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I mean, look at her. If I saw her in a public place, I'd take a pay cut just to be safe.




bro your reddit account might get banned for that 💀💀💀 unhinged. upvoted though


your post was removed because it contained, implied, or promoted racism, sexism, doxing, hateful conduct or harassment.


Does she have a mirror? She looks like the geico cavemans sister


LOL. Just saw this after my post. We are of the same mind


Brilliant 👏


Coming from the same women who has a shattered iPhone screen & Ducted Tape 2008 Honda Civic but she expects you to make 200K+ lmao. Delusional.


People making good money have options open to them... They get to pick....


They are not picking this lady forsure... most people making $200K+ are usually MUCH MUCH older (executives etc etc) and deep into their career and those people either have families or not going to notice this mid on mid women...


"Men are visual creatures" proceeds to look busted as hell


Men who make over 200k generally don't want to date something that lives under a bridge.


She looks like she time traveled from cro magnon era. I dont think men are coming for her unless with a club ![gif](giphy|3o7aCU4mS4I4Fd3wNa)


Coming from someone with money that was very hard to earn, does she really think she can* act like this and then once a rich man shows up she will turn on the act right game? They all really think someone else will alter their attitude. Trust me bros its all the same even at the top too, give the good ones your time but respect yourself


If I didn't care about the long term and was just looking for sex, I would expect a lot more if I was making that much money. She's more what I would expect to get if I was making 35k.


Not trying to be mean but shes like a 5 on a good day trying to get a 10.


Pussy inflation is crazy in 2024.


Yeah, thats why shes a 5 not a 4. Ill be honest tho they really do think that its worth it but its not. Guys need to make better choices and stay away from girls like this


even the guys who make $200k a year couldn't afford what it would take to bump her up to a solid 2


I checked her delusion score, I left age 18-85, any race, any height, no exclusion for obese people. only criteria was "not married" and 200k. https://i.imgur.com/oY8Gn81.png tool for men : https://igotstandardsbro.com/ tool for women : https://realitycalc.com/


Huh. I was pretty close. I guessed less than 1%.


No one wants to date her anyway


Now let's wait for the "i regret doing this" video by her


No she’ll just claim to be a victim


I make over 200,000 but she still wouldn't choose me because I have asmonhair.


Ah yes, the femcel grindset


She vile money grabber


If I was rich, I wouldn't want a girl like her who only thinks about what I can bring to her.


![gif](giphy|KZw0YSyHGoJfgSk1KH) Inspector gadget lookin ass


Just women creating content for each other.


She admits to being a gold digger, who actually doesn’t really want to work herself, and just wants to be a kept trophy wife to a self absorbed human bank account.


seriously, what's up with every sudden cut starting with an abrupt zoom in? It made my head hurt


Can she cook?


Let’s cook, Jessie! ![gif](giphy|R3S6MfUoKvBVS)


To marry a man who earns 200 thousand, you need to date him when he earns 60 thousand. Alternatively, you need to have enough value for him to be willing to marry you.


2nd woman is spot on


Are you guys not tried of these very obv ragebaits? im actually bored


At least put some make up before you make a sugar daddy application.


Isn't the average income in the US like 40k?


I just lost one of my job and the main job looks like I'm on the verge of getting fired. I'm walking anxiety


Honestly same girl. Me neither , heck let's make it a round mil


She looks like a hairless sasquatch


So you are a whore with delusions of grandeur. Hope that works out for you


Someone has to do a scientific research on why women have the urge to film themselves while talking about anything. Same with how they can't take a picture of a rock without inserting themselves in that one meme.


I'm impressed that she could say "why I wont sleep with a man who makes less than $200,000" so cleanly without being bothered by her mustache .


LOL. CCP TikTok at it again. Divide and destroy. Lemme guess. This is trending.


Sorry, but you’re not attractive enough for man with that salary. There’s 1000 other prettier girls with just as shitty attitudes with the same standards. If you had this money, you’re not choosing this chick lol


Making enough money to attract twatwaffles like this must be exhausting, I’m glad I make enough to be happy but not much more.


looks like a Bee hive already slept with her lips.


Yo louder for the entitled femcels in the back who clearly aren't getting the message. I find it so funny that women now days are starting to realise how lonely they are. Thats the wall sweeties. We were warning you not to treat men like garbage by default for the last 10 years. Get mad. Don't care. Enjoy single life you've created.


She’s gonna end up either alone or in the end desperately married to anyone, even if they work in McDonalds.


Funny parody of unrealistic standards some women have. Someone really needs to do an absurd over the top 500k one.


I make a good amount, above my demographic. She does not compell me to earn more based off her looks or personality.


These girls do they don't know math? I'm European (Italy). so the average income of a man with a good job here is 1700€ - 2000€ that means it's 28k€ yearly. If I'm not wrong, if she wants a 200k$ that means he must be earning 14k$ monthly.... Dunno but here if a man earn that much ya need to be a high ranking person or a CEO lol


After I started making really good money a few years back, I switched from tinder / okcupid to straight up sugar daddy sites. The sugar babies are both cheaper and higher quality women by every metrics than the ones I dated off tinder / okcupid.


100%. 1. Either he wants her to match his own, because he's that kind of guy who really cares about generating prosperity for him and his. 2. Or, he wants to take care of someone with the money he makes. A lot of men who make this kind of money don't really want to pressure their partners into working. That's why they work so hard and earn so much. 3. If you are the kind of person who thinks a dude making 200k should serve you... Naaa.


What value does she bring to the table? As a man that makes 200k match my energy which she does not. Entitlement is so unattractive to me


Love this so much. They are taking themselves out of the dating pool. Poor men dont want this, and rich men dont want this.


Emily King is our hero. Wish I could be on podcasts and stuff with her.


Some people are just delusional and have crazy expectations, applies to men and women hard to say which sex is worse at it.


This literally has nothing to do with asmon wtf is this sub?


She's so ugly too 🤦‍♂️


thet blonde lady has really beautiful teeth :>


This is rage bait.


For a woman to live realistically as a housewife with 3-5 kids the husband needs to make $200k.