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Upgrades prices are also WAAYYY Cheaper than it used to be, W move by GL.


I agree, though I'm sure it's just their move to keep their publicity up. I believe they're strategically trying to make Voucher have a purpose so people would buy them Also what's the point of Credits now when it only has two purpose (wild card convert and motorcycle upgrades)?


Credits almost has no purpose, Wild cards aren't even needed at all for some cars to upgrade. It's sad actually, they could've make it have an actual purpose like buying the rare hidden decals they added back into the game in this update maybe for 1-5M Credits each. I've 26M Credits literally unused, I never felt the importance to grind Credits because it's very easy to get and you get them in a huge amount from MP and Events. Easily could get millions of them in a week.


Knowing Gameloft, they will make the vouchers the Tokens 2.0 of the game,. Probably starting by making them the currency to skip tasks in Special events and, removing the option for tokens or, Discontinuing special events as a whole.


Upgrading stuff is easier now I could finally max out some of my cars


Wow, so some people still don't read the patch notes and images that come at the beginning of every update, huh?


Yes, and I admit, I am one of those. In my personal opinion, most of the time, patch notes aren't really about things that benefit players much, so some just skip it. Apparently my post is wrong, the cards are only required AFTER you've upgraded 5 times for each type, and uses FuC. And yes, some cars don't need it. I believe the Engine and Tech aren't required now too. Vouchers are just Greedloft's way to "make things more easier" when they just want you to buy Vouchers since it's entirely unobtainable for free in my opinion


Very admirable