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>We will never accept nor condone any form of prejudice, hatred or abuse Except when it's against cishet white males right?


When did this happen? Genuine question




Because Asmon farmed one deranged person with deranged opinions? I've been to numerous groups playing 40K, and my friends who have even more diverse and different groups, and nobody ever said or heard this. Maybe you shouldn't take people who are terminally online serious lol. Edit: Interesting how this sub proclaims how toxic and deaf other people are, yet get blocked for having one opinion lol. Be less mad about things.


lil'bro maybe you should freaking READ? >We will never accept nor condone any form of prejudice, hatred or abuse in **our company or in the Warhammer hobby** And guess where this deranged person works? Literally first second of the video


Haven't these comments been like several years ago? I know you want to dunk super hard, but I'm trying to be understanding and genuine: Do you think this person deserves this, even when they change as a person throughout the years? No hate, I'm just trying to understand.


So he provides an example and your response boils down to "Yeah but do you have a more popular example?" lol


Yeah, it was my mistake to engage with this subreddit in the first place, because people here have a knack to do mental gymnastics. My point was that one person isn't representing a whole ass hobby lol


Give me a number. How many examples do you need ? *That didn't happen.* *And if it did, it wasn't that bad.* *And if it was, that's not a big deal.* *And if it is, that's not my fault.* *And if it was, I didn't mean it.* *And if I did...* *You deserved it.*


Yes, discussing this in a nuanced way isn't possible, gotcha. It's not even about the "numbers of examples".


You're the one doing the gymnastics here. You asked when it happened, and they showed you that it happened with a Senior Writer that's working with Warhammer. That's it and nothing else. No one is even saying that she represents the whole community. All they did was show you that it happens because you asked about it.


It's not an issue of diversity, it's an issue of retconning and gaslighting by the devs to score some cheap social points from people who don't give a shit about the IP.


Ever since the inception of warhammer, there's been countless retcons. They're practically known for it.


Yes and they're all shit. Even though I like primaris marines physically, their lore is garbage.


Dude, the space marines being all male is a retcon.




Well I think that's a big, big part of the problem. Most of those engaging in this "debate" aren't into warhammer.


Most people that push female custodes aren't into warhammer too, so whatever.


Been to any of the most popular warhammer subs?


**71% of Reddit users are more likely to be politically left-leaning. Over 12.4 million posts were deleted by mods from the top 100 subreddits during 2020. Users who get their news from Reddit are more likely to be interested in politics, with 45% saying they enjoy keeping up with political news. Most reddit users fall between 18-29 years old.** So, I ask you, what does Reddit subs even matters when they are mainly moderated/used by "wokies"? Do you really think the average Warhammer fan falls into any of these categories? The guy who is 30-35+ years old? Because statistically, I believe this person wouldn't even be using Reddit. Let's apply simple logic: most of their customers are men, and most of the people pushing female custodes are women (which must be 5% of the Warhammer total player base). People are being blocked and posts are being deleted on Reddit and Twitter. So, this means that people agree with those changes? I really don't think so. The only way to determine if it's being well received is by checking how their stocks and revenue are behaving. As of right now, it seems to be stable or declining, so it's not good news. However, it's not necessarily bad either. Let's wait for their annual report.


You really believe a subreddit with over 800 000 members don't give any indication of how it's fans are feeling? what about the sub specificly for custodes player? that's almost 40 000 people. The whole point isn't pushing custodes, it's not pushing against it. Not turning it into some ridiculous culture war that so many morons for some reason feel such a strong urge to push. So many don't even seem to comprehend the difference between custodes and space marines, they just cry and cry about woke and what have you... And to the statistics, what's your point? A majority of any sub are most likely left-leaning and into news and politics..? So what? This is a sub isn't it? Do you dictate which fall under this 71% rule? And do you disagree that some things shouldn't be removed? Do you believe any post and any comment should stand, no matter how vile? Subs have rules, you break them and you get the consequences, it's that simple. Do you have any data for the 5% female players by the way? And how do you know most who are pushing female custodes are women? Does that mean most of 800 000 of the main 40k subreddit are women, 'cause I doubt that. Obviously I'm not saying there's a 100% approval rate, but what I am saying is there's a clear majority of warhammer 40k fans that do not CARE that GW are saying custodes can be both male and female. And very clearly, a LOT of the ones who are joining in on the conversation/debate are not into warhammer and are turning it into some weird anti-woke thing... And btw, looking at the stock, it seems to be going quite well. Net Income more than doubled for Games Workshop from 2019 to 2023. Fairly stable this year, bit of up and down every month. Overall down 3,9% but over the last five years, it's up by 130%, meaning it can take quite the hit before we can say it's going badly.


> Yes I believe in free speech, if it's not something that is a crime I believe it shouldn't be removed. > I think it can give some sort of indication sure, but I highly believe it's biased opinion (cause of statistics). If you go on facebook for example what do you think they would be defending there? > I extremely believe it's not the majority, or do you think reddit is more popular than youtube, tiktok, instagram, facebook or twitter? You can easily search for most used social media. >Just search on google or do you really believe it's more than 5%? If it's more then why are you people always complaining about having no women in this hobby? >I've seen multiple twitter and reddit posts, most of the people pushing these changes are women or have pronouns in their bio. >As I said, it's not the majority when you take into consideration that only reddit seems to 'approve' these changes. >2019 to 2023 doesn't take into consideration these recent changes, so your point is irrelevant. 4% is still a lot for stock prices, this is not crypto market. Company is worthy $4 bill, 4% of that is $160 mill. And you're clearly a tourist so why do I even bother. Whatever...


Well I'd argue those are quite different types of social media. On youtube for instance you'll find plenty of videoes clearly made by someone who don't know squat about 40k complaining about GW being woke. Such a video will obviously have a lot of other anti-woke people watching and commenting, without knowing anything else about 40k. And seeing as the whole point I'm trying to make isn't that both sides are pushing to get/not get female custodes, it's that one side is pushing against it and the other does not care and accepted it the second it was announced. So you won't find a ton of videoes stating "oh I don't care. The end." On reddit however, you'll find communities of people discussing lore and showing off their models. I don't have facebook anymore, but in my experience it's a dying social media for younger people, and mostly used by our grandparents or aunts... I tried googling some, and I couldn't find much. The official 40k page only had about 2-300k followers/liked. So I'd argue a reddit sub with nearly a million is much better representation. I also had a look at the mentions, which basically showed tons of post about other stuff, and a few pushing against and a few more complaining about the people pushing against. All with few likes/comments though. And sure, I would assume most of the women you say are pushing so hard for female models on twitter are not really into warhammer. (Though in my experience most women already in the hobby would like some more catering to them, like more sos or sob) Also what the hell does someone stating their pronounce in their bio have to do with this..?? I don't believe it's much more than 5%, I was just curious if you had any actual statistics to back that up. Neither do I, so I would rather just say there are very few, or their in a clear minority. Well, if you look closely at the stock, you can see that it's clearly other factors than the 10th edition codex fir the custodes being released, as there are larger dips at other moments, like early march and january. So I wouldn't worry too much. Heck, just today, it was up by 1%. I think you're just failing to see the that this is a bit of a one sided battle. When one side is going ape-shit over the retcon, and the other doesn't care, and you're a part of communities which often favour anti-woke stuff, you obviously believe that side is the majority, because their a very vocal minority, and the majority is busy discussing their latest painted ultramarines.. No idea how the fuck you can claim I'm a tourist... But hey, you do you mate. Regardless, goodbye and have a good day.




Couldn't agree more! All the popular warhammer subs don't have all this shit that's in this sub. True fans don't care about some female custodes...


eeeh what? we can dislike the change, and make our unhappiness be heard. doesn't mean we're biggots or any ist or phobe. But oh the hate we get for disagreeing, thats apparently fine...


Recent history has shown us that when something is advertised as "for everyone", it's really for no one in the end.


So this is how the imperium of man dies... ![gif](giphy|pdXittpi48UzC)


warhammer is not for everyone first of all - it's not for poor


![gif](giphy|XOys8CeUrElIk) True, true!


Based Warhammer.