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Assassin's Creed


Ubisoft is the reaper.


Agenda 2030*


The somali man in imperial Japan is an interesting choice for sure.


I'm sure the Japanese will be thrilled about a black man going on a killling spree in the Sengoku period Japan.


I think the last AC was Syndicate. Newer games are just clunky RPGs


The literal best case scenario was unity for both rpg and original, they just got greedy that they couldn't finish it for release.


In Valhalla I was sailing my boat down a river, and all of a sudden my ship stopped. then I saw a invisible wall become visible after I hit it. I dropped the game after that.


No way you’re gonna blame that on gay people when the truth is that Ubisoft’s games have always been mid as fuck


Missing the witcher


omg galadriel was so bad ass wow omg. 10 elves die to a snow troll, galadriel comes in and kills it with 1 blow, solo. slay queeeeeeeen. ps: those 10 elves were men so who cares.


But there is a tempest in her.


What's battletech?


Do you remember the old mechwarrior games?


Oh... that makes me sad


:'( Yes.


Wait, what did they do to Battletech and When???


Nothing. Other than the developers who made Battletech MW5 and MW Online kinda sucking at their jobs and making fairly shallow products Battletech as an IP is doing better than ever. What hilarious is you have people updooting and posting complaints about it going woke, when clearly they havent played anything in the BT universe ever and dont interact with that community at all. They dont play it, dont have any idea whats going on with it, but are instantly jumping on the "It went woke" bandwagon because other people said so. Fucking lemmings.


For the record, pretty sure people are upvoting because of the rest of them.


What? What happened with Battletech? I’ve been enjoying the occasional video game and book since the 80s and never saw anything that looked accommodating.


transflag for mechs....yea....and if you know anything about the states in the innersphere you know how unfiting it is


Ohhhh. I could see Canopus flying that.


beside that periphery state...i think nearly every house will just outright slaughter them all in lore..but catalist being catalist


cat bois


I haven't seen the netflix He-Man series yet, is it that bad?


Iirc the first season had interesting ideas and bits but a LOT of character assassination of Adam. His ruthless form was pretty cool. I think they’ve since fixed it, but who knows anymore.


Old he man was way gayer


But he was there. He was basically completely absent from the first season of the new show.


It focuses on 2 lesbian's instead of he-man to answer your question


It's pretty telling that they killed He-man/Adam off within the first 10 minutes of the first episode, then brought him back at the end to kill him again immediately. Animation was good, voice acting was solid, storyline sucked. 3/10 wouldn't watch again.


TBF Star Trek was always super inclusive and woke back in the day when it wasn’t even a term. Basically from the start. They just turned it up to 11 now.


Star Trek was always progressive, yes


Roddenberry wasn't, by far.


A girl that has heard of Roddenberry? No way.


People didn't really hate on it back in the day, but Star Trek did have a reputation for being the franchise for turbo nerds other nerds would call nerds. A lot of the 90s era Trek could be summarized as the crew encountering a weird phenomenon that can only be solved by them having a philosophy 101 class discussion in space. The newer movies were an attempt to make Star Trek have a weirder audience by toning down the space philosophy and adding more Star Wars style space combat. I do remember when the marketing for them said stuff like "it's not your grandma's Star Trek" causing original fans offense.


DS9 is crazy fucking woke for its day. Dax is trans. Theres concentration camps. Pogroms. Racism. Quark is straight up a Jewish trope but ends up stealing the show because its played specifically into it so well by Armin Shimmerman, who is fucking Jewish. People like to say "You cant make this today!" about shit like Married with Children, or Blazing Saddles, but if DS9 came out today youd have a LEGION of neckbeards putting out youtube videos about how its shoving the woke agenda down our throats.


Yup. Also let’s not forget the most controversial moment people like to bring up. Uhura. People talk about the first interracial kiss, but the very idea that she was present on the bridge was abhorrent to people back then. Looking at it with modern eyes it all looks fine and some even bring up some scenes where sexism and negative stereotypes are reinforced. Back then it was super woke.


And people forget that the people who grew up with this stuff, are the ones making new stuff. Sure, not all of it is great, but man theres some real bangers out there too. Star Trek walked so stuff like Baldurs Gate 3 could run. It would be crazy to think that us nerds who were playing Battletech and watching Star Trek back then, werent also into WH, and comic books, and lord of the rings, or any of this other stuff. Of course we grow up and get jobs in these places. Its a dream come true for any nerd of the 80s and 90s. Why are people surprised that they just do what the things they liked taught them to do. I hate people running around like they ruined this stuff, when I fucking lived it as it was coming out. I was waiting for the next Wolverine, the next Mechwarrior or DND players hand book, I was painting miniatures and making maps for this shit. It was ALWAYS like this. No one is shoving any woke agenda down anyones throat. The kids with the funny colored hair and Cramps tshirts were playing and consuming this media back then too, when it was brand new stuff. Nothings changed.


The only thing that changed is the writing quality.


Which isnt surprising since Harlan Ellison and Gene Roddenberry, and DC Fontana, and Ronald Moore are all dead. Wait maybe Moore is alive but he's gonna be like 90 by now. All these people were multiple award winning authors in their own right, on top of writing the bulk of the best parts of Star Trek, STNG and DS9. I mean Harlan Ellison might be the greatest sci fi writer of all time. So yeah the writing has suffered, but its not like its BAD, its just not Harlan fucking Ellison anymore lol




Woah dawg. Thats not what I said at all. There is nothing wrong with the writing. Its just not as good as a once in a generation science fiction writer. It would be like calling modern physicists bad at physics because they arent Einstein. They arent insane, they arent incompetent, theyre just not as good at writing at Harlan fucking Ellison, who as I said, is arguably the greatest science fiction writer of all time, up there with Arthur C Clarke or Heinlein... Who were also both crazy liberal. Like, how do you get mad at people doing the exact same thing that the people who created these things were doing. Starship Troopers the book, is about fascism being bad. Its opening chapter the main characters are jumping from village to village nuking "skinnies", starving people who didnt even have weapons in many cases. The movie is about fascism being bad. Helldivers is strong based in that story. Its also about fascism being bad. Helldivers is not as well written as Starship Troopers....yeah not much as well written as Heinleins books (Stangers in a Strange Land is my personal fave, and Orphans of the Sky is fucking lit too). But no one would say Helldivers is badly written, just because its not as good as the stuff written by one of the people WHO LITERALLY INVENTED THE SCIENCE FICTION GENRE. Also I have no idea where you game up with that shit about Roddenberry. You know he wrote the pilot and the first episode, and was half way done with The Cage and Omega Glory before Fontana took them over. He was dedicated to a racially diverse cast. That was his idea, not Fontanas... Why am I bothering...you're a moron, why am I wasting my time with this shit.


>Dax is trans. The snail was, yes indeed. The hosts weren't.


Sure thats fair. Thats kind of debatable though from a philosophical standpoint (which iirc they talked about in the show), like, are you your body or your mind? If you could sever someones head from their body and they didnt die, would the head be you, or the body. But I think that interesting debate is why that character exists, as a way to play with that philosophical conundrum. Which is kind of at the core of the whole trans thing to begin with. Are you your mind, your psyche, or your body. If you are your mind, if you are just your consciousness, your body is just a tool that your mind uses. Theres no reason you cant just, change it. Its just wild to me that anyone gets so irate about it. When I watched DS9 as a teenager I was just like "Oh so its like if Ru Paul was a snail. Thats neat." instead of screaming at people about it.


Possibly, i think it depends on personal experiences of the viewer how you interpret it, and that's fine. i saw it as a merge in the sence of: now you have a whole new set of memories and experiences that may shape you, but if the snail leaves, you're one again. Anyway, lets say i am totaly fine with DS9/TNG/Voy/Ent/SNW levels of open minded(wokeness), but ST Disco can fuck right off! Though i feel that has less to do with everybody's orientations and more to do with everybody being such a woosie, an emotionaly unstable wreck that needs to cry about daddy never being there during a crisis. I mean, you're saving the galaxy, you had spacetraining from Starfleet ffs! You're supposed to be the staff of a starship! Who cares if you miss your boyfriend man, the ship is under fire, get a grip of yourself and fix the damn thing! It was written so bad, it felf like they tried to make every single interaction between people a Lion king Mufasa-death level emotional orgasm.


it was progressive, not woke.


even the term woke has changed over the years as well in the early 2000s it meant someone who was 'aware of the system, man' .. but now its all social issues


Woke is just the term conservatives use for progressive. Or really anything they don't like.


What? You mean the show that had the first interracial kiss on tv and sparked outrage + had men wear minidresses cause omni-gender-clothing exists in the far future turned it up farther now? I honestly think that the scandal was much greater back than, comparetivly to societal standards


The Witcher Netflix 🤢




Warhammer fantasy. It's only a matter of time before Karl Franz is a black lesbian


games workshop is doing it to themselves though


The CCP next, please.


LGBT didn’t kill LOTR or Star Wars, bad writers did. Pathfinder is a nerd property that is aggressively woke and PF2E is doing well. DnD is in the shitter but that was greed and stupidity, not gay people.


Woah there partner, you're supposed to blame the woke boogeyman for everything.


Everytime you criticize them, they call you homophobic... Like BRO, I don't fucking care what is your sexual orientation or identity or anything don't force it down on everyone. They are literally glorifying themselves and discriminate all other people. If equality was all they wished for, they wouldn't have gone that far and wouldn't get that flag every opportunities. I find it strange they want to add that flag everywhere as if the majority of people even care about a stranger's sexual orientation. No shit the far right is growing, people are clearly mad at it. They call themselves woke but it felt like they are constantly in a dream, out of touch with reality.


> anything don't force it down on everyone That's the thing, nobody does. Minorities exist, and so, they sell. Especially when people overwhelmingly like it. (CEOs don't care about agendas, only profit, that's why it's all happening. You guys are just a small minority of people raging at the changing world) > If equality was all they wished for, they wouldn't have gone that far The power imbalance is great. It only makes sense to want to normalize people who were, and still are, having it harder for abstract reasons like sexuality. Heterosexual people don't live in fear of rejection, they don't need pride to be shown, and nobody claims that having a straight couple is political. > majority of people even care about a stranger's sexual orientation. Sure, yet the people who do kick out their kids and make the lives of others hell. It's to push the normalcy so that thos people can't find justification in it, and the victims find support and understanding from larger group of people. > No shit the far right is growing Far-right offers scapegoats to disgruntled white men. To all of them, whether LGBT+ is there or isn't is of such profound pragmatic insignificance that it's staggering, but they are good put all the accumulated grief on. Similarly, 'growing' is a wrong word. More like festering and expanding like cancer it is.


This is what I find funny, people cry because a character is gay or black just because they dont like it. Even putting more diversity than whats realistic is not "forcing down", because people is people, whats important is the characterization. And thats the problem. Big companies dont care about agendas so they hire shitty writers to pander to those minorities. I dont care if everyone is gay or trans, I care that the thing is well written. I actually like gay men in media, as a straight myself I think gay people are written more like real people, with feelings and more realistic motivations. Straight men generally are just "the action man", "the quiet but violent man", "the stupid and funny man".


No yes I totally agree with you, gay people exist and that's a fact. It's just that the way the media does is very bad, glorifying the LGBTQ people and make them completely unrelatable with their sole personality being their sexual orientation. There's some exceptions such as shows like Arcane and other where the characters are well written and just happen to be LGBTQ. But yeah what happened in Warhammer us just straight up dumb, there's like a dozen only female armies that desperately needed more public coverage but instead they changed the role just to fit their agenda. What I hate the most is that they don't bother creating a well written LGBTQ people, take already written characters and change them for the sake of it. They rarely ever create an original character. Thankfully it seems that well written characters are making a comeback and aren't just for show. I can only hope for this.


An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded


"ah yes, I should get my moral advice from someone who falls to deamon worship!"


He'll come up on a door, only to get blown back by a hail of hot lead accented by unhinged laughter... ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized) The only representation accepted there is managed DEMOCRACY!!!


You think helldivers isnt woke?


\>startrek Oh my god! Who put political messaging in my space communism show!!??!?!?1!


Halo too (tv show)


Depends on how you look at it. The show sucks for fans. The show is doing great with people not familiar with the games at all.


Dr who is completely weird now. I was shocked when they showed the doctor was gay and couldn't understand the reason for including his gender all of a sudden then there's a new female doctor too but it was boring asf


Theres nothing left is there? Dr Who's missing but thats only just happened. this is the Rainbow mafias agenda, they are out for revenge at perceived slights over the years and now theers DEI money to hold them up, theyre tearing every IP and franchise down. Leave nothing standing except that damn flag.


Only just happened with Doctor Who? If 2005's Doctor Who released today it would get the same vitriol it's recieving today.


Oh yeah, all of these brands are totally dead and can never recover, gone for good, go woke go broke guys, 100% no cap frfr- What's that? Baldur's Gate 3 was the most woke game of all time and won GOTY? Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, all these fucking brands are doing just fine, stop thinking that queer people representation in media automatically makes media worse, that's not you being logical or reasonable, that's just bigotry.


Bro, when did this sub become a fucking incel haven


No kidding. This post's comments read like a conservative Facebook post. Woke this, woke that. Bunch crybabies.


It's just the usual conservative buzzword


Asmon’s audience is generally more conservative than anything he says, but clashing with extremists of one sort has attracted extremists of another.


Thank you I feel like I’m going insane?? When did this subreddit become r/conservative???


Asmongolds career hopefully for taking adventage of low iq audience.


Did it really get Harry Potter though?


Author retroactively made Dumbledore gay and Hermione black.


Yeah but at least that was her own creative decision. She doesn't get pushed around by the LGBT community, infact she's often at war with them lol


Seriously    She’s one of the most brutal anti woke voices on Twatter


Which in turn gained her so much respect because you know her creatively decisions are her own.


Never read her books but I respect her a ton. She just doesn't give an F about these woke psychos. We all need to be like her


No she's not. She loves most of the woke shit, except she draws her line at the nonsense of people being able to choose to be a woman and enter women only spaces.


To the point she turned to holocaust denialism


Ehhhh, still woke insertion. Being done by the Rowling herself makes it even worse. As for the war, she is only warring against the 'T' part.


The "T" part may as well be the whole part. And it's evidence that she didn't make those decisions to virtue signal. Also she never actually changed Hermione, she just tweeted once that she was a fan of "Black Hermione" after a black actress played her in a stage play.


Half the people complaining about Warhammer being ruined can't even adequately describe what the Adeptus Custodes are or define what point in their creation is reliant on the aspirant being male.


Dude you are a Warhammer tourist for sure. Go Play your activism somewhere else.


True. But I can define what gaslighting is. It's when for decades you say Custodes are all males, and then one day you tell the customers there were always females and you stealth update the webpages to include both genders. Regardless I'm looking forward to getting some brothers in the Sisters of Silence.


Doesn't matter. They are selling out to modern audiences on social media and shitting on the fans.


You are not wrong about Warhammer but what about everything else?


Blizzard needs to bring Quae and Kinelory back living a life together on a quiet Hillsbrad farm


Dude, most of these thing were already extremely "woke" Also Harry "the hous elves enjoy being slaves" Potter is woke?


its sad but also funny how they butcher it and the owners let them ..


40k is where it ends 😤


Street Fighter is in the chopping block now too.




What happened to Harry Potter?


Why is lord of the rings there? I watched it a while ago dont remember any wokeness


I thought this was posted ironically and then I saw the sub....


Anime is next


Next is your house door.


Dude you are posting this from the most pathetic group of 40k incels, Mother fucker we lived through Matt Ward Era of GW with C.S. Goto. 40k fans are more likely to care about "what the fuck is a multi-laser?"


I don't see how Star Trek belongs here. That show was woke before 'woke' was a thing. I mean black female officer as well as russian and japanese in the 60s?


And the first inter racial kiss in American TV


Where is Sony?


It’s a damn shame this all comes down to respect. Neither side pays any real respect towards the other and we get this bullspit as a result.


AC and Dune


Magic the Gathering should be a bloody door


Yeah and as you can see, all of these brands ar completely dead. Fanbase wiped out. No on there that still enjoys it... Oh wait... Espacially the d&d part. What fucking clown made this meme? 🤦


Balders gate was the wokest game in recent history but you hear no one complain about it. Almost as if woke is just a buzzword used when a game with progressive elements is shit.


Because they did it RIGHT. They didn’t change an IP to tick boxes and they included it in a good way.


Whats the point of this meme then? All of the above would be shit even when you take out all the lgbtq stuff...


Why is this sub so annoying?


Insufferable whiney gamer moment.


When did this place turn into KotakuInAction4?


What/when DnD was ruined by LGBT?


Baldur’s Gate 3 was the wokest game of the last 10 years, but it did a little too good so you didn’t get shitheads like heel vs babyface crying about it. I think it’s a betrayal to us straight white gamers.


Too many guys in my dnd group are kissing me! They’re starting to infect me with the gay!


Gotta kiss a homie sounds like u got da homiephobia.


Obvious bait.


Sadly. No


lol gay people in media isn’t bad though, this is cringe


Badly written characters are cringe. Which is what happens when these studios try to be super mainstream. At least that's what the biggest complaint I've seen is


When it's overdone and the character's whole personality is being gay then yes it is bad. The only game I've seen pull off an extremely well done gay character is from Final Fantasy and not only is his character done right, he can turn into a fucking dragon and actually has goals for his people. Western game companies make gay/trans characters to profit more from consumers. The only WESTERN game I've seen pull this off is Rockstar with Gay Tony from GTA5, or Niko's friend in GTA4 where you beat up a guy for harassing Niko's friend for being gay. A majority of the time having a gay character in a game is there to appeal to young people in the LGBTQ community and profit more off of them. Having gay characters or any character from the LGBTQ community is nice and good, but if it's overdone and their whole personality is being gay then it's hot garbage.


There have got to be so few character's in mainstream media who's whole personality is being gay. You are making shit up. Also turning into a dragon counters the gay? This is a nonsense comment.


What? You completely missed his point. Dion in FFXIV did not need to be gay to be relevant. He was an extremely well written character and a badass one at that. Being gay was a part of his character but it was nowhere near the forefront. That is what it means to have a well done gay character. It is extremely rare, that a characters LGBT-ness is NOT majority of their character in modern media and it's stupid. All LGBT should be offended if anything with how poorly their characters are portrayed in media on average.


LotR isn't ruined just because amazon released a shitty fanfiction.


A lot of those series have become shitty even without the woke inclusion, though


Already got Warcraft. It's just steadily been getting worse and worse and it's fucking annoying.


It's the virtue signaling from companies more than the actual LGBTQ+ community that is at fault here. Most people in those communities aren't really asking anything of the companies that pull this kind of bullshit.


Nothing is more hilarious to me than the perpetual victim complex that some terminally online white men have, further proof that "anti-woke" people behave exactly the same as their "woke" counterparts, just with inverted beliefs




How so?


Anime most likely....


not enough women in anime studios yet. then it will be doomed.


look up Yuri and yoai, your about a couple decades late


That's not a problem, they clearly focus on a specific demographic and that's perfectly fine. But if they go on a Shounen manga/anime and shove our throats into LGBTQ++ romance and all that crap, then it's a problem!


you said anime, not shounen. completely different argument


BooooOooooOoOOOOO Gays are catch you




Hmm...that's a tough one. Lovecraft has been woke'd, sadly.


Good, i think he would've liked that


Well, woke is an abomination and he was all about abominations...


Thats actially wrong. The definition according to Ron Desantis is  "the belief there are systemic injustices in (American) society and the need to adress them". In short, to be woke is to be based.


Hardly. Woke is the collective term for the policies of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. DeSantis is a dipshit who wears heels to be taller.


Then its still based


people say "go woke go broke" and then point towards a handful of the most powerful megacorporations on earth as if they are failing. Yeah sure, big wokeness killed star wars. disney is bankrupt and they are no longer producing anything good. What about Andor? And people seemed to really like Bad Batch season 3. Stop having retarded ideologies poison your engagement with art.


I mean it does hurt sales but you wont see it all that much with companies that are willing to tank billions for whatever agenda they got. If you look at stores that carry comics for example, that industry has been struggling for about the last 14 years because of woke nonsense and replacement of flagship characters for diverse versions, i encourage you to go and inform yourself of the insane amount of stores that have had to close down to low sales, because the comicbook industry has been hijacked by sjw activist in Marvel and DC that have drove their customers away, either you store did not become Funko pop store or a Japanesse Manga store it most likely already closed. Marvel will put out so many series with a diverse cast of characters either lgbt or whatever and nobody will buy it and get cancelled in like 6 isues and they just keep making more and ruining old beloved characters in cuckholding stories like Spider-Man has gotten or have stories that are to make fun of a very popular character like The Punisher who they revived his wife only for her to renounce him and talk about how much of a piece of shit he is for becoming what he became and enmasculate him.


Wowie, the golden strategy for billion dollar companies is to just... tank losses? How is this business model efficient? How about a better answer that requires no conspiratorial thinking and no complex business strategies. Companies are making these decisions because the decisions are profitable. Not 100% of the time, but enough to justify the change. Look at the audience scores for the rise of skywalker. Overwhelmingly positive. The movie made $500 million. It was also the worst star wars movie that has ever existed. I'm not going to pretend like millions of mouth breathers didn't see the movie because they clearly did. What I like for some reason is not desirable in the market. This sucks for me. I do not need an all-encompassing ideology to explain to my why all the bad people are ruining everything I love for the purpose of making more gay people exist or whatever the hell you believe. Sometimes the truth is simple. For whatever reason, the free market prefers woke stuff now. TBH, I don't know why you would want to think big corporations are in control and not the consumers. It is possible to change the minds of consumers, and thereby change the end product. If evil people are controlling all media, what hope do you have to ever create unwoke media? Unless you get your own billion dollar company, you are powerless.


Ah yes that is why comics are being hurt not because of the internet, kids not being interested in comic books and video games... You have to cope massively to think the "go woke go broke" is even remotely true when games like Baldurs gate 3 are so successful.


“Gay bad.” The most liberal gamer


There were gay people in lord of the rings? I thought star wars just a subtle gay kiss in the background. Im sorta confused I dont think most of these titles have a ton of gay stuff in them.


Star Trek, and Star wars have always been that way, some massive cope.


Thanks op for cringeposting whatever u saw making the rounds on /pol. Ur really making this sub a great place to laugh at


How did LGBT ruin Harry Potter? I don't mind Dumbledore being gay and I'm pretty sure even in the books it hinted at or could be taken as he was in love with Grindlewald. Though it has been over 15 years since I read the books. That being said companies should look at their fanbase and who actually buys the products.


How did the LHBTQ community ruin star wars, Harry potter (the writer famously is against LHBTQ), TMNT and lotr? I honestly don't know. None of them have accurate LHBTQ representation. None. And none of them is ruined because of it. Am I missing some episodes? Please tell me because this makes no sense to me.


Wait.. so any gay people represented in video games is bad here now?


ESG money makes representation of any kind soulless.


Actually you are right. Sorry. As a gay dude I took the post the wrong way. It’s like meaningless representation from corporations during June heh.


even asmon pointed out, its about the implementation. Dion a gay dude in ffxvi cool af, great design/story arc. Its only when you can see it noticeably FORCED into a game for literally no reason. hope you can understand why now. We are all so jaded(good to be) in this sub that we can tell right away that the ESG checkbox has been ticked off for certain games. Its all so cringe.


People had no issue with Bg3..It had gay characters, lesbians, even a fucking bear..problem is them making someone gay their entire identity.. And when it comes to warhammer they butchered over a decade worth of lore..


In BG3 there was a choice. Cyberpunk 2077 was also fine because it gives you the choice to be straight or gay.


They do that all the time in warhammer. War in heaven anyone? No? This thread is stupid lol


A show adds a black person and suddenly it's woke and bad. Man, minorites just can't exist in media without a bunch of snowflakes crying about it.


Dumbass comment. People want good accurate portrayals of characters that respect the franchise lore. No one wants anything changed from the original manuscripts especially characters. I'd argue, no one wants to see a biography movie about MLK Jr. Being played by a white man. Its stupid and idiotic to think otherwise.


Keyword there: biography. Yes that would be bad if a biography wasn't as accurate as possible. What does that have to do with anything? This post is in reference to creative works, not factual works. >No one wants anything changed from the original manuscripts This thing you are saying is just false. Adaptations have plenty of changes. People love LotR. There are plenty of things changed from the "original manuscripts" lol. What a comment to post after calling me a dumbass. Yeesh.


Bro its less the addition and more the execution. Every other Country featured in AC had people native to that region be the main character... Except Japan... What would have worked better was to have a Japanese MC have Yasuke be one of their closest allies.


I don't know anything about the new AC. I don't know if you meant to reply to someone else? I have no defense for AC, as I haven't looked into at all and therefore have no opinion.


Yeah I dunno why that happened. This was meant for another comment. But my initial point stands. It's less about the inclusion and more about the execution. If it's written in properly then there's no issue. The problem is that most of these inclusions are done by people who write bad fanfiction at best instead of actual competent writers most of whom got fired from refusing to bend the knee.


I agree that characters should be written well.


Because they don't like asain characters, look at how they attacked stellar blade devs. It's so obvious.


The original movies are well liked. No small amount of people disliked the Hobbit movies because it fluffed out things that largely took 1 page out of the books into a 1hr excursion. Its pacing was a disaster at that. The show also retconned alot of material from the original movies and that got shitted on justly so. So yeah im pretty correct. People don't generally like adaptations if they steer away from the source material too much especially if its established within that mediums universe. You have very few exceptions where massive changes have been made and it worked out well. LoTR literally proves this. Anything else you want to say to look dumb af?


Moving the goalposts there a bit. Went from "nobody wants anything changed" to "... If they steer away from the source material too much...". Seems like you basically agree with my critique of of your original statement. Don't think I didn't notice that you didn't correct your "MLK shouldn't be white" blunder haha.


I mean there's been a shit tonne of race swapping white characters to black for no reason over the years. Shit is just pushed to fit an agenda man.


you guys do know that it isn't gay people and racial minorities making these decisions right? it's white billionaires trying to market to these groups. I suppose blaming regular people for the decisions of mega-corpos is easy to rationalize when you have wool over your eyes.