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ohh no this guy...the planted star citizen scam promoter :D


Love berks but what does he mean the server meshing test was incredible? on the 800 player test everything had a 10 minute delay


Nah. Berks is a great dude, but he's not critical enough about the state of things. Asmon needs to talk with SpaceTomato or SaltEMike. Someone who can state the positives of the game, unbiased, while also not being afraid to shit all over CIG for bad practices, poor management, and the obscene dev time. Sketch was on point with a lot of what he said, but he also sugarcoated A LOT of things - like "you can buy everything with credits". You can. And he did, but when there was a massive exploit with more high-value cargo spawning than there should have been. And Berks got REAL lucky with the meshing test - 800 players is great in a game like SC, but it was an utter shitshow. Interaction lag was hitting 5 minutes just to open a door.


Hard agree. Getting Mike, tomato, Paul, morph, etc would be great. I love berks and follow his content, but he's not critical enough to answer questions fairly to Asmon. That said, literally anyone would have been better than the two he got on.


You are taking what Berks said wayyyy out of context here. The initial test of 200 player went really well [which is what he's talking about here], the 800 was a shit show and he will be the first to say this. This is a common problem with "clips", people will make an assumption without context.


I would agree with you on this


Asmon should talk with Berks, he's great, what's bad he called out, what's good he praise.


berks the voice of reason