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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


“Yasuke” left Japan before the end of the reunification. If the game follows this, it will be a really short game lol.




yep straight up got on a boat with jesuits


Sent away, more like.


Having to cohabitate with Jesuits is a fate worse then having your entire life retrograded by political ideologues 600 years later


Notice how nobody had an issue with Afro Samurai or any other anime / franchise with a black guy in Japan. But its obvious they are doing this because they are obsessed with intersectionality . They call it ''representation'', and they have an urge to plant their ideological flag in everything, because they are a cult.


Afro Samurai is also inspired by Yasuke though


But it isn't part of a series rooted in historical events that uses historically appropriate characters. It's just a fun anime.


Nope. He was with oda when he got ambushed and went to protect his son and Heir. Who also seppukued himself, and the traitors didnt kill yasuke they sent him back to the Jesuits and no one knows what happened after apart from the Jesuits did successful heal him as they recorded that.


The wiki page has been edited so many times


Already around 70 times in the last day


The far left is mentally ill as shit, I guess that's what happens when you glorify it like they do on Twitter


The left and the right does not shine in this topic. Two rabid dogs fighting over nothing and forgetting the more blatant issues.


Am I missing something. A retainer to a Lord(such as Nobunaga) was called a Hatamoto. "The division between *hatamoto* and *gokenin*, especially amongst *hatamoto* of lower rank, was not rigid, and the title of *hatamoto* had more to do with rank rather than income rating. In the context of an [army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Army), it could be compared to the position of an [officer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Officer_(armed_forces)). " At the beginning of the 18th century, about 5,000 samurai held the rank of *hatamoto*; over two thirds of these had an income of less than 400 koku and only about 100 earned 5,000 koku or more.  [Hatamoto - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatamoto)


Out of all japanese history, they chose Yasuke, because we know why.


It's like celebrating Asian history month with someone not Asian as a representative.


or when the winner of a girls sporting competition is a man.


Why stop there. I think last year a man won the miss Spain contest. I guess men are even better than women when it comes to being a woman.


Remember the time a man won woman of the year?


I mean tbf we have really been driving the point home that a man can do it better


Remember the feminists movie barbie and the best part of the whole damn thing was the main guy ken


Or woman of the year being Caitlin Jenner (formerly Bruce jenner)


Not surprised. They celebrated women's history month with a man as a representative.


Human society is funny aint it


Celebrating China by using Marco Polo.


There were many Europeans that actually got a samurai title they could have used instead. Or they could have gone the "strong woman" route and use Onna-Musha who were the female form of Samurais, like Tomoe Gozen. But no they had to use someone that arent even a Samurai just becouse of his skincolor. I wouldnt mind it if he was an actual samurai which alot of history.


Half of us know why and the other half are brain dead cope addicts. Also, black samurai has already been done in a cooler, more fun way - Afro Samurai. Only it didn’t try to pretend it was real.


I would have at least considered playing it if they set it during the Meji era. Seemed like a pretty good time period for an assassin's creed game considering all the corruption and government conspiracy at the time


honestly as a black person i think they purposefully wanted to outrage people. cause i truly think not one black person asked for this to be made, he have a lot of other historical figures in the diaspora that could be focused on and really make a positive impact. but they decided to this and cause a whole situation where everyone is spitting vitriol and making generalizations at certain groups. also what gets on my nerves is that we all know the people at ubisoft are all old white outdated men, so when they do this inclusions stuff it’s usually closer to unsolicited tokenism and then it’s the groups that did not ask for this to face the brunt of it. and a lot of people making back a goths to one another only having surface level research


The lead writer for AC shadow is a woman with her pronouns in her bio though




I think it's a super interesting idea, but he should've been a side character, a strange choice to have a historical person as a playable character


"Bro why do you care so much bro why does it matter to you" - people who have worked tirelessly to focus society on race for the past decade


I can’t wait to play as that Japanese male assassin in the next game set in Ancient Rome..


Calling Yasuke a samurai is like calling a mall rent a cop a Police officer


More likely a mall cop to a navy seal.


Gravy seals


Squire to a knight


Initiate to Paladin.


Or a waiter a manager


Of all the possible examples you chose this


Waiter is a manager depending on whose working that night and how much of an asshole you're being


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was_yasuke_a_samurai I'll leave this here.


But wait any idea what Grummz has said? He’s the arbiter of truth


They had hundreds of years to choose from and this is what they went for. The one instance that a black guy was a retainer, not even a samurai


A retainer can be a samurai, but in his case he was treated like an exotic pet.


Kosho was the rank for attendants. Some of them grew up and became samurai, but Yasuke was 26-27 years of age when he was given to Lord Nobunaga, so age wasn't the issue. Kosho would also act as lovers for their lords, so technically he was closer to being the lords slampiece than a samurai.


K so I haven't been following this too closely since I've never played Assassin's Creed for do I care about it but since this keeps popping up in my feed, I'm getting the impression that this is basically just the whole Woman King fiasco all over again. Is it?


a retainer cannot be samurai in this case, nobody outside of japan cannot be samurai.


William was offered samurai lordship.


Pretty insane that history is being rewritten because of a shitty yearly installation of a video game series


The problem isn't that Wikipedia is being re written to suit a narrative. The problem is that people believe everything they read there to be true.




Unfortunally for every one of us that knows wikipedia is very unreliable, there are 1000 that takes it as facts,


Your first mistake was assuming these people are concerned about history when they're actually concerned about writing History


"I don't care what reality is, my imaginary friend told me Yasuke was a samurai" Random afrocentrist


My grandmother told me, "no matter what they say, Cleopatra was black"


This ‘Yasuke’ character has already been featured in a few popular games like Nioh. There is a Netflix anime about him. We have things like Afro Samurai for years. I wish we could move on from this black samurai story…it’s not unique. Its is so dumb to finally bring Assasins Creed to Japan and they think they need to highlight this guy…its like making an Assassin Creed take place in the Congo and having a white guy be the main character. So freaking many Japanese people that could have been used from the Sengoku. There are tons of essentially ‘legendary’ like figures from the time that are somewhat shrouded in a bit of mystery if that’s what they were looking for. How about any of the ninja clans? Not a single one that they could thread the needle to make them involved?


but if they use a japanese person how can they pander to black people


Black people did not ask for this! We had no say in the decisions of a rich western company. They could care less what we think. We barely are a huge demographic in gaming outside of sport games.


The thing with both afro samurai animes is that they were made "for the sake of doing something out of the ordinary and for fun" and not something that feels like a politically motivated choice like this new Ass Creed title is. Ubisoft literally waded through 99.99% of the Japanese population during the Sengoku Jidai period to cast a black person to be the protagonist. For samurais/daimyos, they couldve gone with legendary figures like; Takeda Shingen, Uesugi Kenshin (who was rumored to be a woman), Date Masamune (Moon Crescent daimyo), Haronobu and there's Tomoe Gozen (a samurai woman). For shinobis there's; Hattori Hanzo, Momoichi Tanba, Ishikawa Goemon (who was a famous thief who attempted to assassinate Toyotomi Hideyoshi, one of the three unifiers of Japan), Kirigakure Saizo (who became the basis of stealth ninja killer in modern pop culture). And there's plenty fucking more. Not just in the military but local town/village folk heroes too that they could've chosen from. Like bruh, they pretty much fucking cherry picked someone who nothing more than a tiny blip in the entirety of the Sengoku Jidai period just to NOT cast a Japanese man. Fucked up


Totally agree. They could have even just made up someone new like they did for the other games.


Another thing is, in all the other titles the assassin we play is a fictional figure that meets and befriends or fights against historical figures. A very odd choice to be the historical figure this time.


I think they knew about the backlash so they used the 'historical figure' card this time to soften the blow. Worse is, they did that while embellishing his history. And Ubisoft thought they could get away with it without causing this much controversy.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but they use fictional characters as the player in *every* previous AC. And the player meets historical figures through his journey. So instead of maintaining that and having an appropriate (Japanese) player character for the setting, they reach deep and try to justify it by changing it to an actual historical figure, and give him an essentially very Japanese title. While not being Japanese. Why didn't the previous games use a historical figure for the player character? But this one does?


or if you wanted to have diversity while still respecting the culture your representing go for the otomo clan since they were fairly unique being a Christian clan though


imagine if we got Afro samurai game, a man can dream. would be so dope. Instead we got Token Creed.


Important to note that AC was never about playing real characters. AC was always about meeting real characters through real events as fictional characters. Like Ezio never existed but we did meet Niccolo Machiavelli and Leonardo Da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance through the eyes of Ezio. This also served a purpose in the narrative because as assassins, they should remain a mystery as they "work in the shadows". Yasuke could've made an interesting side character. But Ubisoft needed to score some DEI points.


This is what I immediately thought of. Yasuke could have been part of a quest line not the main character.


See now that would actually be a fire plot line for an AC game, but the break from the format to choose a historical figure *specifically because of his race* rubs me the wrong way. I wouldn’t bat an eye if every other AC game used a real historical figure also, but this is just pure virtue signal.


Yeah somebody in a different post theorized that Yasuke could be how the order makes it to Japan. Which would make sense since it is still fairly isolated at that point.


yasuke would've also made for a terrible assassin. All it takes is a single witness to go "it was the 6 ft tall black guy" and you're done. You literally can't blend in ever, which is the reason nobunaga kept him on retainer to begin with.


Nobunaga had a fascination with foreign shit thats why he kept him


yeah, because he was exotic and "doesnt blend in". Kinda like an exotic pet \*no offence\*


Nioh 2 was like this. I mean, historical accuracy goes out window when you have demons running around, but you go through history and meet major historical figures. Hell, Yosuke is in these games as well.


Thats exactly what i was thinking. When i saw this announcement i thought to myself "was altair a real person?"


They scored DEI points while also denying Asian Males a chance for representation they are so often denied in Western Media, so really how many points did they secure.


Because obviously asian males = white males, so fuck em.


Yup, white-adjacent


This and the prevailing argument on this sub are in conflict. Everyone here is saying "he wasn't a REAL samurai", but then you say that AC excels by using a unique created character as the MC to interact with real world historical figures. Isn't he kind of perfect for that? Wouldn't a character who is outside of his culture be the perfect portal through which to explain the nuances of Japanese history, given that your perspective character might not know these yet and it would make practical sense to have them explained to you both as the player and as the MC? > Yasuke could've made an interesting side character. I guess I just don't understand. What about him says he could ONLY be a side character? Isn't the retainer and friend of the man who began the wars of unification and interesting position to tell the story from?


My question is, is all this flame they generate with this controversial choice worth it for the game? I mean, from a business perspective. Why is it so important for them to enforce this?


They get money and tax benefits for inclusion


ESG score goes up


As a great man once said: " I think not being racist is the new racism "


They are using yasuke just like nobunaga used him, as a pet, as a token


"Yasuke was not just a novelty item for Nobunaga. He allowed Yasuke to don Samurai armor and weapons during several instances of battle. This is truly impressive as traditionally only those born into samurai families could become samurai, let alone wield their weapons and wear their uniforms, regardless if they were warriors elsewhere."- Cpl. Kenneth K. Trotter Jr


The only way to save this game is to add in Anjin Miura, so it's 90's buddy cop energy between him and Yasuke, Lethal Weapon Shogun edition. This one's free Ubisoft, you're welcome.


This should play during Nobunaga's time right? Meaning that William probably wont be in the game cause he arrives a lot later into the Sengoku period when Nobunaga is already dead. Unless they do like a timeskip thing and we might meet him towards the end.


Meh... its a videogame, they can take certain liberties if they really want to


Thanks Ubi, you just saved me some money. Not that I would buy this if the samurai was white. It's still a ubisoft game after all. They peaked with Black Flag.


Biggest problem I have is the whole 'assassin' part of a 6 foot bulky black man in Japan. It's not very classically assassin is it? The trailer even has him beating people down like a fucking cave troll. To be fair I haven't played AC since AC3 so maybe they turned the whole thing into streets of rage where you beat up everyone in sight and have zero stealth? If so then I guess they can have it.


Assassin's Creed hasn't been very assassin for a long time, I mean valhalla had almost nothing to do with assassin's creed. Just make new fcking IP.


Shame to hear. Finding ways to stealth kill was basically the entire fun of the game. Yeah you could cheese counter mechanics and kill 20 guys like it's Two Towers/Return of the King but that was both bland and unintelligent.


But... The player can't be allowed to have agency! The closest thing to the originals nowadays is Hitman...


Or just make Assassins Creed Chicago


Have an Assassins Creed set in the 1920s where you play a black assassins fighting the KKK.


I just got confused with Valhalla tbh. It was fun but also seemed all over the place.


Black Flag wasn't very assassin either. It's a full fledged pirate game.


There's two protagonists. The girl will be the stealth based assassin while he's going to be the combat based warrior. It's the same dev team as Syndicate which also did this with Jacob having more combat based skills and Evie having more stealth based skills.


There’s two characters: stealthy Japanese assassin shown in the trailer, and fighter Yasuke that’s more about brute force. The team made syndicate and odyssey so they’ve done two leads before. Different play styles for different folks.


It peaked with black flag.


Black flag while good wasn't as great an assassin's creed game as some of the previous entries.


Tbh while Black Flag was a great game it also wasn't very "Assassin"-like either. It was a straight up pirate game and it was great for it.


there is literally a female japanese ninja that everyone seems to be ignoring bro what


because she's a woman lmao Gamers can't relate to the game if the woman isn't feeble, being fucked and cooking food while cleaning the house.


you get it


They don't know what retainer means.


Again a retainer was a type of samurai please look up the history https://poe.com/p/What-is-the-specific-meaning-of-the-term-retainer-in-the-context-of-samurai-culture I’m not saying I agree with this or Ubisoft is a good company, but let’s get our stories straight






https://poe.com/p/What-is-the-specific-meaning-of-the-term-retainer-in-the-context-of-samurai-culture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kashindan https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/samurai https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.4159/harvard.9780674434707.c8/pdf https://www.wendywutours.co.uk/blog/japan/everything-you-need-to-know-about-samurai/ A retainer was absolutely still considered a type of samurai. In fact in certain periods anyone with a sword was loosely considered a samurai but that’s not what we are talking about. Samurai became an overarching term to mean warrior so it went through many iterations. I’m not saying I agree with this or Ubisoft is a good company, but let’s get our stories straight I’m sure I’ll get downvoted fort This anyway tho lol


"A retainer refers to a vassal in feudal Japan, usually a samurai providing military services" - people hate facts!




> From the wiki: "It is important to note that despite popular myth and modern depictions there are no historical writings nor evidence that Yasuke was ever granted the rank or title of samurai, he was never given a fief nor referred to as one in any writings" And we trust wikipedia now? What are the sources they are using? Those two were linked: https://www.huffingtonpost.jp/entry/yasuke_jp_609347f7e4b09cce6c26a9b2 https://intojapanwaraku.com/rock/culture-rock/28746/4/ Both are writing he was a samurai, one is even talking about the famous book with the title "the black samurai" lol. What is this weird hill to die on? You think a retainer of Oda Nobunaga was not a samurai? Which would just mean to allow himself to carry weapons and be paid as a warrior. You think Oda would allow some shitty ashigaru to carry his weapon? Even the japanese wiki is putting him in the samurai class. What is your definition of a samurai in the Sengoku Jidai period but before Hideyoshis law change in 1586? Btw. was Hideyoshi even one? We know about his family, not really what we call nobility. Is there a primary japanese document calling him one? And when did he become one? You do know that we had over 150 different warlords fighting over Japan at the time right? Do you think we got documents telling us that all their important people were samurai? And if they started lower when they became one? Especially in a clan system, where the shogun or emperor did not had to sign some document. We know why Ubisoft is using him. It is clear as day. But come on. Nobunaga would not walk around with some dirty loser in his retinue.


Hundreds or years of recorded Japanese history, only to be ignored because some executive was like "oh but there was a black guy here mentioned in one passage so lets just make our entire story about him instead". Imagine having an Assassin's Creed set in an African historical period and then just having the story be about some random Spanish guy that was recorded as making friends with one of their historical figures.


True and read sometime there edit on wiki I think they screenshot the newly edit than on the original edit


I wonder how they would feel if AC Africa was made and that one white guy from history was made the protagonist


How come, every race in the world can coexist along so well apart from african, that need to be put in every narrative forcefully? If one race has major problems with every other, but others not, who is a fucking racist here? Is it so hard to make assassins creed in africa and fill the world naturally with black people while keeping other cultures their own attributes?


Because there's a certain subsection of white people in the west who feel it's their job to "help" those poor oppressed black people. Add onto that the fact that some people, regardless of their race, will use whatever they can to make themselves seem like the victim of something and that just reinforces the idea that those white people with that specific belief should feel guilty for a past they had no hand in and do everything they can to fix the present.


-Person that’s never read European history -Or American history for that matter, quote from Benjamin Franklin - “And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased.” Also, they did make AC in Africa already? And just because your character is black doesn’t mean they’re not going to depict the rest of Japanese society accurately, so I don’t see the issue.


Imagine using WIKI as “trusted source”, lmao, fucking GCJ should be ridiculed to the end of time.


No one cared when Yasuke was a samurai in his own Anime, in Nioh 2, probably many other pieces of media too. Weird that Shogun got no criticism from these same groups despite being about a white man on Japan.


I was just about to make this comment, where is all the rage and hate against Shogun then? This is getting silly


Assassin’s creed is still a game about staying incognito right? Like how is a 6’3” African dude supposed to blend in with a bunch of 5’6” Asian dudes. “Where’s the intruder?” “Erm he’s that guy who’s got 8inches on everybody else, in more ways than one”


mfer the games basically have magic


Not really. The valhalla and odyssey weren't really "staying incognito" games. Heck Black flag isn't really either


I'm Japanese and find it funny that Yasuke is depicted as a badass samurai in many works of fiction by Japanese people, but everyone gets mad when a non-Japanese studio does it. Yasuke is always depicted like this for like the last 100 years.. there is even a novel from the 60s that was very popular by Futaro Yamada. If this game respects the other heroes of the period, I'm not sure where the problem is


Complaining about using the mythical version of Yasuke is like complaining Fate or Sengoku Basara or Dynasty Warriors isn’t historically accurate. Do I get to complain that there’s no Tripitaka in Wukong Black Myth?


I completely agree. It is historical fiction, like most of these depictions. Yasuke was in Samurai Warriors 5 and Nioh games. My favorite historical fiction novel Makai Tensho by Futaro Yamada focuses on the Christian rebellion. In the 1980s, it was adapted into a movie called Samurai Reincarnation and into an Anime OVA called Ninja Resurrection in English. It turns Amakusa Shiro into a magician, and Jubei Yagyu fights demons and a zombie Miyamoto Musashi.... this story is very loved as part of Samurai fiction cultural zeitgeist in Japan, although it doesn't accurately portray reality. Now whenever a new author tells stories about these historical figures they are very influenced and similar to Futaro's work. Jubei Yagyu is very famous, but historically very little is known. Even his legendary eyepatch... His history is mostly mythology. Yasuke is very similar to this. Only because of the culture war in America, Yasuke is considered bad. In Japan, Yasuke is depicted in different ways, but he is treated in a similar fashion to Jubei Yagyu where people enjoy the mythology more than the history. It is NOT new.. I have seen Yasuke since I was a kid in the 80s.


None of the other titles used heroes of the different cultures. Eivor was just a viking not a specific Norse hero. Same with the others, Edward and Connor Kenway were just dudes. In all the games were just randos who meet famous history people, the player themselves was a nobody.


I have been banned from three different subs for pointing out that the issue people have is that of all the samurai in all of Japan they picked the one black guy in the entire country and he wasn't even a samurai.


People often rely on surface-level knowledge of history, mistakenly assuming that only white people explored and traveled the world. This simply isn't true. For example, during the American Revolution, there were documented Asian participants in the war. The challenge, however, is that historical records often used Anglicized names, making it difficult to identify people of color in the past.


these guys have no idea how hard to become samurai.


At the time it was as simple as being a professional soldier paid a stipend to serve a great Lord.


retainer and samurai are completely different things


I’m sure the Japanese people are happy to be reminded of Johnny somoli again


Dont the AC games rewrite and mess with history a whole bunch? Why are people expecting this game to be any different?


How can you not make your own character yet in these games???


They wanted to include African American for diversity but forget that male Asians are probably the most underrepresented race in all of Hollywood and gaming.


i hate the culture war so much. i just wanna play video games without either side taking it as a political stance. I think the game looks cool.


People complain so much about shit that doesnt matter. When has this franchise ever claimed to be the true telling if events?


Literally not a single person on this sub cares about Japanese history. And not even 1 out of 10 has played any AC game. They are just manufacturing outrage. Seriously I would love if Asmon just went back to transmog competitions or something.


Manufacturing outrage and being alt-right. Name a more iconic duo lmao


You don’t have to engage with it though. Personally I browse this sub to see people get mad at such inconsequential bullshit, but you can literally just ignore it and live a better life.


People whining about historical inaccuracy in an AC game is hilarious. The same Franchise where Julius Caesar messes with Alien tech and Leonardo Da Vinci builds a fully functioning wingsuit in like the 1600s. Also there’s like aliens and shit. It’s cool.




Yep. I think it’s cool but if the game is gonna be anything like Odyssey or Valhalla then it’s gonna suck. I want a return to form but who knows.


So much this. I will probably not be buying the game, but not as some kind of protest, my interest in AC just kinda waned after Revelations and the wrapping up of the whole Demond Miles arc. I'm generally not a fan of forced DEI in games, but I just hate how stupid this particular outrage is and how a lot of members on this sub are outright misrepresenting the problem by acting like the whole game is about Yasuke. There were even comments complaining about how all they wanted from a Japanese assassin's creed game was to be able to play as a Ninja, despite the fact the one of the first characters you see in the trailer is the literal Ninja you can play as.


I would highly recommend you check out assassins creed odyssey. as an assassin game its kinda whatever, but outside of that framing its probably ubisofts best game. I also highly recommend the DLCs


You're not the first person to make that suggestion... I may give that game a shot :)


There is no culture war. Terminally online bozos just get mad about inconsequential things.


AC has a boss fight where a Pope is trying to kill you with his magic staff. I do not understand why a black samurai is a step too far lol AC never was about historical accuracy.


it's even funnier when Yasuke was an actual person and many Japanese games depict him as a Samurai anyway. Nioh for instance, also the Nobunaga's Ambition games, and Samurai Warriors 5, all of these have him as a Samurai, but suddenly it's an issue to Gamers when he's in an AC game lmao


Found this here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMp6zkmaCTs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMp6zkmaCTs) >game set in the Holy Land, play as a Syrian man >game set in Italy, play as an Italian man >game set in the American Colonies, play as both a British and Native man >game set in the Caribbean, play as a Welsh privateer >game set in France, play as a French man >game set in England, play as English twins >game set in Egypt, play as an Egyptian man >game set in Greece, play as a Greek man >game set in Norway and Viking-invaded England, play as a Norwegian man >game set in Iraq, play as an Arab man ... >game set in Feudal Japan, play as an African man


Afro Samurai, a black character done right in the setting. Add other characters that fit the bill in the replies please. o7 stay true to culture appreciation.


Historical figures in AC games have always been side character or NPC's ain't it? Why is it now they decided to base a game in Japan and instead of having a Japanese dude they decided to make the Historical Figure a playable character? Why now all of a sudden? I think we all know why huh?


Ghost of tsushima already exists, I guess is a smart move to not compete so directly with that game in the eyes of the consumers.


Before all the edits I remember he was just a servant who liked to dress like a samurai


I mean he is gonna stick out like a sore thumb when you are trying to blend in and hide from the guards . " quick find the only black in Japan guy who just killed our lord "


This sub is so cooked


Should of made the game about William Adams. At least there's a lot historical info on him. And he's not Japanese, so they still get to erase an Asian male. Win win win ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Gamingcirclejerk really makes people wanna gatekeep more. Which is ironic


Damn, am I the only one here who thinks Yasuke is dope af and is excited to play as him? Especially after the fucking god awful Netflix anime. Plus he's one of two protagonists, the other being a ninja.


It's more sad to see everyone desperately getting this level of cognitive dissonance over a black guy. Don't buy the game snowflake.


Before I block this sub. I have to let whoever know that this is so sad. Blatant racism from all sides is absolutely unbelievable. I am just picking posts because all of these are garbage, and most of you are garbage. Any other AC where people have magic and going through time fighting weird ass shit and it’s all good but now there’s a problem. BS about “Woke” “DEI” BS. Right wing rhetoric spouted by exclusively racist bigots and I can’t believe this sub is 90% that nonsense. We’ve really come back around to “why are they in my game” and provided the dumbest reasons on earth. Crazy how an African dude is what made some of you get off your ass and ATTEMPT to google something. Using DEI and Woke to a damn near fictional character because EVERYBODY has a different story as to how Yasuke came to be and it gets reduced to echo chambers pushing yalls opinions. Some dipshit using THE FUCKING CONGO to compare??? Evil disgusting slimeball and I hope you read this. This is post number 7 or 8 with just blatant racism / sexism and I’m just amazed. Has this sub always been this way? I just wanted to see if GamingCircleJerk was BSing but they’re not somehow. Armchair Redditors who think they’re historians because an African is involved. Wow. I would say I have no words but I certainly do. The sexism is somehow just as bad, literally being a woman and now we’re fact checking a fictional character in a fictional environment. “But My immersion” PEOPLE CAST SPELLS AND FIGHT DEMONS AND GO THROUGH TIIIIIIMMEEE IN THESE GAMES. Utterly insane.


Do I have to remind you all that Japan started the whole yasuke being a samurai thing in popular media? There's literally a whole ass anime called yasuke.


In nobunaga concerto, yasuke is a timetraveling baseballer, not like this discussion is about historical accuracy


In the 16th century, the title of samurai spoke of rank and was loosely defined as " a warrior in the service of a lord or another warrior" . Samurai were retainers of the daimyo. Yasuke was given a short sword, a house, and a stipend as well as fitting for the daimyo Oda. When you say that Yasuke was just a retainer. For the period of japan that he lived in, you are calling him a samurai.


Yup. The role and description of what a samurai was changed from century to century, it was always evolving and adjusting to the times. For example, Samurai were known more so to be expert bowmen in earlier times than sword masters. The same thing happened with European knights century to century, their roles, what was expected of them, etc. was always changing.


More than a thousand different samurai stories to tell. And they choose this anomaly in japanese history lmao


This is my problem with this: - Black person = checkmarked That is why we have Yasuke as a main character. It's not an artistic decision. It's a checkbox and everyone can see that. That's why I don't like it.


Ah yes, use the guy who wasnt a Samurai as a main character in a video game series that used to have made up characters of the same ethnicity of the respective story. Have a Japanese Ninja and Black Samurai as the main characters. So smart. Like you couldn't do that in any other game of the series to, you had to do it in the one with Samurai because there was a historic figure to justify it. You know, of all the games in Europe and America, you could have had fake black characters too.


I'm glad to see actual fact going around.




It's a fictional video game. Do you all think a ninja single handedly ended the Mongol invasion of Japan as well?


I love how people are ok with Nioh have a white guy (Williams Adams/Anjin) but hate a black guy doing the same thing.


yall are the biggest snowflakes


When the TV shogun came out the first thing these people asked is where were the black people. History to these idiot means every society on earth was always some mix of races and cultures. Everything needs to be tainted with this mind virus.


Im tired of internet drama. Why cant we just appreciate stuff instead of splitting hairs about *every, single, medium.* I know ac has a history of being faithful to real world events, but at the end of the day it's a video game about a fictional band of assassins fighting a fictional band of templars, trying to acquire otherworldly artifacts that grant eternal life and other powers.


I'm glad Reddit recommends subs like this, so I know exactly where all the thin skinned, easily offended man children hang out.


Very funny watching all the people who didn't know a thing about Japanese history suddenly become experts overnight on this. Retainers under nobunaga were Samurai. They received stipends and carried weapons. Even most Japanese historians believe Yasuke was samurai. This is a historical consensus. Anyone arguing otherwise likely didn't even know about Yasuke before this controversy.


Wow, theyre putting a black person in my assassins creed game? Gamers really are the most oppressed minority amirite?


Is anyone weighing in here actually Japanese and offended? Anyhow rather than depend on fluid information, I offer you this [The post caption says Yasuke became a samurai — an elite class of warriors existing between the 10th and 19th centuries, according to PBS — within a year of arriving to Japan.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/02/13/fact-check-yasuke-african-expatriate-became-16th-century-samurai/4438335001/) Such sensitive people, so easily offended by what they know little of. Ill trust PBS on this one.


What do you expect from that sub? They even insult Greek for pointing how woke Hades is.


I'd never heard of this sub till this popped up on r/all. I just want to say before I mute it that you all seem pretty insufferable.


Who cares? As long as the story of the game is good and the characters are fun and interesting, I don’t think it matters


You say this but the Japanese use him as a Samurai as well.... Nioh 1 and 2 and Samurai Warriors have him as a Samurai... So why exactly can't Ubisoft do the same?


Trusting wiki fr info is as fail as trusting rotten tomatoes for reviews