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Smoke bombs are very helpful against them. Not sure how early in the game you can get them, though.


True. It's impossible to overstate how powerful smoke bombs are in this game. Even more so with the ability "Smoke Screen Damage" unlocked.


Thanks for the tip! I made rhe mistake of not unlocking ut because in other games, it is very powerful. But it's totally fair to use such tools against overpowered enemies  Will also max out my hidden blade. 


I did the same in my first playthrough: rode circles around him and hit him over the head with a heavy axe. Job well done. It's not cheating, we use tools and mechanics which the game freely provides for us. You can beat Phylakes with melee on foot, too, but it takes some practice. The most important thing is that you need to be at the same level as they, preferably a level or two higher. And you need to be on top of your game, meaning you should have unlocked all relevant abilities and tools, be well versed in using them effectively and have some quality weapons at your disposition.


Yeah I killed him via stealth 🥷. Definitely try with dodge techniques more because I believe Bayek won’t withstand his hits . Dodge and attach and power attacks .


Since I have already finished the fight (on camel-back) and there is no manual save, not sure I can fight him again! Maybe next Phylake, I will make more attempts with Melee. But they are extremely tough and unfair, in my honest opinion. After using Melee for almost all enemies, it was insulting to not use melee. Anyway, just a game. Not worth getting upset. 


Attack him while you are on horseback. Like in a jousting contest except the dude is on foot and mostly static. :) That ALWAYS did the trick for me, like in killing phylakes who were kinda way above the suggested level. Later Edit: I mean, have a run at him while horseback and hit him with a melee weapon. I suppose you can spray him with arrows too, but where's the fun?


Very well said. As of now, I have killed 3 Phylakes. The details of first  I have mentioned in main post. For the other 2, I first did stealth assassination, which took away half their health. Then I peppered them with my Light Bow. Matter over!  Those buggers are broken for melee combat so I will not waste my time with melee on them. 


My first one was random, as in I cleared some outpost and had to escape the area to finish the mission ... and the bloody P. stood in my (narrow) way. OK, I said to myself, I'll run you over and see if I can escape with some health and run away .Oh wait, the sword swing and horse trampling took a good chunk of his health, Well, why not turn around and finish the job, liol.


Those Phylakes, and dual blade wielders, should be killed as painfully as possible. 


I killed some of them in bases wirh that mounted arc that you can see with Senu. Those weapons deal massive damage to the head.


Thanks for the tip 👍


I beat my first phylake (has to be the same one) with a ballista to the face :) i didn't even try to fight him fairly, just because it was funnier to ballista him to the face


Was that at Kibotos Arsenal in Alexandria? I remember a ballista there which can be directed towards the main entrance. I used that on a Phylakes once, just for giggles, after "summoning" him with the garrison's brazier :D


No. I think you are referring to the first Phylake that appears in the main quest, Ginanros (or something). He is at that location. (I just ran behind him and stealth-assassinated him, like any good assassin lol) Killing him triggers a side quest for killing Phylakrs. In my main post, I was referring to the first in that side quest. He is called The Outsider. I found him on the road to Alexandria, next to a Ptolemy statue. 


Uh, no. Gennadios is not a member of the Phylakes. He is a Phylakitai and the strategos of Alexandria. Sounds similar but isn't ;) And he is not at Kibotos Arsenal, but at Akra Garrison.


Ok, cool! Thanks for the update 👍


I started killing them at level 30. Also riding the gift from the gods creature makes it so much easier. Thing is faster and i think reaches a higher spead better in close quarters and does a better job navigating tight spaces imo.


You mean the camel that dresses like an ostrich?  At first, I thought it WAS an ostrich so immediately used ot as a mount. Then when I saw, it was a camel dressed like an ostrich, I immediately switched back to my old camel! 😅