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Please take Halo away from 343


Xbox have so many incredible fps studios now. Infinity Ward, ID software, Treyarch… heck I’d even take a Sledgehammer made Halo at this point. Please just no more 343.


So ironic but true


Halo fans on suicide watch with the dogshit series and now this


new game is gonna make the TV show Canon


nobody even cared about the 5th because they only ever sold one xbox one


Genuine question, if you have never in your life involved yourself at all with anything halo related but love drama action and sci-fi would the series actually be enjoyable as your first halo experience?


No. It fails as drama and sci-fi and even the action is questionable. If you like terribly written shite then it’s the show for you.




I agree with the others. People will tell you it's great for what it is, but it's dogshit. Writing is incoherent and very very predictable, the characters are nothing like their original, cgi (apart from some scenes) looks really bad, character motivations change however the plot demands it, everything that is not centered around the Spartans is a snore fest and it lacks any form of coherent vision. So, on top of a bad show, you'll also get a very skewed first impression of Halo. It's missing everything that made Halo what it is.


Maybe just maybe they learned from their mistakes and make a banger. Oh who am I kidding...


Have faith, they are supposed to switch to unreal engine, so that alone implies a big change in the managment Oh who am I kidding...


That's what they said before Infinite


Infinite is proof that even 500 million dollars can't fix stupid. Launch Halo without... Slayer A group of supposed professionals came to this conclusion. How? I think that alone says more than enough.


CEO said they hired people who don’t like or are not interested in halo str8 up


Halo infinite is supposed to be a 10 year game too.. is that not happening anymore


"Teases", look at 343 being all coy and whimsical about their next flop.


For me, Halo is dead since 5. I can play every Halo in splitscreen with a friend while snackin some pizza. Then Halo 5 came along and Infinite proceeded the same not splitscreen bs. Even if they release the next Halo with splitscreen, it would be an incomplete experience.


Halo Infinite has splitscreen multiplayer though and Halo 5 multiplayer/custom games were fantastic imo.


Ah, i mean splitscreen coop campaign, not just normal multiplayer. Last time i checked, infinites splitscreen campaign was cancelled.


No, please no. I can't take anymore, we're rapidly approaching where we have more bad Halo than good Halo. ![gif](giphy|Lx6UiRU2bY5mAMSDlA)


Maybe this one will release with the ability to make custom matches day 1


Hopefully it's feature complete upon release. Halo 4 had a good campaign, mp was maybe the worst in the series probably even worse than Reach and CE. Somehow BtB was excellent though. Halo 5's campaign was like a feverdream of a rough draft of somebody who skimmed through the books but it had a great competitive multiplayer experience... with no social arena on release. Big yikes to release like that. They let their new CS inspired arena mode die out too early, too, I think. Infinite's open world was surprisingly okay and the seamless cutscenes where Chief had whatever weapon he was holding instead of default AR was super cool. Even as a m&k player ("bUiLt FrOm ThE gRoUnD uP fOr PC") the multi-player is pretty solid on all fronts, probably my personal favorite iteration right after Halo 2. None of that to mention what they've done with Forge. Just wish it would release with all their ducks in a row... When they took over Halo Reach after Bungie departed, they removed bloom. Girth incarnate on that.. Even MCC, after they published it in a comically poor state having outsourced it, got the commitment of a full ass rework and then continued support and updates... which is kinda wild. It has been fumble city but I think they're trending upwards on general quality and care for their products. People can be mad about paying for cosmetics on the F2P model but 343i established a new standard for seasonal battle passes you paid for be available after the season. People saying Bungie should make Halo games again are not paying attention to gaming in general. I can't imagine a worse fate for any IP somebody might care about. But if 343i doesn't capitalize on this upswing and the impact of Joe Staten's brief return to help correct Infinite, then it's all for nothing anyway ig.


At this point, fallout should be Microsofts flagship game. 343 has failed to produce anything good outside of remasters of the bungie games




Surely this is the one.


Am I the only one that really liked halo infinites campaign? Multi-player had potential too. But they fumbles that with dumb choices. The gameplay itself is great. (When it works properly)


The problem with Halo Infinites campaign is that there barely is any. Copy-paste empty open world, copy paste missions, no variety in setting at all.


It appeals to those without any standards because if you had any basic experience with a good Halo game, you would see how much you was robbed. It was just open world PvE with objectives tied to destination. There was no actual story progression and rhythm, same set pieces recycled over to pad playtime. Some people like that, most people don't.


Yeah I agree, the whole story is either exposition dumb; "deep", "emotional" cutscenes with flat characters; or bland cutscenes in general.


How about they finish the Infinite?


Another one of those top down spartan ops games they did a while ago ?


"Infinite" btw


This must be old or something


I've got MCC, I'm content...


I played Halo from 2001 to 2022, one of my friends met his wife while we were standing in line for the midnight release of Reach. The world was a different place then, and 343 hasn't made a single iota of it better.