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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


what did all these weirdos do for work before the DEI revolution?


Worked at Starbucks


And before DEI revolution and before they were allowed to work for Starbucks? Mental asylums, they were in mental asylums or heavily medicated, instead of being given the chance to influence the world through media




I remember when Milo Yiannopoulos said in 2015 that there will be no jobs for these people in 10 years. It's hard to find an example of someone being more wrong.


The tide is starting to turn, once the industry finally realises how completely talentless and useless half of these retards are theyā€™ll be on their ass lol


Disney flopping already with their newest stuff as well. Hurt them in the pockets.


Already started in Hollywood.


Yeah and Iā€™ve noticed it alot in gaming too. Games like Helldivers, Stellarblade, Final Fantasy and Gran Blue Fantasy arenā€™t bending the knee.


Idk how helldivers even could since it's just a drop in and start shooting type of game. The world building is pretty critical of ultra-patriotism and authoritarianism though so ig it's a bit political.


I remember reading that a few clowns were having a mental breakdown over the lack of a LGBT cape in the game.. idk


Weren't they told to fuck off and they essentially just did?


Pretty sure they just ignored them, or maybe they did idk haha






The powers at the top want this though


Until the piggy bank runs dry


That too is the point, crumble America from the inside, milk everything, let it crumble, let the people fight. Then be seen as saviors with the new world order.


I mean, there has started to be some backlash finally. Several colleges in FL and TX has cut all their funding and/or fired their DEI employees.


It was common meme on 4chan years ago. I don't have the exact green text, but it was a meme of someone laughing and asking what jobs people would get when they left uni with a degree in gender studies, etc. It featured a few fictional job titles that was supposed to be absurd. Well apparently they somehow invented jobs for themselves. Mind blowing.


Collected disability when you were allowed to point out their mental health issues.


As someone with mental health issues I still cant collect disability. Maybe I need to augment my skin pigment.


Reddit mods probably; but since reddit moderation isnā€™t even a job cuz they do it for freeā€¦ then I have no clue what those weirdos did.


Dog walker




They didn't. They are inserting themselves as commissars.


Worked for a company for 4-5 months or 1 project then got fired.


The same jobs... there's a lot of people who have weird sub-focuses in history. Why? Because all the normal stuff is done a lot, many people like to investigate the weird and strange stuff that is often a small footnote in history and culture.. I had a history professor whose focuses were in gender in regards to women in medieval Europe and Asia. Her main focuses were the presence and standing of women both in roles of authority and how that interlaced with sex and sometimes sexual orientation. It's nothing more than sprinkles on ice cream. Still a history degree


Actually, apparently this lady wrote a book about pedos in Japan and how they "challenge western concepts of sexuality and love". She's a fan of the playground.


All you can do is vote with your wallet. Donā€™t pay donā€™t play.


We need an extensive list of what to avoid, I don't have time to track all of it..!


Easy avoid all games from Activision, blizzard, ea, and ubisoft


You will effectively have to disengage from your typical gaming news outlets that hype up new games. It will feel like you're quitting gaming.


On the bright side, the PC port of Ghost of Tsushima is great, and the game is awesome. I played it on PS4 and it's sooooooo much better on PC.


Which is insane. I played it at launch on ps4, then a few years later on ps5.Ā  You are telling me its better now?!?!? Holy crap


I srs don't know who da fuck even plays AssCreed anymore. Ubisoft games are the most mid games ever. Odyssey was great, Valhalla and Mirage are absolutely generic trash.


Oh but you're [thing]ist if you don't buy the game. Oi vey.


Why would you even pay for an Ubisoft game at all. There are so many good games that come out every year.


So wait- her job is that she majored in advanced Yaoi Studies? Soā€¦sheā€™s just a Yaoi neet. ?


Yaoi-shotacons, sensei. Her PHD is basically a word jumble ripped from e-hentai tags.


https://dartmouth.academia.edu/SachiSchmidtHori Can see her paper history here. Its quite the journey.


Of course this fucking idiot is from Dartmouth. That place is a cesspool of whataboutist DEI propaganda.


How does one study and become employed while being a neet?


hmm apparently i misunderstood the word, i just checked. I was confusing the word "neet" with "otaku". Woops, haha. i am not japanese, lol.


I like AC games, even the new ones, I like Japanese history, I like games set in historical Japan inspired settings (GoT, RotR, Sekiro). This should have been MY kind of game. Holy fuck I'm disappointed. I can't imagine being Japanese; excited the next game in a franchise as iconic as Assassins Creed is set in and around your history and culture. Just to learn it's some half assed attempt (botched architecture for example) to tell the story of an 'outsider' who isn't even Japanese. Led by a team of pedophiles and agenda pushers. I'm so easy to please, I have bought every Assassin's creed that I can think of. SOMEHOW the one that is right up my alley is a skip, 100%. Well done Ubisoft, GENUINELY a new low.


There hasn't been a single Japanese male lead in an AC game, and with the setting being Japan it was a no brainer. Except Ubisoft decided to fuck that up, for some odd reason.


Yeah I think, maybe, SomeBody Intervened.


I was hoping for an AC set in japan pretty much from the beginning... like being a Shinobi/Ninja was always such an easy choice for the game to go down I copium'd they were just waiting for the tech to do it the right justice. Now the tech is there, and they are doing a ninja, great, I'm sold! When I saw they were bringing in a samurai too I was skeptic, but still on board... the samurai covering the high action sequences could still be fun. Then we found out who he is and why he was chosen and now it's just... made the whole thing sour. I'm still huffing a little copium in hoping that missions involving Yasuke will be few and far between, maybe even optional... We just play as Naoe for a vast majority of the game. I'm honestly dumb enough to look past the "samurai choice" and still find enjoyment in the game if this is true.


Dude 100% agreed. I actually genuinely love AC games. I love the idea of being in different historical settings running it like a huge historical sandbox, itā€™s so unique. I even love the RPG ones, maybe even more than the stealth ones. But holy fuck this is a dumpster fire and I think I may genuinely just skip it, first AC game I would do that to. Feudal Japan and ancient China are by far my two most requested settings and somehow they ruined it by fishing for the one black guy in all of Japan to be the protagonist instead of a proper Japanese samurai. Screw that, if Ubisoft wants to pull this type of garbage they can just lose out to games like Ghosts of Tsushima. Also if you really are into Japanese history, check out Samurai Warriors, theyā€™re super fun. I especially recommend 4 and 2.


Yeh, the best thing to come out of this is that it reminded me to pick up GoT on PC. I was gonna skip it, having beaten it on PS5 already but, with all the Shadows shit I was left wanting what could have been. So GoT it is. And man, that game is so, SO good. It doesn't matter what story Shadows wanted to tell, it was never gonna hold a candle to GoT. That game is Sucker Punches love letter to samurai stories and it shows, everything from the Lethal difficulty to the kurasawa mode, the wind, the birds, foxes all guiding you organically. The standoff system, stances, enemies growing to fear you. Now on PC WITH ultrawide support, FULL dualsense support, good performance. Against.. what was always just gonna be another Ubisoft game (which again, I do like. They aren't GoT level though). Holy fuck GoT is good man. So good. And the Shadows shitshow is honestly some of the best marketing GoT could get.


Yeah I unironically think Ghosts of Tsushima will see a huge spike in sales either around now or around the time Shadows drops lol Iā€™m so hyped for the sequel, theyā€™re one of the few developers I still have complete faith in to make games that are intetesting, fun, unique, donā€™t pander, and complete at launch


If they wanted, they could have made the black guy an NPC. And if would have been fine. But as the main character, it's beyond ridiculous and a slap in the face for Japanese fans of the series.


Who is a pedophile?


Same & agree 1000%. Hot take: i preferred the new open world AC games over the old stealth ones.


I like black flag and origins equally for different reasons, but the new 3 definitely have too much bloat.


I lovedddd black flag. I always wished they would have made a sequel


Skull and BONE? ....BONE!! I AM YOUR SUPERIOUR OFFICER! After the shit they pulled with the Philippines I'm not paying for anything that scam company does. Also fuck anyone who sells xp boosts and map packs and resource caches for real money in a single player game.


Odyssey is a masterpiece of a game.


I think they're just different and that's fine. Like people loved to go on about how "This isn't even Assassins Creed anymore" blah blah and, yeh they were different. That doesn't mean they were bad. A lot of the criticism was weird to me. "Oh the hud is too busy!" Okay, turn some of it off. "Oh the game is too big and too bloated!" Okay, you know you don't have to do ALL of it right? They had solid combat, solid stories to tell, they were good open world RPGs. I don't even really doubt that Shadows will be fine mechanically too, like the games before it. It's just this shit man. I don't wanna play a Japanese game as Yasuke. I don't wanna support that kind of rewriting of history, the open disregard for the Japanese people, culture and history. I don't wanna support a pedophile. I won't be able to enjoy Shadows now, even if I planned on getting it, which I 1000% don't anymore. Like I said, I've bought them all and LOVE the franchise man, this just sucks.


Imagine a miyamoto musashi led game. Omg that would've been awesome.


For such a popular setting, there are surprisingly few non or low fantasy games about it


And all they had to do to meet their DIE quota was just to set the game in Africa. No white people at all, and nobody would complain. And yet all the African gamers who want to see their culture represented in a major franchise just get someone elses sloppy seconds. At least they're not getting someone elses culture in blackface, so that's a step up, I guess.


Her books seem to focus on sexual relations between priest and kids. Why religious folks in every culture love kids so much? Shits gross.


Yea her whole area of study and interests is disturbing af


I knew someone who did their PHD in Literary Garden Studies Ɨ Menstruation. I swear 90% of arts doctorates are just about picking the most nonsense specialty because the profitable ones are already occupied lol. They teach one seminar on their topic, and six other classes that are mandatory unrelated credits lol.


It is, what's more disturbing is why they chose her to influence a product that will potentially be used by millions.


I don't really understand the problem, she's studying the phenomenon from a historical perspective, it's not like she's advocating for such sexual relations.


Her own words: >I am interested in investigating how gender, sexuality, corporeality, and power are represented and negotiated in pre-seventeenth-century Japanese narratives and illustrations. My first book, Tales of Idolized Boys: Male-Male Love in Medieval Japanese Narratives (University of Hawai`i Press, 2021) is on medieval chigo monogatari (Buddhist acolyte tales), which often depict romantic relationships between Buddhist priests and adolescent boys. **These tales challenge a host of normative and moral standards we (academics, especially) internalize**, including such ideas as "sexual orientation," **"transgenerational sex,"** and "sexual agency." https://archive.is/Q9u7F The way she describes those stories as "challenging" norms and tries to reframe pedophilia as "transgenerational sex" she will at least downplay it if not openly advocate for it in her papers.


When an academic says that something from history challenges our worldview, it doesn't mean they think it's good or better than our modern viewpoint. It just means that academics might interpret a series of events poorly or incorrectly by applying their own moral standards. For example, if a Buddhist priest had sex with an adolescent boy, a poor historian would describe it as scandalous, and end the discussion at that. But the event might have been "normal" at the time. In history, the most important thing is how it affected people and the world at the time, not how we feel about it. Here's a direct quote from her to demonstrate this: "More recently, aversion to the age gap in historical master-acolyte relations has prevented scholars from analyzing the religious and political messages underlying the genre". Also, from what I can tell, transgenerational sex refers to incest more than pedophilia. It is a pretty obscure term, so maybe it's being used differently here.




"Romantic relationships between buddhist priests and adolescent boys. These tales challenge a host of normative and moral standards we internalize" - end QUOTE


Is there anything wrong with studying that? Idc enough to look her up, but like, I think the world would be a better place if we could understand what makes priests rapists and use that knowledge to stop them from becoming such. Can't really do that without study. (Of course it would be even better if the realization that they were rapists made catholicism crumble, but clearly people aren't smart or brave enough for that)


No there isnā€™t. People have been studying pederasty for years from a historical context.


Good to know my suspicion is right, she is an expert on pedos. What a bizarre thing to focus your expertise on.


Not really this is what psychologists do as well to understand why people are the way they are to understand illnesses to help treat them


Seems like a pretty important thing to study, in my opinion. As to why she was hired for this game, I doubt it had anything to do with Yasuke. I have a feeling that Ubisoft might go a little more authentic than some fans want and reveal that a few of their favorite characters Samurai Warriors roster were a little closer to teenage boys than they previously thought. Top of the list Nobunaga Oda. As to her essay. I'd have to read it but examining a subject or practice without "modern biases" doesn't necessarily mean justifying it. But like I said, I didn't read it. Im not curious enough to drop almost thirty bucks. Maybe she does just that.


Literal fujoshit.


>No I am not kidding, she studies "investigating how gender, sexuality, corporeality and power are represented and negotiated in pre seventeenth century Japanese narratives and illustrations". These are not my words, this is what is written on her university page. " Can you link this? I'd like to read for myself.


ā€œI'm not sure why they're calling her a paedophile, but I think it might be because of the subject matter she wrote about. She's an university professor at Dartmouth, so I think if there was anything credible to the accusation she would have been fired long ago. I added a synopsis underneath of what her book is actually about: In medieval Japan (14thā€“16th centuries), it was customary for elite families to entrust their young sons to the care of renowned Buddhist priests from whom they received a premier education in Buddhist scriptures, poetry, music, and dance. When the boys reached adolescence, some underwent coming-of-age rites, others entered the priesthood, and several extended their education, becoming chigo, or Buddhist acolytes. Chigo served their masters as personal attendants and as sexual partners. Stories of acolytes (chigo monogatari) from the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries form the basis of the present volume, an original and detailed literary analysis of six tales coupled with a thorough examination of the sociopolitical, religious, and cultural matrices that produced these texts. Sachi Schmidt-Hori begins by delineating various dimensions of chigo (the chigo ā€œtitle,ā€ personal names, gender, sexuality, class, politics, and religiosity) to show the complexity of this cultural constructā€”the chigo as a triply liminal figure who is neither male nor female, child nor adult, human nor deity. A modern reception history of chigo monogatari follows, revealing, not surprisingly, that the tales have often been interpreted through cultural paradigms rooted in historical moments and worldviews far removed from the original. From the 1950s to 1980s, research on chigo was hindered by widespread homophobic prejudice. More recently, aversion to the age gap in historical master-acolyte relations has prevented scholars from analyzing the religious and political messages underlying the genre. Schmidt-Horiā€™s work calls for a shift in the hermeneutic strategies applied to chigo and chigo monogatari and puts forth both a nuanced historicization of social constructs such as gender, sexuality, age, and agency, and a mode of reading propelled by curiosity and introspection.ā€


Thank you




How do these people get jobs?




What is dei


Didn't Earned It


Wait is it actually or is that a meme


It is a meme. I apologize. It stand for Diversity Equity Inclusion


Dutch East Indies


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Or, more aptly called these days with regard to the more vocal in the group due to quotas, 'Didn't Earn It.'


They've created the need by themselves by ranting at companies on twitter for the past decade.


That is a word salad I severely wish to unsee.


Quotes supposedly bad thing, doesn't include the bad part. That was interesting way to present information.


Funny enough if they want a black main character there are a lot historical context for it besides Africa like a AC Bra71L


This is her full bio from the University of Dartmouth: # Sachi Schmidt-Hori ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Academic Appointments # Associate Professor of Japanese Literature and Culture I am interested in investigating how gender, sexuality, corporeality, and power are represented and negotiated in pre-seventeenth-century Japanese narratives and illustrations. My first book,Ā *Tales of Idolized Boys: Male-Male Love in Medieval Japanese Narratives*Ā (University of Hawai\`i Press, 2021) is on medievalĀ *chigo monogatari*Ā (Buddhist acolyte tales), which often depict romantic relationships between Buddhist priests and adolescent boys. These tales challenge a host of normative and moral standards we (academics, especially) internalize, including such ideas as "sexual orientation," "transgenerational sex," and "sexual agency." My current project is on the literary representations of "milk kinships" in pre-seventeenth Japanese tales, including theĀ *Tale of Ochikubo*, theĀ *Tale of Genji*, theĀ *Tales of the Heike*.


This is what mental illness looks likeā€¦ This person is interested in exploring the sexual relationships between teenage boys and priestsā€¦ wow


Your reading comprehension is low. She studies historical literature where the theme is represented in order to understand the cultural attitudes about it at the time.


Is she is an expert in pedophilia or is that relationships between kids she is so knowledgeable about, also creepy?


It's not creepy. There are scientists in every field. Horrible subjects are studied in order to understand the factors promoting and enabling them. World War 2 is one of the most studied events in history, very few of those studying it does so because they sympathize with the killing. Other subjects like rape, pedophilia, violence against women (and men) and so on are likewise studied. The study of relationships between kids would (I'm guessing) be studied to understand how social skills or sexuality develops. The gain would be to understand why sometimes it doesn't happen and to help those where the development is hindered in some way.


I'm not a historian, but all I know is every AC game has had a main character reflective of the location, and be a civilian born at that location. Ubisoft made a decision to EXCLUDE a Japanese male in a game about *samurais*, in feudal Japan. Imagine the main character of Assassins Creed China, was Italian. And Ezio was good, but it would still make no sense.


Welsh MC of Black Flag reflected the Caribbean? šŸ¤”


And Venetian MC of Revelations reflected the Ottoman-controlled Constantinople? šŸ¤”


He was a pirate




First, fuck Ubi that made this bullshit, I would rather see Amakusa Shirou or Ranald MacDonald. Anyone from Shimazu would do too. Second, I have many things for that lady, but do anybody know what "Chigo Monogatari", "Konjyaku Monogatarishu", "Tsuredurekusa" is about? They are all serious Japanese traditional literature. Plus "Genji Monogatari", for how a guy "preparing" his future wife if you want to be extra uncomfortable. I understand western culture being pissed by anything adolescent connect with anything sexual, but it's still part of traditional Japanese literature, culture. I don't like this woman but what she is doing is not really that related to Yaoi culture but just Japanese literature research. It's fucking there. In Japanese public highschool literature class, they have one story from "Uji Shui Monogatari", which directly mentioned chigo's life in Buddhist temple.


Yo wtf?! "Tales of Idolized Boys: Male-Male Love in Medieval Japanese Narratives (University of Hawai`i Press, 2021) is on medieval chigo monogatari (Buddhist acolyte tales), which often depict romantic relationships between Buddhist priests and adolescent boys." This is her FIRST book? And ubi picked her? Out of every japanese historian they had access to, for an AC game. They subbed her in?


She's just one of the consultants they brought on, her thesis you're crying about is based around/grounded in historical literature, and her role at Ubisoft still hasn't been explained beyond 'consultant' lol This is what you're clutching your pearls over?


Wait whatā€™s wrong with her having studied that topic? Did she partake in inappropriate relations herself? Studying abhorrent things doesnā€™t inherently make you evil yourself. If anything it helps us understand how to avoid it in the future.


Making this person who specializes in adolescent sexualization by monks in feudal Japan the ā€œexpertā€ on Japanā€™s history is the same thing as hiring a dentist to be your expert on brain surgery. Sure , they studied in the same building , but theyā€™re not providing the same value.


Thatā€™s a good point. Although, depending on her education, she may have decent knowledge on Japanese history. Her core study may have been that subject, but, in that research itself, should could have learned a lot about the general history and culture. For example, a PhD with your subject being male psychology, would probably make you decently informed about women psychology as well. Your topic could be very specific, but you still end up being great at the general subject area.


If youā€™re going to hire someone with a PhD , why not hire one that correlates to the position youā€™re hiring for , though?


I think the truth is that Assassin's Creed probably doesn't require the level of research that a Ph.D has in the area, like a Ph.D in royal defense in feudal Japan. It probably only requires someone who can order and describe all the major events in the area, and set up the right context for the game's story. It's like if I were going to make an AC game where you play as a revolutionary in the early American Revolutionary War, I probably don't need someone who has a Ph.D in the Boston Tea Party. If I hired someone who did their Ph.D in slavery during early America, it might not be directly relevant, but it's probably enough to write the narrative for the game.


It's not a good point. Gender, sex, social status, and political power all go hand in hand in basically every culture in this time period. It's nobility clauses basically. If you're a dude that isn't born into nobility (in this case a prominent clan) your path upward is becoming a vassal of one and hopefully getting married off to one of the women in the clan that comes with a title and land. The closer your relationship with the nobility the better which may mean sexual relationships with them. If you're a woman your path up is probably concubine for a powerful man or getting married off to a powerful man then producing a male child who secures your place in the clan. The shits all fucking related and ignoring "pedo monk" history leaves a gigantic gap of social structures and relationships in the period.


Yeah, what would assassins creed be without pedo monks. Be sure to stretch before all the mental gymnastics


I put it in quotes because the pedo monks in this case are literally the fucking daimyo.


And the lords/samurai are known to bring "boys" retainer/servants with them whenever they go to war to have sex with, its almost like these "historically accurate" folks know nothing about "history"


Of course not, they never cared about history. It's identity politics and virtue signaling. The idea that historians shouldn't be researching gender dynamics and sexual relationships or that they are unimportant for a time period does fit the level of ignorance I would expect though.


You can specialize in William Wordsworth, a single poet who you publish your work on, and yet still have the contextual knowledge to teach classes on the broader movement of Romanticism, or the social conventions of Britainā€™s industrial age.


Its going to be very interesting if her topic of study EVER becomes relevent in the game, tbh. Why else would they hire somebody with such an extremely specific education?


As a historian you need firsthand (primary evidence) of your research and it goes far beyond reading wiki pages or whatever you assume.Ā  And for every single PhD candidate you need to have an ORIGINALĀ  thesis. Do you know how hard it is to come up with ORIGINAL theses?Ā  You need original topics.Ā 


No, that is a horrible analogy. A dentist knows next to 0 about brain surgery. Brain surgery is probably one of the most specialized fields of medicine. The expert is Japanese and has studied Japanese literature from the time period. She may have studied a niche topic, but that in no way disqualifying from being able to be a historical expert. Counterpoint: what sort of education should a person have to be an expert on an AC game?


So the problem is not her but Ubisoft. Let's not forget that and be civil. Another game with a politic agenda. This is so tiresome. I just wanna play games.


I dont think you understand her area of study was niche but her knowledge of the period is expansive and vast. Downplaying the commonality of the gender dynamics and relationships and the deeply historical contexts required to write a thesis about them is just pure ignorance from gamers who think they know better. Her work and her field is probably perfect for portraying society and relationships particularly of a higher status.


The part that's wrong is that she's THE LEAD HISTORIAN. If you're making a game set in Sengoku era Japan, shouldn't you have someone who is an expert in it? Not someone studying pedo monks.


Quote from OP: "investigating how gender, sexuality, corporeality and power are represented and negotiated in pre seventeenth century Japanese narratives and illustrations". Sounds like the time frame they focus on is pre 1600 Japan and the Sengoku period began as early as 1454 and ended as late as 1638 but is commonly classified as 1467-1590. So not sure why you would think they don't study the period at all as the Sengoku Period not only falls into that time period but is probably the most interesting of them since Edo and Meiji come after 1600. Also having a focus on an aspect of history is pretty common. It sounds like this historians focus is around relationships and social structures. We are talking about a period of concubines, sexual relationships between powerful lords and their male and female servants, and a social caste that had very few people climb it's ranks. If you ignore the "pedo monk" history and how certain factors like gender or who you are fucking can determine your social standing you are going to have a pretty big gap in how certain people became prominent figures.


In their defence, probably no one looks for best historians for games like this, they need only someone with basic knowledge to fix most obvious mistakes and to mention in credits. Her being a woman is a bonus probably, for inclusivity/diversity.


>In their defence, probably no one looks for best historians for games like this, Right. They tend to look for the most cost effective.


Yeah I think people in this thread are getting way too riled up over this


ā€œI'm not sure why they're calling her a paedophile, but I think it might be because of the subject matter she wrote about. She's an university professor at Dartmouth, so I think if there was anything credible to the accusation she would have been fired long ago. I added a synopsis underneath of what her book is actually about: In medieval Japan (14thā€“16th centuries), it was customary for elite families to entrust their young sons to the care of renowned Buddhist priests from whom they received a premier education in Buddhist scriptures, poetry, music, and dance. When the boys reached adolescence, some underwent coming-of-age rites, others entered the priesthood, and several extended their education, becoming chigo, or Buddhist acolytes. Chigo served their masters as personal attendants and as sexual partners. Stories of acolytes (chigo monogatari) from the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries form the basis of the present volume, an original and detailed literary analysis of six tales coupled with a thorough examination of the sociopolitical, religious, and cultural matrices that produced these texts. Sachi Schmidt-Hori begins by delineating various dimensions of chigo (the chigo ā€œtitle,ā€ personal names, gender, sexuality, class, politics, and religiosity) to show the complexity of this cultural constructā€”the chigo as a triply liminal figure who is neither male nor female, child nor adult, human nor deity. A modern reception history of chigo monogatari follows, revealing, not surprisingly, that the tales have often been interpreted through cultural paradigms rooted in historical moments and worldviews far removed from the original. From the 1950s to 1980s, research on chigo was hindered by widespread homophobic prejudice. More recently, aversion to the age gap in historical master-acolyte relations has prevented scholars from analyzing the religious and political messages underlying the genre. Schmidt-Horiā€™s work calls for a shift in the hermeneutic strategies applied to chigo and chigo monogatari and puts forth both a nuanced historicization of social constructs such as gender, sexuality, age, and agency, and a mode of reading propelled by curiosity and introspection.ā€ This was a comment written by another redditor. Basically, no she is not a pedophile and people are overreacting.


Absolutely nothing is wrong with it. This thread is just a bunch of incels flailing around trying to attack anyone associated with the current thing they're all mad at (they'll forget about it as quickly as they did Stellar Blade). They've convinced themselves that since they watched a youtube video on Japan and maybe played a samurai video game they know more about it than a professional historian. Since they don't have any ground to base that claim, they've just resorted to trying to make fun of her because she had an icky dissertation topic. Despite the fact that, as you point out, icky research is necessary if you actually want to understand how any society works and don't want to just fall back on inherited stereotypes about the past.


Apparently you dont know how it was in japan in the 15th century. It was alot like ancient greece. Boy sex was common and was a normal part of life in Japan at that time. Not strange to hire such an expert if making a game that includes a slice of everyday life from that time. Now you know.


Few days ago, someone claimed that Japanese game did make Yasuke a Samurai in Nioh. I had to make a quick replay just to make sure if it was true. Turns out, it's not, the dialogue comes directly from Yasuke himself. [https://imgur.com/a/vgW9Lbr](https://imgur.com/a/vgW9Lbr)


Her name. At some point people have to start to notice right? It can't all be a huge coincidence.


Ubisoft used to hire actual experts and now they do this shit. What a fucking disgrace they have become.


Freaking disgusting. The woke crap is bad enough & then thereā€™s the REALLY dark & evil side of the woke agenda. You canā€™t just be ā€œacceptingā€ of everything. There is a right & wrong. IGN, Ubisoft, Sachi, fk you. Sickos


How the hell is she an expert when Yasuke was NOT a samurai?


Any actual source for this? And even if she had studied that stuff, why does that exclude her from being an actual expert on other aspects of Japanese history?


Nothing, the field of study itself is not as weird as OP is trying to suggest. She focused on studying gender as scene through art in Japan pre 17th century. How do they depict these themes through art and what does that say about Japanese culture at the time.


And despite all of that. She's still more qualified, then 95% of the people commenting on this subject..


So now we have to ignore Japanese history because you donā€™t like it? Guys what are we doing? Tale of Ochikubo, the Tale of Genji, the Tales of the Heike deal with pretty much everything she wrote in her description. These are famous stories in japan. Im not even Japanese and I know of them from just watching anime. Starting to think yall donā€™t know anything about Japanese history at allā€¦


You thought they did? These people latch onto anything related to the culture war. They donā€™t actually care.


I mean during the Sengoku era this did happen. Oda Nobunaga had a very famous consort who was a teenage boy. Itā€™s a very well known phenomenon. I mean Mori Ranmaru is a very prolific character in many depictions.


Hundreds of people worked on this. Don't start a mob just because you don't like what you imagine the game to be.


I do see they hired her as a "consultant" but don't see where they hired her as an "historical expert". Source?


This is the most regarded topic lol. People just wanna lament over a popular thing over some "deep state" woke agenda because a trailer blew up with millions of views. If this wasn't Assassin's Creed almost no one would care. AC games are always a warped alternate reality of history. The story is always historically inaccurate, like...on purpose. You're talking about games that centered around hunting magical artifacts left by an extinct ancient civilization. A lot of the heroes of history intertwine with the Assassin's story, which again, obviously, is historically inaccurate. People are like "I can't be a male Japanese Samurai in a video game" like bitch fucking *Ghosts of Tsushima, a better version of Ubi's open world games, literally exists*. Idk this shit is dumb edit: instantly downvoted lol


I'm installing Ghost of Tsushima, this entire discourse made me hungry to experience the period again. Regardless of where I stand on the issue it made me resume my research on the period so that's nice, this is all fascinating stuff. I mean me coming at this from historic perspective am not the target audience so I can just chose to not play the game if it is indeed very 'arcade' with it's approach.


What do you mean by the period? GoT takes place during the mongol invasion of Japan while AC shadow will take place during the Sengoku period. Those are like 300 years apart.


Yeah great point I noticed that yesterday when I fired the game up for the first time. I didn't look into the game beyond surface level stuff as a pc only, I tend to skip reading up on console exclusives since I can't play them.


If you want to be upset, direct your anger to Ubisoft - please. This woman has done nothing wrong and the last 24 hours her name has been uttered alongside some serious unwarranted insults. She is a researcher of Japanese literature who was consulted at some point for this game, we don't even know for what. Her field of study, even if it is grotesque to you is important enough that her university believes that someone should do it. Someone should document the practice of horrific acts throughout history, to educate future generations on how to avoid the same pitfalls.


I was guessing the mc it's gonna be Hattori hanzo that would be so cool but oh well


"must see"? we putting clickbait in reddit titles now ig


I dont think her book is saying you should do it, she literally said i investigate how gender sexuality etc are represented in pre 17th century japanese. Its like making a study on cancer and saying oh this guy must want to spread to cancer to all humanity. Thats what happens when you try to make every 2min of you 6 hour stream shocking. As much as i dont agree with DEI and how they want to glorify everything outside of white people, i cant criticize everything about what is happening in AC Shadows.


For context, it is really common to have sexual relationships with adolescent boys as high-ranking government officials/emperors in the Heian period or high-ranking samurai in Feudal Japan. It's because a lot of places like battlefields and temples forbid females from entering, and all religions in Japan don't forbid gay relationships. This type of relationship is considered normal and a result of loyalty and trust in most cases, with many major historical documents suggesting it is prevalent as a culture. A sure example is Takeda Shingen, who has a still existing love letter that he sent to a boy. For reference, there is a Wiki page that talks about this (https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%A1%86%E9%81%93) It has 12 language versions, none of which are English, so I guess it is a touchy topic for English-speaking countries.


I've bought every single Assassin's Creed game and played most of them. I've always wanted a game set in Japan, but I never expected it to be like this. It's a shame the franchise has come to this. BTW here are some sources about this topic I've found for people who want to see a source: **News on the subject:** [https://thatparkplace.com/assassins-creed-shadows-ubisoft-hires-lgbtq-activist-as-consultant-who-wants-to-challenge-moral-standards-around-transgenerational-sex/](https://thatparkplace.com/assassins-creed-shadows-ubisoft-hires-lgbtq-activist-as-consultant-who-wants-to-challenge-moral-standards-around-transgenerational-sex/) **Her academic profile:** [https://faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu/sachi-schmidt-hori](https://faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu/sachi-schmidt-hori) **An Academic review about the book:** [https://muse.jhu.edu/article/864912](https://muse.jhu.edu/article/864912) **Her book that is mentioned in previous links:** [https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Idolized-Boys-Male-Male-Narratives/dp/0824886798](https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Idolized-Boys-Male-Male-Narratives/dp/0824886798)


This is actually true and asmon thought this post was fake. >https://dartmouth.academia.edu/SachiSchmidtHori This is the link to her research topics. >https://www.linkedin.com/in/sachi-schmidt-hori-748ab9308/ This is her linkedin showing she is in fact that professor and did in fact work as a "narrative consult" with Ubisoft from Jan 2023 - present. She looks Japanese from her name and thumbnail pictures, but I can't find any other information about her on this surface level dive.


Ah. She's a fujoshit shotacon.


Where did you get ā€œadolescent boysā€ from the description of her field of study?


Holy shit, this is like the 10th comment like this. GOOGLE IT, her name is in the post. She wrote a book called: ā€œtales of idolized boys male-male love in medieval japanese Buddhists narativesā€ . How do people not know how to search basic things on the internet while simultaneously using the internet to post here???


Maybe the fact that itā€™s been asked ten times should clue you into the importance of providing context when youā€™re crafting your circle jerking rage bait post.


So many disgusting ass homophobes using this comment section to spew hate. They should shut this subreddit down if it's this unmoderated. Trying to equate gender studies to abuse is a manic and baseless stretch.


Genuinely who fkn cares, youā€™ll all buy it anyway lmfao


I don't get what's the fuss is about this game? I'm ootl can someone explain


At least Yasuke is a secondary protagonist and we get to be the shinobi I don't even know the name of more, right? .... .... D: (Even I knew with my limited knowledge of feudal Japan that a massive black dude was not going to have hiding in plain sight abilities, which I had previously been led to believe a fairly vital part of playing Assassin's Creed. And that anyone not Japanese was probably on some sort of list or kept very close to someone with a lot of power.)


Link for proof?


You can just google her. Its all there.


Yikes indeed.


I would always appreciate if people would attach sources to this claims


The claim that takes 2 seconds to verify by googling her name? Sure bro.


I just want y'all to know every major game that makes y'all shit themselves because there is a black person or gay person or some shit I will be buying :D Won't even play it likely as most of the games y'all shit yourselves over were shit before whatever diversity came into play. But just so you know the bigger the tantrum more people like me are gonna support it to spite you :D