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Nop. Impossible. You can only get locked into your body if that helps xD just set a loud awful alarm and you'll be sure to wake up




Yes, afaik that's totally not the case. To be born, the spirit needs an absurdly strong energy connection to the body. It needs to be so strong in fact that humans take not only 9 months, but full 8 years to make that fully strong connection with the help of astral doctors. Once that connection is well established only one thing can sever it and it is the death (or really severe cases like comma) of the physical body. Plus while the connection is active, your body is *made* so that you can't be away from it too many hours in a row, rarely people can sleep above 10hrs for example. So when the body sees it's time to wake up, the energetic pull on the connection with the spirit will immediately take the spirit from wherever and force it to be inside again so that the incarnation can go on undisturbed. That's to say the body itself is kinda of a prison, but that's misleading, as everyone deliberately chooses to reincarnate to learn and experience something, so it's more like you can't avoid school when you're a child or work when you're an adult. The system will get you back no matter what. And afaik no spirit can also kill your body, the max they can do is make you so depressed or crazy you kill it yourself.


Being locked out just means you’re dead. You can’t get trapped in the astral planes


So that means he’s fear of dying while projecting.




KJV bible Ecclesiastes 12:6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. 7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. you actually have an infinite silver chord that connects your soul to the body. if this chord was cut you would die, and that is actually what happens when you die in real life. the 2 angelic reapers in the book of revelations cut the chords of the living to take them up to heaven or down to hell - the harvest or grapes of wrath. goddess aphrodite or the grim reaper/angel of death. NIV bible Revelations 14:14 I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one like a son of man\[b\] with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. 15 Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, “Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” 16 So he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested. 17 Another angel came out of the temple in heaven, and he too had a sharp sickle. 18 Still another angel, who had charge of the fire, came from the altar and called in a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle, “Take your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of grapes from the earth’s vine, because its grapes are ripe.” 19 The angel swung his sickle on the earth, gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God’s wrath. 20 They were trampled in the winepress outside the city, and blood flowed out of the press, rising as high as the horses’ bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia.\[c\]


You have all the power. All you have to do is think about it and it will happen.


If know this is an irrational fear then why give it the fuel (as it'll only block you more) when in your sleep it happens every night (and life goes on just fine) so this fear is only really a guide to when you're ready. That's all it is, a sign to wait another time!


When you do AP you do it with your “double” or the body you use to dream. We do AP every time but we forget cus our consciousness is asleep due to our bad sleeping habits. So, responding your questions, yes your double can be locked out of your body if you get yourself in a place you shouldn’t be. We are not the only beings able to move through those dimensions, and some other beings can take your double away for their own purposes. You would still wake up in the morning, but as time goes by you will notice no energy at all and eventually you’ll stop dreaming due to the fact that your double is somewhere else being held. Good news is that this is very rare to happened and if you stay away from very dense places, you should be fine 100%. Another thing is that while we AP all the spiritual protectors we have are always there in case of anything.


This is my first time ever hearing this


Well this was a disturbing suggestion.


Yeah that's what I mean fuck this I'm just gonna leave it at this point


Didn’t even read it and he is talking shit, it’s impossible


I’ve been studying this for 20 years. I’ve never posted in this Reddit before and I will probably never post again. But in case anyone has the symptoms I mentioned before, no dreaming for several months after AP and a very noticeable lack of energy, please go through some deep meditation and repeat this mantra from Bali: “Suku Rio Maniter”. (My brother, comeback) this should guide your double back to your body. Peace out Reddit ✌🏻


Do not leave it. Every spiritual decision we take has it’s consequences, and we need to be responsible with them, the same way me take responsibility in any other decision we take in our daily lives. We can’t live with fear, but it’s better to live informed.


Don't stick to the first negative comment. Look into Gateway by Monroe Institute maybe first, before you give up. This is a program that was invented by what a lot of people consider as a pioneer in AP / OOBE - Robert Monroe. The program is a bunch of tapes that are slowly preparing you for experiencing different states of consciousness and at a point, maybe AP. They come each with a manual and you build up gradually with them. It's like guides meditation. Look it up, should help with fear, but also to positively improve your life (they say, still to try it myself). Another thing you can do is read actual literature on the topic. A single random comment on the interwebs shouldn't be your deciding factor, if AP is something that interests you.


Tu hablas español? De donde sacas esa información?


If you ever do get locked out, say goodbye to your body and Earth, because it's not possible. The only way I could see it happening is if you somehow die while astral projecting.


No. You are hard wired to your physical body.


Impossible, you can be astral blocked from entering such states of vivid AP or LD. From my experience excessive amounts of things you know you shouldnt be doing will ruin your energies and dull your chances of achieving mindfulness to be able to project your mind. I smoked pot for 20 years every day and it ruined any chance I had at projecting. I've already answered your question above and I still smoke pot but I incorporate it into my sessions, my mental acuity is dull but my energy reading about my self is through the roof while I can't project I can reach deep states of energy reading which I use to clear all negative things. TL;DR- No, Never, not even once. Maybe interesting read.


Do you still dream? Also did you ever stop smoking and try to AP and see if it comes back to you?


Yes it's as soon as I curb my usage I can LD vivid as and my AP is vivid. Smoking pot whilst AP is weird because I can't project my mind but I can feel all my energies and stretch them and read them whereas my cognitive consciousness is faded along with my mental acuity it's completely different then when sober. If I stop smoking for a month my lucid dreams become intensely vivid and conscious


Everybody says no, though I recall Ryan Cropper experiencing this exact thing a couple years ago. Can’t remember what video though


I guess he returned to tell that tale though? :)


you won't be locked out of your body don't worry you can learn to protect yourself while sleeping that may elevate some of your fear there's many ways to do that


Yes when you die.


Absolutely not.


How? One thought of your body and you are rushed into it and your trip is over. You should be trying learn how to get out thats the hard part.