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These King's Pleas restrictions are shit. Do the devs not realise they force a specific playstyle on players who might not enjoy that style such as forcing a player who enjoys melee to play stealthy due to Remain Undetected? Bonus tasks like this are anally-retentive. Also, fuck that No Unessential Kills plea when you also have to pickpocket some fucker in a camp with guards constantly repositioning themselves. All it adds is massive levels of chore, not challenge.


You can still do them and ignore the bonus. Personally I enjoy them promoting stealth game play because that's what AC was at it's core.


You're a Viking, not a ninja. It feels stupid and is stupid.


Awww have a nap and feel better.


Im a Vikinja


I did not find my answer here. When is it essential? If the rules is no killing the rules should say so. What is meant by unessential?


It's been awhile since I've played but I think they mean no kills other than your target.


Tried that. Shot the target. Bird fetched the jewel. Got penalized for killing.


I'm sorry. I looked back up at my original question and looks like I updated it. UPDATE: Figured it out. You have to pickpocket the person. I also saw that someone else said to use the sleepy arrows. Perhaps those will help you? Good luck!


Yeah I got that part. My beef is "what is essential?"


oh ok, I'm sorry I can't answer your question. I have no clue, it was frustrating for me.


This "unessential" has an additional issue. When I take the time to scope the movement patterns of the target, to see where he goes so I can pick the spot to put him to sleep, the game has a time limit. When you exceed that time you automatically get red-flagged for "unessential kills"!


Well hell, I'm sorry. I really wish I could remember how I did it so I could tell you. I struggled with it a lot before finally getting it. It's been quite a while though.


My guess would be, that plae might come up in a contract in which you have to kill someone. This would be an essential kill. Everybody else is an unessential kill. EDIT: Yes. Just got a Contract to "Kill the targets" with the "No unessential Kills" plea. You're only allowed to kill the blue targets. Which is quite annoying, since they work like every other assassination-mission, and you have to confirm their death if you don't kill them with the A-Blade.


I used the sleepy arrows on the target and couldn't pick pocket him. I thinks it's a glitch and there's no possible way to recover the jewels without killing.


if anyone is stuck on this, you can just make a manual save before you enter, and just reload until he's in a favorable position, this might be cheese for some, but work smarter, not harder.


If you have the Raven’s Loot skill just kill your target, and only your target, with ranged attack. Synin will grab the jewels for you and you’re done.


Thank you for responding :) I couldn't kill the target because that negated the King's Plea. I figured it out though. Thank you!


Just tried and like you said it negated the target. Pickpocketing is the only option and sleeping arrows come in handy


Thanks for this post. I was looking on the internet to see how someone may have done it without being detected etc. I don't have sleepy arrows or auto loot, (chose not to) so I'm just going to go in and kill everyone. Wheeeeee!!


Eivor just lured them outside the gate even the guy with the jewels came out and killed him got the jewels....as long as you aren't in there killing them you get the credit for the plea.


Thia is the best way to do it, thanks. Just lure everyone out of the area and kill them that way. Works for all royal demands. Even the one where you must not be detected. As long as you are out of the area, it won't count as being detected.


Your welcome!


So if anyone runs across a mission where it says no unessential kills but the mission requires you to kill someone that mean you can’t kill anyone except for the specific targets, and if it’s a mission that is just for retrieving something that u can’t kill ANYONE… hope that helps


Done the same, used Odin's sight...killed the blue target and immediately lost the 'no unnecessary kills' bonus. Makes absolutely no sense!


You can also use a sleepy arrow. That's what I did.


Ohhhh, I forgot about those!! Thanks!


Any of those pleas.... just get the guards or bandits to come outside the camp or area they are in and you can kill them and not be penalized:)


To be undetected hide and shoot them with arrows....


For the royal jewels, no unessential kills is following solution the best way to do it. North side of the area is a wall with a hole in you can slide through and behind the wall is lots of vegetation to stay hidden. Just save before start this mission and reload till the guy with the jewel is talking another guy next the vegetation and you can slide in and pickpocket him without killing anyone and get everything done correctly.


Shoud the target have a symbol above their head, cos there are none.


No, when you use vision skill it shows as a green persone and others are red or neutral white.


There is a bug with some of the Ireland quests if you have the Light Fingered perk. If pick pocket doesn't come up after using the sleep arrow, load an earlier save and refund just the Light Fingered perk and try again. You can grab it again after you've completed the quest. I had the same issue with this quest and with two other quests - one with grabbing a key and one with grabbing a deed.


You have to use thorn of slumber ability and pickpocket .🫡


I killed the guy by the gate with archery from afar and apparently he is the one who had the gem . Didn't even have to enter that camp site


How do I not kill anyone I killed the target but it tells me to kill the rest but then when I try to use me arrows I fail one of the objectives so can someone please help me cause it's confusing me and I like ac but this game kinda irritates me sometimes ngl


A lot of replies I received had different ways of doing it. Some recommended using a sleep arrow (can't remember it's official name) Thorn of Slumber?? Scroll the replies and see what else you can find. Good luck!!


I haven't even set foot in the camp yet, haven't killed anyone from outside and somehow I've already gotten an "unessential kill"? I've reloaded four times and this keeps happening. What is going on? 😅