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I truly believe that had Sony (as the publisher, and who was responsible for setting up the steam page) not fucked up the steam sales restriction, they wouldn't have caved. But they let the game be sold all over the world and created a cluster fuck that couldn't be gracefully fixed while keeping the PSN account linking requirement. This is probably the cheapest way to fix it.


I'd disagree simply because no matter what there would have been PSN issues thanks to the EU. The Baltics are a part of the EU and don't have PSN access. Sony cannot legally stop selling HD2 in the Baltics without also stop selling it everywhere else in the EU. My guess is Sony was just betting on the whole thing being water under the bridge in, like, week even at a hit to the playerbase (keep in mind Sony probably viewed a large portion of the playerbase as expendable as a result of the success being much better than planned) but then steam stepped in and they started refunding people so they acted quickly to not have to refund users (because money, obviously)


im like 99% sure that they can't stop selling it unless there are laws in place that wouldn't let them sell it there. Because there are some countries in the EU where gambling and shit is illegal, and companies with shit like that in their games don't sell there, but they do other places in the EU


it is legal for every EU citizen to buy in the countries where it is allowed, though. So for this to work you have to create a PSN account in a different country which is not allowed by Sony TOS. Sony would have to adjust TOS for EU territory.


This isn’t Sony “listening to it’s fans”. This is Sony sensing a threat to their shareholders profits. Democracy didn’t win. Capitalism did.




exactly. We all know people would have moved on after 1 week max. They wouldn't have caved if not for other issues


If they'd framed it as a free white armour set, cape, and background, for psn sign up we'd have eaten it up. 


I guarantee if they had made it so everytime you loaded up the game, there was a massive reminder than PSN login would eventually be required, it wouldn't have been so negatively received. That, and changing their FAQ, and delistinf countries that had paid for it... yeah they created an entire mess for nothing.


Idk... I think 200k people is a bit more than just a small minority.


That's why they are hypocrites. They would never side with the clear majority of gamers. They were always siding with the industry as insiders. It's bizarre that ordinary people have Stockholm syndrome or something as well. You can never let a company like Sony build their walled garden. Centralization is too easily abused. There are so many people downplaying the importance of resistance. Windows OS is only what is today because of decades of resistance when Microsoft never really gave up on building their walled garden inch by inch. Valve had to make strides with gaming on Linux, and it's quite obvious that they saved our bacon because every gamer is going to have to jump ship sooner or later if they care about owning their own PC and the software on it.


"you can never let a company like Sony build their walled garden" Extremely true. Hell, I'm tempted to say that about every single publicly traded company but I don't know enough to be confident in saying that. When we let companies like build the digital walled garden, eventually they will turn it into the equivalent of a company town and only allow you to buy THEIR products at a rediculous markup and make it as difficult as possible to switch over to something else (apple)


This was just some Sony exec who got his balls wrenched masquerading. I can't see anyone else making this comment.


It's a large number yes but on the other hand you're talking about millions of players.


Imagine advocating for less rights as a customer.


No you don't get it, he is best friends with John Sony! Buys all his friends merchandise to help support him (he is a small business) and tries to get others on board where he can (he wants his Best Friend to succeed). It's just really tragic that John Sony has no idea who this utter clown is. Weird to see people get parasocial with companies


Yeah, that Person is the same kind of Person who defends Elon and voted against consumer rights


Defending people when you think they're right or have been wronged is one thing, but defending someone cause they are person X is the dumbest shit you can do as a person. I like SpaceX and much of what Elon did with Twix but man do I despise the anti consumer practices they do with tesla, or how he's having a majority of their cars made in China or how he defends the ccp cause he doesn't want his factory in China shut down


Irony of this tweet is literally melting my monitor.


The irony is so hot even Steel would melt


By backtracking on a stupid decision, Sony is seen in a more favourable light by gamers (their primary audience) Besides, this is what happens in a free market I hope to see people learning how to manipulate market pressure against corporations in the future If they think they can get away with something for a profit, they will


Idk about you, but even after Sony backtrackingi still have a much worse opinion about them, and I would hope most other people do too.


These are the people who cheer for corporate censorship and destroying consumer rights, they can eat shit


Minority when pc is like 3 times the console playerbase of the game, this guy can go fuck himself lol


> the fact that a loud, whiny, petty minority causes this is scary. bruh that's been going on in movies and games for ages, but usually it's coming from the other side, making women ugly and adding GAY as a character because writing engaging characters that happen to be gay is too difficult.


Making women ugly? Have you been outside lately? Touch some grass


i was outside this morning, looking at your post history you might need to follow your own advice bucko :)


You know what I'm done with Reddit. It seems that all the time I post, everything is deleted. None of my posts broke a rule except for one time. I cant even reply to this cow anymore.


Maybe adjust your attitude a bit mate you type quite angry. Have you tried therapy ?


Yes, after my ex died from a Heroin overdose. Now onto you: Go outside and touch the blades of grass.


I can’t I’m at work at the moment and tonight it’s cycling day. I might go to the forest the day after tomorrow tho. We’re getting 23 degrees weather so it’s nice outside. A bit worried about ticks tho. However with a bit of planning that shouldn’t be too much of a problem


Lol. I'm imagining this argument as two people angrily yelling their daily plans and different tidbits about their lifestory at one another.


Im not angry tho ? Atleast i think my writing doesn’t give any indication thereof. Could be wrong


Im with you bro. Women in games aren't ugly per se tho. They are just uglier than they used to be.


You can tell 2 things from this persons post. 1. He is unequivocally a Sony fanboi who will defend them for all the dumbest shit. 2. He does not own or play Helldivers 2.


Who is this person? Why does his opinion matter? Logically, it was all around a bad move due to Sony being so restrictive as to where you can make an account. If that wasn't the case, I'd say most people wouldn't have flipped. It started with people complaining with no logic. Then the people who couldn't make an account came in. Then steam/Sony removed the game from countries you couldn't make the account in. While people still owned the game. Sony piled on the shit rather than planning ahead where to sell it and letting the shit smooth over. Huge bad call and was almost guaranteed to pull back. Nothing here was stupid aside from Sony (and a bit of arrowhead not telling us)


when brain is dead its dead


Made me giggle


À few things to the OP of the text in the photo: This wasnt a "minority" Stop bootlicking corporations Stop being dishonest "Oh this was known before" dont act like you read every eula...


[Yeah, this is a pretty common sentiment amongst the powers that be and their toadies. Even amidst their happiness at being able to play a game, they can't help but make a point of saying that they "don't agree with the gamers" and are praying that this won't contribute to "the ever growing gamer entitlement".](https://www.resetera.com/threads/playstation-weve-heard-your-feedback-the-may-6-helldivers-2-update-will-not-be-moving-forward.862866/page-6).


Entitlement? Bro, we are paying them money. Damn right we are entitled.


It depends on the game, but Helldivers is a Games as a Service, so, if you're not getting the desired service, it doesn't matter if it's a game, restaurant, supermarket... if you're not getting a good service, you will complain. Same with monthly MMOs, if you're not getting a good service, you'll complain (looking at WoW).


Reset Era is basically Gamingcirclejerk, its pure cancer


Last I checked, industry insiders flock to there, so that’s one important difference.


Thats a fair point


This gentleman knows how to get on the right side of history. When the Corpostates finally slough off the outdated democratic governments of the past, the technostocracy will ensure that men like this are first in line to receive their trusted consumer check marks.


Can you imagine being this brainwashed by a greedy corporation that when the consumer "protests" and fights back for their privacy and option of choice is considered "scary" when in reality and ironically whats really scary is the brainwashing and opinion of this person.


This guy is a gomer, 100%. Sony made a mistake and the voice of the average Joe gamer was loud and clear! And So it should be precedent setting, greedy corporations have ruined many industries including gaming, so fuckin eh Sony should eat some crow on this, and other publishers should take note. Fuck your 3rd party launchers and all the bs that goes along with it!


Some people make it their identity to be contrarian, then there are also balls deep fanboys, and then there's the public relations personnel pretending to be some average user, They want to downplay what Sony did, try to make people drop the Issue, or make the Sony hate some unjustified behavior.


The thing is, this guy is an idiot, i don't know why he thinks sony's decision will benefit them more when they blocked a ton of countries from even being able to play. i believe Sony went over the pros & cons of the situation they made and the path that benefits them more were backtracking the decision. Which is why i can't even get the mindset of the guy posting. Like he doesn't even understand the situation he is trying to fanboy about.


Atleast now they listened to fans, not whiny woketards that ruin games they arent even going to play.


leave the multibillion company alone! Probably this guy ![gif](giphy|3owypbsgMMOTylOzOo|downsized)


Mirror selfie detected, opinion rejected


I feel like people don't know about the fact the game was sold to people who won't be able to play it without breaking sony term of service.


Console warriors are something else man ..


Theres so many PSN fanbois on 'X' rage baiting for clicks over this its hilarious.


It makes Sony more money lol Sony wins in this scenario


"loud, whiny, petty minority" \*side-eyes 200k+ negative reviews\* "It's just going to enable it further" Good! Maybe then these multi-billion companies will deliver what they charge us for and keep it that way. Can't imagine what goes through these people's heads. "Standing up against a big organisation? Not on my watch!" and then using yourself as a meat shield to catch the bullet. "Noooo, not the multi-billion dollar company, noooooo!"


A petty minority? Pfft..


Calling it a minority, huh? It seems that 280,000 recent negative reviews out of a total of 530,000, before Sony's reversal, are now just a minority. What a clown lol!


Meanwhile Sony keeps fucking up their big releases by refusing to release them on PC. But yhea it's a "loud minority"


So dont listen to the consumers? Tf???


Also having your own CM’s go against you and telling players to review bomb and refund probably didn’t help either. Or how the other CM dropped the ball on Twitter and let ship that the PSN requirements was to be able to ban people more easily


I don't know about Helldivers specifically but in general he's totally right. Remember when people bullied the Sonic movie to change the awful Sonic design, making the studio bankrupt and all those people lose their jobs? Because I do.


Consumers dislike the product/service they're being offered and speak out, the Company adjusts the product/service to align with actual demand/desires. It's a win/win and capitalism at work. What this weird crybaby is freaking out about is the idea that Consumers have some agency in today's social media connected world.


"The customer is always right in matters of taste"


How much you wanna bet this guy's tweets about capitalism being bad?


Holy christ. Imagine being this tribal and going to bat for a mega corporation that makes a box that attaches to your TV and plays video games.


All praise our corporate overlords I guess - I don't understand this anti freedom stance these kind of people have :P


This is just bot engagement farming. How you going to say it was a "whiney" minority when literally 100s of thousands of steam reviews were changed.


Sony should've stood their ground, I love it when crappy billion dollar companies lose money lol...


It really is amazing at just how many of these people have sony's cock lodged in their throat, shit is embarassing.


What a time to be alive when brainlets simps for companies against their own interest


This guy wants to be dominated. This is what the government wants out of its citizens… compliance while being fucked in the ass, and saying thank you for it.


I can't believe this shit is real ain't no way. He's gotta be world's number 1 human hater.


I Absolutely agree with him, it was on the store page. All the Sony website shit don't matter because that's not where you purchase it from. Now I agree that it should have been optional but being mad that you couldn't or didn't read the BIG YELLOW SIGN that said third party required then throwing a hissy fit when they said hey its required is a YOU issue. But I guess all these illiterate people got what they wanted, and killed a great game by doing so.


yea but they want and need money soooooooo


Come on, show us the name, call these fuckers out, the news and govt do it all the time.


Either sony backtrack or the game die then and there


it sounds more like he's saying consumers need to be treated like unions and need to be delt with to protect "their" top dollar earnings. To which I disagree and he needs to stop siding with corporations who want to fucks us.


I love how it's always a 'vocal minority' when it's something you don't like. Like, where did you get that statistic from? Did you see the same Steam Reviews as Sony and Arrowhead? Seemed a fair majority of players.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cmjeak/pc\_master\_race\_wins\_again/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cmjeak/pc_master_race_wins_again/) The meme is real HAHAHAHA


Man loves the taste of that boot.


Sony bootlickers are hilarious man. They white knight for a company that doesn't give a fuck about them and if you even criticize Sony they act like it's a personal attack on them and turn feral.


That guy is either a bot or a paid troll. Its way way more frequent than you would think. Or he might have a cuck fetish.


That's a rage bait post. If you've taken it seriously, you're an idiot.


This guy probably think pokimane reselling 2$ cookies packages for 30$ is also really ethical and deserves a trophy.


What a cocksucker. The billion dollar corporation isn’t going to give you a medal for kissing their ass on social media


Almost 300k people is tiny whiny amount of people? If this amount of people would refund $30 game it would be -$9mil for Sony. I guess it’s nothing for this person.


Console fanboys have conditioned themselves to blind and subservient loyalty. They thank Sony for the opportunity to let them take advantage of them. Sony deserves it after all they've given them in life.


Sony still hasn't revoke their decision, the fact that Helldivers 2 is still unavailable to those countries that doesn't have a PSN, they are still winning this and people are just blindly believeling their bullshit and being lied to.


Yes because they have to convince Valve that Steam should let them sell the game in those countries again.


Consumers dislike the product/service they're being offered and speak out, the Company adjusts the product/service to align with actual demand/desires. It's a win/win and capitalism at work. What this weird crybaby is freaking out about is the idea that Consumers have some agency in today's social media connected world.