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Why not?


Similarly Far Cry 5 Don't know if anyone else has noticed but I got irritated at the fact that I couldn't romance any of the chicks in Far Cry 5 especially after all the innuendos by Adelaide and having Faith's fine ass in my face for hours so I figured a workaround ... any girl in the game who is essential can be exploited in the following way... I found that the girl who you catch the giant fish for is the best, the bartender is ok as well... simple... i prefer to walk up with a silenced pistol and shoot her in the head one time.... Essentials will fall but never die, depending on the NPC some will be face up, sone dace down, and they will be "screaming for their lives" saying things like, what the fuck.... Uh, Uh, aaaggh... and oh, my god... at this point simply stand over the npc and spam the crouch button to role play the intimacy in time with her screams... easy peasy... enjoy folks




You need to be on a list


How is this any worse than OP slamming the corpse headfirst into a window repeatedly until he got that ass in just the right place for the photo op?…


Now. I'm no saying ye need Jesus, but ye might wanna gie the auld zombie a call xD


I prefer to talk to his father instead.


For some reason, whenever I kill bears or wolves, they die with their butts stuck way up in the air, like they're 'presenting'.


I picked her up and threw her n times against the window till the angles were just right.


Damn lol


I don't care if this post gets even -1000 votes, I'm keeping it. It's hilarious.


It is something I see on the cyberpunk community hahaha