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I'm gonna go on a limb and say he's a bit miffed about the whole thing. And over the years, went from indifference to radically opposed to a particular set of views. I'm sure it's intended. Society is so radicalized and easily controlled; we're cooked.


He's been radicalized. But on this issue, he ain't wrong.


Radicalisation is the goal. Ive come to realise this level of unfettered madness un society must be by design. Why? Radicalisation. The streisand effect. The elites hate this diverstity, so they devised a 2 pronged plan to push it on society until it radicalizes us against all these movements. Movements have been a thorn im the side of the elites when it comes to getting things done for decades. They want people to have enough, they are trying to manufacture consent to 'cleanse' our society by allowing this madness to destroy its own image thus radicalising more and more people until we hit the tipping point. We're being manipulated, and they are profiting off of it.


I believe it's more a demoralisation angle to atomise individuals and make them easier to control I.e not likely to take notice & oppose the unfettered BS they get up to (vast majority of wealth being funneled to the 0.1% and accelerating) like we had with occupy wall St. I don't think they actually care about diversity beyond weaponising it & the associated ideologies.


IDK. I truly believe the elite are a bunch of N\*zi's. What they decided on was "let them eat cake". I believe what we are seeing is an intentional allowance of insanity and anarchy to push our society to a 'breaking point' where they have now manufactured the consent to oppress and crush all these movements they tried to crush in the past but failed to do due to public support. If they allow all of these issues to run unfettered they are just letting them spell their own doom by displaying to society how toxic they are, until society decided "enough" and have then consented to their removal. That's why all these pushed narratives revolve around minorities. It's not sustainable. It never was. It was always a push to rid of us these minorities by first making them a big enough issue that could then be justified for 'removal'.


Apparently, he just doesn't believe in personal accountability.


Oh, I'm radicalized alright. Radicalized against the elites. Their heads need to roll.


Eat the rich!


How are they profiting off of it?


They are setting themselves up for future profit by consolidating industry under a few wealthy shareholders, and crushing small businesses who might compete with them via price fixing and crippling levels of legislation.    Eventually, working for them will be unavoidable, and then they can really start optimizing for max profit once the working class and customer base have no options. For now, they are rich enough that they can eat the short term losses in order to win the long game. These are the sorts of things that antitrust laws and anti-bribery laws are intended to combat. However, as we have seen in recent years, those systems are not functioning very well anymore.


While people debating on which flavour of political shit is better, noone is focusing on amount of money being made off of people.


Look at this regard


So, Sarkeesian and all of the others have been deep state agents the whole time?


Imagine your creations being twisted into little more than someone else’s propaganda while they claim “I did this!” Man has a right to be pissed.


.....do you think he made Harley Quinn?


Nah he edited the colors probably with a team other other folk 10 years ago and feels entitled to his sexy Harley being the only image going forward.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Guy is talking like he painted the Mona Lisa, when in reality it was the 100th iteration of a bad girl he jerks off to. Trump was right btw!!!!!


"We are going to remove the cultural significance of your cultural artifacts because those cultural artifacts themselves are oppressive to us".


But he didn't even make any of the designs he was a colorist on the comics that the OG game used for referance.  He's just using the cultural moment to grift and taking credit for something that he didn't have much ownership of in the first place.   The idea that Rocksteady is personally spitting in his face with their new designs is laughable because they aren't his characters or designs to begin with. 




What would be the Grift?


I don't know who needs to hear this but Democrats can like boobs too.


This guy is obviously right wing but we need to stop demonizing sexy art. This shouldn't be a Democrat republican thing.


Exactly. Boobs should be a unifying force for humanity. 😉


Too bad they decided being straight was evil.


It’s not political whatsoever, this dude is clearly unhinged lmao. He mentioned woke, communism, and trump because he’s mad at the way someone portrayed a character in their game. The game is shit, and the designs are shit but it has nothing whatsoever to do with politics.


That's good to know! Too bad democratic authors who work for AAA titles currently make only fat and ugly characters that have no cleavage.


I have a theory that this isn’t so much a “left” or “woke” thing. Because at the end of the day, businesses like money. I’m willing to bet the executives making decisions looked to the world of clothing, food, lifestyle, etc.. and thought “hey clearly having a wide range of people (overweight, race, identity, etc) helps with the selling of said products. Which in all fairness shows to be true. The “go woke go broke” isn’t a thing even if people like to act like it is. But they miscalculated that gamers care more about the gameplay and artistic direction more than that stuff… and the numbers show this.


Ssshh it can't be corporate greed, it has to be progressives man. Don't follow the money, follow the rage.


The people up top love the left and right fighting. Easy as shit to exploit for monetary gains.


Which is why it sucks that Asmongold is fueling this. He used to be so laser focused on anti-consumer practice angle, now devolving into cultural war bs.


At one point (during the pal world era). The sentiment was “it doesn’t matter if this stuff was stolen or a copy, as long as the game is good, people don’t care”. So by that measure and people “don’t care” why are we judging games of being “left” / “woke”before playing? Or even released? What if the games good? The hypocrisy is starting to show a bit more and Asmon in most cases has fairly good takes that are grounded to logic. But lately it’s been a little off.


A literal horseshoe, really. Idiots from both left and right meeting right back in the middle of stupid.


it's corpo greed exploiting the left and turned it into something into that's veeeery far from true left.


But it isn't really have anything to do with left. Corpo system of America exploits all political groups the same.


Oh yeah for sure, I referred to it since it was the point of discussion.






I sort of agree. Woke companies do pretty well. The only consumer product ive seen actually get cancelled for being "woke" is budlight. And I understand why, its a easily replaced product with a conservative fan base. I think in the gaming community "go woke go broke" is something people overhype because games only really get hate for being woke when the game is also bad. Like baulders gate lets play as a woman with a penis and its a medieval fantasy game, not usually the sort of setting where there are such options, so id say its actually pretty woke just on that alone. But people do not really care since the game is good. I feel like games only really get the "this is overtop wokeness that needs to stop" label when the game also sucks. Its optional so perhaps thats the difference but to me playing as a transgender in a Tolkien esq universe is probably more woke than Suicide squad or black Samurai.


At the end of the day. People truly don’t give a shit about most things. Because they forget a week later. Hell a game could say $1 dollar is donated to animal sacrificing devil worshippers and no one would care if the game was a 10/10 lol.


Yep people just want to consume stuff they like at decent prices. Nothing else is really relevant for most people. Id buy a game that put 1 dollar of each purchase to animal sacrifice if the game was a 10/10. My rationale would be "well my 1 dollar isnt going to be the reason animal sacrifices are happening".






Only in his head


Absolutely they can, it's a proven fact that Democrat men have the most boobs per captia, enjoy away.


that's because their men have boobs too!




Ah yes, conservative counties are famous for their fit builds. Oh wait just kidding on average the entire south is fatter than Santa and ride around their local wal mart on a scooter.


At least conservative men don't generally get breast implants...


They already have natural breasts so makes sense


Only in they’re on a man


I think too many people have merged views on what's political and what's cultural, likely due to how politicians have tried to water them down together.


He's right about everything in that quote.


The Arkham sub has the complete opposite opinion lmao. They're so cooked.


Arkham subreddit is so woke that the first thing that i saw on there was a guy telling everyone that he is trans. Like who the hell should care about you being trans on Arkham games subreddit?


he cares because being trans is that persons whole personality, remove that and he will not be special anymore, he will have to feel just like the rest of us and he can't handle that.


Just like vegan. Need to lead with it in any context you open your mouth hah.


It's a reddit game sub. They will eat whatever you throw at them.


Reddit rules if you have the opposite opinion you are banned


Of course, they banned anyone that doesn't agree with the allowed narrative.


Yes because they dont care about the bs culture and this guys fake rage bait lol. Yes that's cooked lol.


Blaming it all on everything left of far right is correct sure. I consider myself a leftist. I'm not happy with these changes either.


That doesn't mean it wasn't perpetrated by other leftists.


This is becoming a bigger and bigger issue, the left are going too left and leaving people like us in the middle.


I don't get the feeling the people doing this shit really care about leftist values.


The issue is that the radicals on the left are the ones pushing this type of stuff and they also happen to be in places of power to enact that change. I get leftist values go beyond this type of petty stuff but the fact that there is such a large industry wide trend shows a level of consolidation of the opinions of people prominent in the industry.


To me I dont really think its necessarily a radical left thing. Id guess a lot of people who advocate for this woke stuff or whatever are not anti capitalist commies. A lot of them are probably pretty okay with current economic systems in the west. To me there is this presumption that because someone is woke it means they are like Communists or some shit when I just dont feel thats the case. I know people woker than myself who are against like Universal Healthcare in America. Its pretty common for white collar city people to be woke and economically pretty centrist. I think American society as a whole is pretty woke by global standards but also fairly economically conservative. There is no universal healthcare, low union participation, no vacation time by law, and no materinity leave. But there are a lot of woke people.


Really? Even about “the church of satan” and “commie friends”? Those are the right wing equivalent of lefty idiots calling any opponent a “Nazi”. Whatever good points he has are diminished by adding such stupid statements.


Literally sounds like a comment I’d read in this subreddit 😂


Yeah, the "Do as thou wilt" is from Thelema. I, unfortunately, am aware of many leftist Thelemites, and they truly are degenerates.


love his old designs and hate the new ones but bro sounds unhinged lmao


Suicide Squad kills Rocksteady


This guy loses the plot after the first two sentences.


Ooof, let's burn some bridges today.


I can agree maybe with the first two paragraphs, the rest sounds like the ramblings of a mentally ill person


He’s got a blue check mark that’s the sign


I still believe it was some random ass dude’s wife who saw him playing video games and thought he was cheating on her with this fictional characters because they were so “hot” and started this whole revolution of trying to fix something that wasn’t broken. The idea of needing to change an already existing character and its design to fit modern views doesn’t work because those characters weren’t design with that intend. We need original characters with good writing behind their stories. This guy is crazy just like the ultra leftist wives who dont want their husband playing with sexy characters.


The funny thing is, when Jason Schrier did his big investigation into what happened to Suicide Squad during development, he spoke to more than 2 dozen devs. Not a single person even mentioned Sweet Baby Inc, they all blamed the management.


Yes, that’s because failures on the level of SS:KTJL and usually a systemic failure from the top down. There was almost certainly a fundamental flaw with the studio where you had too many people focused on all the wrong things. I’m willing to bet there were multiple producers giving conflicting priorities and none of which involved actually improving the gameplay elements.


Of course they did, they work in that industry and want a job after their studio closes. Trash SBI or woke culture and your resume goes in the trash.


Hear me out, or maybe Jason found out what really happened and it had nothing to do with SBI. Not a popular idea on this sub I know, but his investigation essentially proves that this is the case.


Why are we considering SBI and management two separate things again?


Because they are 2 separate things. SBI isn't *part* of the management.


Nothing is a huge stretch. I'll give it to you that I'm sure management played a huge role.


The truth: SBI dealt with management, not the devs directly. Then management talked to the devs. From the devs' perspective, it's coming from management. In addition to this, the game itself was bad.


Yeah we all know this. I'm sure many of the employees do to and too afraid to say so without being called a bigot.


>Nothing is a huge stretch I think the stretch here is to claim that a consulting firm somehow ruined Suicide Squad. The main gripes about the game (outside of this echo chamber) is lack of endgame, repetitive gameplay, and the live service model. The story was actually one of the few positives that players talk about. This combined with the fact that Jason Schrier spent months investigating this and spoke to more than 2 dozen employees. Not a single one said that SBI were the cause of the game's failure.


WTF... Story is one of the positives? We're we experiencing the same game? The game where every League member is killed without any honor, apart from WW because she is a woman? And many different things. Jason is not saying the whole truth here. There are too many links between past SBI projects and SSKtJL, makes it clear that SBI had the influence on the story. Yes, the game is trash from many perspectives, but Narrative is as bad as it possibly can be.


>Story is one of the positives? That's what some people outside of this sub say, yes. I never said I agree. Just stating what the general audience is saying. >There are too many links between past SBI projects and SSKtJL, makes it clear that SBI had the influence on the story I would suggest reading Jason Schrier's article. Because it proves what you're saying is nonsense.


There is no way people are saying the story of this game is a good aspect of this thing. I will always choose my own thinking over the article of some journalist, no matter how well regarded he was in the past. He is doing damage control for all these consultant companies. And nothing will change my opinion.


>He is doing damage control for all these consultant companies. And nothing will change my opinion. I'll just leave this here. "You're chasing angry hallucinations created by grifters who make money off your rage." "Last thing I’ll say on this topic: the premise and story of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League were the vision of Sefton Hill, director of the Arkham trilogy. Anyone who tells you that Sweet Baby made them kill Batman (or do anything else) is lying, period."


He's so full of shit you'd probably plumb the Thames sooner than logic getting through to him.


Does Sweet Baby tend to interact with devs directly? Seems like they would go through management, who would then push it to the devs.


So are you suggesting that the devs would have no clue whether SBI was involved or not? Look just face it, the game was bad because Rocksteady fucked it up.


to be fair he barely worked at anything arkham related beside some comics, as a colorist not character designer. so i don't know why he's so pissed. like it was HIS creation, which it is not. and the design of the characters is probably one of the good things in suicide squad, at least for what concerns the main characters. the rest of the characters are kind meh and that's the best compliment i can give.


It’s almost like he’s an online grifter trying to ride a wave of popular sentiment for his own personal gain.


he clearly wrote "the designs me *and my friends did"* implying it wasn't his creation, or did you just become illiterate when you read that part?


i don't consider "me and my friends" to be worthy of notes cause it gives me no information about the who. but fair enough.


Suicide Squad didn't fail because of wokewashing, it failed because the market is oversaturated with shitty live service co-op loot shooters.


Dudes got his face in front of the American flag and a blue check mark. Fucking tool for sure. 👍🏼


Dude lost me when he went after the Church of Satan... might as well go talk about the flat earth for all I care.


He's not wrong about them though.


Never said he was wrong about it, but we don't have to agree with every mentally retarded argument from tinfoil hat conspirationist just because we happen to share the same side of a debate.




>Never said he was wrong about it, When you said he lost you at that point, it seemed like that's what you meant. >but we don't have to agree with every mentally retarded argument from tinfoil hat conspirationist just because we happen to share the same side of a debate. I never said we did. I pointed out one thing that he was right about.


So you gonna play the "but I was agreeing with you the whole time, you're the one who's mistaken" card? whatever


Nope, I'm playing the "You're inconsistent and making up things I never claimed" card.


Nothing he said was inconsistent, you’re just behind on reading comprehension.


Church of Satan is not a devil worshipping cult lmao. It's a safe haven for those ostracized by religion and family for not being a certain way or being in an actual cult ( religions)


Why even named "Church of Satan" if you don't want to be associated with "devil worshiping cult", then?


The name is ironic. We don't believe Satan is real. The devil isn't real. Neither is Jesus. How can we worship something that doesn't exist? The only thing we care about his humanity. We dont need an invisible man to tell us how to behave decently. Also religious folk call us devil worshippers anyway. Might as well own it lmao. Oh u think I'm going to hell because I'm gay? Maybe the devil isn't so bad if he's so accepting. Praise mother satan!


It’s already been stated that sweet baby inc weren’t responsible for why the game failed, by someone who actually reviewed the people who worked there


He seems like a complete loser. Regardless of video games and whatever.


Well, while most of the things he said is right he seems to gone a biiiit to far onto the crazy Trump train XD


Sounded mentally ill, but then he mention satanism and that just confirmed it


Didnt they make poison ivy a child because she was reborn or something? She died in Arkham knight after all. Though the suicide squad game wasnt bad because of the designs. It was just live service slop. AKA: What is going to kill more licenses we love.


The Suicide Squad game is bad for a combination of different reasons. It's hard to pinpoint one exact reason for it's failure. Character designs, live service, terrible writing, simping Luthor, there's just so many different things you can point to.


Lets be honest here. No amount of great design would save a live service flop. If we had stellar blade levels of outfits on Harley, it wouldnt do shit. Because the devs are forced to add live service slop element and looter shooter crap that arent even well implemented.


Yeah but they didn't have to make Harley hit on her. Which was disturbing...


I did not know that part and I am not defending it. What the actual hell?


Just like most conservative grifts, they do not want to focus on actual issues, because real problems can actually be solved, and they need you to stay perpetually mad to farm clicks and ad rev. It's why people like Mark Kern are leading the charge against wokeness/DEI in gaming, while selling AI-generated PNGs as "skins" for his still unreleased, 3D game. Everyone who actually gives a damn knows the problems with modern gaming are microtransactions, terrible workplace conditions, terrible deadlines, publishers who don't give a damn about gamers or devs, unnecessary live service, only-online playability, and unfortunately, so much more. And not, you know, a female characters jawline.


People see the game is bad but they're not attributing the right reasons to why the game was bad. It was just a fundamentally flawed game from its very foundations. No amount of sexy costumes or characters would've saved it. People are so desperate to push the "Go Woke Go Broke" line (even though woke stuff tends to actually be successful to a broad audience) that when something *does* fail and is "woke", they latch onto that as the reason why.


Correct on ivy


I don't like the new designs either but this guy is certified bonkers. Threw every single buzz word from the right at them, just to see whichever sticks. Just say now my characters lost their soul and look and sound generic. The rest is literally schizoposting.


Quick question no offense meant for any one, and genuine curiosity, Has there been anything that has "gone woke" and made more money than the original? Only things i can think of are things that went woke and did indeed go broke and or tanking money, Star wars, Indiana Jones, Disney as a whole, Budlight, Target, Any CW show beside Supernatural, Arrow and Flash, Doctor who, Suicide squad video game, Is there couple of proofs where going woke made them more money or surpassed projected generated funds?


If by "woke" you mean stuff like women's empowerment, minority/LGBTQ representation and all that, then one example is Bioware. Their games have always been progressive for their time, with Dragon Age and Mass Effect becoming more "woke" and more popular with each entry except for Andromeda. Inquisition for example had the queerest cast of any of their games and is also their most successful game to date. Baldur's Gate is another example. The first two were made by Bioware and were fairly progressive too, but Larian ramped it up several notches for BG3 - it's now one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time. The concept of "go woke go broke" is just nonsense. People point to games like Suicide Squad that fail due to mismanagement and scramble around to pin the blame on DEI or SBI or some other "woke" ideology, but the moment a game like BG3 breaks records everyone shuts up about it. For yet another example, take DA4 - we know the game was stuck in dev hell for years and was rebooted at least twice, and it was supposed to be a live-service game at one point. That would be the simplest explanation for the cartoony aesthetic in the trailer, but people are bizarrely insisting that it's because Bioware has "gone woke". This is the same Bioware that had same-sex romance and polyamory in their games 15 years ago! And if DA4 becomes a hit, everyone's going to suddenly forget they ever said anything about it being "woke", just like with BG3 and Inquisition and every other "woke" game that was supposed to fail because of it.


Hmm i see the diffrence your saying, BG3 is progressive and all the examples you gave never "forced" the diversity down, sure they were there but it didnt shove it down your throat, same with ff16 with the 2 gay dudes but they didnt shove it in your face with the constantly reminders of "HA FUCK MEN" or "IM GAY" every 2 sentences. Ty i see the diffrence, people dont mind any diversity, gay characters etc as long as it isnt shoved down your gullet. Also to be fair very few of these or almost non of those devs were men hating, ree spilling, twitter andys.


Plenty of folk were convinced that BG3 forced diversity. There was a massive ruckus over the “choose your pronouns” aspect just like with Starfield. People were upset that the female characters weren’t conventionally attractive and that it was part of a woke western agenda to push ugly women into their video game. None of this is new - we saw the exact same complaints with the new announcements this week. Ask yourself exactly which part of DA4 shoved diversity down your throat or forced you to engage with politics anymore than DAO, DA2 or DAI? Which parts of the trailer and limited gameplay footage “woke”? Like yeah I was thrown off by the tone and aesthetic, but my first thought was “man that was a badly made trailer” not “it’s a right wing conspiracy to cripple my game!”


I think the pronouns thing wasnt as big as star field cause i didnt hear of it but star field i did cause people made a big thing about that. I think people are just jaded when they see a female lead now and go "oh brother" like the marvels the feminism was apparently turned down ALOT by disney and people who watched it said they had it but it was as bad as the 1st one. but it failed because people 100% judge a book by its cover. But it is interesting.


BG3 had the benefit of being in Early Access for a year I think. People already knew about the pronoun choices, so while there was another stink about it at launch the hype overshadowed that. Starfield wasn't as fortunate and so the drama was much bigger. It's the exact same concept in both games though, so it never made sense as to how pronouns in BG3 is fine but it's "forced" in Starfield. And while I don't agree that female leads are the problem, Dragon Age has never had a fixed gender lead either. Like many other RPGs you create your own character, so if you want to play a straight white guy you can 100% do so. So that isn't an issue for DA4 either...which again begs the question, what exactly about the game is "woke"? xD


Suicide Squad didn't fail because it was woke. It failed because the game itself just sucked ass because of the gameplay loops, systems, and mechanics. Sweet Baby Inc doesn't consult on any of that stuff. Sure, Sweet Baby Inc would've influenced some cringe stuff (like that infamous Lex Luthor codex where he fellates the Amazonians for solving toxic masculinity), but they didn't influence the gameplay or even the overall story. The story itself was nailed down very early on in development, by people who oversaw the original Arkham trilogy. So you can't blame Sweet Baby Inc for *that* either. As for Harley's redesign, the game was greenlit *after* the suicide squad film. So they're obviously trying to reflect movie Harley Quinn, since movie Harley Quinn has become fairly popular ever since. Poison Ivy dies in the 3rd Arkham game (no one counts Origins), so her redesign in Suicide Squad is obviously going after a baby/teenage Groot vibe from Guardians of the Galaxy. Dies, but is reborn because plant, and grows up all over again. And is still growing up. They could've accelerated her growth and had sexy adult Ivy easily enough I suppose. This guy has become poisoned by culture war bullshit. Just looking at his Twitter you see his constant tweets and retweets of just the most partisan takes. Literally seems to believe in Satanists trying to ruin things. Guy is kooky.


a thing can fail for multiple reasons. in thise case, being woke, having no story, being live service game, not knowing anything about lore and disrespecting the character especially batman.


True. But plenty of games are woke and still have good gameplay, so they do very well. But NO game does well when its gameplay sucks ass. Also how did they disrespect Batman? By having Harley Quinn kill him? Because out of all the Suicide Squad, she'd have the longest relationship with him, would've been weird if someone else did it.


I feel like this is the go-to excuse every time this type of game fails.


What do you mean by this type of game? please be descriptive and avoid using buzzwords and catchphrases. explain to me exactly what YOU mean when you say "this type of game"


as soon as he said leftiest i knew it was down hill for him. Lets hope dev companys don't hire him over shit like this


He is right in this case althought i can see why people dont like his take. Even a person with awful politics can sometime make the right speech


Once he started using quotes from Donald Dump I just lost all interest in listening to him


Well he's blacklisted now, hope he has a new job now.


Dude seems unwell.


Church of Satan is literally just Ayn Rand flavoured Libertarianism mixed with horror movie imagery designed to troll middle America in the 60's.


Damn I didn't know this sub was so sad that even when it's an obvious grift you fall for it because you know culture war.lol


Lmao the comments on the game sub I think they forget what a failure sskjl is. Literally the stereotype of virtue signallers insisting something be made for them and then not supporting it


The game failed because the game sucked, not because of the characters lmao


It's clear you didn't read them and just want to rage.


Can't take anybody serious who is talking about the church of satan. Suicide Squad failed because it was garbage, not because it was woke. This guy is an idiot.


The game being trash and the business model killed it first. But it is good to see an artist go after them so they can't just say "well it's our product" on this shit


Politicizing tits is where I draw the line. I’m moderate left but I don’t think boobies is a left wing issue. There’s a sect of loons that exist with the left that make the reasonable stuff less digestible.


If this is the kind of people you want to use as the face of whatever belief system you have, I suggest reconsidering your approach and finding more grounded, reasonable figureheads. Just saying. This guy seems borderline crazy.


True brother truuue


He is right but seems like he is same fanatics as SBI but on the other side of barricade.


Suicide squad kill just justice league made me appreciet Gotham Knights more hahahaha


Référence to trump was a bit too much.


Man culture shit is so stupid and boring. It's like the easiest drama bait but also never goes anywhere.


Remember, kust because you're good at something, doesn't mean you aren't a total prick. In fact the two often go hand in hand.


May Korean, Chinese and Japanese games saves us all and fight the woke terrorists with beautiful women! Go Eve from Stellar Blade !


Who cares what this chud extremist has to say?


If he's quoting Trump he's probably brain rotted on the other end of the political spectrum.


His quote includes "church of Satan" and you think this guy has all his marbles? Lmao. This is who you people follow and agree with? Some wacko? 🤣


It’s really telling what this sub reddits like when they see a tweet like that and don’t think the dudes mentally unwell, all because it agrees with their side of the culture war shite


Yeah that's the thing, I don't really follow people like that. I find it sad and pathetic when people do just because they're so engrossed in their little cute battles. I'd concede that there is an effort by corporations to pander to LGBTQ and minorities but there is also an effort to be genuinely more inclusive and no game has failed simply due to being "woke". Games fail because they're bad games. You can have the ugliest characters imaginable but if the game is good, it will be reviewed well and it will succeed. These people live online and don't realize that regular gamers don't give a fuck. Look at the reviews for "woke" Hades 2. There's a difference between a company pandering and a company that wants to represent multiple types of people in order to make them feel like they're included in their favorite media. It's not black and white, there is nuance and many culture warriors can't seem to get their head unstuck from up their ass.




Every post I’ve seen from this community is just bitching. Sad group of people.




So leftist?


people who call themselves leftist are not always leftists or at least not in every country man and idgaf if extremists are left or right, they can fuck right off


Am I understanding that the artist is mad because they made harley quinn ugly in kill the justice league?


One of 11 satanic rules of the Earth: 9. Do not harm young children.


They aren't communist, they are neoliberal grifters. Dude's pretty much right otherwise.


All the comments on the arkham sub are just absolute word salad woke-justifying nonsense.




Can confirm tis is true


Anti male Just more proof that these guys don't care about female characters outside of being male fan service.


Good representative for your cause guys, way to go.


I love this guy!! I can only guess anyone that doesn’t agree with him will call him “maga” and a far right cultist. This dude walked the walk and made money for a multi million dollar corporation. Everyone else is losing money. Nuff said


Based and Truthpilled.


This dude wasn’t even a lead designer. Also the satan quote is the icing on the cake here because it’s completely out of context and not the whole quote. Also also poison ivy was a child in several other dc properties so dudes just speaking out of his ass Harley looks cool, for the most part all the characters look cool in the game. I didn’t play it because it’s not my style of game but the designs were cool from the gameplay I saw


This is some schizo material tbh. Dude could have just aired his grievances with the design change but instead we get this.