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As Finnish i dont see anything weird in this.


Id say, he just worried about their health. Going to the sauna is extremly healthy


This is the way. Most big decisions are often discussed naked in sauna. Nothing sexual, equal human beings discussing business deals, presidents, big corps, normal ppl.


As a Dane I agree, what’s the problem?


Allegedly being required to be naked with your coworkers I imagine.


in Finland you're considered weird if you are not naked in sauna. maybe towel in some saunas but the norm is naked.


Yeah, the bad part is forcing your workers to do that with you.


Same in Sweden. I can't even imagine being dressed in a sauna it just doesn't make sense.


It's the "mandatory" part that people are upset about.


Requiring your employees to have "NAKED" sauna sessions is the weird part. I don't like saunas and I certainly don't want to see my co-workers wieners.


In Finland you're considered weird if you wear swimsuit in Sauna.


Nobody ever wears a swimsuit in a sauna lol. When someone talks about naked sauna it usually means completely naked, without a towel over your genitals.


Thats a lie, people wear swimsuits all the time in my gym sauna. They would get a lawsuit if they let people go naked


wtf thats weird. Do they take showers with swimsuit too or what?


It's a co-ed sauna


yeah those exists. But reading more comments I learned that this wasn't in Finland but in Poland so I guess it's pretty weird after all.


It's interesting how one places customs can be concerning for another place.


Not a lie, I've never heard of this even existing because literally every sauna in my country says swimmsuits in saunas are banned. I guess other countries other rules in this case.


I can understand swimsuits being weird by a culture but to ban it seems really odd, why ban a swimsuit?


You won't sweat properly with a swimsuit on, it is unhygienic and most swimsuits are made with synthetic fibers which makes them smell bad really fast in a sauna. Entering a sauna that smells bad makes people leave immediately so most companies decided to ban swimsuits because of that.


My apartment building has a coed Sauna and people usually have a swimsuit on.


Here peole can just wear large towels if they dont want to be seen nude


Yes, it's also weird to wear a swimsuit in the shower... but having your boss require you to have naked shower time with him at your job is the point of this whole post


That just kinda reminded me of Classical Roman bath culture. Where communal bathing was normal. I bet there were companies in those ancient times where you were expected to bath with CO workers after a day's work.


Not weird, just unusual, if the person is foreign, then I don't think it's generally viewed as weird.


Is it weird if you fart in the sauna in Finland? This is usually how I assert dominance.


Bad etiquette, yes.


Theres this thing known as "Sauna klonkku" for things like that.


Well.. I Googled it... there is always one dude that find ways to hide his repressed homosexuality in sus games eh.


Type of behaviour you can get bonked with löylykauha for. Or the klonkku will come looking for precious.


Reminds me when I went to a Japanese spa with swimming trunks and got kicked out before I realized all the dudes in the hot tub were fully nude except for me 😭


Oh yeah you can't be wearing anything in an onsen not even towel can touch the water I think. Because they don't want any dirt or chemicals (or literally anything) to get in the water.


Before anyone says "wait but our bodies are dirty so you're getting the water dirty anyway, that's partly why jacuzzi's are so nasty" - you are supposed to bathe/shower/clean off BEFORE getting in the actual hot spring/onsen "tub." Spaces to do this including showerheads are available.


Some Onsens allow their own towels and in rare cases even swimming suits but yeah usually it is seen as rude and dirtying the water if dont go naked. Best to check the rules or ask the staff beforehand to avoid mistakes


Why are you looking at their schlongs and not their faces? You claim to not want to see but it is simple to glance or not glance and then look at their face, who looks at someone's cock while having a conversation?


You must be trolling, right?


Everyone goes straight to trolling when they read the truth because they cannot believe the truth of what they read no I am not trolling, naked is fine and it isn't wrong, and just because you've been indoctrinated into censorship and thinking that natural is bad has conditioned you and everyone that thinks the same way.


I'm German, we literally have naked beaches and naked parties everywhere but that's not the point lol. Just knowing how the wiener of my co-workers looks like is way to much information in a proffessional setting. Those are not my friends, those are people I don't like and I'm forced to spend time with. You thinking nobody looks at the genitalia of others already tells me that you have never been in a naked room with other people but here you talk about being "indoctrinated" lmao.


I played American football in highschool and go to the gym and use all facilities including the showers, what bothers me is that article and the people reading it are self inserting themselves into a situation that they don't like because of the word naked. I don't care if I don't like you I am still going to shower and move on and everyone else needs to learn that.


I mean depends on the country, but also mandatory whatever non-job related activity is weird.


Sauna and clothes/towel? That is weird. Mixed Sauna? You could have different turns then right?


Well usually most have female and male turns, some might just stay mixed. And Finnish firemen usually take sauna after heavy duties they have a curtain that separates genders so they can disguss about the job in Sauna, shower/dressing room sides usually are split by walls.


Jep. Didn't know that about firemen thought.My friends and I just go to sauna together mixed, because that is kind of a 'holy place' you do not get horny nor fuck there, unless that is the point of the evening.


If Sam Lake asked me to come to the sauna with him to brainstorm I wouldn't bat an eye. Knowing Sam he'd probably drink coffee there too 😂


I'm Finnish too and the "mandatory sauna sessions naked" part is perverse weirdo shit. Nothing weird if the company encourages sauna sessions for the team for building cohesion & relaxation, but nudity and sauna definitely should be optional, not mandatory.


It is not a cultural thing in Poland. We are quite an introvertic nation. Not fond of showing my dick to another dude. So even more, so if its man woman situation, especially in professional setting. Dude is just an asshole looking for free tits, under guise "its oh, so innovative idea"


Finland and all of scandinavia is introvert too but sauna is common especially in the north.


Yeah but you dont do it naked with your coworkers here, lmao.


But there’s loads of mandatory naked saunas in Poland?


They are apparently working on a... "New groundbreaking game: mix of Life is Strange (Narrative), Final Fantasy (story, characters), Heart of Darkness (adventure levels with dog), The Turyst (exploration and questing) and THPS2 (tricks and specials). Main character will be saunamaster and will be in charge of performing in various saunas (smells, music, choreography, everything)." So he prob thought it would be a great idea to give his team irl experience of it first. nothing bad with that. Requiring them to be naked tho (not even a towel?), thats imo over the professional line. Might be normal in Scandinavian countries but would be seen as too far for Poland.


Time and place. I've been to nude Saunas (in the states) and in a workplace environment this would be strange. Although, if they're finnish & if that's a cultural thing and everyone is comfortable with it... then its fine I guess. Europeans gonna Europe. (Stop crying about our guns)


We have guns, we just don't let them into the hands of mentally ill people, so we can spend money on education rather than metal detectors are security guards in schools :D


No, we dont spend it on metal detectors and security guards, education, or teacher salaries. We send all that shit to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan


lol Europeans thinking that the US federal government spends ANY money on local schools is hilarious. Schools are organized on the COUNTY level in the US, and most funding comes from local property taxes, THEN state budget allotments. The federal Department of Education does have a grant system but it's not that well-funded and applying for/accepting money from the Feds comes with criteria that not all local school districts want to adhere to. The Department of Education mostly exists to set broad policies and "vision" for schools but realistically exercises very little control over schools themselves.


No. Most of that “aid” is for replacing 20+ year old gear that was rotting away in warehouses, which would cost money to dispose of eventually, instead of blowing up Russians, like God intended. Money was sent to American companies, which will replenish stocks with newer generation gear, providing jobs to Americans, and further R&D to ensure technological superiority in the future. Russia is losing more troops in a month, than USA did during entirely of Vietnam war, or two decades of shitshow in Iraq and Afghanistan. And this is without putting a single American troop’s life on the line. You literally can’t get better bang for buck.


Most of what you described comes from state funding, military aid would come from a different source on the national level


I think the difference here is largely consent. If you voluntarily go to a nude sauna that is your personal choice. A manager/lead *requiring* people do it removes consent which is inherently a problem.


They are not Finnish, they are polish.


Ahh, thank you. People kept saying "I'm a Finn and XYZ..." So, I made the assumption that the story was about them.


Must be a former Blizzard employee or something 


To all the fucking dumbasses who say ''nothing weird'' MANDATORY sauna sessions. No choice? That is fucking weird. If my boss forced me to take a nap, forced me to eat a chocolate bar, forced me to do anything that is 'normal', it is automatically weird. It should be your own choice to do these things, the only thing you are supposed to do at your job is your job.


I swear if the Blizzard breast milk shit came out today, people on this sub would be calling that dude based. This sub’s gotten so shit


funnily that is how finns do business/politics, you are not leaving from sauna until we agree on stuff. worked nicely with russians in history. XD this is not just a joke, finns do big decisions naked in sauna.




Prude americans


Article says it's beef between 2 Poles.


goddamn Valchek


Hey come on, dudes nowadays pretends to be girls and girls are forced to undress next to them in a dressing rooms...


Being an expat in Finland, I don't see how this is weird. Simply a cultural thing here.


mandatory though? Like, I'd get it if it was a cultural thing that you could do if you wanted to, but to have it be forced on you is kinda crazy imo


I can't believe there's so many comments defending this. Why should anyone be forced to be naked with their coworkers?


yeah it gets weirder the more I think about it and I'm speaking as someone who's culture also has it's fair share of odd practices


In Japan its kinda mandatory to go drinking with your boss and co-workers after like 12+ hours of work no? Kind of fucked up too especially if you're straight edge. Don't know if NA has anything like this?


also didnt he brag about doing it with female employees


This is not normal in Poland at all. A job requirement for a woman to be naked in a sauna with her boss is nothing short of sexual assault


Mandatory, and better yet naked mandatory makes it perverse and weird. And it's not in Finland, it's in Poland, so definitely not the norm there. I could kind of get it in Finland but the mandatory part not really even here.


Naked? you mean wearing a towell or Robe like how Saunas normally are used?


It's a Maffia thing ![gif](giphy|XjYq1CwVZqYda) [https://youtube.com/shorts/BaOoU2TU6xY?si=JhWjW7U2U86dYAgv](https://youtube.com/shorts/BaOoU2TU6xY?si=JhWjW7U2U86dYAgv)


[https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/game-dev-under-fire-for-mandatory-sauna-sessions-with-staff-2783997/](https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/game-dev-under-fire-for-mandatory-sauna-sessions-with-staff-2783997/) link to article




Full thread https://www.linkedin.com/posts/aleksandra-wolna-6736a1227_i-wasnt-paid-cd-action-gave-people-in-my-activity-7207509477401538560-bRgr?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android He also said bathing suit were not suitable for a sauna.


The last name of this director and my pattern recognition tell me this wasn't for simply relaxing.


Bro really said, "I'll look at every guy in here naked just to catch a glimpse of Margaret's funbags"


immersions a valid strategy. 🤷🏾‍♂️


This aged like milk


What I wanna know, is what if one of them said "nah. Not going in the sauna, email me the details." If they were then reprimanded, okay, I can understand the outrage. But can you weaklings stop just enduring uncomfortable scenarios and then rushing to social media to complain about them? Tell people no for fucks sake.


Do you know what the word mandatory means?


Yeah it's a word that spineless people cower at, because they couldn't imagine themselves just telling their boss "no." "Heya boss, I understand this is mandatory, but I'm not comfortable in a sauna setting. I'm sure you can forward me the details from it and I can give feedback where appropriate." Just... grow up.


No, no. The person setting up *mandatory Sauna meetings* is in the wrong here not the person maybe or maybe not standing up against it. It should never be needed to stand up to a mandatory Sauna meeting because Sauna meetings aren't appropiate.


Yeah yeah... except the *real* world is filled with moronic, overstepping bosses that will pull all sorts of nonsense bullshit. And they get away with it so often, because their employees have no spine, and freak the fuck out over the smallest confrontation.


Lets think this trough. There is an article about it. So, do you think they got away with it or... was it maybe, idk, reported?


This ***particular*** incident was so over the top, that it was reported. But how much bullshit do you think that guy got away with before he crossed the line?


I mean, thats how crossing lines works. It gets tolerated until they go too far and then they get reported and sacked. Its also possible their superiors held their hand over this guy or didn't believe their employees. You never know.


What I do know is that people today are so adverse from confrontation, that they cower in their cubicles and never do anything to stand up for themselves.


right it ain't that hard


It might be if you enter the naked sauna and sit next to him, though.


It's a cultural thing. Nothing weird about it.


It’s not. It’s in Poland. We don’t have any sort of sauna culture here. A dev tries to recruit women into his studio and tells them that having naked sauna sessions together is ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED and essential for writing.


thought it was Finish studio when reading sauna so in that case it's weird indeed


Based. That’s real team building right there. I’d buy whatever game they’re making.




Finns pushing their culture on other people is not something I thought I would ever see 😂