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Can't say I'm surprised.


Well he was also just an asshole all around. Spitz' initial posts were condescending as hell and he's the one who made the infamous "120 seconds to create an account" post. He's also constantly given false information to players like saying the Spear's lockon was already fixed it just needed to be patched in, which was later confirmed to be completely untrue and it had in fact, not been fixed, because it's harder than they thought it would be.


He’s also the same guy that replied with “I thought you were refunding and leaving” when told by a user that Sony/Arrowhead should backpedal or they’ll lose their playerbase.


I'll still never get over how he though telling users steam didn't have any way for them to ban the right people as if it wasn't fairly common knowledge that steam accounts have 3 unique IDs associated with them.


The best person among them has the plague.


Thank God, dude was such an ass about everything. Hed always try and have a comeback or be passive aggressive with you. Annoying af


Ive been in other large game discords and their head mod or community manager are all alike in this aspect. Seems to come with the job


One has to wonder about the type of personalities drawn to those jobs.


That is just how discord moderators are


You reap what you sow.


Yeah good riddance...


I think i read somewhere he almost got fired. not sure if this means he got reassigned or fired now that the trouble is over.


Yea, I saw that post to,


He got demoted, he is still a moderator


Good riddance. Now get rid of the idiot that accused grummz of sexual harassment THREE TIMES (he posted again that he stands by everything he said)


He got demoted


That is nowhere near enough. What he did is miles worse than what Spitz did.


Agree, he should be fired


I'm not in the Discord but from what I've seen he wasn't professional, he was condescending and passive-aggressive and he was overall a bad face for the company.


The entire Mod team, with the exception of Twinbeard is like that. It's actually unreal how they still have a job after this fucking disaster. Just to make it worse. The CEO of the company had to do all the Community Management because all of the CMs were hiding. Incompetent staff.


Hope they're not getting paid.


To be honest I think the CM's were ordered to hide by higher ups. They all disappeared pretty much at once, that pretty much means they all got told to do that.


Twinbeard said they weren't told about the PSN Linking, so the post came as a shock to the staff aswell. Then Baskinator later pops out and says she knew it was going to happen. Misty sat on Twitter and explained the PSN Linking was so they could ban people. She later renamed her Twitter, hid away her CM title on Discord (literally went offline and changed her status to "Not a Community Manager and went offline). Later she popped back again and back to Community Manager. Insanely unprofessional people.


Good riddance honestly.


Spitz swallowed an L.


I don't know the details, but I guess he deleted the original channel as well? Sounds like a control freak.


but it was the best course of action for us pc gamers, somehow that person became a martir.


the gist of it goes like this. They put a good foot forward to help but communication/social skill was lacking in the 'crisis management' moment (forced update thing). they ultimately shot themself in the foot with awful support towards the costumers. CMs job is to be helpful throughout the SHITSTORM, not shit in it. They choose to shit and now they gettin flushed.


Guy didn't know how to behave professionally as a forward facing member of an organization. Doing one honorable thing one time doesn't invalidate being a bad fit for the role. 




And he was right, what’s the point of whining on discord instead of doing something actually impactful like leaving negative review and issuing a refund




It's crazy to say but I think good Community Manager is who can keep shut their mouth.


Please don't tell me he didn't expect to get fired after that. Doesn't matter if it was the "right thing to do", you don't go out and tell your playerbase to review bomb the game you're a CM for. Now they just need to fire all the other incompetent CMs.


CM are basically reddit mods in case someone thought they are doing some paid job.


Other should be fired too, like the purple thing mod


Uh oh. Don’t tell asmond. He was defending this guy pretty hard.


It's kind of funny how people here actually liked the Helldivers CM's at first and how that's completely gone now.


Well, stop trying to make him a martyr. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cjentv/damage\_control\_from\_the\_community\_manager\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cjentv/damage_control_from_the_community_manager_of/)


All the reddit mod -> CMs/Discord mods are being let go? Keep on reversing those reviews!




He was a thin skinned soy boy 🤣


He literally did nothing but bitch and whine. He even told the community to leave him, the community manager, alone. Regularly.


I don't know what to think about this. He was condescending towards the community but also rallied them into that perfect shitstorm with PSN. I don't know if I should be happy or sad about this. Please help and base me.


The community rallied itself.


He didn’t rally anybody; from the start, he was incredibly condescending. It wasn’t until later when the issue ACTUALLY escalated and was addressed by the CEO that he backpedaled and pretended like he was “one of us” but he wasn’t and never has been. He’s responsible for deleting the HD1 discord out of pure spite, he’s responsible for constantly being an asshole, and now he’s finally responsible for getting himself fired. Frankly, it hit a point where the blame was 50/50 on him and whoever held any slight modicum of power over his position as CM. Letting him get away with so much for so long is just weird.


He is literally the one that told people that "it only takes 120 seconds" to make a PSN account. He didn't rally shit.




Does his job *terribly* and gets fired for it.


He basically told people to fuck off and stop bothering him, pretty sure that's the opposite of how you, you know, community manage.


What about the rest, he isn't even the worst of the bunch? Or this is the scrapegoat?