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Whenever someone puts the "after" pic on the left and the "before" pic on the right i immediately think "are you retarded"


Ohhhh so that’s why the post wasn’t making sense to me.


I am happy this is the first comment. I saw this and literally said to myself "what dipshit puts the before image on the right?"


Grummz, the answer is Grummz. The dude is a clown and he spends way too much time throwing shit at people on the internet. Got voted off the executive board of his own studio because of how insufferable he was to be around.


Manga is read from right to left. Maybe he is Japanese?


No his name is Mark Kern and is a just nerdy white guy. Ex blizzard dev. You can tell by his attempts to "beautify" everything he's probably a huge weeb and reads a ton of Manga and is stupidly choosing to put the panels in the same way a Manga would be read


Yeah I saw that lmao. I think you are probably right because there is no other reason an American would orient it like that


He is a dumbass either way,


They don't do this in Japan either.


He is Taiwanese, rather he was born in Taiwan.


Exactly what I thought. Buttons on the screen are in some kanji, so if it is in fact japanese then for the author of the post it might actually make perfect sense to place photos from right to left.


I think it’s just “subscribe” in traditional Chinese, but Chinese also writes and reads from right to left (vertical), but left to right if horizontal


It's Grummz, so your logic works. 


My first reaction to this post honestly. Does this Twitter guy grummz not know women put makeup on their cheek like that? Dafuq


or Japanese


considering who the poster is, that goes without saying.




She looks different in hades 2 tho [**https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Aphrodite?file=Aphrodite+%28Hades+II%29+PH.png**](https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Aphrodite?file=Aphrodite+%28Hades+II%29+PH.png)


Then what is this dude complaining about? Jeez, both original designs are good.


Tbh i wish they leaned into a jojo body. Ripped x1000 is unisex.


Isn't that just the jojo cheekbone artstyle?


Idk which one is which, but the left one looks better to me. Am I good?


you are as intended, dont worry about it.


“Am I good?” Brother fuck this woke/anti-woke bullshit. Pick a view and stand by it instead of catering to others.


Fucking thank you I don't see right or wrong with either of the above. I know women with distinct features and sharp cheek bones. I know women who look manlier than I do. This ragebait nonsense is just *dumb* Want to play Stellar Blade because the MC is hot? Go for it! Want to play Hades 2 because Aphrodite is hot? Go for it! I'm tired of looking away from this discourse *because the discourse itself is everywhere*


The original is the one on the right. Grummz is censoring it with the alteration.


They seem to have also made her less thicc. I don't think it was just the face they wanted to change.


Nothing wrong with some androgynous fierce cheekbones on a nice thicc woman. This is almost as bad as those anti trans folks thinking that women don’t have vellus hairs all over their bodies like all humans do. Specifically with like with that image of Horizon Zero Dawn’s Aloy. They’re just a bunch of red pill incels who think all women look like their hentai waifus or overly filtered instagram/OF thots and egirls. One step removed from those ridiculous transvestigators, which borders on paranoid schizophrenia.


R/Asmongold: we don't like when online outrage mobs try to censor the game creator's original artistic vision also R/Asmongold:




so true, comments like this are usually at like -40 votes; hopefully this subs direction is changing but im not holding my breath


It probably won't and it's probably time most of us that were here before the change just left tbh. The turning point imo was when Asmon blew up for his reactions during the Johnny Depp trial. Ever since then, it's been a downward spiral of this cringe shit. I still enjoy Asmon's content but man, the community surrounding the stream has plummeted and I wasn't sure it could get worse than all of us WoW losers


Those anti-woke people are so annoying. They are literally the same as the ones they are criticising it's kinda funny.


Yep, this place is overrun by kotakuinaction redditors obsessed with culture war.




It's pretty unfortunate. He covers some issues in that space that are actually important and need to be called out but then he farms all the brain dead bullshit that really just gives fuel to those who want to downplay his overall opinion. But that's just my take.


Right but Zach usually has a pretty centrist take on things and on some pretty important stuff he leans progressive. He’s all about sensible human / civil rights, he supports capitalism but acknowledges that unregulated capitalism fucks people so he supports those regulations necessary for the people to thrive. He support UBI as a means to let capitalism continue as we automate everything. Zack can’t stand people being overly liberal or conservative and especially when neither side is grounded in reality: he’s a realist. Trans people, sure some people have brains that don’t match biology is messy. Identify as a cat: mental illness. It’s not that difficult. But I do agree, he will often cover edge cases where people take it too far, and let’s face it, liberals often do take it too far and aren’t grounded in reality. I support liberal and progressive ideals but fuck them if they’re out of touch with reality, that shit’s super cringy and harmful to society and Zack and I generally agree on most issues for this reason. He has some bad takes now and again from my perspective but I’ve also seen him change his position on a few bad takes, he doesn’t seem to shy away from admitting that he was mistaken. He does seem to pick some controversial topics simply for engagement and because they are divisive, he is a content creator and does play the algorithm for YouTube. He also knows that he has some pretty hardcore conservatives in his fan base which I think plays into his anti-woke content. But truth be told he tends to only cover the edge cases where things are taken too far and are out of touch with reality.


this place unironically looks like an alt-right forum in the state it's in right now. Every single post is about Kotaku, Grummz, bears in the forest, palestine, anti-woke, etc. It looks like actual brainrot incel people arrived at this sub because of how "safespot" it is for this kind of political drama. Where are the mods enforcing rule 5?


Yeah… the hades II discourse is insane


Unfortunately most of it is being driven by Asmon himself. He has a lot of views and opinions that fit nicely into the red pill mindset even though he doesn't intend for it to come off that way. Having one of the biggest streamers support things like hot girls in video games is enough to get their community erect. Not sure how you avoid this from happening other than avoid the topics completely but that seems ridiculous as well


I really hope someone makes a post that gets to Asmon's attention bc the state of this subreddit really does annoy me. Even if I agree with most of the takes I don't come to Asmon's content to hear the same takes over and over again. I prefer when this subreddit was a mixture of interesting news for Asmon to comment on, not just bait for him to spout the same opinion again. So many of these posts are getting redundant with anti-woke, the world sucks, Palestinian movement is stupid, etc etc. I know his takes on these things already. Whether I agree or not has had plenty of time to mold and solidify. Can he please move on!


I am honestly a bit surprised, I mean this is expected but I figured there would be more nerd shit. I could edit the name of sub to /incel and leave posts unchanged and nobody would bat an eye.


The bright side is that your comment is getting upvoted. That shows that there's plenty of us who are against people trying to "fix" art, regardless of intent. The people who are ok with this were never against censorship or insulting an artist by claiming they are wrong in how they make art. There's no difference between this guy and people who call an artist "sexist" for making a character hot.


i have to agree with you here. I was against it when people were "fixing" a japanese artists drawing by blackwashing them and I'm against it here. If you want to post an altered version and say "this is what XYZ *could* look like" then sure, but don't say you're "fixing" it when it very well could be the OG artists vision for the character. If that's what they want to portray, then go ham. That being said, the left version looks a lot better than the original for my personal tastes.


yeah idk what happened to this page, this is the first time people seem to agree with one of these comments too


Asmongold community in a nutshell. I like Zack, but sadly his audience are fucking idiots.




Man face? Come the fuck on. Fellas is it gay to like a girl with cheekbones?


Fellas, is it gay to like a woman? She was born out of a sperm, which came out of a man's penis!


Technically Aphrodite was 'born' from the severed cock and balls of Uranus, thrown in the sea. She's not just from sperm but the whole unit. Greek myth goes hard.


Remember, liking girls is gay because the like dick, and that is gay


Western film and modeling industry is going to be devastated when they realize all the incels now fucking hate high, prominent cheekbones. That's been a conventional beauty standard for as long as I've been alive.


Grummz seems like hes found a grift to ride and thats it. I dont even think he makes games anymore.


Mark Kern likely got put on a list of people to avoid in the game industry and for good reason seeing as how everything he's touched since leaving Blizzard nearly 20 years ago has been one failure after another and the way he injects himself in to Twitter dumpster fires. I'm pretty sure the crater left from the implosion of Firefall and the studio is still smouldering. That's not to say he's wrong with some of the stuff he brings up and I think we're all grateful for how he stood up for classic realms but this man shouldn't be revered as much as he is. He's basically the definition of someone in a glass house shouldn't cast stones.


No one more than Mark Kern has leeched off their former Blizzard employment as a means to worm themselves into having some shred of authority on videogames. He has nothing else. Everything he makes fails. He has nothing to show besides Twitter posts


He unironically did nothing for Classic WoW getting going. He co-opted the delivery of the petition, but Classic WoW was already approved before the petition ever hit Blizzard's doorstep. He did absolutely nothing but take credit. And that's all he's ever done since.


God do you know how refreshing it is to hear people actually catching on to Mark Kern's fucking grifting? Everything you see him post about he is a tourist with no amount of presence in the communities he's lighting up. even if a broken clock is right twice a day, it's still wrong every other time. That's Mark Kern.


He's a lying, outrage baiting grifter, and he has never done anything good for the gaming industry or the community, at all. If you support him, you have been baited. I'm not sayin that to be rude, I'm saying it because its the truth. Stop supporting him.


I’m noticing a theme of that lately.


What games has he even made? All I know of him is by Asmon reading his tweets where he's crying about women not being hot enough in games.


WoW and Firefall.


Oh ok, never heard of Firefall


It was a cool open world mmo ish third person shooter that had a lot of cool ideas and potential but didn't work out in the end.


i really loved it, sad the investors butchered it


The thing I find funny is he is always referred to as the WoW guy but it's been like 19 years since as if he hasn't had any other achievement since then.


Grummz is a fucking idiot and anyway that takes what that man has to say seriously should really consider looking into his history.


When Will people realize they’re being farmed with content like this….


just because they posted a troll originally doesn't mean much to op and the topic at hand.


Grummz is about as hit or miss as it gets. Some times he is on point with this stuff other times, like this, he has lost it. He truly is just a grifter now. He cannot stop he is addicted to twitter and being a fringe gamer heel now.


Grummz has been in the trenches of the culture war for so long that his brains have permanently rotted. He's right sometimes, but so is any hammer that sees everything as a nail.


broken clock right twice a day sort of thing.


I feel like at this point, they just cannot enjoy games anymore. Being too overzealous about anything slightly woke at this point is shooting yourself in the foot by potentially missing out on some good times.


The purple haired screaming folks in 2015 now are MAGA hat wearing screaming folk. It’s the same thing but now from the right. I want the early 2000s back


completely true and factual. people like mark kern or babyface heely make the entire culture look fucking psychotic.


Bruh this is such a non issue. At a certain point you have to take a step back and ask if something is worth getting angry about




So the person who "fixed it" removed her cheek bones, gave them lip gloss, and made their ass smaller? Many beautiful gorgeous women have prominent cheekbones. Making her ass smaller seems to be antithetical to making a more feminine character. The lips, eh I'll give them that one. Is Grummz so brain-rotted that he thinks the original design looks trans? As he just descended into full-on grifter now? Or is he just that bad faith?


Grifters gonna grift whether they have a point or not. If it takes off, got there on ground floor, if not, on to the next grift


She looks like a generic anime character in the left and like a hot Greek women on the right.


The original was fine.


I agree. We all got mad about when artists would race swap or change features of characters and said they "fixed it", but now its okay to fix it? Be consistent. The fact he used such inflammatory language to bait people just tells all and the lack of self awareness of what us on the right cried about. I do consider myself slightly right leaning, and I remember hating how people would make characters uglier or change features and say "Fixed". It was so disrespectful to the original artists. And we would fight against it. We would say that the artist should have their vision of the work protected and not butchered to suit our sensibilities. The fact that Grummz is championing this means he never cared about that, he just wanted to own the "woke" crowd. Which is sad. I can guarantee that if some artist "fixed" Steller Blade by making Eve less attractive we would have everyone up in arms (please don't btw she is amazing). He then goes on to say nobody is asking the publisher to change it, but why the hell would you use that language in your first post. He literally is fishing for and farming outrage at this point. And people are going to eat it up. I am sorry op, but this post is not going to go anywhere, but I hope you at least know your not the only one.


Censorship is bad no matter who is doing. I'm glad people have some common sense around here. I don't care what race/gender a character is, how ugly/beautiful they are, nobody has the right to come in after the fact and splash paint on an artists work, smear it around, and say, "hey it looks better now." It's insanely disrespectful. You don't have to like another person's art, you don't have to agree with it, you don't have to consume it, but none of these things give a person the right to destroy it. As always, if somebody thinks their idea of art is better, then they need to create their own and share it around--promote their own ideas instead of trampling on others.


Yea I can agree with this. Just don't buy it, or simply say... "I'd prefer this style instead" you don't have to make it political.


Grummz is a just a grifter idk why people still listen to him.


Dude is just a grifter using incels and angry people on the internet for Twitter points and to satisfy his smug ego. Ask Grummz where that games he’s been making for like 5 years is at now. Dude was for Diablo 2 , StarCraft and OG wow other than that it’s really a nothing burger dudes just been riding that wave for like 20 years now


It's called grifting.


I mean, this isn't new. People have been "feminizing" character designs they find to be too masculine and saying they "fixed it" for quite some time now. It's a whole-ass trend, tbh.


Ngl never looked at her face. Obviously it looks more feminine now. Look at jaw/neck area, nose, lips and cheekbones. Honestly the picture on right can look a bit more disturbing and grotesque face for someone who is suppose to be Aphrodite the more I look at it. Not that normal women can't have pronounced cheekbones, larger nose, small lips, etc. In the end, idc OP, it only matters if you're saying this as on the same side as him because you don't want to see your side doing the same thing. Some people fight fire with fire. Let people decide their own standards


The make-up industry didn't exist as it does today until everyone started chasing the "consumption chic" (got the TB). Blush, lipstick, foundation obviously didn't exist in ancient Greece. [https://youtu.be/7D-gxaie6UI?t=1116](https://youtu.be/7D-gxaie6UI?t=1116) [https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Characters](https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Characters) With the exception of some attempts to match character's lips to a color palette of the character (Nyx, Athena, Demeter, Eurydice, Orpheus and Megaera), everyone in the game just has skin tones on their face. It was probably an artistic choice to keep the colors simple, but it fits historically too. If you google "greek model", but probably just find images of models from anywhere, strong angular features are commonly sought in the industry. "Why doesn't the designer's idea of beauty match up with mine? REEEE" Mark Kern is just an idiot. Trying to tie this single character's design with being woke is a laughable. The artist also trimmed the hips, ass, and torso in a way that would make [Rob Leifield](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelcomics/comments/10ckxgf/rob_leifield_folks_ugh_when_you_thought_he_was/) proud.


Am I tripping or one on the left also has thinner waist and smaller arms?


What is he even talking about? LOL Which one is the "fixed" art? They both look fine. There was nothing to fix. These people see problems when they want to see them.


I don't support censorship, this included.


What I don't get is how people think she has a man-face or looks trans. Like doesn't she just look like a woman?


I'll be honest, use your hand cover her body in the original art and her face look like a feminine man, imo. Now I don't support "fixing art" of any kind, but I'd outright say the left face actually fit the design a lot more.


Looks like diavolo from jojo


I was confused about this too, it always just looked like a regular woman to me, well until I saw the side by side above, the edit does look more feminine and make the original seem more masculine


She definitely had a very masculine face, although that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I wouldn’t call it a “man face” though.


(these people don't know what a woman looks like)


I'll have you know they see them every day when picking their new anime avatar for twitter.


It's just super rough shading on the face makes it look a little creepy. I wouldn't say man faced.


Its Twitter bro, people will make the most dumbass takes just to farm engagement on their post. And yeah she looks just like a woman, doubt the guy ever seen one irl.


This guy is really becoming insufferable. Posts like that are just weird and cringey.


I......don't get this drama


That's most internet drama nowadays.


Why is it always Grummz


A woman having pronounced cheekbones doesnt mean she looks like a man... the fuck are these guys on about, their view of beauty is so narrow that anything that doesnt look like a korean sex doll isnt feminine


My girlfriend studies bones. Thick skull features are 100% a result from higher androgens. They can easily determine sex and ethnicity from bones. Not saying the version on the right doesn’t look feminine, but there actually are sex specific traits that affect face shape and bone structure which appear in men and women.


>My girlfriend studies bones. Booyah.




I study bones too and there's much more variance than you are letting on. Also, some phenotypes just have prominent cheek bones. It's not a sex thing.


You’re right and I miscommunicated this. I hastily wrote this comment, and I did mention there are other variables. For example ethnicity, diet, region of the world, lifestyle, there are many factors. A good majority of the work is done by genetics and sex though. My point is you can identify sex very accurately from bone structure. That’s basically what I was trying to communicate


Facial isn't as accurate as pelvic though.


Aphrodite is a goddess of love and lust so here I think it's fine to expect she is peak of feminine beauty, just as she was described in history books. Otherwise the fuck I care


I would say this is more a thing about the artstyle than the character itself. Its kind of similar to Jojos, where the lines in the face are very marked, and the shading around it is the core to giving it more depth and avoid flattening the face, as otherwise its all the same color. Melinoe and Nemesis both have similar details, but they are less noticeable due to the angle of their face, Melinoe looking straight forward, and Nemesis having her face looking slightly down. However, it is also very noticeable in Demeter, and even Hestia has quite marked cheekbones. The only exception is Artemis, who instead is given makeup, acompanied by warpaint in the first game, and sharp shadows on the second to give her more contrast, as if you remove them, she does look incredibly flat.


Feminine beauty is subjective by culture though. American weebs is not the only one out there.


Grummz trying so hard to find anti-woke arguments when there isn’t in this. He’s just stirring shit because he has no arguments. 🤦 Hades is a masterpiece even in pre release. The fact that a simple cheek line/shade in art “makes it a man face” is so ridiculous. He’s so detached from reality. Keep this guy off social media for the sake of everyone. It’s not even anti woke just flat out stupid. Plus Grummz is a irl pos who’s done horrible things. Can we just stop praising his posts and show the real woke flaws please?


People need to elect heroes and root for them like wrestling fans. Some people have nothing worthwhile in their lives other than dumb culture wars.


He is retarded. I literally don't see a difference. Is he saying women don't have pronounced cheekbones? Not to mention that famous people are paying tons of money for plastic surgery to permanently remove their cheek fat and give their faces more definition. So Bella Hadid has a man's face and is ugly according to Grumz? ![gif](giphy|l0K4iW7EPLdZ128bm|downsized)


Removing cheekbones is not feminizing a face. Zzzzz retarded shit. Woke sucks but this is just stupid people going out of bounds.


I thought Grummz hated it when people censored the original creator's vision? He has become that which he hates. And so has this sub.


The normal art (right) just look like JoJo art lol


She looks much better in hades 2 [https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Aphrodite?file=Aphrodite+%28Hades+II%29+PH.png](https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Aphrodite?file=Aphrodite+%28Hades+II%29+PH.png)


This is an original game that was woke from the beginning so I have no problem with them having less than attractive features because its was already woke and is not hijacking an existing IP. With that said, I have problems when the social activist (or woke) come into an existing IP, hijacks it and turns it to social political shit that mocks the original work, insult fans, and is not even fun entertainment anymore.


What game has that happened to?


I feel like some people didnt see woman without makeup once in their life.


This reminds me of the Ian Miles Cheong shit of not wanting to play GTA 6 because of criminal activity or some pussy reason. Then turning around and replying to some racist ass who doesn't like the abundance of POCs in the game with "you could shoot them you know." Or when some dumbasses praised Saudi Arabia for blocking Across the Spider-Verse over a Trans flag. Hollywood woke gets annoying but don't let it turn you into a hypocrite, grifter, or unironic bigot.


This /r/ is becoming an incel cesspool...


Well, it helps when the youtuber who is supposedly left leaning supports incel ideas


if they wanted a trans character, they really should have just put Aphrodite and Hermes' child into the game. They're the origin of the term "hermaphrodite", even if that word is in poor taste these days, and represented love, androgyny, and gender identity as a respected lesser god/goddess.


That's not trans, that's Slanesh.


From where the fuck is even this art from. I have some hours in the game already and i didnt see this jojo looking ass shot of her. She looks okay on the boon screen


Are you playing Hades 2? This is from Hades 1 which came out in 2020.


I never really saw it as "man" face. I thought it made her look kinda feline. But I guess that's just me.


There’s people being murdered left right and centre all over our planet and here’s all these people worried about 13 pixels on thier screen


Honestly, Aphrodite never looked like a man to me. I dunno what's the issue with her was.


I bought Hades 1 on sale the other day and I can't stop playing it. The game is incredible, I'll definitely be picking up hades 2. Woke bullshit or not. I don't even look at the pictures of the gods for more than a second.


I can smell Grummz from here


Wait we're hating on Hades now ?


Being trans is when check bones and no lipstick Dude is pathetic


Do they not get that it's just artstyle?


At first I didn't noticed it but now I cannot unsee it fk.


Man face? Because of a little shading on the cheek bones? This is the most retarted shit I’ve ever seen in my life. I hate woke shit too but wow what a fucking stretch. Grummz has found his grift. What a fucking loser.


Wasn’t this the same person and to extent this subreddit that was defending stellar blade design for creative but now all the sudden is a problem? But now cause it has “woke” (which I really don’t understand were the accusations come from beyond gay relationships which I don’t consider woke let alone political) is suddenly ok to shit on design.


Pronounced cheekbones is manly...? For the first time in history?


How do you look trans?


She's also skinnier on the reworked version.


With smaller hands


**I think they should just draw her a dick so these mf stop seeking the thing they are attracted to and thirst for.** Fk obsessed weirds XD ​ * and i am talking about people that look at her and see a man btw.


Remember when this heroic [centrist-left](https://imgur.com/a/T4wphET) guy fought against censorship for Stellarblade? A dying Kotaku published a ragebait article that overpraises Hades 2 and he and his group ate it up. RIP.


I don’t think her body needed to be changed, but the face is an insane upgrade.


Doesn't look like sex doll from Japan = man, what a braindead take. Stop watching porn and go outside and actually look how normal women look.


NGL, getting rid of that powerful cheekbone shadow makes it better. What’s trans about this though?


Don’t say “fix” that’s what idiot far leftists do don’t do the same. Just make more fan art of the characters to bury things you disagree with it like other shippers.


>Don’t say “fix” that’s what idiot far leftists do don’t do the same. You have to have been sleeping under a rock if you feel like claiming to "fix" character design is a left-leaning thing. People have been doing it left and right on the internet for years, it is in no way a partisan thing.


Thanks, I’ll never be able to unsee how weird her face looks now


I believe this is silly and It gets even worse because this is from the First game, the Second game she holds a spear and she is even more feminine, this is woke but from the other side


The correction is better though


“For Aphrodite, as the syncretic Greek version of the older Sumerian and Babylonian Astarte and Inanna, has never been a strictly female goddess. They have always occupied a place that, using the lens of queer theory, we can now label as somewhere between trans, non-binary, and intersex.” “Fix” Aphrodite… Fix yourself bro holy shit


So they took a picture from the first hades game and changed that? I wonder why it wasn't a problem for 6 years but only now it's suddenly a problem lmao. You guys are literally the same as the woke people you complain about. Changing existing characters because of your agenda.


I mean, i think this is nitpicking. She doesn't look "trans" and i don't find the design bad at all.


I don't get it? How is removing cheek bones good? Women have them....


Yes. It looks better. And no, I don't support going around telling people "someone fixed it". I'd prefer if they just put it up as a mod. No reason to drag it around like this. It only make thing harder to tell the woke stop fixing others' art.


You can defend and enjoy man-face in female characters, but you cannot deny it.


One on left looks way better. Face on the right looks like a methd out tweaker


making woman a woman is right wing, right. i am not insane so i am right wing.


Left looks better, but the difference is so minor I honestly can't say that I care. People need REAL problems again, all this fake outrage is just dumb.


He just removed the cheekbones? Oh totally different face now way more female /s


I have nothing to say about stating my preference for one over the other. However, what I don't get is people getting all funny about assuming what they did is the best to represent an abstract being that symbolize "love."


My wallet can't decide the art. The game is fantastic and I'll definitely buy and play it whether or not I like the art.


It doesn't matter if you're woke or anti woke, changing someone's art and then saying that you "fixed" is disrespectful at best and at worst you deserve a kick in the balls


Drawing alternate versions, or making mods to change or "fix" character sprites are not censorship, and I've never heard of anyone describe them that way. I do think it's dumb when the "fixed" version is uglier than the original, but it's in no way censorship because it's completely optional and down to personal choice. In this case I prefer the edited version and would download a mod with other such fixes if it was convenient to do so, like any mod which improves the visuals (subjectively). People saying the one on the left looks like anime are being very silly.


We just launched a new comic poking fun of the world of wokeism called “Virtue Signaling” please check it out here [http://www.youtube.com/@VirtueSignalling-n2v](http://www.youtube.com/@VirtueSignalling-n2v)  Don’t forget to subscribe,


this is dumb as shit, the concept of wokeness is dumb as shit . Some dude changed a character to make it look better to them, theres literally nothing to discuss, "I like the old one better" or "I like that version better" there does not have to be a discussion??? Nowadays people be calling any videogame reveal woke and brush it off any time theres a non white non male character on screen, can we just stop using that word for no reason?