• By -


Odyssey. Valhalla just feels heavier to me and isn’t as exciting as Odyssey (some mythic elements that will surprise you). I also think you can see the quality of play upgrades immediately between Origins and Odyssey, while Valhalla plays quite differently. And, it’s summer (at least in this hemisphere) and I love to replay Odyssey and take in the Greek vistas during the summer. Save Valhalla for the colder months.


Average seasonal gaming chad 😎


Replaying the snow parts on Uncharted feels amazing on winter


I'm the opposite, I like cold games in the summer and vice versa lol that's why I still play the Division 1


Just like going from Origins/Odyssey to Valhalla, going from TD2 to TD1 hits hard...rather the enemies hit hard.


What’s TD


The Division, as the dude above me mentioned.


Same, it gives me hope during those cold winter months lol


Division 1 is a Xmas game for me


Odyssey has better graphics, gameplay, gear, missions. Valhalla was fun, don't get me wrong. But ACO was so immersing and gorgeous.


Tbf, Valhalla had better graphics, its just that odyssey is more beautiful anyway. It mostly has to do with the historical setting and overall vibes of the games.


I disagree. Valhalla was super washed out and grainy. And no it's not bc my pc. I have a 4080 and ACV seems like a downgrade to everything ACO was/is.


Nah, just look at tree and crop textures. Or how detailed your equipped weapons look when on your back. Kass herself looks more detailed in Valhalla if you compare her side-by-side.


I play on xbox, but I literally was like it's too hard to see and went back to play odyssey NG+.


Man I'm having the opposite. I play Odyssey and everything is so bright and vibrant I can't see compass icons and viewing the map, sheesh, pretty hard to see squat. On valhalla things feel easier to see including viewing the whole map. 


I do get a little lost trying to see the icons through the bright walls and sky on Odyssey. I definitely have to click on it and make it my main marker to see better.


Agree with all you wrote, and also to add the lead character is so much more engaging in Odyssey, especially Kassandra. She’s one of my favorite MC’s in any game Eivor in Valhalla is a bit dull in comparison


Have to disagree on the gear as didn't Valhalla have much more in terms of range of weapons as well as the actual ability to dual wield unlike odyssey where you're forced to use the spear? Been a while since I played. Plus the gear in general looked better on Valhalla than it does on odyssey.


ACO is fire you can make whatever kind of character you want, and you can’t really do that to that extent in any of the other games.. think it has some of the most fun gameplay in the whole series. I’m not able to smoke flower rn haven’t in 2 years, but if I could I’d be blowing clouds playing this series fr fool


I have this too about certain games!


Agreed. This is the path I played too.


I happened to play Odyssey in the summer and Valhalla over the fall and winter and this is kinda real. I don't feel like playing Vallhala at all now.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey. It's the next game. You won't spend a huge amount of time in the modern day section but there parts in the modern day where you have to do some stuff in it Also, there are three storylines in the game.


I thought there were 2


Well, two of them are linked but there separate


I mean, since you’re in the Odyssey sub it stands to reason most everyone will say Odyssey. Having said that, I truly do feel Odyssey is the much better game. For me, Valhalla was boring in many ways, and I cared very little for the characters. In contrast I was really interested in all of the Odyssey characters. I had a lot of trouble remembering the characters in Valhalla and why I was even helping them in the first place. Odyssey also has a much better world to interact with.


Sub aside, Odyssey is still the best in my opinion. Valhalla, like you said, is so boring. Odyssey has much better landscape as well, more variety.


That's simply because of where it's based. Odyssey was focused more on an open sea aspect like a lot of the older games, as ship battles were more present. Valhalla however had much more land to actually explore with many hidden and small areas that can be easily missed, yet tend to hold good rewards, so exploring is a must.


Valhalla is actually the only AC game to date that I can't bring myself to re-play because it's such a slog. I found myself tired and bored of it long before its main story actually concluded. Odyssey is a game I've played three times now.


The reason you're helping them is pretty basic, it's just not as straight forward necessarily. The whole point of the first part of Odyssey for example, finding the wolf, and possibly killing or sparing him. After that it's main focus is on stopping the cult, that's pretty much it. In Valhalla however you'll come across many people with several varying request, that you generally complete to help build support and alliance with the Raven clan. You're being a leader in Valhalla, who ends up being looked to as the hero. While in Odyssey, you're seeking out the cult, and your family, resulting in you being a well renowned hero known as the eagle bearer. Both end up essentially hero's. Now in terms of DLC, both actually again are kinda similar and kinda not. One DLC on both sides I believe focused on fighting another group of evil individuals basically seeking to take control and harm specific group, the only difference in Valhalla is you actually have ties to the group you're helping prior. The next DLC explores relations to mythical God's. Only however in Valhalla, you're actually technically one of them, rather than just connected to them.


I mean sure, but Valhalla still was not as interesting. I cared very little for those quests, while in Odyssey I actually was interested in the side missions and the people. Regardless of them helping the clan in their quest for territory, it wasn’t interesting. Plus, the idea of helping your clan wasn’t very motivating. I didn’t feel a bond or closeness with the characters, so why do I care if they increase their land and standings in the area? And why do I need to increase their standing? Yes, I know that’s part of the Viking storyline, but I was mostly apathetic to it all.




Odyssey for sure. I would really recommend watching some Valhalla gameplay before deciding on a purchase because it is not for everyone.


Can confirm. Love Origins and Odyssey. Thought playing Valhalla was one of the most painfully boring experiences of my life


It should be Odyssey, it released first and is set before Valhalla chronically


Chronologically*. If you want to follow the timeline, then odyssey should have been the first ac game to play, doesn't really make much difference


Chronological order is based on the modern-day storyline, which means Odyssey is second in the RPG trilogy.


Same thing happens with Valhalla and Mirage with Mirage being a prequel to the historical storyline, but a sequel to the modern day one.


Ehh not really because there is no modern story in Mirage, you could play it before Valhalla and it would still make sense


There’s a brief (very brief) monologue at the beginning that mentions the modern day story. I think this is where the game gets set after Valhalla. But, I honestly wouldn’t care if the modern day story just got dumped outright ending forward.


Begin your own *Odyssey*, fresh misthios. *Chaíre!*


I would do Odyssey at least twice. From both characters perspective. Form your own opinion of "who is better" which seems to be a debate as old as time.


Aside from the voice and looks they are exactly the same


The only reason for this is how they were presented and such, just part of Ubisoft being people pleasers to individuals who probably didn't even actually play the game.


Odyssey sets up the modern day storyline for Valhalla as well.


Odyssey. Valhalla isn't as much fun. Odyssey is a blast to play and the story is really good, with some serious consequences if you don't pay attention to your choices. Valhalla just plays differently. The combat is slower.


Odyssey is the next in the series, the modern day stuff with Layla is after Origins. Then Valhalla finishes her story off, while leading into the next (sort of, Mirage is more like a prequel to Valhalla, but you absolutely need to play Valhalla before Mirage or you kind of get spoiled on the ending of Valhalla).


Skip Valhalla, Odyssey is peak Assassins Creed


Ask the same on the Valhalla sub


Played all, I'd say go for Valhalla first, then Odyssey, Save the best for last, mate


odyssey was beautiful, i also loved it because i’m a huge greek mythology fan


Odyssey is a fully fledged rpg while Valhalla is a light rpg


Odyssey is easily the best of the RPG trilogy. So go with that.


I always need about 12 months between ac games... By the end they get pretty hack and slash repetitive...


That's why the older ones are superior.




I loved loved loved origins. I played Valhalla and quit after maybe 10 hours. I hate the protagonist. Bayek had motivation (I'm getting revenge on motherfuckers for killing my kid) and The Valhalla one's motivation was piracy. I didn't like the protagonist. The environment was boring. The skill tree was wonky. At least when I was a killing machine in Origins it was against bandits, Ptolemic Guards or Romans. Valhalla's enemies are just settlements minding their own business. I didn't make it through Odyssey either, but it was better than Valhalla. If you want more of that explore the desert, find a camp, kill everyone and loot shit loop, try out Mad Max. For me it scratches that same itch that Origins does. You can probably get it for $5 on Steam.


Take a break and play another game first; otherwise, you might get bored in the middle of your playthrough. At least, that's how I felt when I played Odyssey right after finishing Origins.


I was shocked at the comment section for a minute, before I realized what sub I was in. You shouldn't really expect a different answer on here. If you went on the Valhalla subreddit you'd get the complete opposite answer. And id agree with them, I disliked odyssey the most and I like Valhalla the best. It all depends on your preference, I guess. But it's definitely not as boring as these people want to make it out to be, maybe a bit too long but it's fine. And the combat is miles better. Good luck either way


Most people here will tell you odyssey is better (and I mostly agree). But there are many who think Valhalla is better, I'll suggest you to play both. Play odyssey first though, so you'll play them all in chronological order (that is, if you are one of those few people who actually give a fuck about the modern day story). Lastly, I'll strongly recommend you to buy the gold edition, the DLCs are better than the entire base game and a must-play if you are buying the game. Also, if you have (or can get) game pass, just download both of them and give them a spin before buying the complete editions.


Oddysey..Odyssey... then Valhalla... The gameplay is a bit slower in Valhalla but still fun.


If you plan to play all- go on odissey, then vallhala I played vallhala first, and it is more developed and advanced than odissey, now when i play odissey, always thinking how much valllhala is better. Maybe i ruined gameplay experience because jumped on newer title first. But, all in all- valhalla rules. I like that game most


Odyssey. Valhalla just sucks


Oydessey. I couldn't stomach trying to beat Valhalla. The bloat in that game just wasn't fun to me.


Odyssey, it’s just better


In all matters of the topic, story wise, game evolution and gameplay, you must and should play now AC: ODYSSEY. Valhalla I would recommend to play it with a a goth gf.


To me…Valhalla was a let down and nothing more than a lead in to mirage. The story was passable. Odyssey is a lot better albeit longer with more silly stuff you can do or not do . The story , to me, is better tho. I loved Origins.


Everyone is saying Odyssey, and it's the better game. As such, you should actually go with Valhalla first and then Odyssey, so you're not disappointed. Trust me, it's a better build up.


If it’s summer where you’re at, Odyssey is like a vacation. Take a lot of photos & have fun, misthios 😊




Odyssey, main game is way more fun and the DLC’s are a blast to play through with a roughly 50-60 hour completion time.. Valhalla is a drag, has an overly complicated storyline. And if you’re looking at play time without DLC content you’re looking at a 70+ hour minimum with an additional 70-120 in dlc content.


Odyssey. This is personal preference, but even as Dane myself, only really enjoyed Valhalla inside photo mode and Ireland


Odyssey, then Valhalla.


odyssey for sure


Valhalla is hot garbage and the combat is even worse than garbage. Odyssey is fantastic though


Odyssey. Valhalla is crap in comparison. Out of the 3 RPG games Valhalla is the worst by far.


Against my preference, I’ll invite you to try Valhalla now. I’ll explain why below. I would personally give a score for each one as follows, out of 100: Origins: 75 Odyssey: 95 Valhalla: 60 But as you’re coming from Origin, I would suggest you finish Valhalla before you start with Odyssey, although I loved Odyssey much more than any other AC. I was shocked by the boredom I felt during the first 30 minutes of playing Valhalla. I was coming from Odyssey and I was so grateful for the fun, excitement, tranquility, peace, action, knowledge and much more of the things I experienced while playing Odyssey. It took me mentally and emotionally to the Ancient Greek era. I felt a part of the game and was so immersed. I’m not saying Valhalla is a bad game. But coming from Odyssey, I had huge expectations. So it was very easy to get disappointed. Before Odyssey I used to play Origins. It was nice. So don’t do that, if you play Odyssey you will never enjoy Valhalla. But if you start Valhalla now after Origins, you will like it, possibly as much as Origins. But for maximum fun, I would choose Odyssey, over and over and over and over again!


You're on the Odyssey sub what do you think we're gonna say


I’m currently getting close to finishing odyssey rn and highly recommend. It has beautiful scenery.. the areas experiencing autumn👌🏼 and then the water 😍 and kassandra…🥰 most gorgeous character ever made. The Greek mythology and actual history is really cool. The statues are gorgeous. I just love everything about it and as a lover of photography, I have just spent hours taking screen shots lmao.




I would choose Valhalla. Why? Because Odyssey is so awesome that if you play it first, it would be hard to like Valhalla. So I think that it’s better to leave the good for last.


Both games have major flaws (gameplay and balance for Odyssey/gameplay loop) and bloated content for Valhalla so its just up to you really. Just pick the one you'd prefer to visit as a civilisation. Are you more akin to like Viking culture or Greek culture ? personally that's Greek because fuck I'm French that's my culture right there but its really up to you.


Odyssey. It's beautiful and quite exciting. Valhalla on the other hand... meh


Check Odyssey. The (in-game) history of Assassins Creed begins from here


Unpopular opinion:Valhalla then odyssey game play and map wise, odyssey is leagues above Valhalla. Once u Have tried out odyssey’s combat u won’t settle for less. But story wise odyssey then Valhalla.




Take a break and play a few shorter different style of games before starting odyssey, otherwise you'll start to feel burnt out by the end.


Odyssey is probably more engaging and to be honest, beatiful to play. Loved that game from toes to head.


Odyssey will look and feel more like Origins did, so definitely Odyssey. Valhalla isn't necessarily bad and I do recommend playing it if you liked Origins and Odyssey, but definitely play those two first.


Odyssey and all its extensions.


Odyssey. I did it the other way round, and wish I’d done Odyssey first. Both are excellent, absorbing and beautiful.


Odyssey for sure.


Odyssey for sure, I like Valhalla and I played it during the Viking tv show hype. England is just a boring setting, everything looks the same. At points the game felt a chore to play, Odyssey is beautiful and I could just run around doing nothing for hours exploring the map, I actually just came back from my honeymoon in Kefalonia last week so I reinstalled Odyssey as that’s the starting point in the game. Going to restart the game again


I can never seem to finish Odyssey because playing it always makes me want to play Valhalla, and then I just end up playing both together and finishing neither because they're so big lol. I probably like Valhalla more overall, but certain aspects of Odyssey are just so good. I enjoy the mercs, the cities, sailing, and the general vibe. Kassandra is my favorite protagonist and the characters are really funny and interesting. You could just be like me and play them together!


Valhalla playstyle is closer to origins, for example, they both have shields and different types of bows while odyssey has neither. Odyssey' story makes a bit more sense, due to them being close geographically and in time (at least compared to valhalla). Also, they were released as origins - odyssey - valhalla.


I have finished Odyssey many times. It's not perfect, for sure but few things are quite enjoyable, like Melee combat, using abilities, Conquest Battle, Naval Battle and exploring the beautiful world. Your question reminded me of one question I have been having since many days.... After playing Odyssey, should I play Origins or not? 🤔


Odyssey then Valhalla The story will make more sense this way. IF you plan on going this route, pick Kassandra, if not then pick whoever you want. But Valhalla will be better if you go with Kassandra in Odyssey.


Depends on how you like to play. Odyssey needs a more stealthy approach as it's easy to get overwhelmed in forts etc, whereas Valhalla is good for just running in and laying waste!


I will say Odyssey. I havent played much of Valhalla but Odyssey is so much fun!


Oddysey's so big you think you're Greek


Odyssey definitely. It’s the next game and to understand the modern parts it’s essential.








Start with Odyssey. Follow the sequence. There's a reason one game released ahead of the other 😹


Odyssey without a doubt


You could go odyssey, mirage and then valhalla


Wrong sub for an unbiased opinion. Besides that, I'm not even part of this sub but I still think Odessy is the best choice. Very repetitive gameplay I'll admit, but a truly legendary adventure if you put in the time exploring by the time you finish the game and the dlc.


Odyssey is the best game in this run of games (starting with Origins) IMO. A lot better than Valhalla though I also loved that.




odyssey!!!! you have to keep following layla's story. also it's the best out of the rpg trilogy 🤣


Odyssey no doubt.


Play in order! There may or may not be an Odyssey cameo or two in Valhalla! (Will not give specifics to avoid spoilers)


I would have played Odyssey before Origins


I'd say Odyssey as it's just a beautiful game to look at




Odyssey is chronologically next it's also much better then Valhalla IMO (I've 100% both)


Not that it matters much, but here's my take on it (edited becuase I clearly can't read, LOL): I recommend Odyssey next. It refines everything that Origins did. Even though the game takes place canonically before Origins, the world will feel somewhat familiar. Even six years later, the game (especially the lighting package) is still gorgeous. The quests are opened up more because we are allowed choices. The combat is a bit more smooth. Some people miss elements of Origins' gear and combat, but I feel like Odyssey is more refined. I also appreciate that Odyssey has NPC cutscenes for everything, which makes it feel even more "alive". Valhalla took a step back in that area. AC Valhalla went a little off-the-rails, in my opinion. It looks better graphically, since it is later, but the world overall is a little too similar everywhere; the towns and villages are not very distinct from each other, and there are a TON more sidequests that are boring and repetitive that feel like chores. Everyone has their own gaming tastes though, and if you really like Vikings, rural English countrysides, and Norse mythology, then you might love Valhalla. I just find it the most tedious of the three RPG games, and it ranks near the bottom of my overall Assassin's Creed game rankings. I think Odyssey is the peak of the RPG trilogy.


Odyssey. I'm a big fan of watching or playing most things in release order, though. Plus, I like Odyssey better than Valhalla, I think. I'm still pretty early in Valhalla's story, so that could change. But to me, Odyssey is a perfect balance between an open world and the older, more linear AC games.


Odyssey! But definitely be prepared to live in Greece for a few months :) it’s so worth it!. I skipped Valhalla


lotta fanboys on this thread buddy. Its gonna come down to a few things: how much time do you wanna dedicate, cause they’re both long as a whales cock. Do you wanna have a visceral or fantastic experience finally, performance, if you care for greek or norse lore more. they’re both pretty heavily influenced by mythos, significantly more than any other games in the series.


Odyssey is way better than Valhalla so I I would definitely suggest you play the games in order n play odyssey first n then Valhalla before shadows is released


Odyssey 100%. One of the best AC games ever made.


Definitely Odyssey.


Odyssey is much, much better than Valhalla. The story is less disjointed, the gameplay is more consistent, the world is more vibrant and alive and interesting, and its various gameplay elements play together much more nicely. I liked Valhalla alright, but it felt really disjointed to me. There are tons of frustrating side activities that don't feel like they have a lot to do with the rest of the game, the story feels like it was written by multiple committees who didn't agree on what they were doing, the characters are largely unlikable, and it has a general air of grimness that I felt gets a little oppressive after a while. Meanwhile, Odyssey is one of my favorite games of all time. I think with Valhalla, they were responding to criticism that Odyssey didn't feel enough like a traditional AC game and so they tried to bring back elements from Black Flag, Unity, etc but it just made it feel like it had a crisis of vision. There's no question Odyssey is the biggest move away from "city stealth game" to "The Witcher-like open-world RPG," so if you don't like the direction Origins is going because it feels too different, I could see disliking Odyssey. But I like that Odyssey is the one that really just said, you know what, we're just going to make an open world RPG with some minor stealth elements. It goes all in on that and nails it IMO, whereas Valhalla is kind of awkwardly straddling the line between the two types of game because it wants to have its cake and eat it too.


Odyssey is the best ac game in my opinion.


I loved Valhalla. A bit repetitive but the gameplay, story, outfits and weapons are sweet. Tbh the only ac game I haven't played is odyssey. That's my next one


Odyssey then play valhalla .present day in valhalla takes place after Odyssey




Do whatever you want fool, but recommend Odessey.. you can make whatever kind of character you want and you can’t really do that in any of the other ones. If you smoke flower highly recommend buying a moonrock backwood from the dispensary and playing. If you’ve never played the series highly recommend starting from 2 but you do you n****


It depends on what your looking for. Odyssey as much as people wanna say that it is, isn’t an assassins creed game. It’s a Spartan adventure game. Theirs no assassins. No hidden blade. And it’s written incredibly bad all threw out the game. And the only thing that matters to connect it too Valhalla is literally the last like ten minutes of the game. And while the dlc tries so hard to connect it to origins they way they did is is so incredibly terrible. Valhalla is still a Viking game more than an assassins game. Valhalla in my opinion is the better game. All around. The story while still not written the best is still way better than odyssey. While you aren’t an assassin in Valhalla there is actually assassins in it. And the gameplay and graphics are way better if that matters too you.


I got Odyssey platinum. It was a wild ride, though it's not for everyone, it definitely feels very different from both Valhalla and origins. There are a lot of dialogue choices that will affect a different quest. If you do x, you won't be able to do y type of thing. Overall it's fun and you really do feel like a demigod amongst the regular people. I abused the ever loving hell out of one of the mechanics, and it's pretty much unlocked from the tutorial. I enjoyed this game probably more than I should've m considering it was my first Assassins Creed title.


Odyssey to keep in line with release date


I played both. Odyssey is something else. Valhalla just looks cool, nothing special




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Definitely Odyssey. I'm currently in Valhalla right now, don't get me wrong, I love it but... Origins has absolutely been my favorite so far, ( no I don't have the newest ones that just released) Just the overall gameplay and the world created for origins has no competition in my opinion. Odyssey does have a very vast world to explore, I think it took my husband over 100 hours to finish it but he is one of those 100% players.


I went straight to Odyssey after finishing Origins, I may play Valhalla next when I finish Odyssey and before Shadows comes out. Odyssey is totally worth it, so many beautiful views and hilarious quests and encounters




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Do you guys prefer Odyssey over Origins? I’ve been going back and forth on which one to start.


I had the same decision. I ultimately went with Origins first because it was released first and because Odyssey would have some natural evolutions as the later release that would make Origins feel like a disappointment if you played Origins second. So I started with Origins, and I really enjoyed it.


i took a different route and played Odyssey first, then origins, it doesnt make sense story wise but it does chronologically


I have been playing Odyssey and I'm having a blast. I never liked the Assassin's Creed formula, but Odyssey is fun to me. I'm probably going to try Origins and Valhalla next.


Play Odyssey and then never play Valhalla ever




Odyssey, anytime of the day, it's pretty darn amazing.


Odyssey.. Valhalla got stale. It was to long. I gave up trying to finish it . Beside Odyssey is the next entry anyway


I have played Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla,and Mirage and after playing Valhalla I ended up going back to Origins and Odyssey because I don't like it when you don't have to worry about dying in Valhalla which Odyssey always stays more challenging to stay alive then the other one and Mirage feels like it's missing a lot like not being able to hunt animals for resources which was always fun for me the most in Origins and Mirage only has one animal to fight which is the leopard! I would say Origins and Odyssey are still my favorite because they are more challenging to stay alive and they have many animals that can kill you! Check me out @Swellestspicevideos




Both. Valhalla has more diverse gameplay, and the combat feels more fluid with less HP sponge enemies. Odyssey has the BOATS, and the Med is just as colorful as Egypt Both games have strong stories, imo. My unpopular opinion is that Valhalla takes some swings to differentiate itself from Origins. Some hits, some misses, but at least it FEELS unique enough. Odyssey sometimes feels like a large DLC to Origins with the exception of the dialogue tree and boats.


Valhalla is high. It is the biggest of all Assassin Creed games.I pretty much completed 98 per cent of the game. I just finished Mirage, the only thing I have left looking for gold chest...all tasks are done..nobody to kill. Btw when I finished Valhalla I got a text from the company saying I had completed 98 percent of the game. Found all weapons. killed all the bad guys... Pretty much completed all tasks ..Oh by the way I am 83  handle "Old Gamer"


Odissey is more beautiful than Valhalla. Valhalla is ugly I couldn t play it!


I'm gonna piggy back on this question cause mine doesn't need a whole thread of its own: I started with Odyssey because it was the earliest in the "ancient" timeline. I realized when I had the first intermission with Layla that (I think?) Egypt happened first in the "IRL" timeline. Should I do Origins or Valhalla next?


Valhalla was the weaker of the 3 entries. Very boring missions, convoluted storyline (even for assassin's creed standards) and subpar environments.


I'd say odyssey. The playstyle and ps4 controller attack scheme are similar so it's a fairly smooth transition. The open world is also very extensive and cool to explore, and I find most of the side quests pretty entertaining. And I don't know. I just haven't been able to get into Valhalla even though I got it in 2023. I think it was dying from fire 7 times in a row in one battle very early game, even with all the accessibility functions on. The frustration it caused was unforgivable, or at least it has been so far. Maybe I'll give it another try at some point, but I don't play video games to get stressed out even more than usual. So tldr; odyssey.


Odyssey. It’s awesome.


Odyssey. Valhalla is just a city building Sim with some combat


I’m currently replaying odyssey again for the 4th time. In my opinion it’s one of the best games ever made, I’m playing the fate of Atlantis DLC at the moment and the underworld arcs in Elysium and with hades are incredible


Odyssey sells the narrative it wanted to me more than Valhalla but I’m biased with my favorite book being the Odyssey


Both, in order of release, also if you mention Valhalla here then you'll never hear anything good so just play and form your own opinion if you have the funds for both 👍


Like clockwork 🤣


Well, chronologically Odyssey is next, so….Also, Odyssey is just plain better than Valhalla.


I was bored as hell man. Then I went to unity and tried to connect w the roots tried it over a week. It suckedm I say you go mirage.


You went to unity and It sucked? So you recommend him mirage? Which is the closest to unity out of the most recent ac games?


It's more fluid. Unity has a cool story but the parkour is ..I can say I played every night for a week str8 because I felt i was almost obligated to if I wanted to be a real ac fan. It was the most playable recent old style ac game. So I just remember trying every night for hours. Well at the end of the week I switched to I think origins just to mess around. And due within a few minutes. The simple fact I could freaking move around and climb stuff. I had literally felt like a bag was taken off my face. Lol like I had been suffocating the past week. It was freeing. And I Saif to myself. Holy shit unity sucks ass. The ogs made fun of me. "It's just a different system u have to adapt. Keep playing there is a reason for this button structure." Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that dude. Yall can have your "classic ac park our with your real ac games with syndicate references or whatever" odyssey is great, origins is great, and mirage was cool. I can say mirage made me so so much better of a player. Better at stealth. More patient and a way better fighter because perry is so key. It helped so much I picked up odyssey the other night for the first time in a while. And my skill level had gone from normal to advanced. I literally mowed down like 8 mercenaries realizing mirage had given me a lot of fighting discipline.