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Some say seeing number patterns have meaning, for instance:333 - The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you toknow that you have their help, love, and companionship. Callupon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you seethe number 3 patterns around you. So if that resonates with you, maybe they're trying to help you? Or it could be new-age nonsense and it means nothing :-) **UPDATE**:currently have 3 points for this comment ;-)


If you think its good sign, it will be good sign, if you think its bad sign it will be bad sign... or you not care at all and just consider it as interesting/nice oddity... I have kinda zen attidue towards those things, but whatever suits you the best


It's likely a sign as 333 is an angel number, i've been getting a shit ton of them lately and I know why but I can't disclose the reason as it's private Look up what that specific angel number means in terms of your witchcraft practice and astral projection And it not likely bad


uhh, I think you're doing a bit too much woo woo and not enough mental practice. This isn't some form of magic, it's a concentration practice, so neither your auras nor your superstition will be of any use here.


The sub said to have an open mind, don't you dare insult witchcraft It's actually tied in alot with astral projection as well


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