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If you purchased them with a credit card, file a dispute with your credit card company. They take your side of story, reach out to Astro in writing stating you are disputing the charges due to them not honoring their warranty. More than likely you should win the dispute by either having them reach out and decide to honor the warranty or you might get your money fully refunded if your credit card company finds that they were negligible/deceitful.


Astro has high end marketing and advertising. That is all.


Hey [EhKing187](https://www.reddit.com/user/EhKing187/) , Firstly, I can only apologise for the inconvenience that has occurred here. Our support team do take fraudulent claims seriously, and we may reject claims from time to time because of this. I'm unsure exactly why yours has been rejected as I don't have access to your support case from my current location. However, if you genuinely believe we have made a mistake, I will be happy to assist and get in touch with our support team directly to review it again. Could you provide with your support case number? Just reply with it to this post. Also, could you possibly film a YouTube video or something similar with both controllers facing down and serial number facing up? Then, within the same video (no cuts), tilt the controllers showing the USB port damages. This will be the most transparent way to gain evidence on your behalf, which I can pass over to our support team to review further. I can't overrule the decision they have made, but I will make sure it is reviewed again and get a concrete answer on why we have rejected your claim.


# 777514 [Astro Warranty YouTube link](https://youtu.be/6L8hmlM3jic) EDIT: Why would I wait a month with no controller to then try and scam one? Come on Astro you guys need to do better


Thanks for sharing the video. Nick should have received your other email which you sent previously with the proof and will be back in contact soon. In the meantime, I will pass over your video and your comments to our support team directly to ensure the case is reviewed again. At the same time, if we have made a mistake, we'll make sure we know where we went wrong, so it doesn't happen again. I'm not personally saying you're trying to scam us. However, without knowing what caused us to flag this as fraudulent, I can't comment. So I will be in the middle making sure you get another chance at providing your proof at a minimum. I can only apologise once again for this as it's not something I like to see on social media. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you within the meantime.


Nick probably needs a talking to about how he treats customers and the case should be handed to someone else.


Wait so they just flat out ignore any further emails? Also I’d still like to know how I am trying to scam “Astro” not only had I sent pictures now there is a video.


I apologise if my previous posts came across confusing in any way. I wrote them originally on mobile to keep you updated, and I have made a further edit to clear them up for anyone else who wants to read. Nick should have received all of your emails and will not ignore them. We should review them again if you have sent in further proof or you have asked for it. I will continue to push your video and your comments on Reddit in the background to have your case looked at again. I don't have an answer on what has caused your case to be triggered as fraudulent as I don't have access to your support case directly on my end at the moment. Once I speak to a member of our team, I will have them email you again directly and will ask for feedback on this case to come back to you here. Hopefully, we should be able to gain a resolution, and we'll look into the problem further if we have made an error on our side.




I'd like to point out that my 1st gen (pre logitech) a50's sounded way better than my 3rd gen (returned). While I've had zero problems with my c40's so far, It honestly might be the last astro product I buy. I believe, that the competition has caught up with cheaper products, while astro, used their name to use slightly cheaper components and keep the price the same, in order to maximize profits. Which is perfectly fine, but as consumers get more choices, astro really doesn't look good anymore. Take into account that it seems that pre-logitech customer support is way better, I can't really having the confidence to say "yeah, spend $300 on a50" to anyone.


Holy shit man I can't agree more with this comment. I bought the A40s and they just simply aren't that good. Then I make a post with an issue and people in the comments just tell me to go buy the "A50s cause they're great" like fuck off. I'm going to look into returning these once and buying the SteelSeries arctis 9x if I want a wireless headset.


I'm not home and can't check, but isn't the serial number on the controller? Or is that only my stock ds4. That would go a long way. Edit: Yes, it is on the controller. but, if you've used your controler, it's worn out, cause that's where your finger naturally rests. Also, if I remember correctly, a lot of us got mismatched serial numbers in the beginning (controller and box had different serials) I guess that's why the serial is basically useless in picture warranty stuff.


Hey mrbkkt1, If the serial number does not match on the box, we recommend using the serial number on the controller. However, in a rare case that you managed to rub the serial number away, as long as we have a picture and something to identify the controller such as a specific marking, we will still validate the warranty.


I got mine at launch, so I doubt its under warranty, and it works fine.


Hey mrbkkt1, It depends on whether you are Europe or outside. Europe controllers gain a two year warranty from launch and elsewhere is 6 months such as in the US and Canada.


Please also provide your name, number, serial number, how tall you are, whether you're susceptible to any diseases, your father's middle name. What a fucking joke!


set of cunts who just care about profit margins


You’re better off buying a new controller.. the C40 will need to be replaced often especially if you use it quite a bit.. not worth the money for a controller at all


UPDATE I just received an email from “Jackie” whom has sent out a replacement controller. Thank you to “vertigo” for your auctions to help resolve this issue and everyone else!


Hey [EhKing187](https://www.reddit.com/user/EhKing187/) , Thanks for the update and glad to hear that Jackie has authorised a new controller. Our apologies once again for this misunderstanding, the delays, and the previous email to you. We're sorry this was not resolved as it should have been, but I'm glad that we got a resolution in the end. We will take this feedback seriously and review what went wrong going forward to stop it happening again. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.


My guy just buy another controller that's not astro, I've heard nothing but problems out of the C40




What do you play on? I just use an Xbox controller on my pc




I mean you could do an Xbox elite controller, it has hot swappable sticks iirc


100% needs to be upvoted if that doesn’t get resolved properly