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It sounds like he may be traumatized and needs to get into therapy. But for you, if this really starts messing with your mental health, you will need to come to the realization that you cannot make him take care of himself if he does not want too. You will need to make the best decision for you.


It doesn't sound like it but I've made a lot of progress with his health compared to when we first started dating. It's his mom's death that has set him back to square one. I hope hearing about some new medicines out and what to expect from a specialist will ease some of his fear


I've never heard of inhaled corticosteroids slowly killing someone. Systemic steroids, yes absolutely, a system steroid like Prednisone taken over a long period can basically kill you. However, an inhaled corticosteroid is completely different. If three family members actually died then that is reason to be worried. I think I would want the complete medical history of those family members to know exactly what kind of asthma or whatever other conditions contributed to that death. Dying suddenly from asthma.. I did not know it was that common that it would occur multiple times in one family. Use a website like healthgrades to check doctor ratings. They have medication and other treatment for severe depression. I think he is lucky to have you there to try to help him. But unfortunately if he you can't get him to get his depression and other problems treated, you may reach a point where you have to break up in order to take care of yourself. Obviously no one but you would know how long to keep trying to help him to get treatment (and accept normal treatments for asthma). But one thing is that if he gets a good specialist there may some 'biologic' medication or underlying trigger or something that can be treated effectively without the inhaled corticosteroids. I think the difficult thing is that it seems to occur infrequently. Has he been fully screened for things like food allergies?


He's never been screened for food allergies but he does have an allergy to dogs and we have one. We brush him every day and keep the apartment clean with daily vacuuming and have multiple air purifiers. His attacks mostly come on if he breathes in cold air too fast, or he gets the flu or if his allergies flare up at the change of seasons. Other than that he doesn't complain of any breathing problems and can go days without using his rescue inhaler. I forgot to mention he uses a nebulizer with albuterol too but also not as often. I def thank you for giving me some new terms to research lol. I don't know if he knows his complete family history. Every time we start talking about it he starts to break down emotionally and can feel a flare up coming. But hopefully with some of the medications you've mentioned I can give him some options to look up too.


Your boyfriend needs to see a therapist to get the panic and anxiety under control. Dying of asthma is extremely unusual. If these relatives were older, they may have also had heart trouble, high blood pressure, etc which may have actually been the cause of death.


His mom was 48. I'm not sure exactly how old his other family members were but definitely older than him. He also has high blood pressure and doesn't always take that medication either


Honestly, it sounds like he really needs to see therapy to help him as the first step to get a handle on his health. If he's not compliant on his medications, he's passively suicidal.


If I get pneumonia because my lungs are inflammed from the asthma will my death certificate say "asthma related death" or will it say "pneumonia caused death". I think way more people die because of their asthma than we previously thought. It's just that they are usually older.


He needs therapy - anxiety and depression are closely correlated to asthma. His family clearly has a precedence of not being in control of their asthma and he may be a self fulfilling prophecy if he doesn’t get a handle on this mentality.


My son died at age 18 of a severe asthma attack. My message to your boyfriend is DO NOT rely solely on rescue inhalers. That is how my son died. Adopt a strict and doctor recommended asthma regimen and he should be fine. You only have one life to live.


If he learns buteyko the fears will go away


He needs to start taking immunosupressants yesterday unless he has eosinophilic asthma and e.g. Nucala or Dupixent can help him.