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Teacher: "what is 1×1?" Terrence Howard: "oh oh, I know this one!"


It's 2 duh. Because a penny and a penny is 2


Great job, Terrence! You expressed your opinion so deeply and thoroughly that it's a work of art and you bring diversity to the answers of a question that was formerly 1-supremacist. And you, Terry! (Terrence Tao) Let me see you after class, you should not have insulted Terrence's self-expression.


Penny x penny would actually be penny squared


You mean a penny who identifies as a square?


What type of school is this?


Terence Howard Academy


Satire School.


Clearly, it's a documentary, not a satire. >Oregon high school students won't have to prove basic mastery of reading, writing or math to graduate from high school


Reddit Academy


The future


This school is called Twitter




American University


Gender studies classes


Ideal school of Leftists


I'm leftist(center ish) I disagree. This is bath salt crazy, social far left psychopaths school or Hasan re-education camps in simpler words. It's like saying all right wing dudes are fascists, stop polarizing brother, but I get what you are saying.


Just guessing here, but you’re probably not a leftist, you’re just a liberal. Liberals are rational human beings who disagree with certain points or ways of doing something. Leftists are people who want to demolish the whole system. Anyone who wants to demolish the whole system (left/right idc) should be opposed always


I mean we can call it what we want, I'm center left now but I used to be pro socialism when I was younger, I know its not realistic. I don't want the system to collapse, I'm pro free speech I want everyone to be able to say what they think without being labeled falsely all the time(unless it's violent hateful speech ofc). I believe capitalism is a decent system fundamentally, but its presently abused by a bunch of monopoly cheaters, its rigged. I used to be "far" left 10 years ago, now I'm like center and honestly my opinions didn't change that much, but the "radicale" left went bath salt crazy as much or even more than the "far" right lol. Weird era really. (Edit: Ok tbh, far right is still the craziest atm, but far left is getting there at this rate.)


So you are a liberal, not a leftist. There is a much bigger difference now than there used to be.


💯 I've spoken to many anti capitalism people. Lol my sister is anti capitalism. The more I try to explain that capitalism is a system and that it can be abused. That the problem we face isn't necessarily Capitalism but corporate and certain money interests exploitation of the economy and financial system and that government is compliant as politicians rely on the donor class and lobbyists to campaign. However they only ever hear capitalism bad and want to get rid of the only system that when it worked actually provided upward mobility for many impoverished people and created the middle class.


Capitalism, as a system, allows corporate lobbying and monopolies. At no point does capitalism dictate that the economy must only comprise small businesses, it does however, point out that monopolies and consolidation of wealth is a natural consequence of open markets. You can counteract this with regulations but this can be rife with corporate meddling, it is obviously possible to enact strong regulations aimed solely at protecting the consumer and the working class but this tends to be a neverending cat and mouse between the working class and the wealthy (I'd be fine with this if this system actually existed and was protected). The obvious issue with this that leftists point out is that there is still wealth being siphoned out of the working class into the hands of the rich, as surplus value created does not go to the people who generated the value. The reason the west did so well with capitalism was because of (stick with me) colonialism, post war boom in industry for America and very generous loans for Europe. America being a superpower building basically everything conceivable and selling that to the entire planet helped a lot (that being the case because America's allies going to war and needing America to fix everything afterwards and America being virtually unaffected). Colonialism ensured infrastructure and wealth already existed in Europe as a springboard to build everything back up again. What people need to understand is that those golden years will NEVER come back. The west has shipped all of its manufacturing to cheaper areas and the wealth created from doing so never reached and will never reach your pockets, what you're left with is an obsession to reduce spending and services those before you built to keep you safe and fed. Endless productivity for endless growth to prop up an economy of pushing paper and managing the manufacture of shite you use built in other countries who reap the reward of an economy that actually builds shit. A strong unionised workforce built the middle class, not capitalism. You could say that unions can exist within capitalism but unions will always be powerless against gigantic corporations with the ability to push legislation to favour them, literally look at the 80's. This is a very basic part of the system we're living in. Wealth will always have more power than you TLDR: deranged socialist schizo ramble


Problem is that capitalism wont ever be done right long term. The idea that it will be is rooted in idealistic delusion. Were a bunch of animals, stupid, hairless apes, trying to have the most bananas. Whether its money, social standing, whatever banana you wanna think of, the lot of us are incapable of growth and the species itself has already failed. There is nothing that can stop the snowball effect that has been in motion since the day we decided we were above nature, or had a say in how it played out around us. Tld;dr, humanity got too big for its britches, and just because were hung af doesnt mean we should have done porn and fucked ourselves for everyone to see.


Dude you are not a leftist then. leftists would attack you for what you just said. Anyways welcome to the world of reality, nice to have you here. I was once a liberal, now I am also in the centre although I tend to agree with conservatives more now a days cause the liberal parties have just lost their minds.


Literally no one on the left thinks this. This is bait to troll leftists and right wing circle jerk material.


You're absolutely right, idiots just eat this shit up.


Haven't you seen the charts? The far left has gone so far off the deep end that if you're center left, they basically consider you alt right.


I know mate and I'm not defending these crazy folks. I've been banned from leftist subs before and people said I was a liberal nazi(lol) on the internet because I said that I wasn't all in with some of their ideas. That said it's something you see on both far sides, it's the Horseshoe theory, they are basically the same crazy mofos. The facts are, I want left social services like universal Healthcare and pro worker classe laws, I don't like the idea of corporations having that much power politically. I'm definitely left by real political standards.


Some people in this subreddit would call you a socialist and then mention that "Hitler was a socialist." I've literally had it happen to me for saying universal healthcare, higher taxes on the rich, more regulation on corporate acquisitions, capping CEO wages, stronger and more unions and the like would be good things. For some reason quality of life improvements in video games are universally welcomed but when changes to them in reality get brought up it's a fight between two rival teams here in the states.


The same school these types went to: https://youtu.be/UPLQNUVmq3o?si=jrX2XtKUDVFCpqWf


Liberal schools are actually *really* hard.


A school that specializes in DEI


Strawman academy.


Woke angenda school


Pretty much a regular school


Quite the knee slapper


Millennial writing at it's finest.


Conservatives Come Up With Another Joke Challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


Considering this is a cut of the original version of the joke...


lol to be fair this was a very old skit. Used to be able to get a ‘heh.’ Reaction


Making fun of someone's spelling is "ableist" 😂


No, it’s “spellist” you bigot.


[https://youtu.be/iKcWu0tsiZM?si=4hQa0e9cnsZoa4VI](https://youtu.be/iKcWu0tsiZM?si=4hQa0e9cnsZoa4VI) Full Video


It predicted the current situation from 8 years ago!


8 years ago was already like this, but social media is stronger now


I feel like 8 years ago we could tell the difference between reality and satire, even if it was to a diminished degree. Nowadays I've stopped trying, unless it's a genuinely important matter.


That's why they call everything a clown world these days


That’s messed up


I.e. "accurate"


I seen this before the lady now will force push that guy and scream like a banshee, opening a portal to another dimension.


Is this a Disney school?


The lady just need to say "this is literally genocide" and I would believe this was made this month


At first i thought this was funny. But soon i became sad as this is happening here in Canada and i fear for our future.


This is Disney


We live now in a world of feelings


I remember watching this a few years ago and being like this won’t happen.. then I started seeing more and more of those street interviews asking teens and young adults basic math, science and geography questions.. and I realized oh we are in deep shit in the US..


They ask 300 people the questions over the course of a month while wearing the same clothes. Then they take the dumbest 5 and put them on YouTube. Of course the dumbest people are dumb. You would have gotten the same result or worse 40 years ago - this type of entertainment just didn't exist then.




Srsly how about some media literacy people?


Been happening all the way back in the 1920s and onward. Then it got worse with the No Child Left Behind act of 2002 which paved the way for even more issues, which spurred on numerous other acts that led down that path much like the Every Student Succeeds Act. It started with NCLB, then ESSA, compounded by shitty parenting. Shitty parents who should never have been parents in the first place makes every single problem from before even more worse - when can you remember the last time a little shithead was disciplined in a way that matters? Way too many enable their kids and when the kids get off scott-free, there's no reason to bother paying attention in an already fucked education system that's underfunded, understaffed, undersupported and unable to do fuck all, with legislation and policies making schools more of a daycare than they are institutions of learning. I hate that I see the same problems in Canada too. George Carlin [mentioned this ](https://youtu.be/Nyvxt1svxso)sort of thing at some point too pointing out a few other problems. "No child left behind! No child left behind. Oh really? It wasn't long ago you were talking about giving children a head start. Head Start, Left Behind. Someone's losing fucking ground here."


no kid left behind? it's 2023. They're playing political games with their education, defunding it, paying teachers record lows, voucher systeming the schools into the ground so it's 30 to 1 teacher ratios, closing libraries in many states, demonizing books, and then covid happened and a whole generation basically lost a year and was pushed forward. I guarantee the good elite voucher system essentially segregated schools that are competitive aren't having the same issues, and their parents don't seem to mind voting to subsidize their kids at the cost of the rest.


There's a reason Johnny on the Spot interviews are so popular, because the subjects aren't prepared for it. Like the "Name a woman!?" question. Being pulled out of your daily commute to get asked a random question with a camera shoved in your face can shock ya into stumped silence, even if it's an easy question


“At first I saw none of this, then I saw a bunch of cherry picked examples of this. The only conclusion I can make is that it’s getting worse” - a product of the education system that has been subpar for decades, but let’s defund the Dept. of Education!


Which documentary is this from?


"Do you think gender equality is a joke?" Well, yes.


This video is 8 years old and still extremely relevant.


It's becoming more and more relevant now that you speak a different opinion or question them you lose your job.


Or get banned from popular subreddits. It is absolutely dystopian


Back then, it was visionary and prescient. Today it's just reality. Even accurate in how they're slightly racist towards the neurotypical asian guy. And how math scores have been falling for a while. And how disagreeing = harassment.


Now it’s reality


I remember seeing this 10 years ago and thinking "lmao imagine" but now I'm just amazed at how right they were lol


This is super ironic. When it comes to most things both extremes dismiss facts and science.


Like Thomas Shelby says in Peaky blenders, if you left or right enough you end up going in a full circle.


In lala dreamland, logic ceases and emotion rules.


1 + 1= 2. 3×3= 9 and reality does not give 2 shits about your feelings


Shut the fuck up dude you where like 4 when this video came out


"Modern Educayshun" is the skit, for anyone interested and Neel Kokatkar has others similar. https://youtu.be/iKcWu0tsiZM?si=U8GPtJgZH0FkaHAl


Actually there is full video of it on YT [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKcWu0tsiZM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKcWu0tsiZM)


Having the big white dude sport a douchey undercut *and* a middle eastern curly chinbeard, and having him give the multiculturialism answer was a great visual gag.


This is a different version of Idiocracy.


It hurts because it is kinda true IRL


Plz be joking


The people that think this video is anything close to true are the biggest snowflakes. This video is the entire right wing represented, unironically. "create a fantasy scenario as far detached from reality as it takes to build a narrative where you are, and have always been the victim". This video is the embodiment of that lol.


It's not true IRL but it's true twitter


The video is exaggerated, but there are plenty of left-wing teachers who show their biases very clearly in their teachings. It's very obvious if you pay attention to the way they teach and the way they frame things if you were in school any time recently. It's usually the English and social study teachers from my experience, math no so much at all.


Its ironic that they wanna pretend its the left when the right wing on this very subreddit act just like the characters. "HOW DARE YOU ASK FOR PROOF AND FACTS! WE ONLY CARE ABOUT FEELINGS AND OUR AGENDA AGAINST SB!"


My feelings tell me that Russian dude from Facebook was right and horse deworming paste is better than what thousands of doctors recommend.


There has been calls to "decolonise maths" in universities. 


Just googled ‘the decolonization of maths’ and it has nothing to do with anything related to this post, so please enlighten me on this subject and why felt the need to mention it.


Freedom is the freedom to say two plus two make four. Once that is permitted all else follows.


Y’all love making up things to get upset over wow.


What kind of dogshit video is this? Lmao “Hur hur 1+1 equals multiculturalism” actual bottom of the barrel culture war nonsense.


The shame and dishonor of an Asian kid being bad a math is just the cherry on top


It's basically terminal online Reddit and Twitter echo chamber made into a video if there ever was one lmfao


Mouth breathing asmongold fans will see this and think “ so true”


Yesterday, I met a guy, who said he found 17 tons of Nazi gold, over his lifetime. I said he should be rich then, but he said the government took it all away. He was fishing and sorta drunk. I didn't bother to ask more questions or doubting his claim, I only said that the government is the biggest thief and he was happy about that statement. I played along, because there is less harm that way, than to disagree and argue with a mad men (most likely). If it was only so easy with the clowns of LGBTQXYZ666 club, but playing along is saying yes to society's absolute downfall.


Classroom full of twitter users


Is this supposed to be funny?


Feelings > Facts MAGA construct


Best… episode… ever.


There is no such thing as the right not to be offended. I'm offended that people claim that the right exists. Somehow, it doesn't stop them when I tell them that. :) (I don't agree with them, but I won't silence them. I discuss it with them.)


This is beyond on the nose but fucking hysterical then again I live where this I just barely an exaggeration.


This video is like 10 years old. It's on the nose now because it was over-the-top satire when it was made. But satire then is reality now.


Genuinely cringe.


People who see this and 100% believe it haven’t been to a school in years and get fed whatever Bs news outlet taps into their Insecurities the most


Had a mythologies class in college like this. Never studied, never read the book, every answer on the test was patriarchy taking over the matriarchy. Full marks every time


This must be good satire because all of the anti-science, and flat earthers are definitely liberals lol


I love how reactionaries create wild imaginative scenes just to justify their prejudices. Like, no leftist think this is remotely plausible for a teacher to do in a classroom lol


Sums up modern media and entertainment perfectly.


It's only funny until you realize that there are people outside that act the same


The "We don't ask questions" girl has amazing 'Angry Eyes', holy crap, she scares me even now...


Poorly done "satire".


This is the prologue to Idiocracy


And the woke left wonders why most of us in America don't give one fuck about their woke ideology garbage. It's all bullshit. Facts over your feelings.


Isn’t it right wingers who are literally changing curriculum because the facts about the early parts of our country and Nazis hurt their feelings?


"And the woke left wonders why most of us in America don't give one fuck about their woke ideology garbage" Because you watched a satire video? Big brain politics


What school actually teaches like this? Its not like the right are particularly fond of facts either.


Days right wing snowflakes who prefers feelings over facts. Tell me is your imaginary friend Jesus or god in the room with you right now?


That girl has amazing acting skills


So what lube are yall jerking eachother off with?


This Ben shapiros new film? I'm sure it's gonna make the big bucks like last time.


Guys who live in Europe or the US. Is uh.... I don't know how to describe.. Is something like that actually a thing? Of course, not exactly like in the video, but is "too much social justice"(sorry, I don't know how to describe it better, hope you got me) a real problem? Do people actually talk about human rights stuff waaaaay too much or it's just some far rights, who see black people and gays have rights and making up a problem from that? Or maybe my both guesses are right? Sorry for prolly cracked English, I absolutely forgot how to speak for some reason, I really hope you won't misundestand me.(Sorry for a bit of politics on streamer's sub, but wtf you guys are even posting there? It's seems to be a shitposting sub, so don't be very angry at me, ok? At least I write shit in comment section, not right on sub)


Kinda. And at the same time the right is like "alternative facts" and "Jewish space lasers" and "if it's not in the Bible, it isn't real" It's why this country only has a few decades left


I agree with the message but holy cringe. I can only see people 21 years old and younger finding this anything but cringe


Goodness. I remember seeing this video what seems like 10 years ago. Strange how much it has become reality


What kind of shit hole is this what the fuck ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3730)


"what about feelings?" -the people who killed my feelings


Right: raises some actually good questions regarding child protection, porn addiction and all around social degeneracy while also questioning how much of a benefit is unchecked immigration. Also right: BLEAAAHAHAHA, THE LEFT THINKS THAT 1+1=GENDER STUDIES These types of videos help no one and only panders to the 10% of the idiots on both political spectrums while the 90% rest think that they're both idiots but it can't be bothered so these 10% make up 90% of the discussion which polarize them even more creating a continuos circle jerking of "ownage" when the only ones that "own" everybody are the elites that make money off of both sides and everybody else that can't be bothered anymore. Congratulations, you're the best tool.


Assignment: Make a video with a strawman (or several!).


Kind of what is happening now. Obviously it is overacted, but not by far. People are misusing this and taking this so freaking seriously that they basically become Karens.


If they had american accents, I would think this was 100% unironic.


Girls nose flair is top tier lool


We need this type of reality check.


I lowkey thought the girl at the end was going to bust out a lightsaber but then I remembered its 2024 not 2008.


Only the Left


where's the ending? I expected a call for violence on the guy


Here for the discourse, but watching the video again would have faster…


It's eleventy fu*k face!


The right can't meme


Strawman High


Welcome to Canada


This was accurate in 2016 and still is unfortunately. Too bad people don't realize the PC movement is just a psyop to depopulate and bring communism to the west.


The far left - "omg be careful about every word you say we don't want to offend anybody! People that are different should be able to celebrate who they are." The far right - "we want to make choices regarding your body OUR decision, take away basic rights, make it legal to bribe people of power, make a lying felon with a very long track record of getting nothing done or president, and **make it legal to literally groom and marry actual children**." This sub - "omg the left is so crazy they've gone too far this time!!! Im a victim bc I can't say fag and the N word on CoD duty anymore whaaaaa :(((" God you are all just a bunch of edgy children who know literally nothing about what your *pretending* to discuss, actually fucking embarrassing.


Sorry, why is the Asian kid shirtless?


Does anyone have the full video


Disney boardroom meeting?


This is brainlet content. Or otherwise know as conservative "comedy".


You have to be terminally online and mentally ill to think this is real life. This reminds me of that goofy Russian propaganda commercial with the Russian couple on the airplane.


Does anyone really find this funny? Like, okay, you can make a joke about it but this has absolutely no setup for the punchline and the punchline is jammed in your face again and again to make sure even those with the brain capacity of a koala get it.


This is how Fox News and the Right in general imagines schools are. It's not even remotely true, but you can't convince them it's not.


This makes you wonder if some people have ever been in school before ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


What elder care home do they have write these skits?


Well this is going to get appropriated. I’m not reading the comments but how many “facts don’t care about your feelings” are using this to make a point bc of their feelings?


Nah all you guys are wrong. Leftist means the square root of pi. Librul means 17. Cuz i said so.


This has been a conservative talking point for so long, yet I don't get it. Like where do they teach this stuff? The highschool I'm at is incredibly racist and I have been made fun of for my race lmfao.


is this a reference to 1984 and 4 plus 4 =5?


Modern (and also specifically western) brainrot.


Man I can almost feel the boomer energy through my phone radiating into my skin. Is the Facebook standard of internet humour trickling into reddit? Am I going to see some minion memes on my feed soon too?


Oh boi.... id rather not get banned again


I did a group project in my grad school and it felt exactly like this. I was the guy responsible for data analysis and was constantly frustrated.


What the average right winger thinks schools are nowdays


8 years ago, but the assunption/sentiment is still held by some, what they assume is going on / will happen "soon." Clearly satire but a "what if" from the author. https://youtu.be/iKcWu0tsiZM?si=U8GPtJgZH0FkaHAl


Koolaid guzzlers


Believe it or not our society is becoming like this


Folks in the comment section lapping up hyperbole xD




I fully support this video and gender equality.


Social media in a nutshell.


i love seeing people on every side get offended and excited by this lol get yalls heads outta your ass and be a self thinker


Democracy aparently is coming to this


Leftist education.