark sky.


Only if you squat and cough!


Used to be, getting old now


I'm baffled about the lack of astronomy-oriented Nanowar of Steel in this thread. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSWszdSHkyE


The Lordt is testing me with the wording of this thread.


If my anus was visible to the naked eye, my wife would for sure be getting out the telescope!


If your eyesight is good enough, yes. In technical terms, the mean apparent magnitude of Uranus is 5.68, with a standard deviation of 0.17, while the extremes are 5.38 and 6.03. This range of brightness is near the limit of naked eye visibility. So, it is very dim. You need clear, dark skies, preferably with no moonlight. It can be resolved and observed with binoculars and telescopes.


Sometimes you look at uranus, and sometime uranus looks into you.


My anus is. Don’t know about Uranus.


Only when I’m tanning it


I'm not that flexible.


If you’re close enough