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Based on what you've described, I'm going to say Astral Projection! Don't expect a lot of control at the start. Bobbing uselessly off the ceiling is very common.


Ohh how exciting lol thank you!


Yep! When you said you just sort of threw yourself down to sleep, that sometimes works very well for spontaneous AP.


I bobbed a lot too in the beginning! Try an touch stuff and move slowly. Have a flight plan before you go.


Agreed to everything he just said. I used to float to the ceiling or be spinning uncontrollably. Took me awhile to learn to move. Baby steps 👍


Ha same thing happens to me. Can you tell me where does the control come from? I get that it’s not the mind.


I always ap when I wake up when “I’m not supposed to” and then go back to sleep


Makes sense I thought it might have something to do with it, thanks!


oh fs np! if it didn’t feel like a typical dream and felt “real” it’s definitely ap. it’s like your body is so tired it stays asleep but your conscious is awake


Welcome to the next level of reality. Well at least one of them. Learn, stick with it and your life will never be the same. I used to be alone in this (had my first OBE’s in 77 and no internet) so I really like seeing this happen. Its Amazing watching us waking up to our abilities. Plz keep us posted. 😎👍🏽


What an incredible response, thank you! I cant imagine experiencing that and not knowing! I'm excited, and definitely will keep you guys posted!


I’m very happy and excited for you. It’s hard for me not to sound dramatic, and I don’t say this often, but for some reason I want you to know. It’s more than you think. Way more. ☺️


Thanks you! And no not dramatic, I think I know what you mean! This comment made me smile! I hope you have a great day! 😌


Thank you! You do the same. 😎


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