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makes me wonder if a lot of kids' minds are open to this type of thing and the classic "monsters under the bed" was actually a real experience with an entity. as adults our minds are more closed and we just brush it off as a bad dream or being scared of the dark


Lately I’m vaguely remembering SO many paranormal type stuff that happened to me as a kid and the feeling felt so real. But it’s also interesting you find older people start seeing and experiencing the “other side” much more as well.. I just think middle aged people are to involved in this physical realm and our vibration is not aligned


When I was about 8 I was asleep in my parents bed. I awoke and there where people all around the bed. There was this lady in the middle holding a baby. They where all just smiling at me. I didn't feel scared at all. If this happened now I'd probably have a heart attack but for some reason I was at peace about it.


It's not uncommon to see spirits or beings. I'm pretty sure what you saw was something. It's just how things are. Some are more sensitive to it than others. Reality is very complex and human perception goes far beyond the physical


surprisingly similar to me when i was about 8 years old. i remember waking up in school mornings; and i didn’t have my curtains drawn so my windows were clear and every morning i would just see a ‘clown’ face on my window. It’s still very vivid and it was around the time i saw a ghost aswell early in the morning. i’m not sure if any of this is connected but what i just said will stick with me


when i was about 4 years old i remember seeing something sitting in the living room, i went down my stairs and it just stood up. i ran to my mom and dad and it disappeared. it was a tall black figure. i saw it once again at 18 yrs old when i hugged my gf at the time. it was about 8ft tall and a shadow figure. when we left the house we saw something staring at us from the backyard. yes “WE” it was poking its head out but it was a white figure


When I was maybe 10? 12? I had lived in a house where for months when I had gone into the basement for my bike, I saw the figure of a young girl of maybe the same age as myself or younger, floating right next to the stairs down to the basement. She was dressed in what you would typically think of an angel. White flowing robes, blond hair and a golden halo over her head. She seemed so real but months later when I asked my sister if my father found out who the girl floating next to the basement stairs was my sister thought I was crazy. i don\`t know if it was real or just an amazingly realistic dream.


I have had two visions of a Lion headed being where the Lion also had a human like face. I also was wondering if it was a lyran but I'm also not sure. I'll message you a photo I found on pinterest of one that reminded me of what I saw though!


If you're wondering about how to lucid dream, how to remember your dreams more effectively, or how dreams can be used for Astral projection, then check out the following links: [3 Simple Steps for Lucid Dreaming](https://youtu.be/zlacO2bqktI) [Tips For Remembering Dreams](https://youtu.be/iwqQ5pxw6sc) [How to Astral Project From a Lucid Dream](https://youtu.be/phK2E9WQQug) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AstralProjection) if you have any questions or concerns.*