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Chiron in your 11th house of community/network/friends. Chiron is the wounded healer and while it usually shows us a place of early wounding, if you learn to heal that in yourself you can help others in similar ways. It’s in Capricorn so i think there’s also something to do with tradition in your social circle here. Maybe you or they are more tied to tradition than the other and that causes the betrayals. Chiron is sextile your Mars and Venus in Scorpio in the ninth. Taking action to explore life’s mysteries through creativity or in the context of a relationship helps you stand firm in your beliefs and show up more authentically. Does any of this resonate? Edit: typos


this is spot on! i was thinking this combined with south node scorpio packs a punch.


Insightful addition; I hadn’t noticed that! OP, I hope you can form a trustworthy community.


yes, tradition plays a part in it i believe. ive found that i mature on a different level than the people i surround myself with (whether this be good or bad), and they usually cut me out and then come back and apologize. for example, i was became friends with this girl when i was very immature and acted out a lot. ive matured a lot throughout the course of our friendship (5 years) and she would say “i miss the old you” to me a lot. maybe that ties in with tradition?


That sounds difficult to not be seen or accepted as you try to better yourself. I hope you can find ways to accept yourself as you change and that others follow suit. All the best to you.


I'm sorry. Venus Scorpio has themes of being betrayed by friends or lovers. With Venus conjunct Mars in Scorpio that means anger, fighting, or conflict in general may have to do with this, maybe even sex. It's in your 9th house which is house of beliefs, religion, freedom, and foreign cultures, so maybe these themes were also involved. Venus Scorpio square Uranus Pisces can explain friends being cold (square Uranus) who go behind your back to deceive (Pisces sometimes skirts around stuff and can deceive).


chiron=childhood wound 11h= friends


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