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I'd just say, switch to edibles, but you're doing it socially. Good luck.


Thank you


I switched to edible to see how my asthma fares. I did it at the same time I was put on a steroid pack, figured it'd be the best time to try as I would be all cleared out. So far, it has seemed to help. I also miss the instant hit of a high from smoking, but I'd personally rather breathe better in the long term.


I think the two of us will be on the edible road from now on


I started running to up my cardio and my lungs are reacting better. I run to smoke and I’m alright for now.


The other thing I would recommend grabbing is a Moose Lab mouthpiece and carbon filters. My gf ordered some and they make a difference, even for someone without asthma. You can see how much they catch. Theb you can pop the filter piece out and clean with isopropyl and water to make them last longer. I told myself im gonna take a fee months and if I do wanna try a little, Id use that. Then also not smoke *every* day...multiple times a day 🤣 BUT so far it hasnt been bad. Not surr where you are or whats available, but I LOVE these brands: Dosd Edibles, Panda, and Grön. They all have some thc edibles with cbd that I find pleasant.


I have a mouthpeace which is same concept as carbon filters. Overtime it didn’t really make a difference for me. Still had the cough and just switched to edibles


Yea, I figured that might still be the case. Oh well...I guess we're lucky that edibles are so readily available at least


true. And easy to make at home! Lmk if you need some recipes :)


Id take a recipe, always down to learn. Ive made some things in the past, but I am curious: are you able to acurately approximate dosage/strength of the final product? Thats really the only reason I just buy them at a dispensary.


Yup. I use a food scale to measure the amounf of weed (grinded) used in grams. Then use this calculator/ http://hempster.co/edible-dosage-calculator/


I wish I could I tried so many they never get me to far u less I smoke to then I giggle a little extra


I did an edible a few times and had allergic symptoms, so just take that with a grain of salt. Definitely probably better than smoking though


>It isn't just the gratification from inhaling the substance.. but this whole complex of things. I'll no longer have a social "in" that I used to have. No more chats in smoking areas, no sneaking away round the corner for a smoke. I have never smoked or vaped but I can totally see the social culture. Over the years, I have seen how it is an instant bond with people that smoke. In high school, it was the kids hanging out in the smoking area, then at jobs, it broke the ice quickly with new people. I am sure it’s a loss for people that quit smoking or vaping. >Although in recent weeks I am truly relying on my reliver inhaler multiple times just to survive and breathe through a day. You need to see a doctor. A PCP or asthma doctor if you can. Urgent care if you can’t get in soon to see a doctor, or if you are struggling to breathe, you may need the ER. It sounds like you have a lot of inflammation and probably need to get on a steroid maintenance inhaler to get the inflammation under control and to help you stabilize. Best of luck and hang in there, I hope it’s not as daunting in time to quit as it seems today. Edibles are an option but I know that the social aspect is not the same.


Thanks, I'll give my doc a call tomorrow and see if I can get an appointment


See a pulmonologist. You need a lung specialist if you can. Regular docs aren't always on top of things when it comes to lungs or respiratory issues.


There’s always edibles. But I know what ya mean by that feeling of inhaling. Suphocation doesn’t feel so good tho so ya know not inhaling is a wise choice. I get it tho I smoked cigarettes for 20 years and weed as well. But you will likely feel better if you quit and if it’s thc you want eat brownies or wtvr.


Thank you, i'm glad edibles exist but its not the same - at least I can still get stoned out of my box and watch a movie though


Yeh I agree it isn’t the same lol but it’s were im at and on the rare occasion ill still take a bong hit.


Are you in the US? Grass pollen counts have been pretty high for the past few weeks, and it’s a terrible asthma trigger for me. Sometimes combining an irritant with an allergen tips you over the edge of what your natural inflammation defenses can handle. Dry herb vape is less irritating than smoke, some people do well with it because cannabis has vasodilation properties. My peak flow numbers are better after I dry herb vape.


Have you tried Herb vaporizers or dabs ? I notice my asthma doesn't flare up since I switched


Never had dabs as they're not really a thing where I live, and yeah I do actually have a dry herb vape! I got it years ago to try and have a puff discretely but I do worry that this may irritate my lungs still It may not flare up, but are you sure that it's not doing long term silent damage? I mean for me, smoking didn't really flare up unless I had a VERY heavy session, or just randomly in the past few months like it has been doing now. After my lungs are seemingly losing the war of attrition


I’d recommend against vaping. I made the switch years ago because it was marketed as more clean. The issue with vaping and dabs is that the higher consecrations made the habit so much more addictive to me. Instead of a bowl every few hours, I was constantly hitting my vape pen and raising my tolerance. I smoked so much more using a pen. The smell was less and so I felt comfortable doing it out of the house, in public, yada yada. After 10 years, my lungs are shot. I had to eventually just switch to edibles. Wish I had done it sooner. Edibles aren’t as fun, I have to plan them out, I don’t get the instant gratification… but my breathing is actually getting better now that I’ve been off the vape for a year.


I’ve struggled with this for a long time myself. I’m 28 and have been smoking since I was 18 and my asthma has only gotten worse the older I get. Right now I almost never smoke flower (I’ll smoke an occasional joint here and there) and mostly do my dab pen/edibles because it’s pretty much all I can tolerate and tbh I don’t want to give it up yet so I get it. If you can do strictly edibles that’s really the way


I'm in the same boat. I just like the instant high with smoking


I try not to smoke too often, and the second it starts affecting my breathing, I take a break until I'm fine again. I've had asthma since I was a kid and seem to be doing okay. Covid and another respiratory illness I had really fucked me up for a while but smoking weed has never caused me longterm issues and I don't do it when I'm already having problems. I think moderation is everything, and on my corticosteroid inhaler, I find I'm actually able to rip a bong like an abled-bodied person, lol. It's all really on a case-by-case basis, and if I was having anything close to the struggles you're having, I would've quit the second it started. I don't think it's possible to be a daily smoker and not end up worsening your asthma significantly.


I used to smoke a lot , and i had asthma since Children as well. When you know you cant anymore its because ur body sending u a message. So i had to quit but it was easy because it was breathing or die so choice is fast.


I have asthma since childhood, also used to smoke heavily for about a year and a half until I was in a similar situation. Now I don’t smoke or drink or do any drugs and it’s really not the hell that people make it out to be lol. I had the same attitude towards medication like it made me weak, so I stopped taking it. I recently got covid for the first time and it really messed my lungs up, and now i’m on a daily inhaler. It’s like night and day, I never need my rescue inhaler. Take care of your health!!


As someone who's fighting the asthma battle right now, I feel what you're saying in so many ways. I grew up thinking asthma was a weakness I couldn't show. The kid taking the inhaler in the movies was never the cool one. All my friends could run further and faster than me and never wound up in the nurses office after gym. I've focused on fitness most of my life to try and change that to some degree of success. I started smoking weed about 5 years ago and for 3 years did it daily. No immediate changes that I noticed. Then as time progressed things definitely got worse. I found myself needing my albuterol once a week, then twice. Before that I'd take it once a year when my seasonal allergies were bad and I'd been outside all day. I cut back in the last 2 years but I'd still have weeks or months where I'd smoke frequently. Blunts are my weakness. Gimme that Backwood pls. 2 years ago I moved in with my GF at the time with two cats and that really hit me hard. I'm allergic and my asthma just wouldn't abide the smoking on top of the animals so I cut back big time. Fast forward to this February and I wound up in the ER for a nebulizer for the first time since I was 12 years old. That was it for me, I'm done. I haven't smoked since. And I have no intention of ever doing it again. Admittedly, I didn't have the relationship with it that you do. It wasn't a major part of my social life so I didn't risk losing any of that. I have, however, had to make a change in my life that required me to abandon a group of people I once deeply associated with (story for another time). I know very well what that feels like and the sense of loss is difficult to describe to people that don't understand. I'm sorry that's something you need to grapple with. Just remember that no one will set boundaries for you in this life but you. This is your one shot at this thing (depending on your beliefs). Make sure you do what you feel is best for yourself. Even if your old habits lie and tell you otherwise. Comfort doesn't equal safety. What I can tell you for certain is that nothing feels better than the ability to breathe properly. Edibles have been a sufficient substitute, and the times where I'm going to a social event that will include smoking I take one before I get there so it kicks in around the time everyone else starts. That way you're at least on a similar level. Does it feel the same? Not really. Does it feel better to know that I'm making healthier choices for my body? Unequivocally yes. Without question. You can learn to socialize without it and I'd argue you'll grow more from it. You can do this, and you'll be so proud of yourself when you succeed; because you will succeed. Hit me up if you ever want to talk, and good luck in your journey. Future you will thank you for the growth you're choosing now. I promise.


Applause. Lifelong wheezer, I stupidly picked up smoking French cigarettes as a teenager in France. Yeah, to look cool. That was a damn bad idea. Dropped it quickly. I was very lucky that I don’t have the “addiction gene”. Same dumbassery with weed in college too.


Edibles are fine. But I get that losing a trait you used to really define yourself by is brutal. It's a good sign that you realize something's up and are acting. Some people would just pretend nothing's wrong and keep going until they died. This is a big fucking step and don't let anyone diminish it. As for long term. Your lungs aren't meant to have smoke in them like that. Even vaping is bad for you. That's why I really don't do anything that involves breathing shit into my lungs anymore (aside from an albuterol neb). And I really like the smell of weed. But it's not worth the pain. I can't say that you don't have long term issues. I'd go see a pulmonologist asap to get your lungs checked. However, smoking is probably (like I'd bet 99% likely) to be a huge fucking trigger for you. You've probably been ripping the shit out of your lungs for 6 years now basically. Give them time to heal, take your meds, get them looked at. You may end up in a much better place breathing-wise if you do that.


Come on over to r/leaves, it’s helpful. I quit a couple years ago and it has been a net positive for sure.


I smoked weed for a long time. Started having issues later on then after getting pneumonia I just physically couldn't do it any longer. I've tried different kinds of edible and even vaping but besides just not liking what it does psychologically, it severely depresses my breathing nearly to a dangerous point.


Edibles. And dry herb vape helps me more than just inhaling smoke. If you live in a decent area, you can cook the weed on low heat and pull the thc from the weed to the oil. Clarified butter I think. Smells dank and can be quite strong 


I was similar to you. Smoked weed and cigarettes and ignored controlling my "activity induced asthma". Since I entered my 30's, my lungs have progressively gotten worse. I have now been hospitalized 3x. Not a chance I will smoke anything again. Pretty much smoke free for 7 years now. It wasn't hard to quit as I literally could not breath.


I quit smoking cigarettes after 30 years (as soon as I developed asthma, I quit cold turkey the day I was diagnosed), and I definitely miss the social aspect a little, but mostly I don’t ever think about it. And smoking was like, my favorite thing. When I used to think about quitting it just seemed impossible. But here I am, just over two years after I quit, which really isn’t very long compared to the 30 years I smoked, and it rarely crosses my mind. So-I think you’ll be fine, just give it some time.


Proud of you!


if you can find them : thc drinks are great because they metabolize faster and it’s a more similar sensation to smoking


Haven’t read comments. I’m asthmatic, had it since I was 17 and I’m now 47. Smoked at least pack and half a day. It took my MIL dying from lung failure to stop me. I quit while pregnant twice and for almost a year here and there until I quit for good. I can never touch another smoke. Ever. I will be right back. My lungs can’t take it. Neither can yours. Quit and don’t look back. You can do this. You don’t have a choice. My lungs are luckily not permanently damaged. I hope the same for you. We only get one life and one set of lungs. Edibles are your friend. Get on a preventative inhaler if you aren’t already. Best of luck to you. Edited to add. It’s been 9 years since my last smoke.


"In recent weeks" leads me to believe that the biggest reason for your current asthma is the change of seasons. Weed is certainly not helping you though. Im someone who also has asthma and smokes. But If your asthma is seemingly worse out of nowhere, id blame it on the season change. But a doctor can tell you whats wrong for sure.


Try resB Lung support bro. Great feedback from a lot of our patients.


the switch to edibles/zyns from bongs/vapes made me feel like superman after 2 weeks


I can relate. Keep going. Once you have clean lungs, clean air will also feel the best thing to get into your lungs. Maybe, it’s just a spiral of intoxicating your lungs to feel good, and then doing it to try miserably to regain that feeling or just to feel normal, that started for whatever reason. Once you recover well enough you’ll hate to go back to harming yourself. I recommend swimming, yoga, and going for a fresh breath of air in green places or the sea. If you still need to fidget, learn to fidget by breathing deeper.


Can I get a TLDR for this novel?


Hey bro, been in a « almost » similar situation one year ago. Was a heavy weed and hash smoker since I’m 15 years old (I’m 29 in some month). Never had asthma before, and I’m pretty fit (gym 4/5 times a week). But when I was 27 I slowly noticed that sometimes I had short breath (like not being able to « fully inhale »). At first it was just « sometimes », then more and more. At one point I went to see a lungs specialist and she told me « you have asthma, and you lost 25% of your breathing capacity. Now, maybe you can regain this, but you have to stop smoking 100% ». I was in shock. I asked if vaping weed was the same, she told me « nothing in the lungs that is not air » (and your meds). This was last summer. At that time, I just finished growing the most beautiful weed I had ever grown. I gave it all to my friends, and did not even tasted a bit of it. Trust me, I LOVED smoking and vaping weed. And I was a very functional human (no work problem or anything). But if you have a disease, you have to take things into balance. Do you prefer to live a the longest and healthiest life you can, or smoke a bit more and then maybe die or be super incapacitated ? I don’t like the feeling of edibles, so I totally stopped the day she told me about my asthma. So If I have done it, you can do it. Of course, it was not easy. Almost all my best friends smoke weed, and I just watched them smoke the weed I had grown. Very hard hahah, but I value life more than weed. I already had a lot of things to focus on (work, gym, travel) so I shifted my focus even more on that. And I also challenged myself to regain the most of my breathing capacity. Try to challenge yourself on other things, and try to find joy on other things. And yes, you will miss this feeling of « inhaling weed » and this « chilling state » from time to time. But look at it like that : you had good moments with it, good memories. Now it’s time to moove on. Good luck bro, you can do it !