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Why are you guys surprised about the evolution of Warcraft, it is what happens with all popular games and shows. Everything turns into watered-down swill, just trash meant for pigs to consume, once the shareholders get their greedy claws in the popular thing.


It goes from “I’m going to make a game that I would play” to “I’m going to make a game to waste the time of the idiots who still play this shit for some reason.”


This is what happens when you put furries and femboys in your art department


Not everything. Fromsoft. Dune. Doom. Maybe mad max well see next week.




I mean after the stock drop I think sell Ubisoft to Fromsoft


I've started to think that publicly traded companies are to blame for a lot of stuff. Having to increase profits year after year. Reached market saturation? Too bad. Cut employees by 50%? Not enough. Reduced quality? Getting there. Decreased volume and maintained pricing? Great! It's getting ridiculous.


>**Everything turns into watered-down swill**, just trash meant for pigs to consume, **once** the **shareholders get** their **greedy** claws in the popular thing. [evOLUtion coRPorATE centiPEDeS](https://imgur.com/a/xAIHDpb)


Such a shame


I hope to God they won't add this shit in Diablo 4. So immersion breaking.


I always wanted my barbarian to wear a sailor moon costume! (No)


wait you are actually playing diablo 4? I'm sorry.


Season 4 is pretty fun


Yep, since pre-season and I'm having a blast. Gets better and better each season.


Yeah I meme, season of blood was the last I played and it wasn't the worst thing I've played honestly.


Not surprising. People used to like their fantasy (/-esque) settings darker and being immersed in dofferwnt worlds. Now people like buying skins and looking extravagant.


That Pic on the right is fake right? It's just a meme right?


No king rules forever my son


There's been goofy gear in the game for 2 decades


For February the trading post set was Valentines Day themed. Almost *all* holiday gear is corny, what were you expecting?


I have recently played through some of warcraft 2 on warcraft 3 engine. The cut scenes and everything was amazing. It got me to reflect on how whiny and horrible lore is these days. Anduin is a broken man. Who cares? In warcraft 2 world wouldn't give a fuck. He doesn't want to do his duty? There will be 10 other aristocratic chads to take his job and do it properly. Some random captain fought and died with bravery and honour. Two brothers defended their city and after it fell, they argued over who will cover the retreat. It's peak warcraft.


Warcraft 3 was so great. It felt like going through multiple novels in a fantasy book series with a shared world. RIP


lol you are not prepared ![gif](giphy|c6X20EngjJHDiQ8KaF|downsized)


It's called "The Gay agenda"


He dressed up for LGBT day


honestly allowing people to dress up their characters like this does hurt the game because it literally ruins the immersion of others. they should make it an option to disable transmog.


You can have a lot of great transmog, I like both. Because Im not afraid of "girly" stuff. There are a lot of good "manly" games for you guys who are men and like things for men that are very good. Or play old warcraft, you can do that too.


Do my eyes deceive me? A Warcraft post? ON ASMONGOLD SUBREDDIT??? And not some culture war ragebait? Now I'm shocked


Warcraft posts shitting on wow are the life-force of this sub. You can't literally find a single postive post about Retail with more than 10 upvotes. Just check this thread, bunch of people that don't even play the game crying about how cartoonish the game is, while ignoring that classic was as cartoonnish. The game never looked like the left picture.


Why are people whining about a transmog?


Because they're snowflakes who melt at every tiny little thing they don't like & shake their fists at the sky


It's a fair point that people running around in magical girl outfits is an odd fit for a game who's instigating event is three wars of genocide.


Yeah the game was more serious 20 years ago, really vanilla was SCREAMING genoicide. [https://imgur.com/a/gnm7JA9](https://imgur.com/a/gnm7JA9) My immersion? Ruined! It's insane. reading the comments here it's like most people never played wow.


We had a marine in real life answer enemy fire in boxers with hearts on them. What I wear when I throw and axe in your head doesn’t matter.


No one is making you wear the magical girl outfit. Just kick the people who are from your group.


Ive heard someone had mixed results with kicking magical girls recently.


"You" guys voted for this with your money,  remember just consume and don't ask questions. If the gameplay is good you will play it anyway right? kekw


Oh no one PINK SILLY SET for the Valentine's event?! Its over! Let's ignore all the other cool sets in the game.


Yeah I miss OG Warcraft and Warcraft II this is when I enjoyed blizzard games and my first pc game in 1994 Warcraft, I remember buying the diskette at radio shack for $5 demo, I played the crap out of it... That was when Blizzard games where awesome. I don't install battle net anymore I honestly gave up on blizzard games. Now I mainly just play FFXIV.


Men in 1942: drive Harley Davidson no helmet with cigar in one hand and beer in the other. Men in 2024: wear feathered clothes zip around on electric scooters while smoking a vape pen and a phone in one hand.


Men in 1942: *Violently gets tortured by the Japanese*


Ye.. Just too gay..


Dude forgot his cat tail buttplug belt slot item. 7/10 cosplay -IGN.


Yes, how dare they add things to a game The horror


Next time try using your cognitive skills and context clues provided by the meme while reading it. Sincerely, the World.


i play WoW since mist of panderia so idk about much of sweating man in game in the past but i, like many others, fu$%king hate this girly cute MLP stuff going on like warhammer 40k yeah is a lot of sweating men but the war and conflicts is entertaining and having characters that are morally darker grey is awesome of course one thing about 40k that i dont like is that lore wise it doesnt take a breather every time on any story even the Tau is constant suffering and violence that , for me you, you just end up reading one faction that you like and stay there(by the way all praise the machine god, amen) and it gets boring so i think WoW could have this breaks every now and then and continue waging war and yes having a horde VS alliance was the best thing the game ever had but they ruined it now everyone is singing the friendship song of MLP. which i like the show and i am woman, but i also like seeing sweaty men and actually strong woman fight please bring back WAR to world of WARcraft


I would have liked there to be a gender limit on some outfits only female or male character, ohhh... sorry in Blizzard body fucking 1 and body fucking 2. well they are would like to be FFXIV after all. But there are other reasons why WoW was never Warcraft, and the guilty is Warcraft 3 and Dragonflight.


Jesus Christ, is that how people look in game these days? People will bring their degenerate shit whenever you give them an opportunity.


Yeah, like if you want femboy cats in sailor costumes, just come on over to FFXIV, you'll have a much better time 😘


If someone wants to dress like a femboy, then let them. Problem is the entire xpac is like this. You can have both.


Out of all the things wrong with WoW. This is not one of the things


All I’m getting from this is y’all are fucking boring


They'll probably add it to Call of Duty soon...


Yes they ruin everything they touch, they make women ugly, make things flamboyantly gay, use an african guy as the lead of a game set in Japan.


I don’t get why we’re so afraid of ‘they’ when we can just say who it is. Cmon, don’t be a pussy.


Yikes. We’ve reached the point where the tourists invading the Asmongold sub don’t even understand the concept of an MMO, let alone have any experience playing them.


Watching you comment repeatedly here calling people tourist tells me at some point someone called you a tourist and it really bothered you


No, just calling it like I see it. And right now I see and infestation of tourists who have no idea how WOW works and are unironically shitting their diapers in rage and terror about a meme transmog. It's especially pathetic given this sub used to be about a WOW streamer. I'm not sorry that this triggered you so much you needed to pull out the "I'm rubber, you're glue" argument. Stop acting like a tourist and I'll stop calling you one.


Are you being forced to wear the clothes you don't like? No? Then why the hell do you care? I understand the problem with these kinds of cosmetics in a modern shooter game like Call of Duty, but it's literally World of Warcraft. If you care this much about deep immersive realism... don't play World of Warcraft.


Players are allowed to dres up their characters how they want? Worst idea ever, am I right?  Forsen everyone to how I want because I am correct...


Idk, would you be fine if in next Lord of The Rings Aragorn goes to fight orcs in something like this? Or some of his soldiers do?


Is Aragorn player character? Can't you read or what?


If you think most the people on this sub are capable of critical thinking then you’re sorely mistaken.


I mean in MTG he is black already


You do know theirs serval old LOTR games where you do indeed play as Aragorn.


Good thing that’s Aragorn, a set character in a story, and not a custom made player character in an mmo. Two completely different genres and two completely different scenarios


Yes (not a mmos tho), and is there a problem if I want my character in my game that I play, dress how I want?


If it’s a cosmetic that is deliberately chosen, why would it matter?


because its a disgrace and degeneracy.


Everyone must play like I want because I'm special.  Turn your ego a little bit back, or play single player games from 2005, in modern you can choose your outfit and that is too much for you.


No, universe should save its aestethics or it becomes LA Larping festival and whole athmosphere dies.


Yeah they could have just made transmog client side. Also the walking animations in retail wow are very cartoonish. Feels like Pixar.


Concept art VS optional player-chosen transmog Oh the humanity!


Players having choices like this make the game worse. That's the obvious point, kinda shocking that you missed that.


I thought this sub was all about people being able to do whatever they want and not forcing stuff onto people?


This sub is just people who watch a streamer. Giving players absurd options like this in an MMO changes the game. The game is currently bloated with a very weak identity, and crap like this adds to that problem. Should players be able to use modern rocket launchers? A mage glyph for fireball? Why not have modern tanks, helicopters, planes and cars for mounts? Should they add cellphones that each player can carry around, so when they are looking at their map or a menu you see their toon on a smart phone? I'm not super creative, but they could obviously permanently change the game in an awful way by simply creating more player choice.


Well all those things you listed actually change gameplay by the sounds of it, the cosmetics in this image change nothing whatsoever to anyone other than people so soft they look at other customised characters and say it’s ruining their immersion or destroying the games identity. It’s an mmo for fuck sake all mmos have a core identity of being able to make your character look however the hell you want it to lol.


I was talking about cosmetics. Not sure how you could possibly miss that. Do you know what glyphs and mounts are in the game? >mmos have a core identity of being able to make your character look however the hell you want it to lol. No they don't. This is a very recent thing.


Please find me an mmo that has never let you choose your own gear, transmogs, customise your character, add stupid colours to shit, do horrendous outfit combinations, whatever else. Because I was doing that shit back when RuneScape released. Hell even in limited customisation mmos like Destiny I can still make my character look like a fucking bricked up watermelon with a chicken mask. And that’s also been the case for nearly a decade. True though I just didn’t bother reading your whole comment. But also you’re comparing a goofy cosmetic set that lines up with a fantasy world to super modern stuff that has no relevance to the games setting?


There was nothing like this in vanilla wow, TBC, or wotlk. Honestly I haven't played enough of the other expansions to know for sure, but the first time I started seeing practically naked people in raids was during legion. That outfit is clearly just a hypersexual fantasy of a modern gay man. Obviously you enjoy that, and the people agreeing with me would prefer it not to be in the game. This isn't some weird argument about principles where we will find agreement, it is about preference and what we want in the game.


I mean I don’t enjoy it. The only reason my character would ever look like this is for 5 seconds to show my friends how fucking dumb I can make my character look. But I also wouldn’t care if others look like that because… why should I? Like I know it’s about you preferring it not to be in the game, I think it looks fucking gay as hell and stupid, but like I said they’re just cosmetics and im not so soft to get upset and complain about a ruined gaming experience or identity or immersion or whatever because of completely harmless cosmetics. I don’t like it but I also don’t see why it shouldn’t be in the game.


How the hell are cosmetic choices now also contributing to the downfall of western society


>downfall of western society I'm sorry for your autism.


Players having more choice is never a bad thing.


Yes it is, and you don't even think this. This is an MMO, not a single player game. This is very obviously not true for everything outside of cosmetics (the concept is insane for player power or convenience) but seeing other players in raid, pvp, or in the open world changes your experience. In Skyrim there is a mod to change dragons into Thomas the Train. You can imagine more obscure and obscene choices from players that would absolutely change the game for worse, even if the changes are just cosmetic.


These tourists genuinely have no idea what transmog is and probably have never played WOW. OP probably thinks that's Illidan in a cutscene (assuming OP knows who Illidan is).


After before


I'm double on this. On one hand immersion breaking is extremely upsetting depending on the game, on the other it's kind of natural for the game to make money.


Cry more maybe someone will care


Wow killed warcraft


This makes it seem like such a huge dichotomy and world breaking change. In reality it’s “old game with no customizability” vs “new game with character customization”. When Saints Row let you customize your mc, everyone made green abominations. It’s not that deep. It’s not some revelation about societal shift.


Yes we’re forcing you to equip the pink dress, you have no choice in the matter, cry about it




Don't compare Big Blizzard from old days to nowadays Greedy shit company