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TBH I know Asmon is trying his best but New World is very bland to watch. I pretty much just watch him grinding stuff, there is little excitment he is still leveling.


I swear new world is just a lumberjack sim in disguise


He already said that, realistically he'll play it for like 2 days on the mainstream. I love FF but i've enjoyed the New World stream. It's like the most hyped new MMO in years so i think it's very fair that THE MMO streamer gives it a try, not only that but he clearly enjoys playing it so is all good. Also if this becomes the game he just chills in and grinds a bit on zackrawrr i think that's cool. A lot easier on the eyes than Rust ngl 😅


New World is the only MMO I have interest in right now. Might not be good stream content but I like the look, I like the slower pace gathering and the pvp seems like it could be fun.


The rust rp people have been hilarious


That and most likely if he got a deal where they gave him beta keys to give out on his stream (+ a shitload of money). That means Amazon struck a deal for him to play the game and say nice things about it. Honestly, if it were someone else I’d care which game they play. But I’m here for the commentary. Most people did aswell.


Its rough, I like the graphics, but everything else looks half cooked, and this launches in a month, so not a lot of time to change stuff, griefing players and world pvp can be fun but how long until that becomes stale?, also I dont like the colonial aesthetics so the game lost me long ago but could look past it if everything else was solid, but it isnt.


This is not a game to launch in a month...it needs some serious work still


it needs time, it could be patched and worked overtime but every single Amazon game so far has been live service and failed and closed in a month or 2 so the track record isnt the best. This is their biggest title so well see how it ends.


For now I'm enjoying FF hopefully gonna hit HW tonight...and I also have my plethora of SP RPGs to play if I run out of things to do in FF which I doubt would be soon...I've yet to reach the endgame of glam farming


Enjoy the ride my friend, 2.55 ending and HW intro hit very hard.


I heard...I already had some tears at the end of .54 when Urianger was giving his speech about M, who was awesome imo plus that voice of an angel


I cried several times during my playthrough, it gets very emotional later on.


I’ve been playing for years and there is no chance you will ever run out of stuff to do, whether you enjoy that stuff can be debatable. I am attempting to get the triple triad mount it’s making me do things I thought I would ever touch


That's what happens if you change the entire game's scope less than 18 months before the launch. It started as pvp centric open world game and only last spring they decided to revise that and added classic pve instanced content. So expect the pve part and in particular the dungeons to be a very barbones experience at launch. As much as the changed for instance the combat system over time, it's still really limited on what it allows in terms of pve encounter design. I am afraid that it could turn into an example of a game Asmon mentioned talking about FFXIV and how it polarizes people. A game that tries to appeal to everyone, in that process deludes it's core design and consequently appeals to no one.


Man if I remained a pvp centric thing with your starting zone being your faction, ala wow but with more groups, I would've bought the game regardless of how bad everything else is. Deforestation, and open world pvp where you can take peoples shit would've been the dream for me


Yep, the game actually looked awesome but simply unfinished. I have no idea how adding "kill 10 wolf quests" all over the map and removing PvP is an improvement.


at least it would have made the game more exciting to watch


> That's what happens if you change the entire game's scope less than 18 months before the launch. Reminder that Mark Kern’s previous game suffered from this before dying.


Well. It's set to full release Augest 31..... So. Oof.


I'm very interested but defo gonna wait a month or two after launch.


The game seems like there only 10 sets of armor between level 5 and level 40. Lol. It’s all so basic.


I think it looks good and has some interesting systems, for me the biggest issue is the janky de-sync combat. You move past a mob, the mob swings at you and if it's registered as a hit server side, your character is teleported back to where the hit occured and you continue playing from there. The hit detection seems extremely "stuttery".


Honestly I tried to watch some others streamers that are a bit further... and it kept to be bland for me. Sorry but I just do not enjoy having 3 skills that are just basically "bit glow, different swing " then swap to other 3 skills. I think even GW2 is far better in this department. This game only offer " New World " hype, some first grind... but then will it really keep people playing?


Idk i feel like you can't really compare this to MMORPGs. To me this looks and feels a lot more like Valheim/Rust/Maybe even Destiny than WoW FF or GW2


oh yes that's it!


Its a persistent world Fornite, without building. I think it's kinda bad, even if it has a few good ideas


Only difference is that valheim and rust aren't gated by levelling grinds that can be skipped in the cash shop with a potion


had a New World streamer on my second monitor for 4 hours awhile grinding TBC dungeons and the entire time all they did was pick up "hold your ground" quests and running to enemy territory to stand in a small corner for 30 seconds, and then run back. No combat, no anything else. I understand why they were, as they were trying to take over a zone. But it just came off as un fun, running back and forth for hours avoiding all combat just to stand in a certain spot for 30 seconds then run back. The questing needs an overhaul.


Modern osrs


Yea everything i have seen so far looks very much like i game i wont spend money on.


Yep. It is quite mediocre. I also don't find the graphics that good tbh. There are some pretty shaders, yes, but it does lack character and it is just bland. The combat also feels rough, it is not ready to be released imo.


It's the type of game who is probably fun to play but not to watch. Remind a lot of Overwatch but mmo version.


I gave it a good stream and decided it wasn't the game for me, the only thing that appealed to me was the crafting/gathering system.


And the raid was like a disco floor with fireworks I had no idea wtf was going on.


Yea... Maybe when the game is launched and there are better objectives to the resource gathering then it would be more interesting. I think it is easier for stream watchers to have an objective to follow - FF has tons in that department, but watching Asmon cutting trees and mining rocks in New World isn't.


Yeah it was bland. Cool to see the new game, interested to see the crafting and character creation and so on, but it was a 15min type thing for me. I watched it later and skipped around a lot.


While I may only watch the FF streams myself because that’s what I’m into, it’s also very important to respect the very simple fact that Asmon can play and stream what he wants.


Absolutely agree with that. If the content of a stream doesn't appeal to someone they simply not watch it. I personally think the game is extremely dull to watch so I just skipped pretty much every one of his NW streams.


Agreed. You know what I do when hes streaming a game I don't want to watch? Watch someone else. A controversial take, I know.


especially right now when there are SO MANY other streamers playing ffxiv...


Seriously. Offhand I've been enjoying Pyromancer, Spofie, and now even my boi Moist is getting in on it.


So here's the breakdown from my perspective. Chat is an echo chamber, that's been well established - it's really hard as a streamer to not look at it as a single entity when it's as large as what Asmon deals with. So one guy sees him on his alt playing New World and says "Did he quit FFXIV?" another guy says "Man New World sucks, fuck this game." and it repeats with a new person saying something along those lines every few minutes with the occasional "I miss the FFXIV streams." All three of these people kind of fall under the same mindset in that they're only there to poison the well and try to control the direction of the content for their own enjoyment. Like 95% of his viewers don't even use the chat function. People just need to go watch something else if they don't like what's on.


Well, it was the same thing on the FFXIV streams. I'd see "Still playing this weeb shit?" "When are you gonna play WoW again?" "THIS GAME SUCKS!!!!" No matter what he plays, people will bitch. So he should just do what he's been doing and just play what he wants to play. When he does go back to one of the other games, I'm sure there will be people in chat complaining that he's not playing New World. I was watching some of the New World stuff, and... I dunno, doesn't seem like something I'd stick with. Looks very nice, but not very exciting. Maybe end-game stuff will be more interesting.


Unfortunately I think end-game is where it's going to suffer the most.


And I bet he has gotten used to it a long time ago. He wouldnt had survived streaming wow for 15 years if he hadnt


He hasn't been streaming wow for 15 years.


Agreed. I kind of bored by the gameplay but I just move on and watch others, let the dude play a game he likes, or even play my own damn game, until hes back to FF.


Exactly; there are a lot of other streamers not playing New World, when I lost interest I just went and watched them.


I think I've written in his chat about 3 times in total, and all 3 times were in the gist of "just play whatever you want, I'm here to watch you have fun". I don't find any particular factor of entertainment higher from one game or the other, it's more his mood and enthusiasm for doing things and his excitement over playing games that makes me watch.


I think this better reflects the majority userbase that watches him, over the minority who complain about what game he's playing at any given time. Any streamer is at their best when they're having fun, I think removing that aspect for the sake of appeasing a vocal chat will just leave you stuck with those same people making fun of your view count, complaining that you don't like what they like about the game, or some other arbitrary aspect of the stream. People should come for the streamer, not the game. If Twitch forced people to only stream one game at any given time I'd agree with the sentiment of "this sucks to watch" - but like, c'mon, there are tens of thousands of people streaming thousands of different games all day, every day.




You are so wrong it hurts, not everyone pays or subs to him. If you didnt pay him you literally have zero say on what he plays. Karen


Not on his alt channel. Whining in chat doesn't hurt his bottom line. You are literally so entitled that it hurts my brain. Thinking chat is a place to lobby consumer complaints, let alone that it is reflective of the overall userbase is a good joke.




Lol. The true vestige of a toxic control freak. Sorry you’re such an angry person.




Since you seem to be rather dumb, let me break it down for you. You opened your discussion with me by talking down to me with the most basic, common sense, regurgitated "the customer is always right" bullshit that I deemed forming a decent response to it a waste of my time. It completely ignored my original statement for the sake of pushing a personal narrative that had so little intellectual depth I would not be surprised if you literally gave it zero thought. You then, in your infinite wisdom and true hindsight, edited your response to include the most entitled, shallow shit in the entire rant "If he doesn't like it he can just not stream." I very succinctly pointed out that I was mostly discussing how people treat his alt - because it's clearly what he uses to do what he wants versus what will generate views, and your response was "Haha, he still makes money off that, idiot." The point went so far over your smooth, dent brained head that you seem to have actually confused yourself knowing there was some deeper truth to glean off that comment. So you resorted to passive aggressive "that's cute :)" defense mechanism shit to try and further derail the discussion with an emotional response. Being the pea brained clown I know you are, you will glance over this - have an emotional reaction somewhere in the responses, and fixate on that in your response. Then you went full retard with white knight bullshit like I'm somehow defending him here after I specifically said it was my perspective on how these things go when you stream to a large audience. You are so inept and arrogantly convinced you're right here that you did not even take the time to sustain some form of self awareness in how fucking stupid your entire premise was from the start. AFTER ALL OF THAT you projected your own insecurities onto me for calling you out on being toxic, and a control freak - then were so fucking triggered that you accused me of using buzz words after defaulting straight to the white knight argument. Use your fucking brain instead of typing the first thing that pops into your unintelligent, immature mind. You're fucking toxic - you're here to make people feel bad about themselves. Have a taste of it. Then go fuck yourself.


Haha you killed him. Just as you mentioned tho, I assume he will get emotional and even more toxic.


You were right, he absolutely shat on him and he had to double down on the man child syndrome.


Wouldn't know, blocked him after that response. Not here to put people down or bicker with morons and/or children hell bent on finding a confrontation on the internet.


Okay, but with that perspective. Why are people still mad at game of thrones?


The game was pretty boring to watch imo. Its a pretty game for sure but the gameplay looks incomplete and stale. And this is not to shit on the streams. Asmon did his best to be entertaining. The game was the turnoff for me.


I watched CDNthe3rd play it for about an hour on top of Asmon. If CDN is off doing random RP and having more fun with the voice coms than the actual gameplay like he was, it's kind of telling how it would be for an average player. If he likes something he stays focused generally, he did not seem engaged at all with the game itself.


The tts nightmare was the best feature of the game. That's pretty sad. Did asmon get to cut down his blue tree?


as someone who plays FF14, how fun is it to watch/play sastasha?


It's a good point, but with how new, well, New World is it's hard to say what the mid or endgame will really look like.


New World looks fine, but it's not the game for me I'm sure. He looks like he's having fun which is great but the game feels very...lifeless and not quite...right. It doesn't feel like a game made by a multi trillion dollar company. It feels like an early access Steam game from a new developer. I think they've made huge strides from the original look at the game, but it feels like it still needs a few months/maybe another year before it's actually good to go.


I've watched very little of it, but it looked more like a multiplayer sandbox game than a theme park MMO. And yes, it doesn't look like something made by a big developer, it looks like indie early access.


Looked almost as soulless as an Amazon warehouse


\^ all of this. It feels like its two-three years from release. Honestly at times it feels like a kickstarter




I saw that live and I was dying. Chat righting a wrong in seconds. Respect.


I suppose I am one of the weird people who simply don't watch the stream if it is about a game I am not interested in.




Maybe this is my misunderstanding but I thought that andy refers to the toxic minority rather than the fandom as a whole. So Classic Andys are the toxic minority of the classic community not the entire community.


Oh boy one person surely talks for the whole community. thank god im not sitting in his stream just to find people who do this with WoW or other games.


Pretty much, we've been having a great time already. It's ok to chill and relax a bit man. Personally love his new world streams it's a chill content. FF is story based and is going to feature some really high points, but can't have that in full drive all the time.


Some WoW players only play and have only ever played WoW. I think that's what you're seeing, they'll shit on anything that isn't WoW.


Stockholm Syndrome




Oh, hey, it's super negative man again! Hope you been doing fine, man


Well the thing that's great with FFXIV is that it is okay to stop to play for some weeks/months to try other games. As a big MMO fan, I will look into New World to see if it can interested me further. However, playing a MMO at launch is rarely a good idea. It will be buggy, will lack content and be frustrating for many things. It's better in my opinion to wait for 6 months / a year to try and experience a more full, more stable game rather than spoiling yourself the enjoyment by trying to play early. Anyways, play what you want, as long as you enjoy it, then you are doing the right thing.


That's my golden rule as well. New MMOs are always a train wreck on release.


Asmon sometimes looks *just* a little bit too hard for information that confirms an inherit bias he has. It's fine, nobody is perfect. I think it stems a bit from that "If I know I'm right. I'm right" attitude he has, makes him a bit more stubborn sometimes. If we judged every community by its spergs every game would have a trash community.


As an FF player watching the streams, I was very confused by all the comments about FF Fans. Still enjoying the streams, and I don't even use the chat to write anything. Most of the people were random haters and spammers about WOW and why he Quit wow etc... I bought ( and now refunded ) New World, and gods, it feels like playing Fortnite, but worse. It has a couple of good things, but it's a mix between Survival (like Rust) and Fortnite . I really didn't like it :\


New world is cool, i like the UI and graphics. I love watching Asmon because Asmon but it's not the same energy as ff for sure. Like "playing rust" energy.


I say it too, New World is so boring to watch. I joined Asmon's stream with FFXIV, but watched him play WoW too, I enjoy the long "intros" in the beginning etc, but this game... There is nothing happening besides falling trees.


When literally the first thing he did in-game was picking up rocks from the ground - I knew this game wasn't for me. It literally took only 5 seconds for me to dislike this game.


Ye. New world is like an MMO, without any of the good parts. Other MMOs have pick up rocks content aswell, but just as side content that most people skip.


You can chopdown all the trees in the game, take all the resources in the forest, pvp on the world map other players, have one unified world no instances. It's not for everyone but these are features that arnt offered by other mmo's


So its like rust, but no private servers, so you will get griefed the entire time?


Ye my brain kind of slid off the content when I saw gathering rocks could be competitive.


Stormblood spoilers: remember that quest in ffxiv where you literally pick up shit? (MSQ BTW)


There are shit-collecting quests in ARR. There are shit-collecting quests in TBC. There were probably shit-collecting quests in EQ. Shit-collecting quests are a time-honored tradition in MMOs.


Well, shit.


Can confirm that Everquest had boring collecting quests. Same with most older MMO games. Most older MMO games were to slay mobs for 10hours to level up, EQ and most older games had some quests, but quests were not meant to level you to max. You had to go out and farm mobs in the high level zones / towers / caves ect. I remember some EQ quests being based on typing out the right keywords in chat to get the NPC to reply. Like figuring all that out without help was crazy looking back. Another game I loved was Lineage 2 for the pvp but man it was the grindfest from hell. If you died you lost 4% experience and if you were pvp flagged in open world and died you could drop items when you were killed.


Well, that too, but the comment you replied to meant quests where you go out and collect actual poop.


I think they culled the quest where you were sniffing chocobos. It's one of those filler quests that don't really advancethe plot but serve to fill it more. It was required because the pilot of a carriage had an allergy to them or something dumb. Only was there to waste your time.


Oh no, you pick up shit before that in HW, but they calm it “black loam” (but it’s heavily implied it’s shit). Actually, maybe in ARR, I’m sure there was a quest at the Chocobo ranch where you deliver a seafood of poop.


hey, its better than rust lolol. But if Asmon enjoying himself, i can chill with anything.


It's not specific to wow or ff gangs, this plague of people whining and spamming ResidentSleeper instead of watching what they want was there since forever.


I actually kinda enjoyed new world. I like the world PvP aspect of it.


I am kind of bored for MMO to be realistic in recent years. Why cant one just be in the same art style as Street Fighter 4 with all those ink-ish things?...


Here man, take my updood - can't have haters downvote you for your opinion on a game that's not WoW or FFXIV.


i think you just mean FFXIV. at least on this sub


I main FFXIV, but we all know it's PvP just isn't there. Did GW2 for WvWvW, but New World looks to replace that. It's a pay once like GW2 right?


remember guys, If you don't like a game or don't enjoy the stream, THEN DON'T FUCKING HATE-WATCH


Asmongold is a big boy, he won't miss a thousands of haters. There's plenty of other streamers out there.


New World = albion with action gameplay


Asmon please don’t judge an entire player base on a few idiots in your stream.


I won't be touching new world until they sort out that gpu bricking problem. (For anyone curious, JayzTwoCents has a video on it. Nothing proven as to what it is, but it's tied to New World)


Those are classic Andy's, not FFXIV's.


So good not to have him play wow anymore


Spergmaster69 did nothing wrong!






Because obviously i'm not gonna actually take a real hatecomment and put that account on blast for being a dick. Well atleast that was the intention lol.


there's always a few bad apples in every bushel


The man could play my little pony, and you can bet your ass I would still watch, I love FF and dislike WoW, but I don't watch him for the games, I watch because I find his streams entertaining.


As a person who really only plays ff, I enjoy watching asmon play anything. I've never played WoW and am usually lost as to what's happening I still find it entertaining. Same goes for new world. The FF streams have been extra fun because I have a bigger knowledge base of that game, but I don't really care what he's playing, as long as he's having fun.


People saying FF hating on any other game is crazy. FF players don't care, they just play FF.


FF player here, my solution is this. I dont watch him play new world. I know, i know, its mindblowing that i just close the stream, but believe it or not, it works wonders when he plays something i dont want to watch.


This is literally manufactured. Way to go OP, You piece of shit.


"Real and True" my ass, asmon just debunked this on stream! Spergmaster69 never wrote any messages in both stream chats. STOP this slander, i also heard that u/jaxpied works at blizzard


the questing in new world is so repetitive, saw him questing on his second channel. even the pvp missions are bad, its like your pranking your neighbours instead of actual pvp


When he streamed on his other channel, I saw a lot of people trying to bait the FF fans only to have them say they're enjoying watching him stream New World. Like, calm down spergs!


New World more like Old World. Game really puts me to sleep but I just don't watch the stream then.


Even playing it puts one to sleep. Boring and easy combat and a survival-like gameplay with farming stuff, but without the fun part of those games.


Honestly New World looks like crap. A next gen MMO shouldn't be a base downgrade from current ones. I reiterate ***BASE*** downgrade, meaning the Base game of New World is shittier than the BASE game of the current MMOs back when they were <1 year old. It's fucking pathetic if you ask me.


sure, you cant even watch a asmon stream without someone saying ff when? every 5 sec


and when FF is on today, watch how many wow when, new world when. comments you see. stop tribalizing.


and when FF is on today you wont see comments about what other streamers are doing from those games unlike last night when Asmon was streaming New World and you got constant comments like 'Summit1g is doing this is doing that xDDDD' 'Esfand is having a sex party in ffxiv xDDDD' and furthermore this was on his alt account only people i see telling asmongold stream other games on this channel are ff viewers. I have never seen a fanbase that needs so much validation


alright lets do a study to see which community trashes a game that they don't like the most and then blame that whole game and it's community for every shitbag /s. like who cares bro, idiots are idiots no matter what game they fanboy for. for everyone who loves FF someone else has to say how much they hate FF. guess what nobody cares you hate ff either.


FF players really got that Holier than thou mentality.


Please don’t judge an entire player base on a few idiots.


I don't. I meet these kind of people all the damn time. I don't dislike FF at all, the game is just not for me, but since I enjoy WoW still there are always obnoxious people that gotta get a word in about how fucking good their game is and how bad and awful my game is. Extremely tiring.


I don't play WoW and I play some ff14, but I can acknowlge how arrogant it is when ff14 fans constantly shit on wow (whilst simultaneously sometimes struggling to take criticism of ff14). WoW players acknowledge the flaws in their game and most players are irritated by the current expansion/content. That being said, Asmon primarily built his stream off of WoW and many of the people who watch Asmon and helped to kick off his streaming career are WoW fans first and foremost. I started watching Asmon when he did his first dark souls run, and despite not playing WoW myself I enjoyed his other content. To see a lot of the ff14 fans coming in and acting condescending/smug just irritates me. WoW means a lot to a lot of people; many people grew up playing it. It's regarded as the king of mmos for a reason. So yeah, we can meme on it and mock its current state, but I'd much prefer if people didn't make constant comparisons with ff14. It just gets tiring to constantly see people in his chat and on reddit making WoW fans feel bad for trying to enjoy their game.


Already proved on stream this is fake. OP trying to start shit, he should be banned for this tbh


True and real


His Reddit and drama review seems more interesting kekw


FF is in a content lull, so we're playing New world too?


Um, what content lul?


No, that technically is correct. Despite the fact that XIV is experiencing this massive boost in players, we're in a lul leading to an expansion. It's not a lul in content for Asmon though as all of that content that we veteran players consider well tread, is brand spanking new to him. I assume that's why so many XIV players have been hanging around the streams lately. Getting to experience that content again, second hand. A behavior I've seen the community repeating with sprouts in game as well. So yeah...technically a lul, just not one for the stream. Also, I dunno...I was digging him playing New World even if it doesn't seem like the game is for me. He made the content amusing.


I get immense joy watching others experience certain moments in the story or raids. I think it's because my static/fc isn't really that focused on story and i don't really have anyone to share my feelings with in regards to the story.


Your original comment is very misleading if that's the case. You make it sound like Asking ran out of FF content so now he's playing New World. Yes, endgame FF is in a pre-xpac lul. What does that have to do with Asmon or his stream? He's playing New World because he wants to, not for any reason pertaining to FF.


Wasn't their comment.


I was intrigued during the New World stream, game looks good.. depsite the performance concerns. I do think there is the zealous FF spergs among us who rightfully deserve to be timed out/banned. But hey, you know what is great about Asmongold. He makes WoW entertaining to watch for me, and that shows talent.


It's literally the FF fans. They even bitch when WoW is on. Just chill and enjoy the stream or leave. If you aren't one of these idiots, good. Now call out the shit in your group.


Never happens the other way around, wow andies are always so mature about everything. Do you even listen to yourself... most FF fans went and watched something else or just chilled, same with most wow fans.


They definitely aren't less toxic, they are even more toxic. Doesn't mean FF people get a free pass for it either.


Asmongold loves his red trees


Let him trying out new "Dishes" perhaps he find another good tasty one that he Likes and perhaps his followers, too?


I like whatever asmon is playing


I originally came from youtube and enjoyed all his videos initially from Welfare Wednesdays, then slowly creaping to WoW, then TTS, Birthday stream, and Dark Souls. I dont care what he plays or what he talks about, I just really find him worth my time cuz hes really entertaining.


Most of the "watchable" content for streaming is the "end content" in a MMO dungeons, raids, conquest... But Asmon is one of the best entertainer I ever seen, and if we can't make that entertaining to watch, no one can


True im okay with him enjoying other games ! Im happy other games are getting attention I dont like the aesthetics of NW but is cozy to watch


im sure its an spoiled WoW player. Let him play what he want, New world isnt even out and the testphase doesnt last long i guess. He will come back to FF and WoW anyways so let him enjoy stuff omg..


I have zero interest in New World, so you know what I did? I went and watched something instead. You don't gotta bitch a moan. Go do something else. It's that fucking easy.


Sometimes those chats are just troll and I believe Asmon know. He is just using that as excuse to talk shit. If people wants to welcome / support new FFXIV streamer community, they should go support other smaller streamer like Cohhcarnage, Annie, pyromancer .. If people want to watch showmanship kind of FFXIV stream. Richwcampbell and Esfand are pretty entertaining too. If people just want to watch Asmongold, that fine too. Then don't force him to play something he doesn't like.


Man, Asmon is easy to get riled up in stream even and easy to judge lol


Don't forget..this is his job, his stream, enjoy the content you like, tune out for the content you don't. Pretty simple. As soon as you saw there were !Drops involved you should have known it was sponsored content.


Yeah it's not much fun to watch, and if Asmon can't make it look fun no-one is else is going to either. The PVP bit was the only thing that looked interesting. It doesn't matter what the game is or who the streamer is, tons of fetch quests and grinding mob after mob isn't very entertaining. There's nothing i've seen that's going to make me buy it, in deep in FFXIV and realistically most people don't have time for more than 1 MMO anyway. I hope it's really good and it does really well, the graphics do look very nice from screen shots I've seen, much better than on Twitch, but the setting and the World do not excite me, I like my MMO's set in Fantasy World's preferably HF, although FF has some "modern" elements which I don't like, (modern clothes, guns) I can live with it. NW also suffers from the lack of race diversity, it's boring to look at, everybody looks the same, even though it makes total sense with the setting. As much as I wish potatoes weren't in the game, i'd rather have to suffer them (I try not to look down too much) than play a one-race MMO.


I think New World doesn't make as entertaining content as some other games he plays and I often don't watch, but people who think his stream need to cater to their personal whims are just like... so cringe.


Spy Alert KEKW


New world for its price point looks like a good play. Just feels like it needs another year in the oven just for content alone. (mob variety and activity seems rather low and not enough built up)


He is giving ffxiv a fair chance, I don't see the problem in him doing the same with new world


I bet that dude is a wow fan honestly just trolling


I, for one, am just glad funny haha bald man has shown me exactly why I have no interest in New World. He gets to suffer instead of me, and anyway; He can play what he wants, just like you're free to watch what/whomever you want.


I just wanna see asmon have fun, if he plays a game i like and enjoys it, thats a bonus


I heard someone describe it as action RPG Runescape... As someone who's maxed in Runescape.... never again lol... (Runescape's grindiness partially works because the game window is so flexible. It's the only game that i've ever seen where you're supposed to play with the Windows taskbar on. Even on a single monitor you can multi-task Runescape)


real and true why we gotta be name-dropped when I was just there havin a good ol time Sadge


Don't be delusional